GUILTY Australia - Kiesha Weippeart, 6, Mount Druitt, NSW, 18 July 2010 - #1

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That happened before the couple’s relationship broke down and Kristi moved in with Mr Smith, taking Kiesha with her.

Ms Weippeart and her son also told how Kiesha had been in hospital after she was bitten on the upper arm.

Ms Weippeart said: ‘‘My son brought her down here and we took her to Mount Druitt Hospital and she was in there for three days.

‘‘I have got a 10-year-old boy who is asking me questions: ‘Mummy will the police find her [Kiesha]?’ I say: ‘The police are doing the best they can to bring her home safely.’’’

So Chris' mum has a ten year old son too?

And once again, it says that Chris went to Mum first before taking Kiesha to the hospital for the bite. He doesn't sound like he was very confident in his parenting abilities....always running to his mum for help.

But at least they took Kiesha to the hospital, so it's not like he was hiding or ignoring the abuse when he was aware of it. ( eta: If what they say is true)

Referencing my previous point, I am thinking more everyday that I was right: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Australia Australia-Kiesha Abrahams, 6, Sydney, 31 July 2010

The motivation to learn impulse control, coping skills and anger management comes from the love you feel for the child. Not wanting to hurt the child. Wanting to maintain a bond with that child.

If you don't bond with the child in the first place, where is the motivation to not hurt the child?

I would bet that Kristi was NOT Aiden's primary caregiver for the first 6 weeks.

I think it's likely that in those 3 days she WAS, that she couldn't cope, became angry and acted impulsively.

I don't think it was terribly hard on her when Aiden died, because I don't believe she had bonded with him.

I think it's entirely possible that she didn't bond with Kiesha either.

Obviously when she bit Kiesha at 18 months, she hadn't become motivated to control her impulses or anger yet.

I think that the sleep deprivation from having this baby a few weeks ago...elevated the stress level.

I think that Kristi likely over reacted to some typical kid thing, which is why Kiesha is gone.

With the sleep deprivation of a new addition to a toddler... plus the stress of the investigation....

I think this woman is an immediate risk to both of her children.

50% of her children are dead or missing.

If her toddler throws a tantrum...or the baby is up all night...we may be discussing more than just Aiden and Kiesha.

I will be surprised if there is not another tragedy in this family.
Referencing my previous point, I am thinking more everyday that I was right: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Australia Australia-Kiesha Abrahams, 6, Sydney, 31 July 2010

The motivation to learn impulse control, coping skills and anger management comes from the love you feel for the child. Not wanting to hurt the child. Wanting to maintain a bond with that child.

If you don't bond with the child in the first place, where is the motivation to not hurt the child?

I would bet that Kristi was NOT Aiden's primary caregiver for the first 6 weeks.

I think it's likely that in those 3 days she WAS, that she couldn't cope, became angry and acted impulsively.

I don't think it was terribly hard on her when Aiden died, because I don't believe she had bonded with him.

I think it's entirely possible that she didn't bond with Kiesha either.

Obviously when she bit Kiesha at 18 months, she hadn't become motivated to control her impulses or anger yet.

I think that the sleep deprivation from having this baby a few weeks ago...elevated the stress level.

I think that Kristi likely over reacted to some typical kid thing, which is why Kiesha is gone.

With the sleep deprivation of a new addition to a toddler... plus the stress of the investigation....

I think this woman is an immediate risk to both of her children.

50% of her children are dead or missing.

If her toddler throws a tantrum...or the baby is up all night...we may be discussing more than just Aiden and Kiesha.

I will be surprised if there is not another tragedy in this family.

Clicking the thanks button wasn't enough. Excellent post, and I couldn't agree more. :clap:
Yep. I looked it up yesterday, and even if you sign over parental rights, you still have to pay CS. We don't know that Chris wasn't paying. We also don't know if he was working. He may be on a pension because of his illness.
My sister who is on a pension pays a lousy $10 per wk for 3 kids for child support.
Whereas Robert is definately employed per the Daily Telegraph.I don't think think $ would be a major factor in this case anyway since they would be getting significant financial support from the gvt because they are indigenous.

