Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #14

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Especially creepy if he's carrying phone wire!

The publicity is bad for business. I suppose Telstra have offered, or will eventually offer him a payout to leave. He could keep refusing until they offer a huge amount. A Human resources officer would have to touch base with him - see how he's holding up, if the accommodation is satisfactory and the meals are up to standard. LOL

This is only an assumption and my opinion only.

From a business point of view, I would put him on long service leave (due to time at Telstra) and await trial. Once the trial finds him guilty they can cancel his contract easily, there are usually clauses in employment contracts for character and behaviour that harm the companies reputation. If found innocent they would consider payout, but wouldn't bother before a trial if they have employment contracts. IMO

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Thanks for your great work no name.

The above comment is very interesting if we consider that this abduction was undertaken on the 28th May 1988 as she was leaving a 5 star hotel, the Sheraton.

Then we consider that JC was last seen at 12:30am on the 20 June 1988 leaving another 5 star hotel, the Parmelia Hilton.

There is a possibility that the above abduction and JC disappearance are related. Both crimes occur less than one month a apart and both featuring the departure from a 5 star Perth city hotel.

Would be interesting to know if the girl who was abducted worked at the Sheraton or whether she was enjoying a night out.

Great find, no name!

Do you have a copy of the article? PM me if you need to some assistance to upload image.
Didn't JC work at the Sheraton herself but was at the Parmelia Hotel for a Hospitality workers function?
This earlier abduction must have been utterly terrifying for the victim and I find the description posted by no name of this early abduction bizarre.

Quote by noname One other interesting article written in the daily news 23Jun88, right next to the first article I came across regarding JC "Police fear foul play", was an article about another lady that had left the sheraton on 28May, just got into her car & was dragged out by her hair and beaten for 3 hours by a man wearing gloves who ended up bounding her like a mummy in tape before driving her to Wilson in a small yellow car and dumping her out, throwing plastic over her, saying "Right *****, your dead " before driving off and leaving her... end Quote

Could this be a "practice run"? To beat someone for three hours and bind them in tape like a mummy, which is horrifying for the victim who would not have known what was coming next, but it's weird.
It does seem the five star hospitality hotels were a source of abductions and possible murders at this time. The move to Claremont as a venue later.
Yes have always been aware of this reported attack on the woman Leaving the Sheraton three weeks prior to JCs dissapearance. It makes the lack of media attention given to the Cutler Mystery at the time, even more astounding.
Also, have wondered about a possible tie in with Sally Greenham who went missing in the early hours from Adelaide terrace several months earlier in August 1987.
The Hilton, the Sheraton, Club Bay View, Pinnochios, the OBH...these were the 5 star best and well patronised venues at the respective times of the dissapearances....
It's taken me a while to get my head around how the Fiat could have got into the water. Being pushed off a cliff would have generated around 11,000N force, similar to a car rollover at 100km/hr which did no chassi damage anyway. My only logical conclusion now, is that the car was disposed of in the ocean at Cott by a boat. That did not seem at all logical and wasn't even on the radar for me when I started these calculations. However the fact is the car did end up in the ocean at Cott with sever damage. It not that great a stretch if you knew the right people to use a fishing or cray boat from Freo fishing harbour. They have the lifting equip to get it on and off. IMO this is why the car could have been crushed, so it could have been covered with a tarp and look like a stack of fishing crates not a crazy high roofed car under a tarp.
This would mean there was massive importance attached to the car being disposed of at Cott that justified an almost impossible effort to get it there.

The only nag I have with the prank idea, is the rear seat and the ignition/lights being on.
Which leads me back to... why bother with the car at all?
Unless a dumb attempt to make it look like suicide.
Or whoever disposed of it hated the car, as much as the driver.
Why the ocean? Proximity to their own getaway? Home, vehicle or workplace probably within walking distance.

