Australia Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #9 *ARREST

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In reply to question about Curtin email -
I was at Curtin from 96 till 2000 at ShentonPark Campus mainly. Ive tried to remember back; and I know staff had curtin email addresses, and students had a student number, but not a curtin email address - we just used hotmail/big pond home email addresses.
For those wondering about the email for the uni at the time maybe have a look through some google forums. I saw a few diferent emails from what seemed to be education departments.
Image from Landgate 2/2000 Then technically it was Lot 1376 Gay Street Huntingdale and after subdivision 144 then when new house is built on site where a shed was next to 144 (Terracotta roof) that is 142 Gay (long black roof). Could be wrong but thats what I see on Landgate


Grok - where in the timeline (wish there was an easy way to keep referring to it) does the big subdivision of Gay Street happen? In other words when exactly would the subdivided plot become a building site?


Interestingly enough every time I've driven past (often) that big house the fam then lived in I've been inexplicably drawn to explore it! I think I might know someone who rented there too - but missed my opportunity to visit her there.
It only looks suspicious if you presume guilt. If it were your mate's page, you'd just think he was being a knob Response You cannot reason that because he is doing something that looks totally innocuous, that that is evidence of guilt And no, not a conspiracy theorist, but an empiricist What conspiracy, what theory? Just testing the propositions


Actually whilst I understand what you're saying Moustachio your conclusion is untrue in my case. Remember - I work in the field of violent offenders - and such a response in this situation would ring my bells (DingDing).
I can confirm (won't post how but feel free to PM me) that the curtin address mentioned here is not related to BRE.

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Is Warren Ugle connected / related in any way to Darylyn Ugle 23.03.03 found murdered Mundaring Weir?

Yes - related but the Ugle fam don't think there's a connection and I too doubt it.
Correct, as I said, the events possibly occurred during a relationship. The state of the relationship during this period is unknown.
To suggest that the assault/killings started around 1995, when he is also allegedly linked to an attack in 1988 seems strange.
Where, why & when did his evil ways begin? What triggered him off? That is what my point was. Not to differentiate between a sexual attack and a rape murder.

Bret Christian's writing in his book Presumed Guilty, highlights that many serial killers suffered severe abuse in their childhood. Mostly at the hands of their family or carers.
The media always use complimentary terms. Of course they would and should. Unfortunately some people take this literally and assume it's relevant. I don't think it would have mattered what colour hair the girls had, as long as the victim was young and fit he would have grabbed her. CG had dark hair, the other 3 blonde. Nothing in it IMO.

That's not true, dyed blonde 2 weeks before she got taken.
As we all suspected, he's not giving up SS.

It's going to be an interesting trial.

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Not surprised in the slightest, everything we have learned suggests in my experience that he will go for bungled DNA & evidence handling excuse just like rayney.

Pray he doesn't get a judge only trial or he might just get off.
Judge only trials are simply wrong. Jury system has been used for thousands of years because it is the best system & prevents miscarriages of justice.
Consider this your list and I am the editor of it. Long term SW I need your help with details I have missed. Anything not confirmed I will make a note at the bottom.

