GUILTY Australia - Kiesha Weippeart, 6, Mount Druitt, NSW, 18 July 2010 - #1

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Wow. You guys have been busy. Love the piccies!

Please ignore if this has been done already. I'd like to brainstorm a list of how Kiesha died, feel free to add to the list.
To start;
Accidental overmedication.
Accidental exposure to illicit drugs.
Violent death.
Accidental drowning in bathtub.
Other accident.

Also, huge welcome to the newcomers!

Because Kiesha was physically assaulted on what appears to be an ongoing basis by her mom and stepdad, I believe she was beaten to death. An eye witness saw Robert beat Kiesha in the face and I wonder if Kristi left it up to Robert to discipline the children, and this time he went too far. We know Kiesha was ferociously bitten by her mother and I believe I read in one of the media reports that Kiesha had bruises on her body. It also emerged that Kiesha was known to numerous government departments, such as education and health, but most of the harrowing details of her life cannot be reported for legal reasons.

A psychic saw Bxxx in a vision and believe she witnessed a frightening event so I believe she witnessed Kiesha being beaten to death. I wonder if the psychics who said they were in contact with Kiesha know her cause of death but are keeping it confidential. I watch Rescue Mediums and normally the spirit person reveals how they died. Hopefully Liz Wieppeart will request a second reading from Psychics Jacqui Lees and Karamia Folaumoeloa to obtain more information.
Just commenting on this part of your reply. I don't think they'd murder her after she was reported missing. That'd be too risky. She could have been dead and gone for a week or more beforehand and put in the dumpster or garbage bin for all I know. I doubt they'd call the police in (who they seem to have such disdain for), unless they were confident Kiesha was well and truly out of the picture.

Just for the record, I wasn't suggesting Kiesha was murdered after she was reported missing. That thought never crossed my mind. I meant it’s possible Kiesha was murdered days before her mother Kristi reported her missing Sunday morning. The timeline on this case isn't clear.
^ No, I didn't mean to impy as such. I was agreeing that that wouldn't be the case and why.
The reason I am focusing on Kristi and Robert's neighbors and suspecting they know something is because Psychics Jacqui Lees and Karamia Folaumoeloa told grandmother Liz Weippeart they believe more is known in the community about her disappearance but people have not come forward. I suspect Kristi's neighbors know more and it appears the neighbor Kristi visited with her son is one of those people who doesn't ask questions because she doesn't want to intrude or feels it is none of her business.

The psychics told Liz the family nickname for Kiesha was Ki-Ki, she accurately described her manner and said she had focused on a favourite pink blanket that belonged to the child. Both women say they have ''seen'' and had ''contact'' with Kiesha and I take that to mean Kiesha is deceased. I believe these psychics are the real deal. They also said they believe Kiesha Abrahams's sister could hold the secret to the circumstances that unfolded immediately before the six-year-old disappeared which is very possible, but the million dollar question is how do you find out what she knows? She said she had seen three-year-old Bxxx - who has a different father to Kiesha - in a vision and that her dark eyes looked frightened, indicating that she may have witnessed some kind of struggle. She said: ''I was seeing this little girl and she was scared, she was really scared. I think Kiesha was quite a cheeky little girl, I think she used to answer back and I don't think that was liked.''

If Kiesha was abducted silently during the night, Bxxx wouldn't be really scared and frightened so I think she witnessed a struggle and Kristi and Robert freaked out and panicked when they realized Kiesha was dead. Hopefully these psychics will do a second reading to find out more.

Kristi and Robert have left the neighborhood so let's hope the people who were held themselves back from talking will find the courage to come forward.

I had *advertiser censored*umed that living in a unit would make it almost impossible for neigbours not to hear any fighting, yelling, abuse.

But I guess a lot of factors have to be taken into account.

1) How thick are the walls and ceilings?
2) Did they keep their windows opened or closed?
3) Did the kids learn to live in fear quietly?