You're spot on about everyone should be reporting incidents of child abuse, but if he didn't see her, how could he know if there was any abuse going on in the home?
IMO, the reason she wasn't going to school, and was rarely seen out and about was because there may have been signs of abuse that they didn't want seen. Why else would they not be taking her to school, even if it was just to give them some peace and quiet for 7 hours a day?
The aboriginal liason officer that knew the family, was involved with getting young aboriginal kids on track, one major point being schooling....and yet Kiesha still wasn't going?
Also, there's a system in place where if a child meets the requirements, the gvt will pay for them to get a taxi to and from no cost to the parents.

We don't know if Chris chose not to be in Kiesha's life because he's a dead beat dad or if Kristi or Robert didn't allow him to see her.
Even judging just by the pics we've seen, Kristi looks pretty intimidating, imo.

What does Robert do for a living? Even though The Daily Telegraph reported Robert as employed, I suspect he may have asked for a leave of absence from his job for an unspecified amount of time, a common occurrance after a child goes missing. Based on what happened to Kiesha and Robert's relationship with Kristi, Robert might decide to separate from Kristi and file for custody of their 2 children.

I am not sure what giving up your parental rights entails? Obviously you wouldn't have custody of the child, so does it mean you give up visiting rights? TIA
Here's a link to the Child Support Agency in Australia, with a separate section for indigenous Australians I still can't understand why Kiesha's lack of school attendance wasn't addressed during the last few months, I hope the ombudsman's inquiry ( into this case sees some major changes in the way the government protects children at risk here...starting with the funding they get. If they haven't got the staff and money to do what they need to do to protect children at risk, then they can't be blamed for the lack of results IMO.

So Chris' mum has a ten year old son too?

And once again, it says that Chris went to Mum first before taking Kiesha to the hospital for the bite. He doesn't sound like he was very confident in his parenting abilities....always running to his mum for help.

But at least they took Kiesha to the hospital, so it's not like he was hiding or ignoring the abuse when he was aware of it. ( eta: If what they say is true)


IA, but I bet Kristi strongly opposed Chris's decision to take Keisha to the hospital and she refused to get involved and go with him because she knew she would be in big trouble for what she had done. She didn't want to give the medical personnel the details about her daughter's injury so she hid at home to protect herself. Kristi also might know the medical officers have to report all abuse incidents to the Police. So this IMO why Kristi stayed at home and Chris went to his mother for help.
What does Robert do for a living? Even though The Daily Telegraph reported Robert as employed, I suspect he may have asked for a leave of absence from his job for an unspecified amount of time, a common occurrance after a child goes missing.

I am not sure what giving up your parental rights entails? Obviously you wouldn't have custody of the child, so does it mean you give up visiting rights? TIA

Respectfully snipped~

The Telegraph reported he works for Woolworths, a supermarket chain, but didn't say what his position was or if it was a part time or full time job.

So it could be anything from working the loading dock, packing shelves, packing people's online orders from a factory, delivering groceries, working the registers, or management.

Again I will speak from personal experience only about giving up parental rights.

My sis never gave up parental rights to her first three kids, but DoCS and their dad prefer that she has supervised visitations.

But with her 4th child to a different dad, they didn't even let her leave the hospital with the baby. They sent her and the baby off to a mothers retreat for a couple of weeks, where they teach parenting skills while assessing the mothers capabilities, and to see if they are bonding with the baby.

My sis wasn't. It was clear that her needs were always put ahead of her baby sons.
They called me to see if I would take temp custody of the baby, but I couldn't do it this time, since I had just had a baby of my own. He was so fortunate to be placed with an amazing couple , but at the time it was only temp.

DoCS even brought the baby to her house for supervised visitation, but my sis had better things to do, and wasn't at home at the arranged time.:furious:

She had to attend multiple family court hearings in an attempt to get custody of her son back, back she failed to attend the hearings.:furious:

(So it's clear that DoCS has a strong focus on trying to keep a child with their bio parent, before just taking away custody.)

At this point DoCS strongly encouraged her to sign over her parental rights, so that her baby could stay permanently with the foster parents. She didn't care about him, but refused to sign the papers. (she likes being able to tell random people that her kids were stolen from her).

In the end, because she did not attend the final hearing she lost her parental rights to him completely.

