Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #13

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Sorry Lamp I answered from reading back a couple of pages. I watched a lot of that TV show.

The fact that someone has compared another member here to a tv shows serial killer is a worry to me, where does Frankie get real life twisted up with a TV show? Is this where the dreams come from?

Sorry Lamp I answered from reading back a couple of pages. I watched a lot of that TV show.

The fact that someone has compared another member here to a tv shows serial killer is a worry to me, where does Frankie get real life twisted up with a TV show? Is this where the dreams come from?


Yes, that disturbed me too when I saw the photo of this "character", strange to mention such a hideous killer here. (I've never seen the show or this revolting "thing") I don't get the connection to what was being discussed either. Go figure...
Here's something to make you go... Say what? PW (ex mayor of Claremont) has been paid over $1,000,000 to do nothing since he's been wrongly accused of being the CSK. Found this on YOUTUBE and still scratching my head. Who needs compensation? But seriously, does this guy give you a creepy feeling?

Sorry Lamp I answered from reading back a couple of pages. I watched a lot of that TV show.

The fact that someone has compared another member here to a tv shows serial killer is a worry to me, where does Frankie get real life twisted up with a TV show? Is this where the dreams come from?


Well said Adrianna.
Hi all, long-time reader but first time poster. Very interesting outlook. It is clear from a brief sweep of CGE's facebook that BRE disliked being identified in a public forum (clearly upset that CGE had accidentally tagged him in her profile banner photo), he clearly berated her (comment now deleted since his account was privatised), as her comment apologising is still present.
My questions are:
1. If CGE had an inkling that BRE was involved in anything unsavoury, why would she leave him but leave her biological daughter in his care? Especially if she suspected him of CSK activities - daughter is 22/23, the same age range as all of his victims. Would a mother really agree to her daughter staying/living alone with someone she suspected of such crimes? Regardless of whether SD had a close relationship with her step father?
2. It has been published that SD has been visiting BRE in Hakea. I wonder why. I have an excellent relationship with my Dad, but if WAPOL had supposedly found his sperm on 2 corpses and 2 assaults, I would be hightailing it out of there. Unless there was some form of codependency between BRE and SD, a relationship developed through some form of psychological manipulation. What is the possibility of SD knowing of BRE's past (taking into consideration banter on his facebook pictures) Having said that, SD has no trace of BRE across her FB account (before she increased her privacy settings), or 2 Instagram Accounts or Twitter Account. Interesting. I have at least a handful of family pics in all of my social media. If they WERE so co-dependent or if SD had such a close relationship with him that she would visit him after the charges, surely there would be more internet evidence? Her mother is still listed as her "mother" on FB, but no relation to BRE (and she has since finally unadded him on FB).
3. I also don't understand why media found it appropriate to post the full name, age, photograph, ex-high-school and current job of a suspected murderers SD? Surely that breaches every single right? I would be absolutely raging... something like that has the potential to DESTROY an individual's reputation, relationships and future prospects (take it from me - a friend of mine is the child of a convicted Perth SK and still feels the repercussions of his family members crime across all aspects of his life)

I wish that I could get into her head and understand her insider knowledge and how she is coping with or what she believes to be true. I have met her briefly in previous years (through school events,sporting teams and Little Athletics events - the joys of Perth private girls schools!) but can't remember BRE (although to be fair he has a fairly familiar/common looking face).
Sorry Lamp I answered from reading back a couple of pages. I watched a lot of that TV show.

The fact that someone has compared another member here to a tv shows serial killer is a worry to me, where does Frankie get real life twisted up with a TV show? Is this where the dreams come from?


I think you'll find that the use of the name Ian Moone says a lot more about the person that used this name to post on various forums than it says about Frankie.

See the links kindly posted by petedavo earlier.
IMO, I think we are making too many assumptions.

Assumption 1.
CGE and SD had a good quality mother-daughter relationship.

Assumption 2.
CGE could 'control' her adult-aged-daughter SD.

Assumption 3.
CGE could stop her daughter from seeing her own step-dad.

Assumption 4.
SD was in some sort of danger by maintaining a relationship with her step-dad.

Assumption 5.
SD visiting her step-dad in prison on one reported occasion shows that SD supports him.

And you know what they say about assumptions!!!!
"*advertiser censored**-u-me"
Makes *advertiser censored**es outa you and me!
IMO, I think we are making too many assumptions.

Assumption 1.
CGE and SD had a good quality mother-daughter relationship.

