Found Deceased Australia - Karen Ristevski, 47, Melbourne, Vic, 29 June 2016 - #14

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Why daughter of murdered retailer Karen Ristevski stopped talking to police

EXCLUSIVE: We now know why Karen Ristevski’s daughter turned her back on police, as her mum’s final WhatsApp messages emerge.

POLICE have been accused of pressuring the daughter of slain Melbourne retailer Karen Ristevski into turning against her father, according to a family insider.

Now can reveal Ms Ristevski turned her back on detectives because she feared they wanted her to betray her father.

**Meanwhile she's betraying her mother not trying to bring the murderer to justice

During our 20-minute chat, Mr Ristevski declined my repeated requests to make a fresh appeal for his wife, saying the police had instructed the family not to talk to the media.

**Police said that wasn't true

“If we sit down you can actually go and ask my daughter as well,” he said................

**Needs his daughter to back his claim up, in other words he knows he's lying.

“I don’t care what you write, so long as it’s factual.
“I don’t get any papers at all, I just get bits and pieces from what people are telling me and what I see online.
“I’m going to say whatever I want to say, and who’s going to dispute that”........
A day in the life of Borce Ristevski

No concern about questioning of his daughter becoming abusive from Bozza.
Just those finances....and clearing that up.

"I know you wouldn't do this to me. I am an only child."

Quite a hole he is digging for himself and for SR.
Something about KR gonna be on 7 News tonight [emoji848]

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Thanks soso. I can't believe this!

Yep :gaah:

Direct access to Canning Street Reserve and an alarm....working I hope.
No mention of security camera, though.
Gonna, be a bit of activity coming up to the 28 November.
Question - What happens if someone rents this mansion and then it is alleged the crime was committed in it?

What happens if 'the killer' has a fetish about that particular house and comes back to finish off the brand new renters, huh?>. what about that, So?... whoa.

or.. what about if 'the killer' himself/herself rents the place and wait.. that wont work. . yeah, rents the place,, and then plants evidence pointing to Borce, ? what about that, huh?

oh well. a man has to look after his finances. No point sitting there, like a shag on a rock, waiting for another wife, or whatever passes for wives these days to sashay thru Canning Reserve... a man gets lonely, you know. A man has to move on. Literally. Can't be living in the past...
So what happens now?

Is BR moving in with another family member and he will use the $900 weekly rent he receives as income... because he is no longer a "lollipop man" with his Stop and Go Sign?


Now...wait for it...Is he about to be arrested alongside his brother and they are getting things organised in readiness for a long holiday? :thinking: :please:
and why is this the most expensive rental in the area? Is Borce also hoping to profit from Karen's death, like his son!
So what happens now?

Is BR moving in with another family member and he will use the $900 weekly rent he receives as income... because he is no longer a "lollipop man" with his Stop and Go Sign?


Now...wait for it...Is he about to be arrested alongside his brother and they are getting things organised in readiness for a long holiday? :thinking: :please:

One can only hope!
Perhaps the cops might want to rent it and give it a forensic spring clean.:blushing:
Yes, BR is moving out and putting the house up for lease at $900 per week

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Was he too paranoid his home was bugged. Not free to talk about how he's gotten away with it, or his plans to secure his freedom.

Oh that's right , poor Borce can't bare to be in the same house he shared with his loving wife, too many memories there that remind him of her. Or is it because poor Borce is having too many nightmares of the moment it all happened and he needs to get away from it to have a nice sleep at night.
Oh wait now I get it, Borce is thinking he may me next on the hit list from the stranger who is still at large- maybe he's been warned from Vaskos psychic to get out now before it comes after him!

If it was for financial reasons you would have thought he would put it on the market.

I think he just wants to be left alone now away from prying eyes.

Will he move in with his parents ? I wonder
Or is he moving overseas😳
Question - What happens if someone rents this mansion and then it is alleged the crime was committed in it?

No obligation to disclose in Victoria as far as I can see, not even when you’re buying a house!

‘Does a vendor of real estate have an obligation to disclose that a death occurred on the property?

The underlying principle governing the relationship at common law between a vendor and a purchaser is caveat vendor – let the purchaser beware. The application of that principle would mean that a purchaser should conduct its own inquiries in relation to the antecedents of the property and that the vendor has no obligation to voluntarily disclose the circumstances of any deaths and, indeed, whether such deaths occurred.

The vendor could not actively mislead the purchaser, as misrepresentation is an exception to caveat emptor, but only in the limited circumstances of a positive misrepresentation. Misrepresentation by silence is not known to the common law in this regard and a vendor who avoided making any positive misrepresentations was safe.

However, the vendor’s common law disclosure obligations have been substantially supplemented by the statutory obligations set out in s32 of the Sale of Land Act. These include the obligation to disclose title restrictions, planning obligations and the service of any notices affecting the land, but none of the many obligations imposed by s32 appear to extend to an obligation to disclose that a death occurred on the property.’
I think Chnl 7 may have just reduced the rental price :thinking:
Question - What happens if someone rents this mansion and then it is alleged the crime was committed in it?

Exactly soso.
Nobody knows at this stage if a murder occurred in that home but in NSW any knowledge of an "occurrence" happening in the home must be disclosed to the incoming parties. The Gonzales family home was sold and the purchases didn't know about the multiple murders and IIRC the purchasers sued.
It set a precedence that by law it must be disclosed.
What happens if 'the killer' has a fetish about that particular house and comes back to finish off the brand new renters, huh?>. what about that, So?... whoa.

or.. what about if 'the killer' himself/herself rents the place and wait.. that wont work. . yeah, rents the place,, and then plants evidence pointing to Borce, ? what about that, huh?

oh well. a man has to look after his finances. No point sitting there, like a shag on a rock, waiting for another wife, or whatever passes for wives these days to sashay thru Canning Reserve... a man gets lonely, you know. A man has to move on. Literally. Can't be living in the past...

OK Troops let's get a bond together. This could be a plan. :D

One good reason to clean out her cupboards but I have a feeling that was done long ago....maybe before Karen was found. *advertiser censored*!

Does he know something is looming, is he going away, possibly for life?

Monopoly Borce don't pass go, go straight to gaol. One move only. Maximum security. Those big Kiwi boys are waiting.
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