Found Deceased Australia - Karen Ristevski, 47, Melbourne, Vic, 29 June 2016 - #14

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After confusing everyone :blushing:, sorry, I have now to ask: who is the said cuckoo ....? And what had been interesting?I'm dying of curiosity. :thinking:
You make me giggle FromGermany [emoji847] ..... I tried to send you PM when you first enquired about it but your settings aren't set to receive messages, if you could alter that I can send you screen grab if you like, won't put it up here as it may be perfectly innocent, just my suspicious mind, hee [emoji848]

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You make me giggle FromGermany [emoji847] ..... I tried to send you PM when you first enquired about it but your settings aren't set to receive messages, if you could alter that I can send you screen grab if you like, won't put it up here as it may be perfectly innocent, just my suspicious mind, hee [emoji848]

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I don't know why PMs don't work. Maybe, I need a second mail address. :dunno:
I don't know why PMs don't work. Maybe, I need a second mail address. :dunno:

I tried to PM you, ages ago, about a city in Germany, but stated you don't receive PMs, so just left it. !!
I tried to PM you, ages ago, about a city in Germany, but stated you don't receive PMs, so just left it. !!

Sometimes I would need a little bit of help but there is no one who would be willing enough during a visit. When I'm asked the wrong questions (password here, password there :confused:) I have to give up. :blushing:

ETA: Changed my settings ...
The bumbling sleuther strikes again! The coffin bearer at the back isn't a funeral staffer, it is in fact a relative of the family ..... I mistook the Tobin Brothers colours to be on his coat as circled, but it is in fact on the lady at the back's coat. Forgiveness to misidentified person and sleuthers all over. Thanks Puggle [emoji847]
PS, At some point I'll get something right, I just know it ....... the law of averages, right [emoji849]

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One thing seems to be missing, and missing entirely in this case. It's absence is so glaring that no explanation can be meaningful now .

And it is this. That most remarkable of all is that, unlike the families of most homicide victims, the husband and daughter of Karen Ristevski do not have the obsessive interest in the police search for the killer / s of their wife and mother that usually supersedes all else in the wake of such a tragedy.

We see no plea, no weekly primal scream from Borce and/or Sarah. Nothing. It is as if closure for them has already occurred, within hours of Karen's disappearance. Ant gives a screech every now and then, but so far, all of Ant's howls have resulted in absolutely zero , nada, zip result.
One thing seems to be missing, and missing entirely in this case. It's absence is so glaring that no explanation can be meaningful now .

And it is this. That most remarkable of all is that, unlike the families of most homicide victims, the husband and daughter of Karen Ristevski do not have the obsessive interest in the police search for the killer / s of their wife and mother that usually supersedes all else in the wake of such a tragedy.

We see no plea, no weekly primal scream from Borce and/or Sarah. Nothing. It is as if closure for them has already occurred, within hours of Karen's disappearance. Ant gives a screech every now and then, but so far, all of Ant's howls have resulted in absolutely zero , nada, zip result.

Yes Trooper.
?? no need for them, both BR, SR, as aware who the murderer is.

Years ago, I hounded the Police, when both my Pet Bird, and on another occasion, my pet Dog were stolen.
Flyers everywhere, letter box drops, knocking on doors of neighbours, even several streets away, ads in local papers, checking out pet shops etc.
If this was a 'loved one', surely most of us, would do everything possible, helping the Police etc, etc.

Even now, many, many years later, at pet stores, wild life sanctuaries, zoos, I speak to similar birds, knowing they live for years. One day, Billy, will answer me! My friends disown me, when I 'do the dance', I taught Billy.
These are PETS!!!!
Imagine, what you would do, if it was a family member.
I think the reason for Sarah not speaking out is due to the fact that she simply may be afraid of her father and is abiding by his rules, even though she is over 21 years of age.

I wouldn't like to be in her shoes !!!
A bit like running straight to a lawyer when your wife's remains are found. If you have nothing to fear then you have nothing to hide. Obviously BR has something to hide, not sure about what SR knows.
I think the reason for Sarah not speaking out is due to the fact that she simply may be afraid of her father and is abiding by his rules, even though she is over 21 years of age.

I wouldn't like to be in her shoes !!!

realistically, Sarah may be the safest person in Melbourne, if you look at it logically. Should she turn up dead, that would be curtains for Borce. Game, set and match.
realistically, Sarah may be the safest person in Melbourne, if you look at it logically. Should she turn up dead, that would be curtains for Borce. Game, set and match.

If that were the case, she could be in danger from Borce's enemies.
If that were the case, she could be in danger from Borce's enemies.

and they are?...... perhaps the phantom Mafia,, the Triad gang, Uncle Tom Cobbley and all....
His son and son's accolyte/s, but there may be others.

Ant?..... Ant hasn't expressed any murderous plans towards Sarah , as far as I am aware.....even his Nest stings , if translated correctly, don't mention this angle.

Ant's Acolytes.... I dunno.. :thinking: this is a big leap of conjecture... certainly, Ant and his band of Merry Keyboard Warriors are busy.. and persistent, and voluble......but.... killing? .... killing Sarah, to protect Borce?..... I don't see that... kill Borce, maybe... if enough head of steam can be produced....unlikely, though.
Ant?..... Ant hasn't expressed any murderous plans towards Sarah , as far as I am aware.....even his Nest stings , if translated correctly, don't mention this angle.

Ant's Acolytes.... I dunno.. :thinking: this is a big leap of conjecture... certainly, Ant and his band of Merry Keyboard Warriors are busy.. and persistent, and voluble......but.... killing? .... killing Sarah, to protect Borce?..... I don't see that... kill Borce, maybe... if enough head of steam can be produced....unlikely, though.

No, killing S to incriminate B. You said her death would clinch the case against him.
the theory is, that Sarah is keeping quiet because she is scared of Borce.... you say.

I say.... if that is the theory, any harm that befalls Sarah would automatically incriminate Borce.

You say, ah... but what if someone else harms sarah, and makes it look like Borce, thereby killing 2 birds with one stone,so to speak.....

I say, that same conundrum that would affect Borce would affect anyone else.. .. instant suspicion and quick arrest.. ... it being agreed that it's a given that the entire family on both sides is being watched like hawks.

Sarah, being scared of Borce, if that theory holds water, there has to be some sort of threat hanging over her. Yet she returns to AU under her own steam, she doesn't appear to be in witness protection, and gives the solid impression that being scared is the furtherest thing from her mind.

Which , logically.. if she doesn't know who murdered her mother, and threw her body in the bush, she should be terrified.. she should be so scared she would leave the country and never step foot in it again until that person, or persons was convicted and imprisoned.
I didn't get the impression that Sarah was scared of Borce either. But I still have a faint hope that he's innocent.
I didn't get the impression that Sarah was scared of Borce either. But I still have a faint hope that he's innocent.

That's a big call JLZ. I can't seem to picture anyone but Borce being guilty since day one. Sarah is a child of Borce as is Ant, that says it all for me.
Karen played a small role in the family dynamics, imo, even after her death she's faded while Borce shines on. His defenders are growing in numbers, it's mind boggling but not surprising, pseudo alpha males are the rage.
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