Assumption 2.
CGE could 'contro'l her adult-aged-daughter SD.

Assumption 3.
CGE could stop her daughter from seeing her own step-dad.

Assumption 4.
SD was in some sort of danger by maintaining a relationship with her step-dad.

Assumption 5.
SD visiting her step-dad in prison on one reported occasion shows that SD supports him.

And you know what they say about assumptions!!!!
"*advertiser censored**-u-me"
Makes *advertiser censored**es outa you and me!

But Spook, my research says that approximately 98.45% of posts on this forum since it's inception involve assumptions and to be honest your posts are at least 1.54% above that figure...

Don't take it the wrong way, if we only discussed what the police have given us there wouldn't be a conversation.
Sorry Lamp I answered from reading back a couple of pages. I watched a lot of that TV show.

The fact that someone has compared another member here to a tv shows serial killer is a worry to me, where does Frankie get real life twisted up with a TV show? Is this where the dreams come from?


Meant to say no worries Adrianna for posting your info, great minds think alike! :)
Hi all, long-time reader but first time poster. Very interesting outlook. It is clear from a brief sweep of CGE's facebook that BRE disliked being identified in a public forum (clearly upset that CGE had accidentally tagged him in her profile banner photo), he clearly berated her (comment now deleted since his account was privatised), as her comment apologising is still present.
My questions are:
1. If CGE had an inkling that BRE was involved in anything unsavoury, why would she leave him but leave her biological daughter in his care? Especially if she suspected him of CSK activities - daughter is 22/23, the same age range as all of his victims. Would a mother really agree to her daughter staying/living alone with someone she suspected of such crimes? Regardless of whether SD had a close relationship with her step father?
2. It has been published that SD has been visiting BRE in Hakea. I wonder why. I have an excellent relationship with my Dad, but if WAPOL had supposedly found his sperm on 2 corpses and 2 assaults, I would be hightailing it out of there. Unless there was some form of codependency between BRE and SD, a relationship developed through some form of psychological manipulation. What is the possibility of SD knowing of BRE's past (taking into consideration banter on his facebook pictures) Having said that, SD has no trace of BRE across her FB account (before she increased her privacy settings), or 2 Instagram Accounts or Twitter Account. Interesting. I have at least a handful of family pics in all of my social media. If they WERE so co-dependent or if SD had such a close relationship with him that she would visit him after the charges, surely there would be more internet evidence? Her mother is still listed as her "mother" on FB, but no relation to BRE (and she has since finally unadded him on FB).
3. I also don't understand why media found it appropriate to post the full name, age, photograph, ex-high-school and current job of a suspected murderers SD? Surely that breaches every single right? I would be absolutely raging... something like that has the potential to DESTROY an individual's reputation, relationships and future prospects (take it from me - a friend of mine is the child of a convicted Perth SK and still feels the repercussions of his family members crime across all aspects of his life)

I wish that I could get into her head and understand her insider knowledge and how she is coping with or what she believes to be true. I have met her briefly in previous years (through school events,sporting teams and Little Athletics events - the joys of Perth private girls schools!) but can't remember BRE (although to be fair he has a fairly familiar/common looking face).

WELCOME :wagon:lerner! Thanks for joining us and for your very first post, it gets easier! :) Just regarding your observations. I think you'll find BREs SD doesn't actually live with him and was only visiting on the day of his arrest. I think the fact that SD has visited him in Hakea only once, that I have heard of anyway, says that part of her didn't believe it, couldn't possibly get her head around it (how could you, would be so unreal) and also please see my post about Rosie Batty earlier and disbelief. This man has been SDs father for many years and he's probably told her he'd never desert her when he took her to be his own child at the age of 4, I think, that's a bond and hold that would be very hard to turn your back on, the loyalty thing, and remember, innocent until proven guilty. She is no doubt convinced he will be proven innocent and that BRE has been framed somehow? And your third point about SD being "outed" by the press, totally agree. I was amazed at how all the family's names were put into the main stream media (and so quickly!), including an ex wife. Yes, this would be not only soul destroying, but as you say, has the ability to be career and life destroying. Very cruel and grubby of the press, grabbing for ratings! I think she'd need a friend now, a true friend, more than ever and there would be no way to "get inside her head" as her head would be all over the place at the moment and her emotions on a roller coaster, poor woman. And all the others in family would be the same. It seems a very nasty "means to an end" that the police have allowed to play out by not reigning in the media in some way, let's hope the "end" of all this justifies this whole tragic saga.
But Spook, my research says that approximately 98.45% of posts on this forum since it's inception involve assumptions and to be honest your posts are at least 1.54% above that figure...

