GUILTY Australia - Kiesha Weippeart, 6, Mount Druitt, NSW, 18 July 2010 - #1

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Just as I was falling asleep last night, a very hopeful thought crossed my mind.
(since some of us are on the fence about the clothing issue, pointing to a possible prearranged sale, and knowing about the money going into their acc...)

I hate the idea that Kiesha could have been sold to an SO, but what if it was a different kind of sale?

Like illegal adoption? That someone who couldn't have a child of their own, or who saw that Kiesha wasn't being cared for properly, proposed an illegal adoption? They make their payment installments, then the hand off was done.

But then kristi and Rob would have to cover their butts because legal action was being saught by the truancy dept, and made the 000 call to make it look like an abduction. (I really wish we could hear that call!)

And the reason the person who adopted her can't come forward to say she is alive and well, is because they would be in a boat load of trouble.

But then I go back to the fact that the police knew from day 1 about the deposits, and would have known about missing clothes from the very first search of the if they thought she was sold, why did they do such extensive ground searches?
But we can also wonder why the ground searches stopped too.

I know it's wishfull thinking, but just trying to cover all possible angles, especially ones that might have a happy ending.
I've read contradicting statements. Did Kiesha's mother bite her or was it someone else while under the care of her mother?

"Inspector Oxford said: ‘‘.... And, yes, the child was bitten and some action taken against the person who bit the child.’’

That statement just seems like he would have said the mother bit the child if it was the mother, and not just the person. So I guess that's where I'm confused. And it also says that most of the details about her life cannot be released because of legal reasons. I'm wondering if the mother had a previous abusive boyfriend before the current boyfriend and that is why there is such a hush on what happened previously.

source :

Here are several reports about Kiesha's bite,

Her comments follow statements by Mr Weippeart that Kiesha had been bitten by an adult. Channel Nine reported last night that her mother, Kristi Abrahams, had been charged with assault over the incident, but had no conviction recorded against her.

But Ms Marshall also denies Kiesha's admission to hospital, when she was about 18 months old, for treatment to an adult's bite to her shoulder. Ms Abrahams was charged with that assault but no conviction was recorded.

When asked about the day Kiesha was hospitalised after receiving a serious bite wound, Mr Weippeart said he remembered it vividly. "I'll never forget seeing that. She was about 18 or 19 months ... it [the bite] was on the shoulder, through her clothing," he said. "It was so bad ... there was blood under the skin."

The Herald reported yesterday that Kiesha had previously been removed from, and then returned, to her mother.
Also want to add this quote about the bite.

quoted from site -

Well here is the full quote from the journalist about the bite,

Earlier it was revealed that, as a toddler, Kiesha was admitted to a western Sydney hospital with a bite wound inflicted by an adult.

The injury suffered by the pretty blue-eyed girl was yesterday described by a source as a "significant bite wound".

It has also emerged that Kiesha was known to numerous government departments, such as education and health.

But most of the harrowing details of her life cannot be reported for legal reasons."

Do you know if they mentioned how long she was removed from her mother and where she stayed? Could it be possible that the person she stayed with at that time has her now? I wonder if it was just the father she stayed with.

Just hopeful she is in good hands. :( The way her family speaks about just doesn't look good though.
Also want to add this quote about the bite.

quoted from site -

Well here is the full quote from the journalist about the bite,

Earlier it was revealed that, as a toddler, Kiesha was admitted to a western Sydney hospital with a bite wound inflicted by an adult.

The injury suffered by the pretty blue-eyed girl was yesterday described by a source as a "significant bite wound".

It has also emerged that Kiesha was known to numerous government departments, such as education and health.

But most of the harrowing details of her life cannot be reported for legal reasons."

Do you know if they mentioned how long she was removed from her mother and where she stayed? Could it be possible that the person she stayed with at that time has her now? I wonder if it was just the father she stayed with.

Just hopeful she is in good hands. :( The way her family speaks about just doesn't look good though.


