Found Deceased Australia - Karen Chetcuti, 49, Whorouly, Vic, 12 Jan 2016 *Arrest*

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and of course,, for all those folks who have committed murder in Victoria and are awaiting being charged, like, oh.. say.. um.. Borce Ristevski, take note, Borce , old boy.....

Hey Troops I guess there is a measure to murder. Like temperature it's measured in degrees.
America is 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree + the death penalty.
Even Borce doesn't shine a light to this wickedness.
Pure concentrated evil.
Up there, he excelled up and over the Anita Cobby murder which was always, to me, the cruelest worst of the worst.

There goes my Australia as I know it.

August 25 2017 - 11:37AM

'Life without parole': Michael Cardamone jailed for 'depraved' murder of mother Karen Chetcuti
by Shana Morgan, Border Mail

Supreme Court Justice Lex Lasry on Friday sentenced Cardamone to serve a life sentence without parole for what he described as an "extraordinarily vicious, callous and thoroughly unprovoked" murder.

Justice Lasry: "I believed I had ceased to be amazed by the senseless violence that men have inflicted on defenceless women, but what you did to Karen Chetcuti was unbelievable," he said.
"I regard your prospects of rehabilitation as virtually non-existent."...
Life with no parole!
A landmark decision for Victoria!

Justice? Not really. If the parole system did their job Karen would been enjoying watching her children grow. Not burnt alive.

that parole board has a lot to answer for, anyway you look at it, TGY...

pehaps too little, too late, but at least it's something... 3 day old news..

Victoria's new Post Sentence Authority to take over parole board's sex offenders monitoring role

A new authority will keep watch over Victoria's worst sex offenders after their release from prison, taking over the responsibility from the state's parole board.

The Post Sentence Authority will oversee the detention or supervision of serious sex offenders who are considered an unacceptable risk to the community.

Wont matter to Cardamone because parole is a word that doesn't apply to him ever again, .....

Michael Cardamone jailed for life without parole for 'depraved, disgusting' murder of Karen Chetcuti
By Emma Younger and Loretta Florance
Updated 19 minutes ago

Justice Lasry said it was the first time in Victoria a person without prior murder convictions had received a life sentence without parole after pleading guilty to the offence.
He said the unusual measure was justified by the "terror and suffering" that Cardamone inflicted on his victim, before her "extremely painful death".
"Ms Chetcuti must have gone through an extended period of suffering before her death and in all likelihood spent the hours she was conscious expecting to be murdered," he said.

"To refuse to fix a minimum term is an exceptional step and is a dreadful punishment, but this was a dreadful crime...

Karen's sister Leny Verbunt said she was relieved that Justice Lasry had set a new bar with the sentence.

"The pain and the terror that she went through, it's horrendous, I cannot believe that it happened to her. I still can't believe it all this time later," she said.

"The whole way through [the sentencing] your heart's pounding, so it's great that Victoria set a new precedent like NSW, it's about time too.
Justice Lex Lasry said he usually "ceased to be amazed at the level of violence that some men are capable of inflicting on women", but that Cardamone's actions had shocked him.
"Your conduct in relation to the murder of Ms Chetcuti was extraordinarily vicious, callous and thoroughly unprovoked," he said.
"The crime you committed was quite simply horrifying, depraved and disgusting."
Lex ( I cant help but call him Lex, he is the kind of Justice that provokes the kind of crazed fan behaviour I exhibit ) went back into Cardamone's history with the police and legal orgs of Victoria.. , and what a long and dreary repetitive life of stupid , stupid vicious antics... at age18, assault, 19 assault, assault with a weapon.. drug use, theft, theft, drug theft, same again and again, up to the rape and assault of the 15 yr old, he threatened her with a wrench among other things...

Which makes the undertakings his mother, and sister made, and some businessmen ( !) made in applications at his parole hearing to have him released back into a small country village utterly and criminally reprehensible. They knew..

Thankyou Justice Lex Lasry
Thank God there is some common sense left.
Sense is not so common these days.


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one of the disappointing things about this sentence is , Cardamone liked being in prison.. he missed his friends when on the outside, and is probably looking forward to a nice long rest among the killers down at Barwon..

I read somewhere that a whole program is devoted to maintaining the capacity of 'lifers' to endure their sentence with the goal of making them as least troublesome a prisoner as is possible. NSW has a particular process, which includes such things as macramé, basket weaving, plant propogation.. stuff that the ordinary prisoner doesn't get to do...

I think smoking is encouraged, and the diet isn't special, .. sometimes a prisoner serving life in NSW is granted perhaps a 1/2 hour longer in visiting time, depending on behaviour. I do know the lifers in NSW are not allowed to train animals, dogs, horses, birds whatever. .. nor are they allowed to participate in any medical samples. Victoria will do something similar with Cardamone.....
one of the disappointing things about this sentence is , Cardamone liked being in prison.. he missed his friends when on the outside, and is probably looking forward to a nice long rest among the killers down at Barwon..

I read somewhere that a whole program is devoted to maintaining the capacity of 'lifers' to endure their sentence with the goal of making them as least troublesome a prisoner as is possible. NSW has a particular process, which includes such things as macramé, basket weaving, plant propogation.. stuff that the ordinary prisoner doesn't get to do...