The only reason I'm bringing this up is because I live in units too. And live on the first floor, just like they did. I can hear people opening/closing doors, flushing the toilet, and even squeaky beds (lol- never lasts long) from the units above me, but I rarely hear voices unless their windows or balcony doors and mine are both open.

This morning, just as we were leaving to go see hubbys dad for FD, 6 yr old DD spotted a huntsman and screamed soooooo loud, it was like she was being attacked.....yet nobody came out to see what all the fuss was about....and this was in the communal hallway.
We also have a park right next to our unit block (just like at the woodstock ave unit), and there's always kids screaming from there.

So it's possible that the neighbours didn't hear anything, or if they did ,they dismissed it as kids play. Sometimes it's hard to determine a fearful scream, from normal play.

And it seems that kids who are regularly abused learn how to stifle their screams....because they know it will only inflame the abuser more.

But I also believe there are people who knew that these children were being abused and neglected and chose to stay silent. (I don't think Kiesha was the only one. B's 'immaturity' suggests more long-term trauma imo).

I was actually hoping Kristi and Rob (not the kids) would stay away from the area for longer, just so these people might feel safer in coming forward with what they know.

BTW, IA about the new psychics on board, and believe that they are the real deal, unlike Cheryl. (JMO)

Now that I've pondered the mysterious money deposits, I can only think of two possible scenarios. ( I really don't think it was from a second legit cash in hand job).
Both illegal, but one being a highly disturbing and a sickening situation for Kiesha. IYKWIM? I can't even bring myself to type it....but would tie in with members of the community knowing more and not coming forward, because they would fear charges themsleves.

^ I'll be the dissenting voice here and respectfully disagree when it comes to psychics.
No offence meant if anyone believes in them, but thinking logicallly, you don't need a psychic's input to know that neighbours probably heard or saw things. Most neighbours who live in such close quarters would. Many people who live in an environment that's surrounded by noise, drunkeness, drugs or violence, they do tend to keep their heads down and mind their own business because that's the norm.
The police have hinted that the young sister may know more, and it's no stretch to think that's probably the case.
A former work friend had a daughter called Keisha (spelt differently) and her nickname was Kiki. For a long time I actually thought that was her name.
Personally, I don't want these alleged psychics to find out more, I want the police to.

I posted something similar earlier in the thread about people in that area not wanting to get involved or calling the authorities because they would be labelled dogs/rats and would have a target on their back if they meddled in other people's business.
Being a local, would you agree that is the case, even though it's a very generalised statement?

And re: the psychics, IIRC the police said they would welcome any information they had, but I'm sure they take it all with a generous handful of salt. Obviously they would be focusing first on tips from crimestoppers and locals......And all that evidence they have.

I wonder how Kristi and Rob are feeling right now, knowing that there has been a leak that an arrest is imminent?
^^ Butwhatif? do you mean child *advertiser censored* or pimping their child out? I hadn't thought of either before reading your post and wondering about what you meant. (I coul dbe a mile off though.) I must admit, my first thought upon learning about that mysterious money was it was from drug supplying.
I posted something similar earlier in the thread about people in that area not wanting to get involved or calling the authorities because they would be labelled dogs/rats and would have a target on their back if they meddled in other people's business.
Being a local, would you agree that is the case, even though it's a very generalised statement?

And re: the psychics, IIRC the police said they would welcome any information they had, but I'm sure they take it all with a generous handful of salt. Obviously they would be focusing first on tips from crimestoppers and locals......And all that evidence they have.

I wonder how Kristi and Rob are feeling right now, knowing that there has been a leak that an arrest is imminent?