Born 1968
1970s Huntingdale Primary School
1985 Gosnells High School
1985 G Family Mosman Park Restaurant La Petite Cabine
616 Stirling HWY
1986 Telstra Worker
1988 19 February 144 Gay St, Huntingdale EROLL 20 YrsOldWednesday February 17 Huntingdale Attack
1988Julie Cutler (22) Last Seen Monday 20 June 12.30am Hilton Hotel Perth
May/June car tried to run her off Stirling Highway (simply road rage or more sinister?)
Curtin University Graduate
Lived Fremantle
Worked Hilton Hotel
Two-tone grey 1963 Fiat sedan found at Cottesloe in surf
1988 Madora Bay House Purchased - Edwards (Father)
1990 EC and BRE Relationship 1990s
1991 Possible Albert Street Osborne Park BRE & ECKerry Turner (18) Last Seen Sunday 30 June Vic Park - Talking to driver of Blue Datsun
Child Care Worker
Found July 1991 hidden behind a log in bushland in the Canning Dam area
1991 8 Nov Madora Bay EROLLCottesloe Hotel-Lakeway Drive Women Attacked
1991 April 10 Fountain Way Huntingdale Purchase
1992 29 May Madora Bay EROLL
1993 21 January Fountain Way EROLL 25 YrsOld
1994 G family no longer own restaurantSaturday January 1 Claremont Subway Attack - Man drags woman from car - escapes
Two women in different incidences attempted to drag from cars and Subway/Lights
Monday October 31 Princess Rd - Women (31) 2 men in cab tries assault- escapes
1995 BRE & EC Married?Claremont Golf Course - Cab driver tried assault women - escapes
1995 27 YrsOldSunday February 12 Karrakatta Girl (17) Taken from Rowe Park and raped/bashed
1996 December Possible Long Service Leave from Telstra
or Jan 1997 - 3 months or 6 part time leave
Sarah Spiers (18) Last Seen Saturday January 27 2.06 am Stirling HWY
Iona Presentation College
Olympia Business College
BSD Consultants
1996Sunday March 3 2am Church Lane - Women (21) bashed and indecently assaulted
1996Jane Rimmer (23) Last Seen Conti Hotel Sunday June 9 12.04 am
Child Care Worker
Found August 3 near Woolcoot Road Wellard
1997 April 2 BRE & EC sell the Fountain WayCiara Glennon (27) Friday March 14 12.15am Stirling HWY
Iona Presentation College
Found April 3 near track in scrub off Pipidinny Road Eglinton
1998 April 8 10 Fountain Way EROLLLisa Jane Brown (19) Last Seen Monday November 9 Palmerston St Perth 12.30am
1998 Perth Now - BE Moves in with his family 142? Gay St
1998 Eagles membership with G Family 30 YrsOld
1999 144 Gay St, Huntingdale - Last year on EROLL
2000 344 Acton St Kewdale Purchase VC not his biological childSarah McMahon (20) Last Seen Monday 8 November 5.15pm at Claremont Reticulation Shop
On her way to Bassendean to meet up with "someone"
Her Ford meteor sedan found in Swan Districts Hospital
Phone found Great Northern Highway
2002 144 Gay St, Huntingdale 13 Houses Built
2003 144 Gay St, Huntingdale fully developed
2006 BLAC Committee Records & Ranking Officer
2008 40 YrsOld
2009 Registers .com
2013 Received a community service award from the Belmont council
2015 Splits with CG
2016 BRE 48 YrsOld

Not Confirmed

  • Worked as a Telstra tech at UWA on and off from 2012 to 2015
  • Went to Curtin dropped out

Excellent summary Grok!

I believe you have covered pretty much all of the facts established to date, which can be backed up with evidence.

I did a search + Telstra + Telecom + Claremont Serial Killer and came up with some pre-arrest threads that came up with some excellent finds too.

One of the posts (can't remember which one) referred to a change in vehicles to allow their users to be traced more diligently some time in the mid 1990s and the poster pointed out that this was also around the time the Claremont cases stopped.

Another previous post refers to a Telstra exchange just of Stirling Hwy on 1 Congdon St, Cottesloe WA 6011.

I thought this was an intriguing set of facts. Could he have already been a sporadic rapist/killer before moving to work at the exchange near Claremont. While at the Cott exchange he simply saw more opportunities to do the deed after work? Then could he have stopped once he realised the Telstra fleet vehicles would be traced? Od course if on LSL, this is all blown out of the water. I also note that many reports suggest the telephone cable and trade/commercial van was used in the KK attack. I'm thinking the fleet vehicles would have been used in at least 2 if not more of these attacks.

Another historic post said that CG was possibly put North in Eglington by the CSK to avoid suspicion that he lived south, with JR having been left that direction. I feel this is a very plausible idea. I would be looking at sites to the south of Perth for SS, likely off a road somewhere he had worked where there is vacant, shrubby land. I wouldn't be surprised if she was not left too far from where JR was found. I don't think he wanted JR to be found, which is why CG was left away from his normal dumping locales.

I'm sure WAPOL are checking as many staff logs as they can for BE.
With respect, what an idiotic thing to say. In WA we have locked up a lot of innocent people - the corollary of that of course is that the real perpetrator remains at large. Besides, how can you punish an offender unless you have first become very sure of their guilt?