Mr Weippeart spent the first two years of Kiesha's life living with her and the child's mother, Kristi Abrahams.

He confirmed yesterday she was once bitten by an adult so ferociously she was admitted to hospital.

"I'll never forget seeing that. She was about 18 or 19 months ... it [the bite] was on the shoulder, through her clothing," he said. "It was so bad ... there was blood under the skin."

Chris Weippeart admitted he had not played a large role in his six-year-old daughter's life, but insisted he cared about her as if she was living with him every day.

Mr Weippeart has seen his daughter only occasionally since splitting from Ms Abrahams, but he insists he loves her and thinks of her often.

"She is my little girl. She came here a few times and I used to see her at the shops and that," he said.

"And I sent her all these clothes for Christmas."


Because Chris lived with Kristi and Kiesha for 24 months and the incident occurred when Kiesha was 18 or 19 months, I suspect Kiesha lived with someone other than family when she was removed from her family&#8217;s home. Who Kiesha stayed with and for how long are details that have not been released.

Your suggestion that police should contact and interview the person who provided temporary care to Kiesha after she was released from the hospital is an excellent tip.
Also want to add this quote about the bite.

quoted from site -

Well here is the full quote from the journalist about the bite,

Earlier it was revealed that, as a toddler, Kiesha was admitted to a western Sydney hospital with a bite wound inflicted by an adult.

The injury suffered by the pretty blue-eyed girl was yesterday described by a source as a "significant bite wound".

It has also emerged that Kiesha was known to numerous government departments, such as education and health.

But most of the harrowing details of her life cannot be reported for legal reasons."

Do you know if they mentioned how long she was removed from her mother and where she stayed? Could it be possible that the person she stayed with at that time has her now? I wonder if it was just the father she stayed with.

Just hopeful she is in good hands. :( The way her family speaks about just doesn't look good though.

BBM- Excellent thinking! AFAIK, we don't have the details of how long she was away from her mother, and who Kiesha stayed with during that time.

We really need more details . it's kinda weird how we haven't heard much from friends and locals, except Kristis BFF.

I know that DoCS will usually try to place an at risk child with other family members first before placing them in temp foster care.

But under the circumstances, there may have been some finger pointing going on, back and forth, so they felt she was safest with someone outside of the family, at least while they investigated the incident.

So there could be someone out there who cared for Kiesha for a while, fell in love with the little princess, and kept an eye out for kiesha after she returned to mum.

I love this thoery, because it would mean Kieasha is alive and well and being cared for by someone she already knows, and who loves her.

Again wishful thinking- but a girl can dream, can't she?
Okay, another brainstorming session: Feel free to add any other possible scenarios.

Why isn't Kiesha headline news, or in the news at all atm?

1) Media is focused on the election.

2) The police aren't giving media any new info to work with.

3) The police have asked the media not to focus on Kiesha , so Kristi and Rob or anyone else will be more likely to open up if not in the media spotlight.(especially since they loathe the media attention)

4) There just isn't any news because they are awaiting test results.

5) Something is going on behind the scenes atm, and they want it kept hushed until they are ready to make an arrest.

6) The media has just moved onto 'newer' news.

Anyone know if the manequin is still out?

If police believe she is alive, why isn't Kieshas beautiful face still in the newspapers , in the hope that someone has spotted her, or remembers seeing her before her disappearance ? (in most of the recent news articles it's been pics of family -not Kiesha)

If they believe she's deceased, three weeks is plenty of time to get cell pings, to narrow down a search area, so why no more searches?

I'm really hoping that no news is good news in this case....and the police are close to knowing exactly what happened to kiesha, but need to make sure there are no loose ends before making an arrest.

