Found Deceased Australia - Karen Chetcuti, 49, Whorouly, Vic, 12 Jan 2016 *Arrest*

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Karen Chetcuti's accused killer tranquilised then set her alight, court hears
Posted 13 minutes ago, March 8, 2017.

Fifteen witnesses will testify over the three-day trial.
A forensic witness told the court chemicals used in fuel were found in Ms Chetcuti's spleen, suggesting she had been doused in accelerant and set alight, which lead to her death.
This is very distressing news we have learned today about Karen Chetcuti's death.
One wonders at the depth of depravity lurking inside this perpetrator who allegedly has committed this premeditated vile, torturous crime, inflicting such horrific brutality and excruciating pain on his vulnerable victim, and then acted further to ensure her death.
Condolences to karen Chetcuti's family, friends and community today.
It must be very difficult to listen to this evidence today.
We at Websleuths also find this difficult to bear and stand together with you in grief and sadness.

:grouphug: :rose:
I guess it was the poor woman who hasn't been the same since, HD...

My question. .. what does an 'offender' have to do, to be 'offensive ' enough to have their parole rescinded?.. here we have drug positive tests, and child *advertiser censored* , of a child of his partner at the time... how offensive can it get? .. who isn't offended by this? .. I am, and I expect the people in the Parole Board, who are paid by my taxes to do this job to be as equally offended.. I don't think I am requiring a very high and unattainable standard , ,either.. .

Both these actions are offensive in someone not on parole, but on parole? for RAPE? violent rape? . .. and not out more than 6 months on 'parole' and chucking positive drug tests and child *advertiser censored*? .. wtf??

In his first Appeal hearing for the rape back in 2006... this was one of the charges he was convicted on.... Count 8 - Threat to kill: two years and six months’ imprisonment with six months ordered to be served cumulatively on Count 5.

this was point 42 of his Appeal Hearing... 42 The applicant was well supported by his family and strong references of support were provided by family and business associates.

well.. where are these people now? these people who gave 'strong references, ' and support, by family and business associates??

none of it makes any logic at all. .... either people were manifestly deceived, or were deliberately misdirecting the parole board at the time. .... it was plain he was prepared to kill, and all the 'strong support' and 'strong references' should be invalid in the light of that knowledge. ...

This ^

and much more
This is very distressing news we have learned today about Karen Chetcuti's death.
One wonders at the depth of depravity lurking inside this perpetrator who allegedly has committed this premeditated vile, torturous crime, inflicting such horrific brutality and excruciating pain on his vulnerable victim, and then acted further to ensure her death.
Condolences to karen Chetcuti's family, friends and community today.
It must be very difficult to listen to this evidence today.
We at Websleuths also find this difficult to bear and stand together with you in grief and sadness.

:grouphug: :rose:

Thank you for so eloquently expressing what I couldn't.
I'm in such shock! Who would've ever guessed that someone could do this??? Such a disturbed human...
Though this somewhat fits in with my theory of him wanting notoriety... he likes to big note and he thinks that Leslie Camilleri 'is a good bloke' and they're friends in the inside (Bega school girl killer).
This ^

and much more

my outrage is boundless.. there ought to be some mechanism where people who give such blithe careless 'character references' , based on , perhaps, the membership of an association like Knights of the Southern Cross, Masons, etc should be rounded up at midnight from their beds, at gunpoint, and held in the cells next to the accused and made to listen to every single word of the forensic evidence , and every single word of the prosecution and then every single word of the defence, being taken back to the cells at night.

Then a few months in prison for false claims in references..

it really is outrageous, and outraging, and just plain bloody wrong that people can do this and walk away from it.

That poor first ( known ) victim of his, brave as all get out, because he wanted to kill her, and his family backed him all the way in portraying her to be a liar.

Scum of the earth, the lot of them.
I'm in such shock! Who would've ever guessed that someone could do this??? Such a disturbed human...
Though this somewhat fits in with my theory of him wanting notoriety... he likes to big note and he thinks that Leslie Camilleri 'is a good bloke' and they're friends in the inside (Bega school girl killer).

a perfect demonstration of how desperate Camilleri must be for a 'blokey ' friend. I suspect by now , old Leslie would be looking very similar to Cardamone, certainly they would smell the same.

