Found Deceased Australia - Karen Ristevski, 47, Melbourne, Vic, 29 June 2016 - #1

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I think from the moment KR heard from her stepson, she started panicking. If believed, his accusations are explosive and would ruin both her and Borce's reputation and make them social pariahs. So they're scrambling because AR is in a bad place and threatening to go to the police or go public--something like that. From his first contact until the day of her disappearance, Karen started squirreling away the daily cash earnings from the store so the bank accounts wouldn't show any suspiciously large withdrawals. The morning she disappeared she arranged to be picked up by a family member or friend away from her house to avoid being witnessed by neighbors. She got to that rendezvous point by walking on the path by the river. I think she's being kept hidden at the home of a family member or friend. She didn't drive because she didn't want her car tracked through any traffic cameras. She's living off the relative/friend's largesse, but is contributing as much as she can using the cash she left with. Honestly, if one of my relatives called me up and told me that she was about to be accused of seven years of the sexual molestation of her step-son, and claimed to be innocent, but just needed to get out of the public eye until she could privately take care of the matter let's say, I would help her out. And why shouldn't they believe her, AR doesn't seem credible and his accusations strike most people as slanderous and absurd. (Which is why I wonder why we haven't heard any blanket denials from BR or the daughter.) But anyhow..It's not a great plan, but she and BR are just trying to buy some time. That's my theory!
In the interest of full disclosure : I've known many junkies and I've escaped a DV situation in my youth. So my bias may be showing.
I was just rereading through my last post, and i HAVE to follow up on it.

Mate, the stepson is freely and PUBLICLY ADMITTING to the largest selling newspaper in the state that he:

1) has the guts to kill; and,
2) that he has the motive to kill his stepmum (she allegedly sexually molested him)

And he is admitting this WHILE his stepmum is missing. That is COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!! The farcical nature of it has just struck me. LOL i don't know whether to laugh or cry. It's probably a case of both at once!. Just think about it for a second, that is Hollywood type stuff. You just couldn't make this stuff up. Jesus Christ!!! His stepmum is missing, and he is running around telling the FRONT PAGE of the biggest selling paper that he is capable of murder and has a motive to murder the missing woman. **** me; I'm flabbergasted.

And what do we make of the fact he is saying his dad is gutless and could not kill anyone? Plus Rickard has 5 mobiles and an ice habit. Mate, i don't know what the police are waiting for, it seems like we have our suspect on the front pages of the paper. All of this just blows me away. Truly, it's ludicrous!!!!!

That just makes him look less involved to me, if I had killed someone the last thing I'd be telling police is that I wanted to, he's innocent, and that comment proves it. That and the fact that he's not been arrested, if it was him police would have cracked him inside an hour, he's too much of a talker.

Whenever a woman goes missing and the husband says she 'went for a walk and never came back' I instantly suspect the husband. In this case he added in that they'd had a fight! Must have been a loud one.
ScottKam I agree and disagree- I think AR being so outspoken speaks more towards his false bravado and mental instability, I think he'd definitely be able to kill her but I don't think he could have done it without making a huge mess of it and leaving evidence everywhere. Having said that, of course we don't know what evidence the police have that they haven't released publicly.

I just think it is usually the most simplest explanation - 80 women were killed by men in a DV situation last year. A woman in "good " social circles, a business, nice home, etc - these are reasons a woman doesn't leave a bad situation. And the most dangerous time for an abused woman is when she is leaving, or has just left. It sounds to me like everything was coming to a head: the business in such trouble, personal assets being frozen, adult children (some women stay only until the kids are grown). Simplest explanation is a DV murder.
Occam's Razer: The husband did it.

I hope I'm wrong though. i hope she's just hiding out with friends somewhere.

If a woman gets a backhander every time she doesn't do something right around the house, it's not wonder the same woman would be too scared to leave, because she knows what she's likely to face, and all women know police wont protect them, if someone really wants to get you they will and there is nowhere you can run to.

That, in my opinion, is why women don't leave.