But as I said, the foster parents are fabulous, and always tell their son about his 'tummy mummy'. They even have a photo of her next to his bed, and he gives her a kiss each night. (so glad he doesn't know what she's really like).

They want B (sis' son) to always know his bio family, including his tummy mummy. So even though they have no legal obligation to allow my sis to see B , they are happy to meet up with her , so that B and his bio mum can spend time together.

She has seen him once in the last 3 years. (he's 4) We all met up at Maccas (including her other 3 kids) , but a DoCS worker instisted she MUST be there to supervise, even though the arrangement was made through both families.
(my mum and I have regular contact with B and his new family).

Now back to Kiesha...... I went back to beginning of the thread last night, and looked for all the links regarding Chris.

The only MSM reference I could find regarding him signing over any rights came from Kristis BFF, who had been looking after Kristi and Robs toddler for the first two weeks after Kiesha went missing.

She's also the one who accused him of pointing a gun at Rob and the kids, while riding past on a bike. (when Chris was allegedly in the hosp getting his toe amputated).
She also publicly denied that Kiesha was ever hospitalised for the bite mark!

So now I really don't know if he signed away his rights or not.

If anyone else finds a different source for this info, please post.

Bold and underlined by me~

Kylie Marshall, a friend of Kiesha's mother, told the Herald the gun allegations had been reported to police only after the child's disappearance.
'Four weeks ago the father rode past on a bike when Robbie was out hanging the clothes on the line with the two girls, Brianna and Kiesha, and pointed a gun at them,'' she said.
But a spokesman for Mr Weippeart said he was at Nepean Hospital at the time, having his toe amputated. ''We don't want a trial by media; we've heard these allegations,'' he said.

Ms Marshall also alleged Mr Weippeart had not seen his daughter for five years and had signed court documents saying he did not want contact with her.

But Ms Marshall also denies Kiesha's admission to hospital, when she was about 18 months old, for treatment to an adult's bite to her shoulder. Ms Abrahams was charged with that assault but no conviction was recorded.
Here's a link to the Child Support Agency in Australia, with a separate section for indigenous Australians I still can't understand why Kiesha's lack of school attendance wasn't addressed during the last few months, I hope the ombudsman's inquiry ( into this case sees some major changes in the way the government protects children at risk here...starting with the funding they get. If they haven't got the staff and money to do what they need to do to protect children at risk, then they can't be blamed for the lack of results IMO.


The Education Department had referred Kiesha's truancy to its legal department for action and Ms Abrahams had been a client of other government agencies, including the Department of Community Services.

It just doesn't say when this happened, which is a pretty important detail imo.
Where is this little angel? Gosh, I just stumbled across this and have devoured the threaded info here and a handful of available articles/images....really touched my heart like the Ethan Stacy case (God forbid with the same conclusion.) Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the sleuthsters in Australia for their updates and slang translations, and local tips and tidbits...also to all you working so hard on this thread, your input is an excellent example of that WS hard work ethic and class not always evident at other crime forums. Kudos, youse guys (some Chicago slang for ya, on a slightly silly OT lol)
After Kristi bit Keisha, Kristi was able to keep any subsequent crimes she committed against her daughter a secret. Chris took Kiesha to the hospital after Kristi abused her, and because Chris wouldn’t lie to protect Kristi, Kristi got rid of him and hooked up with Robert who did lie to protect her. Robert wasn’t emotionally attached to Kiesha, and because Kiesha was kept at home after she was abused and not taken for medical attention, I suspect Robert abused Kiesha too. If you aren’t part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.
POLICE are investigating a series of payments made into the bank account of missing girl Kiesha Abrahams' mother and stepfather in the weeks before she disappeared. Sources have told The Daily Telegraph up to six payments, ranging between about $500 and $600 each, were made into Kristi Abrahams' and Robert Smith's bank account - but they are yet to be explained or accounted for.
It is understood the amounts were paid in cash into the account at regular intervals leading up to when Kiesha, 6, was reported missing from Mt Druitt her home in Sydney's West on August 1.
When Mr Smith was first interviewed by police just days after the child disappeared, he said detectives had his bank records and grilled him over a number of transactions.
"Mr Weippeart is still paying child support for his daughter.