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If there's reasonable doubt, the prosecution won't use it, as it will get thrown out by the Judge. And if that is all they got, then the brief will become a nolle prosequi

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There was no reasonable doubt, the only thing contradicting the evidence was the alleged offender saying "I swear it wasn't me, man"

(In reference to the recent article about the WA man who was found guilty of a home invasion based on DNA evidence 14yrs ago and just this week was informed that the police actually made a mistake and had the wrong guy)
Here is a link to the Kent St weir with pictures of the bridge. Seems to be quite popular.


Many thanks. I've been to Kent St Weir recently to the Pan outdoor movie. Such a great spot.

  • Kent St weir is accessible by road and one can drive to that spot. Highly possible of lovers making out.

  • Riverton bridge (north side) is very secluded, and accessible by Bridge St. I'm not sure if there was a cafe there then. i.e. Lo Quay River Cafe
It does seem the five star hospitality hotels were a source of abductions and possible murders at this time. The move to Claremont as a venue later.

Hi Innerchild,

Within the vicinity of Claremont and nearby, are lots of parks, bushland, Kings Park, Swan River and the KK cemetary (secluded and accessible by vehicle). All areas of seclusion close to an active nightlife area. I thought that's why BRE would have chosen that area.
I’m aware this is a horrible subject but just wanted to mention….

I’m certainly no expert, but from what I’ve read many serial killers practice necrophilia. Evidently they enjoy the odour too! Could it be possible BRE is a necrophile? He did take the young lady to KK. Also KK is accessible by road and very secluded with little security at the time (i.e. fencing). The excavated area isn’t filled in straight away. What’s the likelihood of two people being placed in the one coffin?
There was no reasonable doubt, the only thing contradicting the evidence was the alleged offender saying "I swear it wasn't me, man"

(In reference to the recent article about the WA man who was found guilty of a home invasion based on DNA evidence 14yrs ago and just this week was informed that the police actually made a mistake and had the wrong guy)
I'm talking about the current case against BRE.

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Many thanks. I've been to Kent St Weir recently to the Pan outdoor movie. Such a great spot.

  • Kent St weir is accessible by road and one can drive to that spot. Highly possible of lovers making out.

  • Riverton bridge (north side) is very secluded, and accessible by Bridge St. I'm not sure if there was a cafe there then. i.e. Lo Quay River Cafe
There wasn't a cafe to Riverton Bridge back then, just a scout hall and a decrepit public toilet that was notorious in the 70's and 80's for that sort of thing that George Michael got in trouble for, when homosexual activities used to be illegal.

Mason's Landing and Kent St were more usually the places for the panel vans to go to after the drive in movies finished, as Riverton was a bit too creepy.

Kent St is all flash now. The carpark is now bitumen with lights and they even built a cafe. It's totally different to what it used to be like.

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There wasn't a cafe to Riverton Bridge back then, just a scout hall and a decrepit public toilet that was notorious in the 70's and 80's for that sort of thing that George Michael got in trouble for, when homosexual activities used to be illegal.

Mason's Landing and Kent St were more usually the places for the panel vans to go to after the drive in movies finished, as Riverton was a bit too creepy.

Kent St is all flash now. The carpark is now bitumen with lights and they even built a cafe. It's totally different to what it used to be like.

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Apparently the George Michael public toilets are called a beat.
I spent a couple of hours at the state library this afternoon. I was hoping to get a better copy of the Fiat being removed from the surf. I was unable to locate it in any of the three Papers. I did find articles but not with this picture.

I was also wanting to clarify the weather during this time, In short the weather was mild, low 20's little rain
no storms, and a tide of + 0.8 meters in the swan river. I was expecting to find stormy weather, that would explain the damage.

I also found a photograph taken from the Newspaper indicating where the car was located, surprisingly it was
closer to the inside corner of the groin than I expected. I would have thought this area would have been
protected from the elements?