She was middle class, so what, that's her normal, she would be middle class single, or in a relationship, living the same lifestyle, even if it was in a nice flat or a smaller home.
That just makes him look less involved to me, if I had killed someone the last thing I'd be telling police is that I wanted to, he's innocent, and that comment proves it. That and the fact that he's not been arrested, if it was him police would have cracked him inside an hour, he's too much of a talker.

Whenever a woman goes missing and the husband says she 'went for a walk and never came back' I instantly suspect the husband. In this case he added in that they'd had a fight! Must have been a loud one.

Maybe Rickard is playing mind games and using reverse psychology. He figures that if he claims he has the guts and motive to kill, that people would figure, precisely as you have, that no one would be so public if they had done the murder; therefore, he has not done the murder.

Rickard has presented himself in the worst possible light. Instead of showing sympathy for the missing stepmother, he is saying she deserved it. He's been given enough rope and hung himself.
If someone made accusations about you that weren't true and you felt you might be extorted, blackmailed, would you not go seek legal advice from a solicitor or police to make it stop?
I can see how the allegations may be true, even if AR was a willing participant as an adult, it may have taken him years to process that he was manipulated as a minor and may have finally seen a correlation between his downward spiral and when the events began in his life. He may have only come to the conclusion recently that he was actually a victim. He may have threatened KR that he would go public with his allegations if he didn't pay her to support his habit, and decided to make good on it when she disappeared believing that she has just gone into hiding. The media have certainly given him a platform to try to publicly humiliate her. MOO
Isn't it just so coincidental that the missing wives go missing in the 'morning' hours? After a night at home with their husbands, and with trouble hanging over their heads in the form of finances and/or other women. Allison, Novy, Jen .... these names spring to mind right away.
The police around the world must say to themselves 'oh no, not again'.
If someone made accusations about you that weren't true and you felt you might be extorted, blackmailed, would you not go seek legal advice from a solicitor or police to make it stop?
I can see how the allegations may be true, even if AR was a willing participant as an adult, it may have taken him years to process that he was manipulated as a minor and may have finally seen a correlation between his downward spiral and when the events began in his life. He may have only come to the conclusion recently that he was actually a victim. He may have threatened KR that he would go public with his allegations if he didn't pay her to support his habit, and decided to make good on it when she disappeared believing that she has just gone into hiding. The media have certainly given him a platform to try to publicly humiliate her. MOO

Surely he would have gone to a lawyer himself, if his claims were credible. If he wanted her money and the world to know what happened to him, there are plenty of lawyers out there who would sue her on his behalf .... if the case seemed credible. These lawyers generally try these cases for 1/3 of the compensation, no money required up front. Not that she had any money to give him. but he would have 'got his story out there' in a more believable way.
I don't think he cares if he's believed or not, he just wants to hurt her. No upfront fees on compo cases are not easily taken on unless the case is very straight forward with evidence. No, most people who have been sexually assaulted do not go to the police. Moo
I would think that there are organisations out there to help him, also. But he chose to go onto SM and slag off a defenseless person.
This is completely hypothetical and I'm interested in an answer from anyone who knows more of the law here than I do so:

Let's just entertain the idea that what AR has claimed is true and it did start at the age of 15. The legal age of consent is 16 - although back when AR would of been this age it's my understanding that it was legal only with participants within two years of yourself until you are 18 (?)

Firstly I would think it would be hard enough to prove these allegations were true unless he had some kind of evidence, and even if he did I'm really not sure what kind of charges, if any, would ever be brought upon Karen if he had of decided to go to the police and they chose to deny it. I mean he is a self described ice addict so I highly doubt it would of ever got very far. It seems AR was not close with family (except for those on his mothers side) so I'm not sure if he were to speak up that this would alienate the Ristevski's from anyone, let alone if people would believe AR over Karen?

So basically the point I'm trying to make is would Karen really be so afraid and/or worried that AR was planning on letting people know about the alleged abuse?

