GUILTY Australia - Kiesha Weippeart, 6, Mount Druitt, NSW, 18 July 2010 - #1

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This is after the "media briefing" but I don't know if the information came from it or not?

September 06, 2010 2:39PM

POLICE have uncovered a blood-stained fluro workman's vest, a child's rubber ball and a yellow belt in a bin in an oval in Sadlier where human remains had been allegedly found.

The items have been taken to a forensics truck for examination.

"The front of the shirt was covered in blood - it was a dark reddish brown stain."

I would think that the riot police might be needed simply because of the nature of the case. If they find Kiesha there, people are going to be pretty upset.

When Destiny Norton's body was found next door to her house...after she was missing for a week.... that was real close to a riot.

Riot vans could be there if the residents become a mob...whether because they don't find something, or because they do.

I do not know what would possibly be racial about it... any body they pull out would be covered...any arrest made wouldn't be made at that location. So even if they believe there is some racial aspect to whatever is going on out there...I can't see how it would be an issue at that location.

I'm inclined to think they are just there to be of assistance if they are needed.

Thanks, yeah, it says 'public order' riot vans now that I re-read the article. What about the special response ambulances being there? Whomever they are searching for would this be standard practise also? I ask because I was getting quite excitable thinking police may have had a break in Kiesha's case, with the very slim possibility of her being located alive. The denial by police that this involves Kiesha debunks that theory and I won't even get into what I was thinking in regards to the riot squad and racially inflamed riots, I was that far off track.

ETA: Police deny this is Kiesha related. In case it is, and in relation to the vest found at the oval, iirc Rob allegedly worked for Woolworths. I checked with hubby who worked for them - albeit many years ago while still at school - and he says that back then at least they used to have to wear safety vests if they went outside ie in back dock or if they were a trolley boy etc. Maybe nothing but wanted to put it out there.
There certainly seems to be lots of activity going on there:

Firstly do they call the ambulance out in case or only once they have found a body?

If it is a duffle bag I would imagine it is a child or small adult any thoughts?
Note the riot squads presence in the article. Am I right to deduce that the only time we generally see the riot squads participation is when something occurs that may racially inflame people?


No, not always racial....I've seen the riot squad come out in the x when there's just been a problem with a large number of people for any reason, I'm thinking the police need extra help in securing such a large area so that they can preserve the possible remains they've found (if any) and the riot squad are the best equipped to handle it.
There certainly seems to be lots of activity going on there:

Firstly do they call the ambulance out in case or only once they have found a body?

If it is a duffle bag I would imagine it is a child or small adult any thoughts?

If it's not her there are an awful lot of bodies popping up around Sydney lately! And wouldn't the ambulance transfer to a morgue for autopsy....I would assume, but I am not sure.
It's 2 AM my time.... hoping to awaken in the morning to news of recovery & arrests.

Google for Wheeler Oval, Sadlier already brings up many link for "searching". Is this the area being searched? so, there appears to be a long stretch of wooded area that follows a creek.
There certainly seems to be lots of activity going on there:

Firstly do they call the ambulance out in case or only once they have found a body?

If it is a duffle bag I would imagine it is a child or small adult any thoughts?

I suspect a small child would fit into a duffle bag (yikes, not that I'd know). The bag could also contain body parts.
If it's not her there are an awful lot of bodies popping up around Sydney lately! And wouldn't the ambulance transfer to a morgue for autopsy....I would assume, but I am not sure.

Makes perfect sense unlike my quantum leap into the possibility of a live body. Thank goodness for the voices of reason and logic like yours around here Mrs G N. My brain is fried from this mornings classes lol yet my imagination appears to be in overdrive :blushing:
^ I know, I thought the same thing, what's with the bodies around here lately.
Hang on.....that bloody tree stump, that can't be her, it's way too fresh, and the same thing for the bloody vest. I'm thinking this is ANOTHER body (if that's what they found)....What is going on in Sydney at the mo?

Hang on.....I'm a noong, that tree stump is covered in sap, not blood according to the caption....sorry my bad.
You won't get an argument from me, I agree with you 100%. I grew up with a prime example of nature vs nurture.

My Aunt was raped daily by her father from before Kindergarten until she ran away at 16. Then she married a guy who almost killed her, he tried to kill their son as well. Then her next husband raped her son for years before she found out. She handled the four daughters they had... after he also killed himself when the abuse was discovered. She finally met and married the right guy and he got terminal cancer a few years later. While he was dying she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. He died once she was in remission and another daughter lost a child to SIDS right after his death in addition to the oldest daughter's 2 babies that died previously.

There are not many people who have had it as hard as her...and I left out quite a few things as well.

She was a wonderful mother, I preferred to stay there and often did. Her son would have been fine without his stepfather abusing him. Her two oldest daughters are a lawyer and a doctor. Both have been married for 10+ years, own homes, cars, are very stable.

Her youngest two haven't done as well. But they don't have criminal records, they aren't abusive. They just aren't as stable. They had a bit of a harder time with their Dad's suicide and that screwed them up.

She was a wonderful mother but there was other factors...and her daughter are just different people who made different choices.

I think if Kristi had been given up for adoption at birth, to a loving family that we wouldn't be having this conversation.

I think Casey Anthony probably would be completely different if she had been given up for adoption as well.

