Found Deceased Australia - Karen Ristevski, 47, Melbourne, Vic, 29 June 2016 - #4

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Just as a little side note, given that there has been mention of the Ristevskis cars, maybe one of those cars was a present to Sarah for her 21st? Further, maybe when Anthony saw that he got a little worked up and then began the infamous telephone call, which, we've been told was about rehab, suicide, sexual antics, etc. Maybe there was even more to that phone call than has been publicly released.

Anthony's claim that Karen will leave Borce when Sarah turned 21 has to be very closely scrutinised for the obvious fiction that it is.

Further, Vasko Ristevski's claim that Karen has absconded on a false passport is also a fiction and needs to be looked at in that light.

The other male here, Borce Ristevski - the favourite for the deed of the GBCBB (Gerard Baden Clay Blinker Brigade)- looks to me to be the innocent party.

Finally, imagine it is Vasko and Anthony conspiring to knock-off Borce's missus. PHWOARRR!!! Wouldn't that be something.

BBM, according to CR on the ACA interview he said that the vehicles given to AR were destroyed by him.
The CARS, MONEY & ACCOMMODATION I believe were given as a QUICK FIX to shut AR up, over the years, as BR could not be bothered in getting AR the professional help from age 15 (the most vulnerable age for a boy)........... IMO BR was too busy keeping up HIS IMAGE to be bothered with HELPING HIS SON........MOO.

We have no idea about what else they tried. I feel pity for anyone who ends up at the bottom of a pit but we just have nothing to base these assumptions on.

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I wonder why AR didn't call his father for money for rehab? Maybe he already had, and it was declined by his father, so he tried Karen? He may have thought that she could persuade Borce to fund the venture.

Chris said that he did not know what answer Karen gave to AR about the rehab. Chris had heard about it through AR’s ex-girlfriend.

For all we know, rehab may have been a condition for AR’s girlfriend to remain his girlfriend. And now she is his ex.
What bothers me about this dysfunctional family and the bizarre behavior of AR who started taking drugs at age 15............... A friend of mine has a son around AR's

age who began taking drugs at High School...........His parents are wealthy.......... They adopted him from a baby......... He has always known from a young age re his

adoption........At around age 20 he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar mental illnesses............ Now what the parents had to do was have him arrested by

the police and admitted to a psychiatric ward at a General Hospital where they dried him out of illegal drugs, kept him in hospital and started him on medication for his

mental illness........ They had to do this as he assaulted his mum on a few occasions and she was afraid of him when he was having his "episodes" that caused

immense problems for the family........ He has been readmitted to hospital many times over the years due to commencing taking drugs again (as well as his

medication for the mental illness)......... It was explained to the parents that by taking illegal drugs, they acted as a trigger for his mental illness........What I cannot

understand is why BR and KR had not had AR arrested and admitted into a pysychiatric ward to commence the journey that my friends had to take with their son, as

AR is a threat to himself and his family as well as to society............ The police know about AR's present bizarre mental state & should realize that he is a danger in his

present mental condition........... I am wondering if the police have him in their sights & are going to arrest him (as well as BR & possibly VR) re Karen's

disappearance and are playing the waiting game as they gather more evidence............ I really feel that all 3 are involved.......MOO:...:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Brilliant point, Tiddles. I also wonder how they cannot come with a straight jacket and commit AR. He is an accident waiting to happen. I'm uneasy about him, especially watching him smoke a cigarette with a wrench and reading facebook threats. WHY I HIS FATHER NOT DOING ANYTHING? or is he, and we dont know?Mentally unstable poses a potential risk. He needs medical help urgently. I do feel for him, in the same way as other sleuthers.
Treatment for drug and alcohol addiction is available through the public health system.

In my opinion, AR wanted money to fund his addiction, and rehabilitation was a transparent pretext.

I cannot see BR and Karen coming to a punch-up over this matter. They had known AR for a long time.

Big waiting lists for people to voluntarily get into publicly-funded rehab. Unless the court orders them into it. They could be dead before they get in.
So many addicts, only so much help available through our tax dollars.
Does AR work? In a lot of cases drug addicts are unable to function like normal people. If AR is desperate for money i think he is trying to manipulate KR's missing status for all it's worth. Why did he text CR about a gun? What did he want that for i wonder? And how long before KR went missing?
He did state he would of liked to kill KR at one stage of his rantings since KR went missing. I think he is a very dodgy character and wonder what the police think about him?
Just as a little side note, given that there has been mention of the Ristevskis cars, maybe one of those cars was a present to Sarah for her 21st? Further, maybe when Anthony saw that he got a little worked up and then began the infamous telephone call, which, we've been told was about rehab, suicide, sexual antics, etc. Maybe there was even more to that phone call than has been publicly released.

