Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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reg DNA
what would the csk do to avoid leaving DNA
who in 95 would be aware of what was to come regarding DNA testing
to leave no usable DNA after karakatta would mean a highly organised individual
was the csk highly organised
i dont think so, reasons being
1 panelvan spotted
2 commodore spotted
3 victims dumped not far of road no prep
4 if mm was CSK spotted
5 link to screenprint
if the perp was so organised as not to leave DNA why all the other basic mistakes, as
reported in numerous articles they have DNA so my suggestion is forget about the judo puff and move on

he THOUGHT he was organized; probably in a drug infused haze. The experts say serial killers always get caught in the end because they ALWAYS leave something behind and they ALWAYS make a mistake.

We DON'T know the vehicle spotted by the witnesses who stated they'd seen CG communicating with an occupant, that that vehicle is the perpetrator's vehicle. She may have walked on and been abducted further down Stirling Highway.
reg DNA
what would the csk do to avoid leaving DNA
who in 95 would be aware of what was to come regarding DNA testing
to leave no usable DNA after karakatta would mean a highly organised individual
was the csk highly organised
i dont think so, reasons being
1 panelvan spotted
2 commodore spotted
3 victims dumped not far of road no prep
4 if mm was CSK spotted
5 link to screenprint
if the perp was so organised as not to leave DNA why all the other basic mistakes, as
reported in numerous articles they have DNA so my suggestion is forget about the judo puff and move on

The Saturday prior to CG being located, the disposal area was subjected to very heavy rain.

JR's disposal site was very wet also - from drainage channel and the area was natural wetlands.

He probably THOUGHT the rain would wash all evidence away and that is why the victims were not buried.
If it is correct that there is a positive link between Rowe Park / Karrakatta rapist and CG -- this offender was described as being 183 tall. What height is the MAP ? Don't think he's anywhere near that height -- possibly around 174cms.

You know, funny thing that poster that reckoned the CIA doc was a deliberate ploy to rattle the WA police suspects. What about the release of this information by the Post re the DNA link between Rowe Park / Karrakatta victim and CG -- perhaps that is a deliberate ploy and there is no such DNA link.

That poster also raved on the MM isn't anyone of concern (basically). Well what about the witness that came forward and told police the blond- haired guy that had offered her a lift on the night of SS -- that is the guy that told this witness that his father was a policeman - she described him as looking very much like the guy last seen talking with JR on the cctv footage - which is the MM. I've already posted the proof news article about this witness.
It`s got me how they got the media to try to identify MM & now they don`t seem to care. I think Judo man has been eliminated.

Perhaps the media aren't taking any notice due to how the information is being passed to them. It's not always about the issue but how the issue is communicated that gets their attention.
No one can rule out SD, no one at all except police, there is as much proof to suggest he is the MAE/MAP as there is to suggest he is not which was the reason for discussing him in order to find info together to rule him in or out. Saying SD was never on the police radar is insane, In most cases and especially this one, any male aged late teens and older that had anything to do with any of these girls would at the very least be a person of interest until ruled out.

I find it highly unlikely that a serial killer would post such vids to youtube in the public domain however this kind of blatant ownership of a crime isn't unheard of. for example BTK got caught because he started writing letters to the newspaper and police taunting them with pieces of jewelry, dolls in bondage and the ID of some of his victims. Its not that uncommon for a serial killer to expose himself in some way when he feels he is not getting the recognition that he deserves, even more so when a suspect with no links to the crime is getting credit for his handy work.

Does anyone have any info on Judomans employment history for around the time of the murders? I can't find any info relating too before 2004ish I was hoping to establish a link between his and SS workplaces. BSD consultants (where SS worked) have used a number of consultants in the past and some of their projects would likely include financial consultants, so being able to prove any kind of working relationship between these two would go a long way.

During the live police orchestrated TV doco that was aired to hook BTK, they also played various subliminally planted messages to BTK. One of these was a graphic of the specs drawing he used to leave with his victims. It's all in one of the docs on youtube.
on Westpix there is a photo of security guards with german shepherd dogs patrolling outside the Conti just after CG's disappearance. I now wonder if those dogs were actually highly trained sniffer dogs out and about trying to locate the offender. The perp's scent may have been left on victims and clothing at CG site.
This is all you needed to say then: "I only make judgements on information that is at hand. I will not make a judgement on a hypothetical."

I should have known nothing is simple for you though.