I'm not sure how bad things were in that block of units or what some of the other residents are like, but I think people generally don't like to meddle in other people's business. People on the street often don't like to get involved if something happens to someone, and I suspect it's no different in this case. Whether they'd get labelled is something I wouldn't know. Maybe they all know each other and are a tight knit group of residents. Some people also have a lack of respect for authority, so I suspect that mentality comes into play as well.
Re: Psychics. Police must follow up on any volunteered information. Often it's the psychics who proffer information and the police do not seek them out. It's often these psychics who are the ones telling the media that they're psychics and they're assisting the police, when in fact they're not really. There are many psychics who claim that they have helped solve crimes, locate bodies or missing persons etc. It happens a lot, and in high profile cases, if enough psychics make enough guesses and suggestions about a case over a period of time, then some of these guesses may eventually turn out to be correct or almost correct...just like the odds of chance or just like we're doing in this very thread. Even the head of Scotland Yard, Inspector Edward Ellison, stated, "There is no recorded instance in England of any psychic solving a criminal case or providing evidence or information that led directly to its solution.". I believe his word any day over a psychic.
Re: How Kristi and Rob are feeling right now. I hope they feel like crap. I hope they're looking over their shoulder and turning on each other because I suspect, like a lot of us in this thread, that they know what happened to poor Kiesha. That poor baby girl needs a decent burial. She deserves more than being treated like a piece of garbage that's disposable and means nothing. How sad is it that this poor girl seems to mean more to total strangers than to those who were supposed to protect her. I hope the news of an imminent arrest unsettles everyone involved with her death.
Wow. You guys have been busy. Love the piccies!

Please ignore if this has been done already. I'd like to brainstorm a list of how Kiesha died, feel free to add to the list.
To start;
Accidental overmedication.
Accidental exposure to illicit drugs.
Violent death.
Accidental drowning in bathtub.
Other accident.

Also, huge welcome to the newcomers!

Just want to add to the list-

~ Starvation or dehydration due to neglect.
I'm not sure how bad things were in that block of units or what some of the other residents are like, but I think people generally don't like to meddle in other people's business. People on the street often don't like to get involved if something happens to someone, and I suspect it's no different in this case. Whether they'd get labelled is something I wouldn't know. Maybe they all know each other and are a tight knit group of residents. Some people also have a lack of respect for authority, so I suspect that mentality comes into play as well.
Re: Psychics. Police must follow up on any volunteered information. Often it's the psychics who proffer information and the police do not seek them out. It's often these psychics who are the ones telling the media that they're psychics and they're assisting the police, when in fact they're not really. There are many psychics who claim that they have helped solve crimes, locate bodies or missing persons etc. It happens a lot, and in high profile cases, if enough psychics make enough guesses and suggestions about a case over a period of time, then some of these guesses may eventually turn out to be correct or almost correct...just like the odds of chance or just like we're doing in this very thread. Even the head of Scotland Yard, Inspector Edward Ellison, stated, "There is no recorded instance in England of any psychic solving a criminal case or providing evidence or information that led directly to its solution.". I believe his word any day over a psychic.
Re: How Kristi and Rob are feeling right now. I hope they feel like crap. I hope they're looking over their shoulder and turning on each other because I suspect, like a lot of us in this thread, that they know what happened to poor Kiesha. That poor baby girl needs a decent burial. She deserves more than being treated like a piece of garbage that's disposable and means nothing. How sad is it that this poor girl seems to mean more to total strangers than to those who were supposed to protect her. I hope the news of an imminent arrest unsettles everyone involved with her death.

LOL- totally OT, but this is why I'm addicted to the show 'Psych'. The pretend psychic who is really just doing investigative work.

Believe me when I say I'm about as skeptical and cynical as one can be.

Psychic BS broke up a decade long ,super-close friendship, because my BFF was pushing her beliefs and what her psychics were saying onto me.
I do believe there are a few genuine psychics out there, but they are completely outnumbered by the money-hungry frauds and people who think they are psychic because of mental illness.
We saw how many ridiculous pyschic tips were called in during the Caylee Anthony case. Thousands of them, saying things like "where the german shepherd pees".... seriously! Must have wasted a lot of the detectives time.

Back on topic, I believe that this case will be solved with good old fashioned detective work, from men and women in the police force who have vowed to find the truth and get justice for Kiesha....who deserved so much better than the life she was burdened with.

...Just found this:
"Keisha Abrahams Parents Given new home by Keneally Goverment"- dated today. Not MSM so I won't post the will find it for you though.