HI...someone did post a time frame that she was removed on one of the facebook was someone who knows the family quite well......I am not sure if I am allowed to post what they said am I?? but it was for quite a considerable amount of time for a girl of 6 years......
HI...someone did post a time frame that she was removed on one of the facebook was someone who knows the family quite well......I am not sure if I am allowed to post what they said am I?? but it was for quite a considerable amount of time for a girl of 6 years......

Chris and Kristi split approximately 6 months after Kiesha was removed from her mother and placed in foster care. When Kiesha returned home, her father, her protector, was no longer there to look out for her; and since Kristi did not take Parenting classes during Kiesha’s absence, I don’t think returning Kiesha to her mother was a wise decision. JMO
HI...someone did post a time frame that she was removed on one of the facebook was someone who knows the family quite well......I am not sure if I am allowed to post what they said am I?? but it was for quite a considerable amount of time for a girl of 6 years......

You can post what it said, but say it in your own words and then link it. No direct cut and pastes from social networking sites.

I wonder if they have looked into the foster care and the people she was connected to.
Per Facebook, there will be a public foot search for Kiesha tomorrow Saturday the 28th. Meeting at Lamb St Plumpton, next to the church at 11am.

(Anglican church opposite Plumpton market place)

Hubby has agreed to look after the kids for the day, so I can help in the search.

If any other WS locals plan to go, let me know so we can meet up.

ETA: There's various meeting locations being discussed on FB. Another post says it's St marks anglican church on the cnr of Hyatts & Jersey Roads Plumpton.

But the creator of the 'hope for Kiesha group' says the correct location is the CORSWAY next to the CHURCH on the corner of GLENDENNING RD & LAMB ST PLUMPTON.

Which would make the meeting place here:


ETA 2: Need to wear gumboots for the water areas.
BWI, that's very nice of you (although I sense you are more than happy to help!), and I am glad to know this opportunity is being offered and organized. It takes some courage to go out there and search in a case like this. I admire you for volunteering to do so. Hope all goes well! I would say, "Keep us posted!" but am sure that you will! Best wishes.
Here is an interesting story in today&#8217;s news where a baby&#8217;s death in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, which was initially attributed to natural causes was 6 years later ruled a homicide and his mother has now been charged with attempted murder and murder to the second degree after her second child was admitted to hospital for a problem that was attributed to some form of trauma, sparking an investigation into her history.

In the case of missing child Kiesha Abrahams, Homicide detectives said they would look at the case of the baby Aiden Abrahams who died in 2002 from an apparent cot death.

Revisited crib death leads to murder charge

CALGARY - A Calgary mother is facing a charge of murder in connection with the alleged smothering death of her infant son nearly six years ago.
Police say the 10-and-a-half-month-old boy, identified as Sean Ronald Fewer, was found not breathing in his crib in December 2004 and was declared dead at hospital.
His death was attributed to natural causes, but this past May police were called to a Calgary hospital where a five-year-old boy had been brought in with breathing difficulties.
His medical problem was attributed to some form of trauma and his 33-year-old mother was charged with attempted murder, sparking an investigation into her history.
Police say based on new information gathered from the investigation, the death of the infant has been reclassified as a homicide.
Stacey Joy Bourdeaux is now also facing a charge of second-degree murder.

A SPOKESMAN for the NSW Coroner has confirmed an investigation into the 2002 death of the six-week-old brother of Kiesha Abrahams found nothing suspicious.
The comments follow yesterday's confirmation by Homicide detectives they would look at the case of the baby Aiden Abrahams who died in 2002 from an apparent cot death, reported the ABC.
Aiden was the first child of Kristi Abrahams and Chris Weippeart and was born about 16 months before the couple's second child Kiesha.
"Looking at the death of the first child to see exactly what happened will be part of the investigation," Detective Inspector Russell Oxford said.
A relative told The Daily Telegraph Ms Abrahams found the baby dead in his bassinet one morning.
It is unclear what the outcome of the post-mortem examination was, or who determined the cause of death.
BWI, that's very nice of you (although I sense you are more than happy to help!), and I am glad to know this opportunity is being offered and organized. It takes some courage to go out there and search in a case like this. I admire you for volunteering to do so. Hope all goes well! I would say, "Keep us posted!" but am sure that you will! Best wishes.