"Chris pays his child support each week, he always has, but yet we do not have a clue where she is or what is going on," Mrs Weippeart said."

I also think when a child goes missing the child support should be re-routed. It should go into a separate account that the custodial parent does not have access to. Then if the child is found the money is still there but the custodial parent didn't have access to it, in case they end up in prison for the disappearance.

Cash payments before Kiesha went missing.....

Shaniya Davis all over again?

Right down to the curly hair...

How did the stepfather explain them I wonder? Since he mentioned them to the media I am guessing he gave someone an explanation of some kind. Maybe he was just working for someone and getting paid in cash? With a new baby and everything...
"Mr Weippeart is still paying child support for his daughter.

"Chris pays his child support each week, he always has, but yet we do not have a clue where she is or what is going on," Mrs Weippeart said."

I also think when a child goes missing the child support should be re-routed. It should go into a separate account that the custodial parent does not have access to. Then if the child is found the money is still there but the custodial parent didn't have access to it, in case they end up in prison for the disappearance.

Cash payments before Kiesha went missing.....

Shaniya Davis all over again?

Right down to the curly hair...

How did the stepfather explain them I wonder? Since he mentioned them to the media I am guessing he gave someone an explanation of some kind. Maybe he was just working for someone and getting paid in cash? With a new baby and everything...

I think the police will be able to obtain important evidence when they trace the cash deposits and K&R's computer and phone records. The answers Police need to solve this case are forthcoming and I hope we hear Kiesha is alive and well in the near future.

What happened to Shaniya Davis was an abomination.

Prayers and Justice for beautiful Kiesha.
I think the police will be able to obtain important evidence when they trace the cash deposits and K&R's computer and phone records. The answers Police need to solve this case are forthcoming and I hope we hear Kiesha is alive and well in the near future.

What happened to Shaniya Davis was an abomination.

Prayers and Justice for beautiful Kiesha.

They should be able to get CCTV footage of the deposits being made as there will be a record of where and when on the statements, and available from the bank. Wonder if the deposits into the banks were made by Robert and Kristi who received cash from someone else, or if the deposits were made by a third party.
Just caught up again....

couple of things...

did not want to be a mother to the first baby and dead after 3 days in her care!!!!

Kiesha hospitalized for 3 DAYS after being bitten by her mother...that is a long time for a bite....and it was dad and his family that took her to a hospital...

and now mysterious payments in their account...

my theory.......being a responsible parent was all a bit too hard for hubby/ man didnt want to pay for and bring up a kid that was not his, convinced mum to get rid of her......sell her maybe??????

I'm getting on my bandwagon here, but it is this type of deads..t that people get really sick of hearing about....

For one he is working, no doubt they were also receiving low income, family tax benefit, dad no 1 as per above was paying child support and now we here they were receiving "other" payments AND YET they were in a housing commission unit....

there is a huge waiting list for housing commission homes and lots more deserving people on the lists......there was a woman on a current affair not long back, single mum, hubby had taken off, she had 2 kids and was living in her car but still managed to get her kids to school each day.....

and to me this aboriginal aid etc has gone too far.......I am from North Queensland, grew up in Mount Isa and worked on a cattle station near Camooweal, now there is the true aboriginal and living very hard lives might I add.......not 1 16th as I think the case is here but receiving all the aid and those first in camps in the outback areas.....
They should be able to get CCTV footage of the deposits being made as there will be a record of where and when on the statements, and available from the bank. Wonder if the deposits into the banks were made by Robert and Kristi who received cash from someone else, or if the deposits were made by a third party.

No footage if they were done by internet banking, but then they will have an IP address or a banking account and will be able to track that.
Just caught up again....

couple of things...

did not want to be a mother to the first baby and dead after 3 days in her care!!!!

Kiesha hospitalized for 3 DAYS after being bitten by her mother...that is a long time for a bite....and it was dad and his family that took her to a hospital...

and now mysterious payments in their account...

my theory.......being a responsible parent was all a bit too hard for hubby/ man didnt want to pay for and bring up a kid that was not his, convinced mum to get rid of her......sell her maybe??????

I'm getting on my bandwagon here, but it is this type of deads..t that people get really sick of hearing about....