Has anyone else seen any news that the request by Kristi and Rob to be placed in housing in Mt Druitt was approved?
^ Guess Keneally got my email in regards to this case and decided she wasn't doing nearly enough to help this family.

Seriously, if she's looking for a new home for them I have a pretty good suggestion. But anyway I'm assuming they wont be needing it for long.
^^ Butwhatif? do you mean child *advertiser censored* or pimping their child out? I hadn't thought of either before reading your post and wondering about what you meant. (I coul dbe a mile off though.) I must admit, my first thought upon learning about that mysterious money was it was from drug supplying.

You're spot on actually. My first thought was same as yours, and you figured out the the second scenario without me having to type the actual words....
so thankyou.

Maybe I've just been on WS too long, but we see it happening more and more. I don't look at the 'crimes in the news' thread much these days, because there's just too many ghastly, shocking new crimes each day. after a while you think you couldn't possibly be shocked by anything else you read, but yet I am. And these are just known crimes. How many more out there are living or rather ,surviving ,these kinds of lives?

I really ,really, really, hope that kiesha isn't one of those statistics....and it was just drug money.
^ Guess Keneally got my email in regards to this case and decided she wasn't doing nearly enough to help this family.

Seriously, if she's looking for a new home for them I have a pretty good suggestion. But anyway I'm assuming they wont be needing it for long.

From the Keneally welcome page:

"I expect each and every MP to work to make life better for NSW families.

My priorities will be:

~ Seeing through the economic recovery to support jobs and investment;
~ Building the best transport, education and health systems in Australia;
~ Caring for the most vulnerable in the community.

:lipssealed: :lipssealed: :lipssealed: :lipssealed:
When I talk about about anger management issues and poor impulse control... there is actually nanny cam video that demonstrates what I mean.

This is what I imagine Kristi is like with her children.

Except I don't think she is as good at walking away, or as afraid of leaving a mark, or as worried about what object she thows at the child and whether it could do serious damage.

It's the same concept as "We are kinder to strangers than to our own family..." With other people's children she likely would be more restrained...but she didn't fear getting in trouble with her own. So where this nanny walks away, Kristi may keep hitting, or shaking or tossing the child around. As you can see, if you threw the wrong object at the child's head or threw the child into the wrong wouldn't be difficult to imagine the child being fatally injured. When that angry, she could throw a child Kiesha's size around as well.

This nanny could actually have a medical reason that was not explored, such as a brain tumor in the frontal lobe which could have suddenly inhibited her impulse control. Given the lack of any previous incidents, it's something that should have been looked at.

Kristi, I think simply never had any impulse control to begin with.

Also examples of what I'm talking about...the impulsive reaction to something such as a child biting the mother, or hurting a younger sibling. It's often an instant reaction without thought, when there is some sort of impulse control issue there.

Sadly enough...these were just on the first page of my search. I didn't even venture beyond that.

A mother who bit her five-year-old son in a ‘revenge’ attack for hurting his baby sister was today jailed for five months.

Holmes County Sheriff Tim Brown announces the arrest of Ashley Nicole Powell, 20, for allegedly biting her 15 month old baby on the face for crying.

Algood police arrested a woman for biting her 9-month-old daughter in retaliation for biting her on the forehead.

I also want to add:

Medical neglect- If Kiesha got pneumonia, meningitis, staph any number of things...and they didn't take her to the doctor. They could have easily simply let her die for any number of reasons.

Accidental death by abuse - an impulsive beating that simply got out of hand because she couldn't control her anger. This is where my guess is.

Just want to add to the list-

~ Starvation or dehydration due to neglect.

Wow. You guys have been busy. Love the piccies!

Please ignore if this has been done already. I'd like to brainstorm a list of how Kiesha died, feel free to add to the list.
To start;
Accidental overmedication.
Accidental exposure to illicit drugs.
Violent death.
Accidental drowning in bathtub.
Other accident.