Of course the documentary was made with input from Police. But its intentions were to monitor the reactions from one of their suspects, rather than garner information from the public, something you fail to realise. Why do you think there was no mention of the Commodore? You know, this one.. (the first time anyone ever heard about it, 2008, a few months before the doco aired)

"Murder suspect drove Holden wagon
A young man warned murder victim Ciara Glennon not to get into a white Holden station wagon the night she disappeared from Claremont.
The man and two others waiting at a bus stop near Christ Church on Stirling Highway saw her talking to the occupants of the car.
She had her knees bent and the palms of her hands resting on her knees to bring her down to the car's passenger window level.
One of the men called out to her that she was stupid to hitch-hike.
Ms Glennon looked up and waved him off with a middle finger sign, and continued talking to the car occupants.
The young men at the bus-stop looked away. When they looked back, both Ms Glennon and the car had disappeared."
The last sighting of Ms Glennon was by three men who saw her talking to someone in a white Holden VS Commodore station wagon.
(Now confirmed for real).

Why do you think they only mentioned two men still being investigated towards the end of the doco? Why not give out information on all of them? Why give out any at all?

The info given out was designed for the POI's to hear, not for you.

There was no information given out on bags/clothes/missing jewellery of victims, things for people to look for.

Why do you think the Spiers family is happy with the job the police are doing, even after the bungled 12 year delay of MM footage? I'll answer for you. Because he doesn't matter. He wasn't wearing a wig, not left handed, nor wearing a shirt underneath with a soccer ball on it. Paul Ferguson doesn't even give two hoots whether he was identified or not, that's how irrelevant he is. The footage was cut up so you wouldn't see his face.

For all we know the pervert doesn't even exist. Could you think of a more far fetched suspect? A sexual pervert, driving around with a rifle, who is familiar with the bush tracks where CG was found? Why not give out his age too? He certainly sounds like the guy. It's mind boggling that it is not this man.

All I am trying to say is - you are basing your judgements on a TV show that was not designed for supersleuths (such as yourself).

You really think Jim Stanbury was expecting a call from the driver/s of two cars, 12 years later? If he was, perhaps that was why he was moved on. Doubt it though.

I am not discussing this with any buddies, nor keeping on about any man, I have no clue who the martial arts practitioner is. I simply think it is an unfortunate coincidence that after all this effort that went into a documentary, one that actually had input from the police (the only one), they ended up interviewing someone who could be confused with one of the POI's.

Laters Papertrail, good luck finding your sexual pervert.

P.s. Pervert is the term used, not deviant. Same as practitioner was the term used, not expert. Remember?

<modsnip> My research re LW shows his parents were actually from country regions so perhaps there was a gun in their household and perhaps it was he who had the gun under the seat. I think he was described as a sexual deviant at some stage.

Mr Stanbury was not the most senior WA police officer featured on the CIA doc. I think you will find his superior was Byleveld pulling the puppet strings behind the scenes.
Where did you hear that police believe the videos are connected?

Seems a very large clue for a serial killer to place in the public domain.

...Major Crime traced six short videos shot at night around Claremont, posted on the Internet and linked to the Claremont killings.

I read that as a conclusive link, but I guess other readers might interpret it differently.

The Saturday prior to CG being located, the disposal area was subjected to very heavy rain.

JR's disposal site was very wet also - from drainage channel and the area was natural wetlands.

He probably THOUGHT the rain would wash all evidence away and that is why the victims were not buried.

on Westpix there is a photo of security guards with german shepherd dogs patrolling outside the Conti just after CG's disappearance. I now wonder if those dogs were actually highly trained sniffer dogs out and about trying to locate the offender. The perp's scent may have been left on victims and clothing at CG site.

probably in a drug infused haze.

solid theory.
in the west today a 49yr old malaysian national is due to arrive in perth this afternoon to face charges over alleged serious sexual assault on a woman in 1996
he was a student at the time, the attack happend in her scarborough villa were he broke in he raped and unlawfully wounded her ,the man was identified during a review of the case by wa state crime operations squad using advancement in forensic technology
wonder what else this blow in got up to?
It's not Claremont and surrounds. It specifically states it's on Stirling Hwy. 15mins max it will take you on google st view.

I am sorry about your health woes, but how you can justify not doing it with those excuses is very strange considering the amount of time you have spent talking about CSK since 2007. This includes the time you have spent bushwalking (where you said you actually were looking for SS). For someone so interested in this case to the point where they actually ring SCS regularly, I think it is odd that you don't want to do this brief search. You don't even need to leave your lounge room.