I think smoking is encouraged, and the diet isn't special, .. sometimes a prisoner serving life in NSW is granted perhaps a 1/2 hour longer in visiting time, depending on behaviour. I do know the lifers in NSW are not allowed to train animals, dogs, horses, birds whatever. .. nor are they allowed to participate in any medical samples. Victoria will do something similar with Cardamone.....

Please don't tell me the bleeding hearts offer a resort style living for this scum. Please no! If that's the case I'd advocate capital punishment. Shoot me down. I've been shot down for saying it before.

[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText]"It is true … that civilisation is judged by how we treat people like you and very often mercy is appropriate, however sometimes a crime is so horrific, so cruel and so callous, that a step toward mercy becomes too difficult to take."[/FONT][/FONT]
Please don't tell me the bleeding hearts offer a resort style living for this scum. Please no! If that's the case I'd advocate capital punishment. Shoot me down. I've been shot down for saying it before.

[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText]"It is true … that civilisation is judged by how we treat people like you and very often mercy is appropriate, however sometimes a crime is so horrific, so cruel and so callous, that a step toward mercy becomes too difficult to take."[/FONT][/FONT]

well.. it isn't exactly resort like stuff.. it is , however, designed to make them last out the maximum number of years... ie. it is meant to keep them churning over day after day after day in the sure and certain knowledge that the horizon they see is all it is ever going to be. .... ... keeping them occupied is a big part of that, .. it enables a few number of staff to keep tabs on 'em. In a way it almost makes them productive and useful, except no one wants what they produce and no one has any use for them.. . it's a mousewheel existence, TGY.... :behindbar

Fight to fix gaps in parole in the name of Karen Chetcuti Verbunt
by Shana Morgan

Michael Cardamone was a convicted rapist, out on parole and living in Whorouly where there was no police station and his parole officer was 33 kilometres away in Wangaratta... He did not have constant supervision back in January 2016 when he murdered neighbour Karen Chetcuti Verbunt, and her family and friends want to know why.

Opposition leader Matthew Guy took their questions to Victorian Parliament this week, as Karen’s mother Clary Verbunt and friend Carol Roadknight traveled to Melbourne to watch from the public gallery.

“Given we know that Cardamone had already breached parole twice for drug and child *advertiser censored* offences, how often was he required to report to his parole supervisor and how many other times did he fail to comply with his parole conditions?”...

Ms Roadknight said Mr Andrews did acknowledge her emails and has now challenged him to meet with her after Cardamone is sentenced in court on August 25, giving him a deadline of September 2.

August 25 2017 - 5:51PM
Karen Chetcuti's family relieved at Michael Cardamone life sentence for murder
by Shana Morgan, Border Mail

The family of Karen Chetcuti (nee Verbunt) were relieved to finally hear the words: "never be released from prison"...
Speaking outside Wangaratta court on Friday, sister Leny Verbunt​ described Michael Cardamone as a "sadistic sociopath"..."I just feel very sorry for her children mostly … they've got to live with this for the rest of their lives, it's terrible," she said.
Mother Clary Verbunt said the murder was senseless and described Cardamone as "a monster, not a man at all"...
Ms Chetcuti's ex-husband Tony Chetcuti welcomed the life sentence without parole: "It's a good step forward, not to be released," he said. "There's no closure, it will never go away."...Tony Chetcuti said the court proceedings had been hard on their teenage children, but they were taking small steps...

No mercy offered to killer Michael Cardamone lacking remorse over murder of Karen Chetcuti
by Shana Morgan, 25 August, 2017, 3.00pm

Michael Cardamone will never be a free man.

Friends and family of the Whorouly woman were overcome with tears and hugged each other in the Wangaratta Supreme Court when Justice Lex Lasry handed down his verdict – a landmark decision in Victoria.

The judge took note of the 13 victim impact statements submitted from the victim’s family and friends, which explained the huge loss they felt after her death and a feeling of no longer being safe in the rural community.

“Ms Chetcuti’s children are particularly vulnerable to the horror of it and will carry it with them for the rest of their lives,” Justice Lasry said.

“It is obvious that your crimes have had an impact on the family of Ms Chetcuti, her friends and colleagues, and in all likelihood the wider Wangaratta district generally"...
another monster that was out on parole, like gillian meagher's killer

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Wangaratta Chronicle‏ @wangchronicle 24h24 hours ago

Supreme Court Justice Lex Lasry made history when he sentenced Michael Cardamone to life imprisonment without parole

Thank you Justice Lex Lasry for your judgement in this case. You have reflected community expectations.:clap:
Judge Mullaly has to spread himself somewhat thinly today, as most county court judges do.. he has a matter in Bendigo to adjudicate this morning, then a 2 1/2 hour drive to there be faced with the unpleasant visage of Maria Cardamone, strung about with cardigans and crucifixes, , barking at the judge and pretending to not understand English......... demanding a translator, a macchiato,

My hope is that she gets a stiff backhander, legally speaking, and spends at the very least a year, 5 would be justice , in prison......

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