GUILTY Australia - Jill Meagher, 29, Melbourne, 22 Sep 2012 #5

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And hi to all the good folks here, this is my first opportunity to post in Jill's thread, as I've taken months to get the time to catch up on reading all the threads.

So much info on this site, it really is great. I joined after my sister and I were discussing the Allison Bayden-Clay case.

I have the feeling that this Bayley fellow is going to wind up being one of this countries most notorious serial rapists/killers. I feel like we are slowly unravelling decades of crime committed by this monster, and there will be a lot more victims to emerge - victims of rape and of murder.

People like this just don't stop the kind of attacks he has done before. I'd say he has been active all the years in between as well.

I used to live in this area of Melbourne and I used to walk alone at night for exercise. I wouldn't do it now after Jill's case. Very frightening stuff :(
I've seen it in a few stories but here is a brief mention:

That story has a lot of info in it. He was really working hard to cover his tracks. I can't believe they have all the footage, it's rather amazing!

Sorry when i asked for a link to the response I was actually asking 'inspector' and 'sluethilicious' but for some reason it didnt attach my request to their posts...

thanks for this article though, i agree that there is footage of almost all of his incriminating moves - idiot as well as monster.
Sorry when i asked for a link to the response I was actually asking 'inspector' and 'sluethilicious' but for some reason it didnt attach my request to their posts...

thanks for this article though, i agree that there is footage of almost all of his incriminating moves - idiot as well as monster.

Go to aussie criminals and search Jill's name and go to the most recent post.. Some of the comments are pretty upsetting though...
His first lawyer was female right? And she's disappeared? Don't blame her.
His first lawyer was female right? And she's disappeared? Don't blame her.

I really think they're trying to convince him to plead guilty to all charges and he won't so she doesn't want to represent him anymore, that or she came to her senses.. By the sounds of it, his new lawyer thinks they might be close to a plea change. This better not mean a lesser sentence than actual life.

I hope the prosecution won't do any bargain. They have too much evidence.
Folks please keep in mind we don't discuss comments from other sites.
Question. If they found clothing belonging to Jill in Ab's house , would his girlfriend not have seen these? The photos shown to us had her items layed on his bed if I'm not mistaken. We're they found there or put there for police photos?
Question. If they found clothing belonging to Jill in Ab's house , would his girlfriend not have seen these? The photos shown to us had her items layed on his bed if I'm not mistaken. We're they found there or put there for police photos?

I thought they were found under the bed, or hidden somewhere...I don't think they were anywhere obvious like that...just staged for police photos.
I really think they're trying to convince him to plead guilty to all charges and he won't so she doesn't want to represent him anymore, that or she came to her senses...

First time poster here!

In regards to AB's previous female lawyer "coming to her senses" that just doesn't and cannot happen in our judicial system. As a former criminal barrister you can only refuse to represent someone on two grounds. Firstly, they tell you they are guilty but want to run a not guilty plea or you have a conflict of interest. "Coming to your senses" does not and never will enter the equation. Mind you, I am relieved for his former lawyer because I know I would have found it very difficult representing AB with his horrific and very scary past.
Thanks Humdinger. About time I got amongst it rather than lurking in the background :lurk:

Bayley to change plea to murder. Shame he's not owning up to everything. Hope he isn't getting advantaged in any other matters.

I hope the sentence will be the maximum available. I am just glad the family will have a resolution sooner. How awful to have to live through drawn out trials and appeals for years.

Does this article mean that his plea was rejected and a ruling was made that the crime could only be described as murder and not manslaughter? Or that he just decided not to pursue it...
Does this article mean that his plea was rejected and a ruling was made that the crime could only be described as murder and not manslaughter? Or that he just decided not to pursue it...

This was all done outside of the court process, as a negotiation between the lawyers - so there was no plea and rejection in the sense I think you are referring to.

They have simply agreed to admit guilt to 2 charges (1 of murder and 1 of rape) while dropping other charges.

I'm not sure how this advantages the accused unless the multiple rapes (seems there were other victims) would have been consecutive sentences (rather than concurrent) or there are some benefits to the type of custody he will be in.

It seems:
- the sentence will be dictated by the murder charge (so isnt reduced)
- money cant be the issue as it was all government legal aid
- reputation shouldn't be an issue as it could hardly get worse

Whatever the reason it is great news that there will no court case with all the horrible details that would need to be released. Her family can now put this behind them and start to the long rebuilding process.

as predicted, he had attempted to get a deal - a lesser charge of manslaughter and argue no intent, no doubt to minimise his jail time. prosecutors reportedly wouldn't budge, so IMO, knowing the evidence they have that would be released to public to make him look even worse that what he does now, and possibly make his time in prison worse (even though he will be in protection), he's agreed to plead guilty - this excuse for a human being appears to have no remorse for victim/family, only in making his sentence lesser, or to protect his reputation. He realises he will be in there forever with all the other charges coming too, so he would prefer ppl don't know these gruesome details no doubt.
Bayley to change plea to murder. Shame he's not owning up to everything. Hope he isn't getting advantaged in any other matters.

Bayley 'set to plead guilty' to Jill Meagher murder in the Supreme Court Tomorow, April 4, 2013 - 12:09PM by John Silvester, Crime reporter, The Age.
The man charged with raping and murdering Jill Meagher is expected to change his plea to guilty in the Supreme Court tomorrow.The decision comes after months of negotiation between the Defence and the Office of Public Prosecutions.
It is an established legal precedent that an offender is entitled to a substantial sentence discount for admitting guilt and avoiding a protected trial.
However, this decision saves the family further trauma.
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