Humms.. it's terrible. More terrible than even imagination could invent. ..
my outrage is boundless.. there ought to be some mechanism where people who give such blithe careless 'character references' , based on , perhaps, the membership of an association like Knights of the Southern Cross, Masons, etc should be rounded up at midnight from their beds, at gunpoint, and held in the cells next to the accused and made to listen to every single word of the forensic evidence , and every single word of the prosecution and then every single word of the defence, being taken back to the cells at night.

Then a few months in prison for false claims in references..

it really is outrageous, and outraging, and just plain bloody wrong that people can do this and walk away from it.

That poor first ( known ) victim of his, brave as all get out, because he wanted to kill her, and his family backed him all the way in portraying her to be a liar.

Scum of the earth, the lot of them.

Scum of the earth, the lot of them

They should be locked in a room, the walls of which are plastered with massive blow-up photos (full colour) of what search and rescue, police, body-retrieval people, coroner etc. have to see

No lights out. Spotlights on those magnified photos and portions of photos, 24/7. If they close their eyes, they receive a hard slap around the head by an A1 robot

Then keep them in that room for a minimum of one month, bread and water

That is what you did, is the message 24/7 over speakers. That is what you did. You are responsible for this. You and your sick family pride, 'business relationships', friendships. This is what you caused

In the room down the hallway, similar set ups for prison psychologists, parole board members and others who are responsible for putting convicted criminals back on the street

And when they're all released, long trestle tables on which are heaped everyone's garbage, rotten vegetables and the contents of people's dog-poo baggies

Fire at will, citizens. Give it your best shot. Take your best aim. Get up as close as you like. Guards will ensure these unspeakable, conscienceless goons remain in those cages until you've emptied the contents of the trestle tables on them. And if you good people care to wait a while, convoys of garbage trucks bearing more ammunition are just entering the gates

Then brand the bastards for good measure. Big letters across their faces spelling the word 'Enabler' or 'Partner in Crime'
To be suspected is that the accused is a long-time sexual inadequate






Give me five minutes in a room with him without interruption ....
Seems like the search around Lake Buffalo is still in progress..... I might have to rejig my thoughts about him driving a dead body around in his ute............gosh, he was a busy bloke that night... .

We now know he was having the time of his misbegotten life
'40 Dr Robson diagnosed the applicant as suffering opiate, marijuana and amphetamine dependence. No psychotic, personality or sexual disorder was diagnosed. His personality was diagnosed by Dr Robson as showing “... features of impulsiveness, difficulty with interpersonal relationships, aggression, a tendency to blame others and a lack of remorse. Dr Robson believed that psychiatric care would be provided within the prison system, including ongoing counselling for drug and alcohol use. Additionally observations were made that the applicant was likely to benefit from ongoing rehabilitation for drug and alcohol use, including an opiate substitution program. He would also benefit from sexual counselling. The applicant was assessed as less likely to re-offend by cessation of drug use, altered attitudes towards women and the development of an appropriate heterosexual relationship. 41 The assessment of Dr Robson was confirmed by Mr T Watson-Munro, forensic psychologist. A full medical history of the applicant was also available to the judge.
42 The applicant was well supported by his family and strong references of support were provided by family and business associates. The applicant had a prior criminal history of unlawful assault, various thefts, aggravated burglary and burglary, trafficking and using a drug of dependence and other matters.

Those italics are mine, for clarity. This is from MC's original Supreme Court Appeal. ( it was unsuccessful) ..

What baffles me, is.. on what grounds could it possibly be concluded as the applicant being less likely to re-offend by the cessation of drug use?.. isn't this implying that only drug users are inclined in this way towards women?,,, this is such a breathtaking leap of faith , for want of a better word, that it leaves me gobsmacked. Why would it be assumed he would benefit from 'sexual counselling'.??? on who's say so? based on what foundation?

I simply do not grasp the 'faith' these events are held in, the counselling, the cessation of drug use, ( like how? .. wouldn't that attract a Nobel Prize if one could be made to cease drug use? ) .. the idea that all this faff has meaning and even efficacy... I just do not proscribe to that view.. and it is obvious, that in at least this case, it was all faff and foolishness, a mish mash of words with out the slightest meaning apart from the capacity to lull folks into a false sense of security.. or a false feeling of doing something good , or at the very least, delay the solving of a problem and shove it down the line somewhere.