Anthony's claim that Karen will leave Borce when Sarah turned 21 has to be very closely scrutinised for the obvious fiction that it is.

Further, Vasko Ristevski's claim that Karen has absconded on a false passport is also a fiction and needs to be looked at in that light.

The other male here, Borce Ristevski - the favourite for the deed of the GBCBB (Gerard Baden Clay Blinker Brigade)- looks to me to be the innocent party.

Finally, imagine it is Vasko and Anthony conspiring to knock-off Borce's missus. PHWOARRR!!! Wouldn't that be something.

ScottKam, what evidence do you base your opinion on regarding BR's "innocence"?
Well, I think you have just about covered all bases with your many "theories" ............:gaah::shame:

This is why Vasko Ristevski is always in the papers........ now EVERYTHING makes sense.....

There was ZERO conceivable reason for Vasko to be presented in the papers as offering the hogwash theory of a fake passport. ZERO. The police even discounted the 'fake passport' story within hours. No one believes it. So why did the herald sun offer it? but there was a reason to offer the obviously incredible claim, for the herald sun is building up to the inevitable revelation that Mr "fake passport" was really the culprit in the murder......
I don't think we can say if they've done the right or wrong thing by AR - we know according to him he didn't even meet his father until he was a teenager after an abusive childhood with his mother, and then alleges the stuff about Karen started 6 months in. If he knew he had a son all those years and stayed away, I think that is a massive failure. I also think after you've spent 20k a year for an expensive private schools you can probably spot quite a few cars and rehabs for the kid who got the short end of the stick without getting any medals for it. I don't blame them though for not being able to help him kick his addiction, it's such a scourge and the truth is once it gets to a certain stage, an early death is generally all that saves families from years of heartache and misery.
ScottKam, what evidence do you base your opinion on regarding BR's "innocence"?

Borce is soft. His brother Vasko and his son Anthony both say Borce hasn't got it in him. I believe those claims.

Further, there was the claim that Borce, being of macedonian heritage, should be the man of the household, but in their household karen wore the pants. I can't remember the exact nature of this claim, i think it was hearsay, but i believe it.

For the record, i am making my claim based FIRSTLY AND FOREMOSTLY upon the fact that this case has prominence in the papers, which other cases do not. The Australian, too, has taken an interest which is odd. It makes sense if there is more to the case, as there was in the Maria Korp case and the Herman Rockefeller cases.

Assuming there is more to this case than meets the eye- as i am doing based on the fact the papers have had like 3 front pages and it is receiving copious reporting- then i am thinking there is something sinister here. More than usual. That Vasko is trotted out on stage to offer up the OBVIOUSLY RIDICULOUS claim she took out a fake passport to skate off to the bahamas and drink martinis on the beach, makes me think SOMETHING IS UP, specifically in connection to Vasko.

Oh, and it was said that Vasko hadn't visited his bro in weeks, rather sending his wife. Poor wife, soon she'll be divorcing Vasko and talking half his assets, or maybe all. And here we all were, looking into the Borce clan's finances and wills. Now we should look more at Vasko.................

Oh, and i'll do the rarely done thing for moi, MOO. hahhahahhahahaa you know its true, folks. LOL
I think a few beverages may have been consumed tonight by some posters :freakedout:

Lots of good theories coming out but lets all stay friends ;)
Omg you guys are making me laugh ! I think I'm seeing the humour in some posters remarks because I'm not involved.

Good entertainment for a Friday night.

Was Herman Rockefeller the man who was found dead and no one knew he was into swingers ?
Could you elaborate please, Phil.

Couldn't replay the video at the time,
but there was one question the drew a very strong body language response.

Loss of eye contact, swallowing & other gestures that stood out from the rest of the interview.

We both noticed it here.

Will need to replay it to see at what point.
i would say that both AR's parents failed him, not only Borce

I don't know, drug addicts are notoriously difficult to help, so I really can't fault any of AR's relatives for how he's turned out. Being an addictive type personality is probably genetic...
I don't know, drug addicts are notoriously difficult to help, so I really can't fault any of AR's relatives for how he's turned out. Being an addictive type personality is probably genetic...

Yep. And he is no little child. At some point in your life you have to take a hold of yourself and sort yourself out. He knows he is an addict. He knows what he has to do about that. He 'chooses' to continue his addiction.
All I hear is 'I am an addict, that excuses all of my behaviour, I'd get help (maybe) if someone helped me'.

By no means am I minimising addiction. To stop takes big, difficult, isolating (from current associates) changes. Forever.
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