Apparently they've chosen the search location based on psychic tips.
These are some of the areas we passed when I was on my way to Kieshas wall of hope. Even my kids were pointing out all the small areas, heavy with high reeds, where she could possibly be hidden.

Looks like it will be a very small search group since only 20 of us have confirmed attending via FB.....but 20 is better than nothing.

Fingers crossed that we find something, anything that leads us to Kiesha.

And of course I'll keep you guys posted.
I'm back from 4 hrs of seraching. First thing I did when I got home was to jump in the shower since I was FILTHY!

(I'll be uploading an album in my profile of the pics I took today, but give me an hour or so)

Search tips 101:

~Make sure you use your stick to check if the next area your about to step in is solid or really deep mud. (ended up with mud and slush up my knees LOL)

~Wear a long-sleeved shirt, not matter how hot and sweaty you are. Arms are covered in scratches, bites, and spots.

~ Always wear boots and jeans, to protect yourself from those lovely red belly black snakes.(after a while you stop worrying about the snakes though, even after you've seen them)

Only 4 of us showed up- but like I said before, that's still better than nothing.

We didn't find Kiesha, but I have some true major bombshell info, which I'm gonna check with mods before I post. (I sooooo hope I can post it because it's pretty huge). I got permission from this person to post the details, as long as it was anonomously, because she doesn't want her own children dragged into all of this. (which is already happening for her)
BUt she has given me her phone number and details.

Re the search : people are disgusting! Can't believe how many dirty nappies and used sanitary napkins were out there. :sick:

It was impossible to seach the waterway, even though the water isn't that deep, the mud is though., I stood along side it, and kept trying to lift things from it, but it was mostly empty plastic bags.. The water under the ramp was much deeper but also impossible to get at because of the ramp. And those tall reeds are just everywhere! So hard to search them properly.

But we found a few interesting things. A purple hair ribbon, alongside a partial kids singlet.
A single womans shoe, size 10.
A weird stick thing fashioned like a knife wrapped in paper, with a small piece of blue paper inside it.
About a metre of garden hose, with a white piece of material tied at the tip.
A mens work singlet.
A small sized grey and pink hoodie,
Another mens sports singlet, alonglide a large piece of wood, with nails sticking out of it. (but marked by a local 'gang' I think)
A couple of bones (pretty sure they are chicken bones.) But it FREAKED me out! Didn't want to call the police over bones that appear to be from a chicken, so when I add the pics, let me know what you think.

Anyway, you'll see all the pics for yourself when I finish uploading them.
First thing I wanna do is contact a mod.


ETA: can't find any mods online atm, so I'll start uploading the pics now.
It's taking forever for the photos to load on here, so I uploaded them all to photobucket too.

Here are the bone pics. (2 bones found aprox 1 metre apart)



ETA: And Kiesha wall of hope covered up now. And mannequin is gone.

One thing I think it's safe to add, is about the the car we have been wondering about.

They were allegedly normally seen driving around in a silver pajero ( or something similar). My 'source' does not know if they owned the car or not.

I'm itching to tell you all the other details, but gotta wait for a mod.

ETA: Photos are up now. View here:
Thanks for heading out today sounds like you had an interesting day and thanks for posting the pics...much appreciated. I have a feeling this case is going to be resolved soon. The silence from police is deafening which hopefully means they're well on their way towards building a case. Such a sad story for this poor child.
Okay, so what do you guys think about the bones?

Chicken? Or should I contact the police just in case?
Okay, so what do you guys think about the bones?

Chicken? Or should I contact the police just in case?

IMO, I think you should send LE a link to your photobucket, because your notes are excellent, as are your photographs (GOOD WORK!). We never know everything they are looking for and what might be useful.
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