Ok, Stirling hgy I can do. I thought you wanted me to go thru every house in 3 suburbs. Yeah health woes are true. Tad dim the outlook I might say. Never mind, My problem. I will try re this task. Havta catch up with latest posts.
From what I've been told it's not on stirling highway and its not federation. think Parkie's been pulling his own middle leg too much

Was it also Parkie that told the story about the alleged attack in the Coles car park -- and then low and behold, after that, the Post comes up with the story about the guy asking the girl to find the keys in his vehicle in the carpark. Parkie posted about the genaniums and federation house re claremont ghost's videos and mentions federation house, then low and behold the Post comes up with a story about the male creepy student who worked in hospitality who shared digs in a federation house on Stirling Highway.

Funny that Papertrail. Hows dem 10 ft cronies gong hon? You forgot to mention The hot mini skirt ripping from the lane behind Hungry Jacks ( Burger King) along with the head banging ( listening to music) cause she declined to remove. Yes Coles Loading Dock was an attack. Davies road too. A chick jumping from a taxi in Princess road? Nice to see this Malaysian pilot guy getting done for the Scarborough rape. Caught 2016, committed the crime 1996. yes credits to another poster for mentioning this.
In regards to the apparent taxi seen exiting Pipidinny (sp) road in the early hours of the morning of CG's abduction..

Witness - “I saw him and he obviously saw me and stopped,” he said. “I had to brake and pull towards the side of the road. It was definitely a Ford Falcon and it was a grubby thing too. I saw the front more than I saw the side. It was definitely a taxi."

So if police are looking for a Holden and not a Ford then I guess the taxi sighing isn't all that credible.

And now! The ink the police have mentioned finding, does anyone know if this was def from T shirt printing, or just from general printing? because I've just discovered that one of my main suspects from 2 years ago works in printing which has now sparked renewed interest, his FB page has him posing in locations in and around the Claremont area, 1 or 2 being sites of unsolved murders, and then some other photos in bush land and quarries. He makes mentions of the 2 pubs/hotels that girls were last seen at and was a suspect at some stage.

Does anyone have the article about the ink/cord that has been mentioned?

Old stuff CSK. And why should you call yourself CSK ? To get a reply?
he THOUGHT he was organized; probably in a drug infused haze. The experts say serial killers always get caught in the end because they ALWAYS leave something behind and they ALWAYS make a mistake.

We DON'T know the vehicle spotted by the witnesses who stated they'd seen CG communicating with an occupant, that that vehicle is the perpetrator's vehicle. She may have walked on and been abducted further down Stirling Highway.

Any expert that says serial killers ALWAYS get caught shouldn't be an expert, the original night stalker and the zodiac killer to name a couple have NEVER been caught. And what does being in a drug fueled state have to do with anything? that is pure speculation by you, unless of course you're his dealer and know. chances are he was not on drugs at all, going by stats on previous serial killers.
If it is correct that there is a positive link between Rowe Park / Karrakatta rapist and CG -- this offender was described as being 183 tall. What height is the MAP ? Don't think he's anywhere near that height -- possibly around 174cms.

You know, funny thing that poster that reckoned the CIA doc was a deliberate ploy to rattle the WA police suspects. What about the release of this information by the Post re the DNA link between Rowe Park / Karrakatta victim and CG -- perhaps that is a deliberate ploy and there is no such DNA link.

That poster also raved on the MM isn't anyone of concern (basically). Well what about the witness that came forward and told police the blond- haired guy that had offered her a lift on the night of SS -- that is the guy that told this witness that his father was a policeman - she described him as looking very much like the guy last seen talking with JR on the cctv footage - which is the MM. I've already posted the proof news article about this witness.

1) the only person to give a description was the victim, during her ordeal I highly doubt she had time to whip out a tape measure and record his height.

2)MM does not have blonde hair, JR had blonde hair, in the black and white CCTV footage you can clearly see a distinct difference in hair colour.
I called myself "CSK?" because I am curious as to whom the CSK is, if your suggestion it is any kind of attention ploy then I assure you I'd be much more creative, it is just a name, don't assume too much mate.
...Major Crime traced six short videos shot at night around Claremont, posted on the Internet and linked to the Claremont killings.

I read that as a conclusive link, but I guess other readers might interpret it differently.

Ummmm, just because the police investigate something does not mean they beleive they are linked.

It would be standard procedure to investigate some random videos appearing randomly on the internet, implying being linked to the Claremont killings and giving cryptic clues. Does not mean the Police ' beleived' the link

It would be a pretty easy thing to investigate given how easy tracing IP addresses are, it was probably assumed some loon uploaded them through Tor or a VPN for a bit of attention, that being our mate Parkie, aka Dr.
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