Also, huge welcome to the newcomers!
When I talk about about anger management issues and poor impulse control... there is actually nanny cam video that demonstrates what I mean.

This is what I imagine Kristi is like with her children.

Except I don't think she is as good at walking away, or as afraid of leaving a mark, or as worried about what object she thows at the child and whether it could do serious damage.

It's the same concept as "We are kinder to strangers than to our own family..." With other people's children she likely would be more restrained...but she didn't fear getting in trouble with her own. So where this nanny walks away, Kristi may keep hitting, or shaking or tossing the child around. As you can see, if you threw the wrong object at the child's head or threw the child into the wrong wouldn't be difficult to imagine the child being fatally injured. When that angry, she could throw a child Kiesha's size around as well.

This nanny could actually have a medical reason that was not explored, such as a brain tumor in the frontal lobe which could have suddenly inhibited her impulse control. Given the lack of any previous incidents, it's something that should have been looked at.

Kristi, I think simply never had any impulse control to begin with.

Also examples of what I'm talking about...the impulsive reaction to something such as a child biting the mother, or hurting a younger sibling. It's often an instant reaction without thought, when there is some sort of impulse control issue there.

Sadly enough...these were just on the first page of my search. I didn't even venture beyond that.

A mother who bit her five-year-old son in a ‘revenge’ attack for hurting his baby sister was today jailed for five months.

Holmes County Sheriff Tim Brown announces the arrest of Ashley Nicole Powell, 20, for allegedly biting her 15 month old baby on the face for crying.

Algood police arrested a woman for biting her 9-month-old daughter in retaliation for biting her on the forehead.

I also want to add:

Medical neglect- If Kiesha got pneumonia, meningitis, staph any number of things...and they didn't take her to the doctor. They could have easily simply let her die for any number of reasons.

Accidental death by abuse - an impulsive beating that simply got out of hand because she couldn't control her anger. This is where my guess is.

I agree with everything you've said here re Kristi and poor impulse control/anger management issues. If she could bite and 18 month old child ,how much further would she go with an older child? And my gut tells me that Kristi would have blamed little Kiesha for getting charged with that....she probably resented her moreso after that.

Medical neglect crossed my mind too, wondering if Kiesha was an undiagnosed diabetic, since her dad has type 1 diabetes and indiginous Australians are 3 times more likely to develop diabetes. (even if she's just 1/16th or less, it's still in the genes)

Normally young kids get sick pretty regularly, catching viruses from other kids at school, but it doesn't seem like she would have been exposed to that much. It would be interesting to see how many doctors visits Kiesha had in her short life. I doubt it would be many.

I figure the COD must be something violent, if the police have no body , the word murder was used and an arrest is coming soon. (if this is true)
To me this indicates they must have some blood or even decomp evidence from the unit.... Or a car.

But why no arrest yet?
I wonder if the imminent arrest was genuine accidental leak, or was just a ploy to spook the people involved into ratting each other out?

Surely they have enough to lay at least some charges now.

I'm getting impatient. I wish that news hadn't been leaked now.
I know the detectives are working their butts off, but the fact that B and baby L are still with mum and dad scares the heck outta me. And thinking of kiesha , out there somewhere....I just want her found.
.... And my gut tells me that Kristi would have blamed little Kiesha for getting charged with that....she probably resented her moreso after that.


I was really bothered by the early statements by the family that Kiesha could have snuck out at night to play with cats.

"Step-grandfather Rodney Jones said Kiesha loved the cats which lived near the family's unit.

"Kiesha is always playing with cats ... maybe she had got up and gone out to play with the cats and someone got her there," Mr Jones said."

That gave me a jolt, as if to say it was her own fault. I wouldn't be surprised if Kristi did think whatever happened is Kiesha's own fault, along the lines of 'Well, if she hadn't _____, I never would have had to _____'


I was really bothered by the early statements by the family that Kiesha could have snuck out at night to play with cats.

"Step-grandfather Rodney Jones said Kiesha loved the cats which lived near the family's unit.

