Found Deceased Australia - Karen Ristevski, 47, Melbourne, Vic, 29 June 2016 - #3

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[h=1]Karen Ristevski’s still alive, claims brother-in-law[/h]


MISSING Melbourne woman Karen Ristevski was not murdered by her husband and is in hiding overseas, her brother-in-law has claimed.

Vasko Ristevski, 56, belie*ves the missing mother is still alive and most likely living in China or the US, having fled overseas on a false passport.
Mrs Ristevski, 47, was last seen leaving her Avondale Heights home on June 29 to clear her head after a row with husband Borce, 52, over money.
Speaking from his Hoppers Crossing home, Vasko Ristevski said his brother did not have it in him to murder his wife.
“A lot of husbands do that (murder) for some reason, but no way is Borce capable of that,” he said.

Hiding from what or who, in China or US? What for?

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That makes no sense to me. If Karen's merely fled AR overseas, would she have gone to the trouble of a false passport? And wouldn't she have messaged police, if nobody else, that she hadn't been murdered?
China or the US? Um, no. Just no. Not unless she had friends in either of those countries. She'd be more likely to return to New Zealand, where she was originally from (although she wouldn't exactly be able 'blend in' as I've previously mentioned [she has quite distinctive features]).

Vasko seems a few sandwiches short of a picnic to me - in his first interview to camera he said "... if she's still alive"; now he comes out with this. He's another one whose ramblings I think we should ignore. I did wonder if he had something to do with Karen's disappearance earlier in the piece, but now I know he wasn't part of Borce and Karen's business ventures I've gone off that idea.

To me, it sounds like he's been reading WS.

It's not easy to get a fake passport unless you have connections (who are not law-abiding citizens obviously). I mean, this is not a suspense fiction novel. It's real life. And you've got to be really really desperate to try and use a fake passport anyway to get through customs both here and abroad. And leave your whole life and loved ones behind to start anew - on your own - in a foreign country. IMO, this is a big stretch.
That makes no sense to me. If Karen's merely fled AR overseas, would she have gone to the trouble of a false passport? And wouldn't she have messaged police, if nobody else, that she hadn't been murdered?

Yes, and she left home with a handbag and $850 - travelling light. I find that farcical.

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Hiding from what or who, in China or US? What for?

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My understanding from what VR was quoted as saying in the article was that she was escaping the allegations made by AR. That doesn't make any sense to me. Common sense dictates that she would have been better off staying here to dispute the allegations and stand her ground IMO.
My understanding from what VR was quoted as saying in the article was that she was escaping the allegations made by AR. That doesn't make any sense to me. Common sense dictates that she would have been better off staying here to dispute the allegations and stand her ground IMO.

Ah, thanks, I'll read the full story in paper tomorrow.

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Not to mention that "fleeing overseas" would require careful and deliberate planning. Where would you go? How would you find the money to live off? How would you evade detection from the authorities and not leave any evidence of where you have gone? And why go to such elaborate lengths to "disappear?"

Karen Ristevski’s still alive, claims brother-in-law


MISSING Melbourne woman Karen Ristevski was not murdered by her husband and is in hiding overseas, her brother-in-law has claimed.

Vasko Ristevski, 56, belie*ves the missing mother is still alive and most likely living in China or the US, having fled overseas on a false passport.
Mrs Ristevski, 47, was last seen leaving her Avondale Heights home on June 29 to clear her head after a row with husband Borce, 52, over money.
Speaking from his Hoppers Crossing home, Vasko Ristevski said his brother did not have it in him to murder his wife.
“A lot of husbands do that (murder) for some reason, but no way is Borce capable of that,” he said.

Thanks for the link Melbourne Lass. I call bs on this. (There seems to be a lot of it floating around tonight). China or the US? Seriously? VR is full of crap and knows a lot more than he's letting on IMO.

So according to VR, BR did not have it in him to murder his wife. Ironically the same thing was said about Gerard Baden-Clay by his family members.

In all honesty I was on the fence in regard to BR or VR for that matter, having anything to do with Karen's disappearance. That changed today after reading BR's latest interview. I posted my thoughts about that interview upthread.

Game on boys.
From the same article:

'“She’s been going overseas to America and Hong Kong each month for the past 10 years on business. . . ."'

From the same article:

'“She’s been going overseas to America and Hong Kong each month for the past 10 years on business. . . ."'