Anyway - there was some commentary about the lack of bail at the first mention. He doesn't signify anything. At that stage only the police or a Supreme Court Justice could grant bail. He was before a Magistrate. He will get his chance to make a bail application at the first 'committal' hearing, which is probably a little while away yet because the police will be preparing their brief.

What I can;t understand about this guy BRE is this: Why would a serial killer have a Facebook page? Why would he actually turn up to be photographed receiving prizes from the Mayor, Leader of the Opposition. Does not make any sense to me.

As for the chipped tooth - discussed above - I can well understand why he would not get that attended to. Dental records are not unlike fingerprints. That might be very relevant if the bodies, say, had bite marks or something.

There is a 'Family Partnership' registered in WA to 'B R Edwards & C Geneste' if just google those initials. Not sure what it owned. Would have to dig further.

Business name records transitioned from the States to the Commonwealth (ASIC) in 2012. Before 2012 it was Consumer Protection's Register of Business Names, which changed its name in 2008 from DoCEP (Department of Employment and Consumer Protection).

The 'pop psychology' approach exhibited above about theorising of psychopaths' motives and 'MOs' annoys the greats off me. Yes, we've all watched Silence of the Lanms, and even read a few thrillers - but this does not empirical evidence make. Besides, the Yorkshire Ripper was interviewed several times and dismissed because he did not fit with the boffins'-developed profile.

Just my 20c worth.

The FB makes sense, clearly a means of communication with his friends & family but key is there is no picture of him on his page.

As for getting awards, 1 it strokes his ego, 2 it would lower suspicion on him from some people.
Plus wouldn't you be suspicious if someone refused to turn up to accept an award every time = red flag to me.

Grok - where in the timeline (wish there was an easy way to keep referring to it) does the big subdivision of Gay Street happen? In other words when exactly would the subdivided plot become a building site?


Interestingly enough every time I've driven past (often) that big house the fam then lived in I've been inexplicably drawn to explore it! I think I might know someone who rented there too - but missed my opportunity to visit her there.

Unknown 2002 144 Gay St, Huntingdale 13 Houses Built
Possibly started in 2001?
I have a very low opinion of the legal system. Firstly that it exists to enrich lawyers, aided and abetted by judges who are themselves lawyers. They scratch each others back with the public paying for their privileges. Psychologists take their slice of the action, intruding to minimise sentences.

Responsibilities were shirked when hanging and caning were removed from the statutes. Whenever a new style politician is elected the media labels it as "populism" as though the most popular candidate should not win. Media should do interviews to gauge oublic opinion about executing the CSK but shirks the issue and falls into line and plays the game too.

Great post.
Media mostly is useless, glad to see some journalism occurring with the CSK case though, best thing about death penalty is that it provides leverage.
To be honest it should be up to the families of the victims what happens to him, whatever they want they should get.
I can confirm the story about the ankles is complete BS.

A 3 times banned former poster spruiked this along with some other things that were also untrue.

Without 100% confirmation I've always been quite sure KK girl was let go. It now seems even more likely given BE hasn't been charged with attempted murder. "Left for dead" potentially means he finished and drive away leaving her on the ground.

I think the cops put the ankles story out there, heard it a lot in the 90's

For those who haven't heard it, I'd be surprised if any, a story got put out that he cut the girls Achilles so they couldn't run off.

I suspect was intentional so the cops could spot the loonies claiming to be the CSK
Someone can make a google spreadsheet shared similar to the shared map
The mods would need to do that but also unable me to edit it past the timeframe they allow. I don't think that is going to happen..
Not surprised in the slightest, everything we have learned suggests in my experience that he will go for bungled DNA & evidence handling excuse just like rayney.

Pray he doesn't get a judge only trial or he might just get off.
Judge only trials are simply wrong. Jury system has been used for thousands of years because it is the best system & prevents miscarriages of justice.

IMO I doubt he will get a judge only trial. LR was different in the sense he was publicly named as POI with no arrest and whatever your opinion of him I'd say publicly assasinated by media from the start. I still believe BRE will get a trial by jury thats my thoughts. I also dont think he will give up anything you dont hire arguably the best defense lawyer (not to mention expensive) in town to then roll over and admit guilt.
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