I certainly don't think she would of willingly left her family because of it or even decided to pay him off because of it, especially given their own financial situation but hey I could be wrong!
If his allegations are true maybe he is coming from the point of view of pure spite and vengeance, as he was a defenceless person too as a minor. MOO
Isn't it just so coincidental that the missing wives go missing in the 'morning' hours? After a night at home with their husbands, and with trouble hanging over their heads in the form of finances and/or other women. Allison, Novy, Jen .... these names spring to mind right away.
The police around the world must say to themselves 'oh no, not again'.

Yes it's amazing how many wives decide to get up and walk out, only taking a handbag, and not even their car, then disappear off the face of the earth, never accessing their banks or using their phones again!
I’m not sure I can believe much of what AR has to say at this point. They could all be false ramblings.
Seriously I can’t see Karen having a one on one convo to him about leaving her husband. As if you would disclosure secrets of this nature to a mentally unstable ice addict who I doubt she was close with. I t sounds like he’s building up a case for himself as to why he shouldn’t be considered a suspect.
How often did he have contact with family, for him to be aware and state they were having marital problems?
His aunt MJ or whoever she is, states on a Courier Mail post, dated 24 July, he didn’t know she was missing till he heard it on the news. So, he couldn’t have been close to her if his dad or stepsister didn’t inform him or even ask if he knew where she was?

Also from herald sun " but has been unable to account for all of his whereabouts on June 29 — the day his stepmother disappeared — apart from a visit to a pharmacy in Diggers Rest.
Phone records could reveal his movements that day, and Mr Rickard has supplied details of his mobile phones — telling police he has had up to five phones in the past two months."
why couldn't he work out what he was doing that day-surely he could remember or "refer back" that was the morning he started posting all those disturbing things,
BIB: In one of AR's many disturbing fb rants, I'm sure he mentioned that his father, whom he never hears from, rang him to ask if he had seen Karen. *Those members who screenshot the fb messages, can any of you confirm this please? TIA*
If his allegations are true maybe he is coming from the point of view of pure spite and vengeance, as he was a defenceless person too as a minor. MOO

I think spite and vengeance is correct - but against who Borce or Karen? I don't really believe his accusations - it's all about him.
I don't think anyone has ever mentioned Rickard's actual mother- Borce's ex. If Rickard is so affected by the fantasy sexual molestation claims, then i wonder how affected his mother (Borce's ex) is by all of this. Maybe Rickard, his mother (Borce's ex), and her boyfriend hatched a plan to kill Karen. There might be no evidence on Rickard because he might not have done the killing. If Rickard is so animated to talk to the papers and appear as a front page victim, then i wonder what his mother thinks about all of this. Further, in addition to her son being apparently molested by Karen, Rickard's mother has had to deal with Borce as her ex. I wonder how she feels about Borce and what their relationship is like. Borce seems to have moved on fine, i wonder if Rickard's mother has moved on as smoothly. Any animosity there toward Borce, like her son has, sparking a feeling of revenge, which might have led to Karen's death?

Rickard claims that his ex prompted him to call his stepmum to confront her about the alleged molestation. I wonder, however, what role his mother played in it all, for she is obviously not an unrelated bystander in all of this. Did she encourage any of this situation to happen? Or does she not speak to her son?
Things police likely have which we dont:

  • the phone activity of all parties, as per pings and call logs from the telcos, and forensics on BR and AR's phones
  • the phone activity of the home line if there is one
  • KR's internet activity
  • CCTV from neighbouring properties
  • financial forensics, personal and business
  • forensics on the house itself

given all that, they would have a much more robust theory than we have going on what is and isn't being said ...

