GUILTY Australia - Kiesha Weippeart, 6, Mount Druitt, NSW, 18 July 2010 - #1

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Back on topic, I am pleased to read they're close to nabbing a suspect. Let's hope they find that poor little girl's body so she can be given a decent burial with some respect and dignity.
Okay, time for a mini-poll I think.

Who is the murder suspect? (personal opinions only of course)

1) Rob
2) Kristi
3) Chris
4) Kieshas maternal uncle
5) Someone who hasn't even been on the radar
6) Friend/s of the family
7) Other family member/s
8) Random SO
9) No idea

Personally I think Rob and Kristi are both involved. Don't know who did it, but I think one will be charged with murder and the other as an accomplice. And hopefully there will be plenty of other charges like neglect, hindering an investigation etc.


I think Kristi was the one that did it, maybe the pressure of having the baby + 3yo was too much for her and she lashed out at her number 1 punching bag? Not sure, I certainly don't think it was premeditated, and I doubt if Rob was home at the time, but I'm only speculatin'. Rob definitely involved in the cover up, the disposal, and possibly the 'mastermind' behind the kidnapping story. I would like to be able to narrow down the date when she disappeared, that really bothers me.

Just saw family friend Alison Anderson was just on Sky making an appeal to those 'who have her, or know where she is to bring her home so the the family, friends and community can have their mind at ease' they must all know the truth, completely different demeanour.
I think Kristi was the one that did it, maybe the pressure of having the baby + 3yo was too much for her and she lashed out at her number 1 punching bag? Not sure, I certainly don't think it was premeditated, and I doubt if Rob was home at the time, but I'm only speculatin'. Rob definitely involved in the cover up, the disposal, and possibly the 'mastermind' behind the kidnapping story. I would like to be able to narrow down the date when she disappeared, that really bothers me.

Just saw family friend Alison Anderson was just on Sky making an appeal to those 'who have her, or know where she is to bring her home so the the family, friends and community can have their mind at ease' they must all know the truth, completely different demeanour.

Which side of the family? Am guessing not Chris' side?
Speaking of Chris, I wonder how he will cope tomorrow for Fathers day...
IF we find out that he is involved, I will never trust my instinct again.
Which side of the family? Am guessing not Chris' side?
Speaking of Chris, I wonder how he will cope tomorrow for Fathers day...
IF we find out that he is involved, I will never trust my instinct again.

Ha, yes not sure which family she meant with that....after watching it again, she seemed to be implying Kristi, and the kidnapper scenario, but gone was all the spunk and bravado, she looked absolutely defeated, the story has lost its wind and she knows it.

I wondered about Chris too, but the media has their contacts in the force, they might not be able to print what they hear 'off the record' but they show what they know by putting the right person under the spotlight IMO.
I too am hoping that her bio dad had nothing to do with it but am a bit concerned that he was seen around there that day.....especially when he has said he hardly has seen her and also the comment that the girl made on facebook re him supposedly driving past and pointing his finger like a gun at I have not completely ruled him out but still dont think he would kill his little girl for spite......

My guess is mum, but not premeditated......maybe she was pushed and hit her head on something or similar.......but I dont think mum really cared that much for her.....
I think Kristi’s father is either oblivious to his daughter’s lifestyle and he is in denial or he is lying to protect her. If Kiesha is able to unlock the door and go outside in the middle of the night to play with cats, she is not living in a safe environment which we know to be true.

The neighbor knows Kristi has 2 daughters yet she didn’t bother to ask Kristi about their well-being and where they were the day Kristi took her baby boy upstairs for a visit. Were Bxxx and Kiesha with Rob?

This neighbor would hear any loud disturbances which occurred in Kristi and Rob’s apartment. If Kristi and Rob had a party the evening Kiesha disappeared or there was a fight between the parents and the children, she would know.

So what was the real purpose of Kristi’s visit with the upstairs neighbor? I suspect Kristi went there to find out if the neighbor was home and heard the argument between Kiesha and her parents that caused Kiesha’s death and whether she would tell the Police what she knows. If this is true, Kiesha was murdered before she was reported missing by Kristi.
Yeah, but there was also allegedly a party at the house the night before.
I think theres just too many uncertainties in this case to be able to get an accurate reading.
We also only have a vague description of an eyewitness seeing her 1 week before she was reported missing, so our dates are all over the place...still no CONFIRMED last sighting of Kiesha, other than the hospital picture and the earlier family party. (not the alleged one)

I was just venting with hubby about the audacity of Kristi and Rob....(as an aside, I think Kristi wears the pants in that family- JMO).

6 yr old DD overheard me, and knows we have been searching for Kiesha.

She came in and said " If they just be honest about everything then they won't get into so much trouble. They really shouldn't lie. They just need to tell the truth".

.....Outa the mouths of babes.

Interesting though that the FA's see some kind of confinement. A while back on the thread, I had noted that I had a possible theory developing, but didn't post what it actually was.

I had wondered if they had been keeping kiesha confined to her bedroom all that time she was missing school. And also wondered if the evidence they removed from her bedroom could support that she was held there against her will, so that she was physically unable to leave or get help.

I think we'll know soon enough, thanks to the excellent work by police and detectives and the people who were brave enough to call in legitimate tips.


LeoMoon's reading revealed a strong possibility Kiesha was sold for money, so where did the money that was deposited into Kristi and Robert's account come from?