You think Misty Croslin would be where she is, if she had been raised from birth by the Holloway family, or the Smart family or another loving family??

Yes, I think the frontal lobe was different to start with, to allow the lack of impulse control. But then there was something in Kristi's childhood that happened, to prevent the bonding...which allowed the abuse to occur.

Yes, a large part of breaking that cycle is a choice. You can control your impulses if you CARE enough to do it. The problem here is that I don't think Kristi learned how to care.

If you don't CARE, then why would you make that difficult choice?

I hope I'm making some amount of sense here.... :waitasec:

Yep you're making sense, to me anyway, lol.

My maternal grandmother was a (lots of words I can't say on here). She pimped out her kids, and then when they grew up, did the same with her grandchildren.

I think the saying 'It takes a village to raise a child' comes into play here.
I believe it's a combination of so many factors, including immediate (home)environment and the more extended environment, the community.

It reminds me of a gang doco I watched, where these gang members had never stepped foot out of their territory....How could they know that that just outside those boundries, was an opportunity for a better life?
Kristi and Rob seem very attached to their western suburbs environment, and if the majority of what they see around them is much the same as their own lives, then it would just be their 'normal'.

When I was 2 yrs old, we lived in housing commission in a REALLY bad area. The best decision my mum ever made was to get us out of there before that environment could rub off on us. (or kill us)

The thing is, I know that there are plenty of programs provided by docs and other agencies not just for the kids, but the whole family, to heal and move forward. It's just such a shame that Kristi didn't seem to take advantage of those opportunities, just like my dead-beat sis didn't.

We know that Kiesha attended more playgroup than school, I wonder if B also attends the playgroup? The other mums there seemed to only have good things to say about Kristi.

Regarding the search, as much as I want Kiesha found I'm dreading hearing news of bodies (especially hers) found.
There seems to be bodies and skeletons popping up everywhere atm....what the heck is going on?

ETA: 4 mins till 5pm news in on. Hopefully they'll have more updates then.
When they found Kristi McDougall's torso how did they transport that out of the area?? I don't remember seeing anything about that, did they use an ambulance, or something else? :waitasec:

The ambulances could be there to transport a body, or in case a searcher is injured. Or in case there is some sort of altercation and someone is injured.

They will often have a fire truck, ambulance and police at events with lots of people. Carnivals, hot air balloon festivals, fireworks festivals, things like that. So that they are already there and don't have to try and get there through all the people and traffic.

Maybe they are just treating this in a similar manner...concerned that if there IS a need for an ambulance quickly, it might have trouble getting through a crowd of people that are gathered around. So having it there already as a precaution? :waitasec:

I don't know...

Hang on.....I'm a noong, that tree stump is covered in sap, not blood according to the caption....sorry my bad.

That is an unbelievably disturbing picture. I've not seen sap that color.

The thing is, I know that there are plenty of programs provided by docs and other agencies not just for the kids, but the whole family, to heal and move forward. It's just such a shame that Kristi didn't seem to take advantage of those opportunities, just like my dead-beat sis didn't.

Again.... the key here is that they have to CARE and WANT it. If they never bonded or cared about anything...why would it occur to them to take advantage of those opportunities?? There would be zero motivation to do so...because they don't care about what happens to anyone. So, no reason to change it.
Just had a brief mention of it on channel 10 news..... they didn't say that it was NOT in relation to Kiesha, like the other online media reports are claiming.

Again.... the key here is that they have to CARE and WANT it. If they never bonded or cared about anything...why would it occur to them to take advantage of those opportunities?? There would be zero motivation to do so...because they don't care about what happens to anyone. So, no reason to change it.

Respectfully snipped.

Oh, don't I know it! For years I thought that if we gave my sis enough support and encouragement, that she'd finally want it, and really 'get' it.
But I eventually realised she didn't WANT to change, and never would, so gave up on her a few years ago. Put my focus and energy into her kids, instead of her, where it was really needed, and would actually make a difference.

Where's that beating a dead horse emoticon?
Maybe it's because I want so badly for this case to be resolved, that I'm looking for meaning where there is none - however I find the media coverage of the search at Sadlier very interesting. We are getting alot of conflicting reports - have they found the shirt, ball and belt, or have they found nothing?!

There is also surprisingly little coverage overall. Perhaps they truly have found nothing?
There certainly seems to be lots of activity going on there:

Firstly do they call the ambulance out in case or only once they have found a body?

If it is a duffle bag I would imagine it is a child or small adult any thoughts?

I know there was a case in Eastwood years ago where the husband killed his wife and child, and somehow managed to pack them into small suitcases.

In three days of searching the area, you'd think they would have located a duffel bag by now, if it was easily visible to the person who originally found it.

Yet they seem to be putting too much effort into the search if there's a chance it was a hoax.

Would be very interesting to know if any of the police and D's working on Kieshas case are involved in this search.
I agree, i this body is not Kieshas....what is going on in Sydney?????????

Tho for the population size, you have to admit Sydney is ssssooooooooo safe compared to most other cities its size......

Also re the housing in qld they are now building housing commission units scattered throughtout all suburbs (however I have noticed that the really rich suburbs seemed to have been missed....funny that!) as not to create ghetto areas....

has caused a few problems and it seems that there are protests everyone time they announce a block is going in......but it is probably a wise idea for the future.....
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