Very. Who was paying for these trips? If she was going to look at stock wouldnt that be a max of 4 times a year, if she went based on upcoming seasons.

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From the same article:

'“She’s been going overseas to America and Hong Kong each month for the past 10 years on business. . . ."'


If she's hiding in China with false passport the police can have a look at her current real passport that she left at home to verify this extensive travel claim.

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An earlier interview on 12 July from VR. No mention of China or the US is this one. The mention of China and the US is all smoke and mirrors IMO. If this wasn't so serious, it would be laughable!

Vic Ristevski
, Borce’s brother, arrived at the family home yesterday and said he understood police had also interviewed another local man over the disappearance — a claim Victoria Police has denied.

“It’s terrible ... We are all shocked,” he said.

He appealed for his sister-in-law to make contact if she was able to.

“If you are still alive talk to us,” he said. “If you don’t want to talk to your husband, give me a call or my wife.”

Mr Ristevski said the disappearance was out of character.

“The family is close ... Not long ago (our) niece had a 21st birthday. She (Karen) was happy then at the party.

“It’s not like her. I don’t talk to her much but when we get together she is happy. He (Borce) is feeling awful, he can hardly talk.

“It is heartbreaking. I can hardly sleep at night. I wake up at 2am ... it’s a nightmare.”

Read full article here. July 12, 2016 8:00pm

Thanks for the link Melbourne Lass. I call bs on this. (There seems to be a lot of it floating around tonight). China or the US? Seriously? VR is full of crap and knows a lot more than he's letting on IMO.

So according to VR, BR did not have it in him to murder his wife. Ironically the same thing was said about Gerard Baden-Clay by his family members.

In all honesty I was on the fence in regard to BR or VR for that matter, having anything to do with Karen's disappearance. That changed today after reading BR's latest interview. I posted my thoughts about that interview upthread.

Game on boys.

Me too, Makara. I have been reluctant to jump on the "husband did it" bandwagon. Wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt. But BR's MSM interview left me feeling very unsettled. I'll pop in tomorrow and read your post in relation to this.
I get mixed messages about VR's closeness to his brother and his family when VR to know Karen's state, reports how BR is doing, but then indicates he doesn't talk to her much, and he hasn't had much to do (at least in person) with BR since Karen's disappearance. Just seems all over the place - is he close to them or not?
Would that milkshake be from the good Doctor? Enjoy reading your messages.

Our very sweet Doc Watson.
This amazing surgeon gave us his valuable time and precious experience throughout the Baden-Clay case.
He'd tell me to breath, just breath TGY and then prescribe a Valium milkshake. We all laughed and cried together.

Unfortunately we do get overwhelmed in a case and a little light relief helps. I, and I can vouch for many others here, are NOT laughing at others misfortunes. Actually, we care. That's why we are here.
More from the same link above still quoting VR.

“I reckon she’s run away. That’s my feeling, what with all the rumours going on about Anthony (Rickard),” he said.

“She’s been going overseas to America and Hong Kong each month for the past 10 years on business, and I’m told it’s fairly easy to get a false passport.

“I did put the rumours (about Rickard) to Borce, but he said Karen’s not here to answer them.

“I don’t think she will come back, I reckon she’s gone for good.”

BBM: So Karen's been going overseas each month for the past 10 years! IMO this is total and utter bs.AR's allegations about Karen didn't come out until after Karen disappeared. And according to AR, BR knew all about the 'family secret' as it has been referred to in MSM. Once again and IMO VR is FOS.

So Karen Ristevski has been missing for two months and not one of her family members has had anything nice to say about her. Not once!

Hinky 100%
To the minds here,

What is your interpretation of BR's public behaviour?

I've lost hours sleep trying to figure it out.
It might be just the way he is.

I have a strong feeling he's killed her.
What is this? The Ristevski media rebellion? Their campaign to combat the recent article by The Australian? Pfft.

He reckons, does he? Where did he pull that from? Seemingly not an ounce of compassion for Karen anywhere, is there?

“I reckon she’s run away. That’s my feeling, what with all the rumours going on about Anthony (Rickard),” he said.
(Same link)
My understanding from what VR was quoted as saying in the article was that she was escaping the allegations made by AR. That doesn't make any sense to me. Common sense dictates that she would have been better off staying here to dispute the allegations and stand her ground IMO.

Exactly and she wouldn't have made the headlines.
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