If someone could help I have many photos taken from the news papers.
I spent several hours at the state library today. I searched The West Australian, The Sunday Times and The Daily news papers,
hoping to answer two questions,
1. To find a better photo of the Fiat, I had no luck and could only presume it was released after the month had finished.

2. To ascertain the weather between the time Julie went missing and the time her car was found.
In short the weather was fine and mild, with a 0.8m tide in the river.

I found news reports of her missing but nothing that I had not read here.

I did however find reports on a attack on another hotel employee, that I was unaware of. I am going to attach quite a few photographs of the reports, I apologise for the method, but the micro fiche were a poor quality so I resorted to taking photos of the screen.


Many thanks your efforts are appreciated.
I was trying to think of the appropriate word. I didn't have the right dictionary. Thanks.

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Google Earth's history of Riverton Bridge goes back as far as 2002. Centennary Ave was established circa 1988. I remember because it had sandy edges and my husband got bogged there.
Google Earth's history of Riverton Bridge goes back as far as 2002. Centennary Ave was established circa 1988. I remember because it had sandy edges and my husband got bogged there.
That's why my girlfriend preferred the car park at Mason's Landing behind the horse stables. It was firmer :)

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I’m aware this is a horrible subject but just wanted to mention….

I’m certainly no expert, but from what I’ve read many serial killers practice necrophilia. Evidently they enjoy the odour too! Could it be possible BRE is a necrophile? He did take the young lady to KK. Also KK is accessible by road and very secluded with little security at the time (i.e. fencing). The excavated area isn’t filled in straight away. What’s the likelihood of two people being placed in the one coffin?

It is a very grisly topic. It's impossible to say anything really without knowing what information and evidence WAPOL have, but it would be surprising if the CSK was a necrophiliac. Of the 36 serial sexual offenders (and the 118 related cases) interviewed in the famous FBI BSU studies (Ressler, Burgess, Douglas), only 6% engaged in sexual acts with bodies, which suggests that it's less common. They have noted that this is also more common with disorganised offenders, who often use objects rather than their own body parts. I think everyone can agree the CSK is an organised offender due to the presence of planning and and at least some level of precise enactment. One thing we do not know is if the CSK was an erotophonophiliac (a sexually sadistic murderer who has strong fantasies which directly link sexual arousal to murder), or primarily a rapist who felt compelled to dispose of his victims, and if it is the latter what type of rapist (i.e. compensatory, exploitative, displaced, sadistic). Perhaps as with so many things it's possible that these are not always clear cut, and there maybe features of each. For instance, he may have been a compensatory rapist (rape fantasies, some fetishes e.g. cross dressing) or an exploitative/power assertive rapist, but with some sadistic tendencies; the CSK might have particularly enjoyed scaring his victims and been aroused by seeing their fear (a wordless abducation, restraint and assault, followed by being released and completely disoriented in a cemetery would certainly be utterly terrorising and make a nice fantasy for someone so inclined, but not yet prepared to kill, or possibly already had but had significant fantasy investment around this particular scenario). The MO is the nature of the enactment of the crime, which is in service of or an expression of the motivation/fantasy. We don't know anything significant of the CSK's MO beyond what we know of KK and whether he had progressed to erotophonophilia. I've read people say 'he's just a rapist trying to cowardly avoid detection', which may absolutely be true, but that also seems like an attempt to demean him as pitiful and pathetic (which of course he is), when it is also possible that escalating fantasy around the power and thrill of abduction/sex/murder/disposal might also have informed the shift. But I think it's fair to say that an escalation to necrophilia - a particularly extreme sadistic paraphilia for an organised offender - is probably less likely.

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There was no reasonable doubt, the only thing contradicting the evidence was the alleged offender saying "I swear it wasn't me, man"

(In reference to the recent article about the WA man who was found guilty of a home invasion based on DNA evidence 14yrs ago and just this week was informed that the police actually made a mistake and had the wrong guy)
Pathwest stuffed up which led to police arresting the wrong person..... Reference:

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