"Kiesha is always playing with cats ... maybe she had got up and gone out to play with the cats and someone got her there," Mr Jones said."

That gave me a jolt, as if to say it was her own fault. I wouldn't be surprised if Kristi did think whatever happened is Kiesha's own fault, along the lines of 'Well, if she hadn't _____, I never would have had to _____'


The attitude of these people is beyond me. I really don't know what else to say. I have no doubt in my mind who ended this childs life. I know that is harsh but given the past history for me its a no brainer. I do hope LE is closing in and justice will be served.:furious:

I was really bothered by the early statements by the family that Kiesha could have snuck out at night to play with cats.

"Step-grandfather Rodney Jones said Kiesha loved the cats which lived near the family's unit.

"Kiesha is always playing with cats ... maybe she had got up and gone out to play with the cats and someone got her there," Mr Jones said."

That gave me a jolt, as if to say it was her own fault. I wouldn't be surprised if Kristi did think whatever happened is Kiesha's own fault, along the lines of 'Well, if she hadn't _____, I never would have had to _____'


And remember it was Kristi herself who offerred that whacky 'playing with cats' scenario to her dad.

In another case I followed here, someone provided a link to the FBI profiling page, and how the police determine involvement by the caller to the the emergency number. They look at things like if the caller is even subtly blaming the victim, which hints at possible guilt and involvement.

Even though we don't have the 000 call to assess, Kristi offerring this "Kiesha might have gone out to play with cats on her own in the middle of the night" story to her dad is very much like she is blaming Kiesha....and trying to cover her own butt.



NSW police latest media releases

Monday, 06 Sep 2010 11:07am

Police are conducting a search today after claims that human remains had been allegedly found in scrubland in Sydney’s south-west.

About 4pm on 4 September a duffle bag allegedly containing human remains was seen in scrubland near Wheeler Oval, Sadlier.

A crime scene was established, however nothing could be located.

A search of the area was conducted and the Dog Squad attended the scene.

At this stage police are conducting ground and air searches of the area.

Police urge anyone with information to contact Green Valley Police on 02 9607 1799 or via Crime Stoppers on 1300 888 000.

This is 27km from mt druitt, and a 30 min drive.

Here it is in relation to the house, straight down the Westlink 24kms from the home. Why has nothing been located however, is this a false tip?
Hmmm..interesting background info on Kristi. Per FB she grew up in Canberra with her dad and brother until they were both placed in foster care.

Guess she decided not to break the cycle of abuse/neglect. :banghead:

Here it is in relation to the house, straight down the Westlink 24kms from the home. Why has nothing been located however, is this a false tip?

Possibly, but they must be taking the tip pretty seriously if they have both ground and helicopter searches going on right now.

Could be that the person who found the duffel bag didn't want to be near it, and didn't mark it's location, so is difficult for them to re-find.

If it is a false tip the tipster needs to be charged and should have to reinburse the police force for the costs of the search.

Or if the person who dumped it heard something on a police scanner they could have quickly removed it....unlikely, but I like to cover all bases.

Can't find a wheeler oval on google maps :waitasec:


Police are searching bush in Sydney's south-west after a woman told them she saw human remains there.

The woman told officers she saw a duffle bag containing body parts in scrubland near Wheeler Oval at Sadleir yesterday afternoon.

Officers went there and set up a crime scene but they could not see anything.

They are back there today, using dogs and a helicopter.

A MAJOR police operation is underway at Wheeler Oval in Sadleir after reports that a duffle bag allegedly containing human remains was found.

At 4pm on Saturday the duffle bag was seen in scrubland near the oval.

A crime scene was set up, and an initial search of the area was carried out with the dog squad, however nothing was found.

At the scene, a Miller resident, who wished not to be named, said she had seen police searching the area for ``hours on Saturday night.’‘

Police are continuing the search today with the help of the police helicopter and the police riot squad.

(The word 'major' in this article is the journo's bolding , not mine.)

I wonder if she was out there searching or just stumbled across it? If it's true.
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