It always surprises me how people read into things - I don't see it as unreasonable at all that he had an idea of what was in her purse, especially because it was a large sum - that is the time someone else who shares your finances is most likely to know how much there is IMO. Maybe he didn't even know, maybe they found out from a store employee or register records how much she likely had, maybe everyday she retains $850 for a float, maybe it was the cash takings, maybe Borce gave her $850 to pay some bills and that kicked off the financial argument - she doesn't handle the money well, he doesn't give her enough and doesn't he know how much running the house costs, if she hadn't have bought x I wouldn't have to give her this, well he bought z so he can afford it. Anyone relate to that? Not that we have a lot of fights about money, but when we do it is almost always over an irregularity in the budget occasioning money being moved between us out of the normal routine. It causes stress and then everyone's spending gets a cross examination and defence!

Also, when I go for a walk I often take my handbag. I want my purse, phone, both set of keys ... why would I empty out my bag to take them to awkwardly hold, especially if I am storming off in a huff? I just pick up the bag and go for a walk, even if it is a big stupid bag.

I also am a bit surprised at the sexism in this thread. I know crime is very gendered but that people outright dismiss his allegations is concerning, no wonder male victims of this kind of abuse keep their mouths shut. He was an abused kid when he got to them, he was probably being a little **** by 15, when was he ever credible enough to make this allegation? By no means should we take it by gospel but to just write it off as untrue is shortsighted. You can be an addict, manipulative and attention seeking and still have been the victim at some point ... many addicts have been. If you have never met the ilk of woman who would do such a thing, you've had a good run, there are women out there as selfish and damaging as any man can be. Which brings me to people's inability to believe that mothers abandon children, grown or otherwise, that this is so much less likely than a man murdering his wife. I know our domestic violence situation is dire, but it is not the only way women go missing.

All that said, I still find the pattern of his posting changing on June 29th the biggest red flag of all the colours of flags we've got going here. Picked up in frequency and intensity of message. I feel like he had some contact with one or the other of them on that day at a minimum that stirred it all up, if it was a coincidence, it is a big one. It could be the fight wasn't just about finances, maybe Borce contacted him after his fight with Karen to lash out at him stirring it all up. It could be something much worse. I feel like all the options are still open with what we know, from Karen being cruelly wrongly accused whilst she is missing from a random attack after leaving the house after a fight, to it being Borce, the step-son or an accomplice, through to Karen is missing of her own accord, likely with someone's help, because there was too much mess to stay and clean up, the facade was forever broken. Who knows what the step-son may have told his Dad that makes the allegations that much more credible to him?
BIB: In one of AR's many disturbing fb rants, I'm sure he mentioned that his father, whom he never hears from, rang him to ask if he had seen Karen. *Those members who screenshot the fb messages, can any of you confirm this please? TIA*

I recall him saying this also, although I didn't take screenshots
I also am a bit surprised at the sexism in this thread. I know crime is very gendered but that people outright dismiss his allegations is concerning, no wonder male victims of this kind of abuse keep their mouths shut.

I am not sure that anyone is dismissing his allegations outright ...I know that I have thought about them carefully …. and most people are very aware that there certainly are cases of young men being assaulted by older women.
The question of his credibility arises, I think, from the unfortunate timing and mode of the allegations, and the fact that there is no possible reply to them by the accused.

I also do not think that the allegations have anything to do with Karen's disappearance, although they may have been spurred by her disappearance.
If his allegations are true maybe he is coming from the point of view of pure spite and vengeance, as he was a defenceless person too as a minor. MOO
Maybe AR was molested, but not by Karen, by someone BEFORE he met his father and Karen. AR had, according to him, escaped a Violent childhood, that the adults didn't protect him, before he met his father and Karen. Something that stood out to me also, is a post he had on his fb wall----I wasn't born with a Silver Spoon in my mouth, I was born with a Wooden Spoon on my ****. (<<< I think if anything, that was aimed at Sarah JMO). I've noticed too, he's not once mentioned his sister, since Karen has been missing, not once--what kind of brother is he? Evil, just evil. AR's aunt's another one who's, instead of offering Sarah support, she attacked her with her downright nasty "as for Sarah, You are NOT an ONLY CHILD" Say what? The girls mother is missing and she's hurting badly and AR's aunt says something like that!!! Despicable!!! MOO

Where are you Karen? :(
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