Don't take it the wrong way, if we only discussed what the police have given us there wouldn't be a conversation.

Gosh CP that's NOT what I was saying at all.

I NEVER said we should only discuss what police have given us!!!!!

And please don't take this the wrong way - could you please include web link sources for your 'research' because ATM those statistics are just here-say and rumour. Or are you just assuming those stats?
IMO, I think we are making too many assumptions.

Assumption 1.
CGE and SD had a good quality mother-daughter relationship.

Assumption 2.
CGE could 'control' her adult-aged-daughter SD.

Assumption 3.
CGE could stop her daughter from seeing her own step-dad.

Assumption 4.
SD was in some sort of danger by maintaining a relationship with her step-dad.

Assumption 5.
SD visiting her step-dad in prison on one reported occasion shows that SD supports him.

And you know what they say about assumptions!!!!
"*advertiser censored**-u-me"
Makes *advertiser censored**es outa you and me!

IMO, I don't think SD is/was in danger from being attacked by the accused BRE.
I suspect SD was 'useful' for BRE because SD was an integral part of BRE's good bloke persona.
The good bloke persona that he had spent years developing while volunteering at LA.

SD still visiting her step-dad after her parent's split maintains his good-bloke persona and extrapolates it into a good-dad-persona. Tah-dah! Having SD around makes BRE look good. "he must be okay - his step daughter still visits regularly!" etc etc

So I don't think SD was at risk.

Plus SD and CGE may have fought like cat-n-dog like many mothers and daughters, and her step-dad's house (and her old home) may have been a place of respite for SD away from her mum.

SD is another victim in this nightmare. Like her mother, SD's life is also changed forever. I hope it doesn't ruin SD and I only wish better things for her in the future.

Just trying to see things from another POV.
WELCOME :wagon:lerner! Thanks for joining us and for your very first post, it gets easier! :) Just regarding your observations. I think you'll find BREs SD doesn't actually live with him and was only visiting on the day of his arrest. I think the fact that SD has visited him in Hakea only once, that I have heard of anyway, says that part of her didn't believe it, couldn't possibly get her head around it (how could you, would be so unreal) and also please see my post about Rosie Batty earlier and disbelief. This man has been SDs father for many years and he's probably told her he'd never desert her when he took her to be his own child at the age of 4, I think, that's a bond and hold that would be very hard to turn your back on, the loyalty thing, and remember, innocent until proven guilty. She is no doubt convinced he will be proven innocent and that BRE has been framed somehow? And your third point about SD being "outed" by the press, totally agree. I was amazed at how all the family's names were put into the main stream media (and so quickly!), including an ex wife. Yes, this would be not only soul destroying, but as you say, has the ability to be career and life destroying. Very cruel and grubby of the press, grabbing for ratings! I think she'd need a friend now, a true friend, more than ever and there would be no way to "get inside her head" as her head would be all over the place at the moment and her emotions on a roller coaster, poor woman. And all the others in family would be the same. It seems a very nasty "means to an end" that the police have allowed to play out by not reigning in the media in some way, let's hope the "end" of all this justifies this whole tragic saga.

Agree about the media, absolutely disgusting that his ex wives and SD full names and other info was published.

In fairness, given previous stuff ups by the police and the scruntiny of previous suspects in the media, details on BRE shouldn't even be in the press until either a guilty plea is given or is proven guilty after fair trial. Can't imagine it will be easy for him or family to move on in the event he is proven innocent.

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I think you'll find that the use of the name Ian Moone says a lot more about the person that used this name to post on various forums than it says about Frankie.

See the links kindly posted by petedavo earlier.

Exactly. It's not some creepy delusion on Frankie's behalf -

Ian Moone was an early poster on the CSK thread here at WS.
Exactly. It's not some creepy delusion on Frankie's behalf -

Ian Moone was an early poster on the CSK thread here at WS.

Thanks Ms Anais, I didn't know that about Ian Moone being used by previous poster on WS. Weird the "things" people want to "identify" with????
Thanks Ms Anais, I didn't know that about Ian Moone being used by previous poster on WS. Weird the "things" people want to "identify" with????

His posts start on the first thread (he's now a Former Member)
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