Please enter politics, Trooper. Put an end to this lunacy. You already have my vote

Please enter politics, Trooper. Put an end to this lunacy. You already have my vote

you are very kind, laz.......

Get a load of Dr Robson.... he ought to fire himself...

'Dr Robson diagnosed the applicant as suffering opiate, marijuana and amphetamine dependence. No psychotic, personality or sexual disorder was diagnosed.

That has to be the understatement of the year. .... God alone knows what would constitute psychotic , personality, sexual disorder to Dr Robson, if Cardamone is a dud call.
seriously, lazer.. I had forgotten how wordless with rage I had been back then with this psychobabble by Robson and Watson-Munro.

'He would also benefit from sexual counselling. The applicant was assessed as less likely to re-offend by cessation of drug use, altered attitudes towards women and the development of an appropriate heterosexual relationship. The assessment of Dr Robson was confirmed by Mr T Watson-Munro, forensic psychologist.'

And I suppose that Robson and Watson-Munro imagined somewhere some nice woman would take Cardamone under her ample bosom, and set him straight , at whatever cost to her, with or without her permission..

because , you know, that's what women do.. they rehabilitate confirmed and congenital psychotic sadists, merely, apparently, by just being women. .

I'll be damned if I can work out how that works.
you are very kind, laz.......

Get a load of Dr Robson.... he ought to fire himself...

'Dr Robson diagnosed the applicant as suffering opiate, marijuana and amphetamine dependence. No psychotic, personality or sexual disorder was diagnosed.

That has to be the understatement of the year. .... God alone knows what would constitute psychotic , personality, sexual disorder to Dr Robson, if Cardamone is a dud call.

Yes Trooper. I read it and your comments. My opinion only of course, but it's seemed to me for considerable time now that prison psychologists, parole board members and assorted 'experts' are groups comprised of sexual deviants who live vicariously through their clients, or subjects or however they refer to them

And of course, the majority sane public murmurs the old adage about physician heal thyself, every time we're confronted by this accidental (or is it intentional, deliberate) ongoing lunacy in which subhumans continue to be released (or should we say 'aimed') upon the innocent, paying public
This idea, that Cardamone would , by magic, meet with and create an 'appropriate heterosexual relationship' out side prison, due to parole being granted , which would then , apparently, cure him of his attitude towards women, and in turn, this would cure him of his drug addiction, and all round would save vast amounts of money .

It seems the psychs plan was, all it needed was for a woman, any woman, to voluntarily enter into a sexual contract with Cardamone, naturally, one that would satisfy Cardamone's requirement in the sexual areas of his persona, and all would be tickety - boo.

That this unknown woman would be subjected to the unspeakable horror that Karen was put thru doesn't even seem to have entered the minds of Dr's Robson and Watson-Munro.

I wonder if that view has changed ?. would Robson and Watson - Munro say the same thing today? would they cling to their original diagnosis, which was so heavily instrumental in his parole being granted, or would they be a little bit more hesitant, and prepared to consider that women might not be experimented on to uphold eminent doctor's peculiar conclusions..
seriously, lazer.. I had forgotten how wordless with rage I had been back then with this psychobabble by Robson and Watson-Munro.

'He would also benefit from sexual counselling. The applicant was assessed as less likely to re-offend by cessation of drug use, altered attitudes towards women and the development of an appropriate heterosexual relationship. The assessment of Dr Robson was confirmed by Mr T Watson-Munro, forensic psychologist.'

And I suppose that Robson and Watson-Munro imagined somewhere some nice woman would take Cardamone under her ample bosom, and set him straight , at whatever cost to her, with or without her permission..

because , you know, that's what women do.. they rehabilitate confirmed and congenital psychotic sadists, merely, apparently, by just being women. .

I'll be damned if I can work out how that works.

Sigh. Lost my reply during my ongoing struggle with this site, not that it's any loss

Suffice to say, we know who needs attitude-correction -- beginning with parole board members, prison mental health experts, judiciary, etc
I can't find anywhere that tells me who is representing him, if anyone knows, do tell..!..

And I am presuming that his plea is still Not Guilty, on the grounds of mistaken identity. ( that is, Cardamone says it was someone else , not him. ) ..

Trooper, he is not required to enter a plea at this time. The committal is for a magistrate to ascertain if there is sufficient evidence to commit him to trial. He will be required to enter a plea at the trial stage. He can currently 'reserve' his plea.

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