For one he is working, no doubt they were also receiving low income, family tax benefit, dad no 1 as per above was paying child support and now we here they were receiving "other" payments AND YET they were in a housing commission unit....

there is a huge waiting list for housing commission homes and lots more deserving people on the lists......there was a woman on a current affair not long back, single mum, hubby had taken off, she had 2 kids and was living in her car but still managed to get her kids to school each day.....

and to me this aboriginal aid etc has gone too far.......I am from North Queensland, grew up in Mount Isa and worked on a cattle station near Camooweal, now there is the true aboriginal and living very hard lives might I add.......not 1 16th as I think the case is here but receiving all the aid and those first in camps in the outback areas.....

I don't think is is helpful or relevant to Keisha to get into a discussion about housing commission and aboriginal aid. These topics have the potential to become quite heated and may derail the thread due to differing opinions.
They should be able to get CCTV footage of the deposits being made as there will be a record of where and when on the statements, and available from the bank. Wonder if the deposits into the banks were made by Robert and Kristi who received cash from someone else, or if the deposits were made by a third party.

That's good news. I think this tip will enable the police to find the person who has Kiesha. I think a third person deposited the money into K&R’s account and Kiesha’s mom/stepdad agreed to take Kiesha to this person in a secret location once they received their asking price. K&R believed if the money was deposited at regular intervals rather than all at once, they could get away with their crime.
These deposits may well not be related to Kiesha of course, they could just relate to other undeclared income. Cash in hand work of some description for instance, I tend to think that's more likely.
The cash deposits are interesting, but they may have nothing to do with the case.

Detective Inspector Russell Oxford yesterday told the newspaper he would not comment on the matter, but said police were investigating all claims.

Mr Smith revealed shortly after Kiesha went missing that police had looked through his bank records and quizzed him at length.

"They had my bank statements there and they were saying to me, 'What's this for, and what's that for?'," he said at the time.

Both Mr Smith and Ms Abrahams have denied any involvement in the girl’s disappearance.

Authorities have admitted there is little chance of finding Kiesha alive after extensive land and air searches failed to turn up any trace of her.

Police investigating the disappearance of Sydney girl Kiesha Abrahams say they have conducted a "financial profile" of the six-year-old's family.

But representatives of Strike Force Jarocin have refused to confirm whether Kiesha's mother, Kristi Abrahams, and stepfather, Robert Smith, received a series of cash payments ranging between $500 and $600 in the weeks before she disappeared, as reported by News Ltd.

"A financial profile has been conducted by police as part of standard procedures," a spokesperson said.
Thousands of potential leads have been investigated by police, buoyed by a groundswell of local community support, but detectives have admitted hopes of finding the little girl alive are slim.

I'd think that if the police knew about these deposits from the beginning, 3 weeks would be sufficient time to investigate where the money came from.
And the fact that the police are saying that there is little or slim chances of finding her alive , doesn't point to a belief on their part that she may have been sold, and is still alive somewhere.

Even in the beginning, Rob said that they were asking him to lead them to Kieshas body, not where she might be, alive.

I'm still curious to see where the money was coming from though.

If it was drug money, they'd be pretty stupid to bank it, but then maybe they feared keeping it at home, which is a perfect op for a home invasion.

If it was from a cash in hand job that Rob was doing , then I would think it would have been cleared up by now. Still a crime, but not a huge one, that you'd try to CYA over during a homicide investigation.

Could family members have been making deposits to their acc, to help them if they were 'stuggling'? Doubt it, since it's a lot of money. But possible since it was made in installments, rather than one large deposit.

I'd like to know:
1) Did Kristi or Rob make the deposits themselves? Or was it a third party?
2) What happened to the money once it reached their acc? Were there withdrawals of the same/similar amount shortly after?

Now to cover my own butt, MSM info re substance abuse in the family:

THE disappearance of six-year-old Kiesha Abrahams from her Mount Druitt home has raised questions about the actions of welfare authorities, who were previously concerned about her well-being and substance abuse in her family.

Now, off topic to this money issue, but on topic for Kiesha's case.

Does anyone know if Kristi's other (after Aiden) 3 births were c-sections?
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