If Kiesha was murdered and the police can't find her body before they make an arrest, the suspect has the opportunity to negotiate a deal with the police if they will tell them where they hid her body. Knowing where the body is and leading the police to it becomes a bargaining tool for the defendent to reduce the charges doesn't it?
This is the empty block at Abraham Steet, within walking distance of where they lived and very overgrown. It's main feature is a stormwater drain which is adjacent to the road, and it's in a residential street and in close proximity to houses looked like no-one had walked through it for awhile, I wondered if the police searched this area...

Can you contact the Police and ask if this area has been searched? This is a good tip IMO.

Parents of missing children often collect donations from the public and social service agencies to help cover their expenses while the search for their child is being conducted. Are Robert and Kristi collecting charitable donations from the public? Robert hasn't returned to work since Kiesha was reported missing so likely he can collect employment insurance for awhile but he might have to serve a waiting period and his benefit cheque will be substantially lower than what he made while he was working. Kristi and Robert should be receiving Lxxx's baby bonus money in a lump sum in the near future. He was born on July 7th, nearly two months ago, and according to the information that was posted about the BB program, the paper work generally takes 21 days to process.
I wonder if the neighbor Kristi went upstairs to visit with her son is the same neighbor who told police she saw Kiesha with a relative near the Abrahams's home on July 23 or 24 - a week before she went missing. Perhaps the reason Kristi went alone on this visit is so her and the neighbor could have a "private discussion" and Kristi only wanted it to appear she went there to show off her new baby. The neighbor said she nursed the baby which makes no sense to me and I suspect the upstairs and next door neighbors would hear every sound coming from their apartment. Maybe this is why the psychics said someone in the community knows more and are withholding information.

But police on Saturday said they were investigating reports from a female neighbour who says she saw Kiesha with a relative near the Abrahams's home on July 23 or 24 - a week before she went missing.
Most of us would not report child abuse cases

Almost 33,000 Australian children suffered some form of abuse last year but more than half the population would turn a blind eye when confronted with the signs.

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 32,641 children were abused between 2008 and 2009, an increase of 1.7 per cent on the previous year.

Victims are most commonly four or younger.

In NSW the most common type of abuse is emotional (34.8 per cent), followed by neglect (29.5 per cent), physical abuse (19.6 per cent) and sexual abuse (16.1 per cent).

But despite the rates of child abuse, a survey by the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) discovered that fewer than 50 per cent of 22,000 respondents would contact child protection authorities or the police if they knew a child was being harmed. Only 34 per cent of respondents would call police if a child disclosed sexual abuse.
Most of us would not report child abuse cases

Almost 33,000 Australian children suffered some form of abuse last year but more than half the population would turn a blind eye when confronted with the signs.

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 32,641 children were abused between 2008 and 2009, an increase of 1.7 per cent on the previous year.

Victims are most commonly four or younger.

In NSW the most common type of abuse is emotional (34.8 per cent), followed by neglect (29.5 per cent), physical abuse (19.6 per cent) and sexual abuse (16.1 per cent).

But despite the rates of child abuse, a survey by the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) discovered that fewer than 50 per cent of 22,000 respondents would contact child protection authorities or the police if they knew a child was being harmed. Only 34 per cent of respondents would call police if a child disclosed sexual abuse.

Thank you for the report. How long had Kristi and Robert lived in this apartment?

Maybe Kristi and Robert's neighbors are withholding information because they are afraid to talk and don't want to get involved. I suspect when the Police interviewed Kristi and Robert's neighbors, they asked them if they were knew whether the children were being abused. If these neighbors lied, I hope they have a change of heart. Now that Kristi and Robert have moved it should make it easier for neighbors to come forward and talk to Police.
If this is true, Kiesha was murdered before she was reported missing by Kristi.

Just commenting on this part of your reply. I don't think they'd murder her after she was reported missing. That'd be too risky. She could have been dead and gone for a week or more beforehand and put in the dumpster or garbage bin for all I know. I doubt they'd call the police in (who they seem to have such disdain for), unless they were confident Kiesha was well and truly out of the picture.
^ That would be a good start to National Child Protection Week.
Thank you for the report. How long had Kristi and Robert lived in this apartment?

Maybe Kristi and Robert's neighbors are withholding information because they are afraid to talk and don't want to get involved. I suspect when the Police interviewed Kristi and Robert's neighbors, they asked them if they were knew whether the children were being abused. If these neighbors lied, I hope they have a change of heart. Now that Kristi and Robert have moved it should make it easier for neighbors to come forward and talk to Police.

I've read several mentions in various places about Kristi being described as intimidating, so it wouldn't surprise me if neighbours were scared to talk to police about what they've seen and/or heard from Rob and Kristi's flat.
Most of us would not report child abuse cases

Almost 33,000 Australian children suffered some form of abuse last year but more than half the population would turn a blind eye when confronted with the signs.

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 32,641 children were abused between 2008 and 2009, an increase of 1.7 per cent on the previous year.

Victims are most commonly four or younger.

In NSW the most common type of abuse is emotional (34.8 per cent), followed by neglect (29.5 per cent), physical abuse (19.6 per cent) and sexual abuse (16.1 per cent).

But despite the rates of child abuse, a survey by the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) discovered that fewer than 50 per cent of 22,000 respondents would contact child protection authorities or the police if they knew a child was being harmed. Only 34 per cent of respondents would call police if a child disclosed sexual abuse.

I can kinda understand how people would not want to get involved in these cases. But they can still report anonomously- though those tips aren't taken as seriously or dealt with as quickly, unfortunately.

Years ago I called DoCS (with my personal details) about suspected SA to a young family member of mine. It destroyed the relationship with that part of the family for many years, and it shattered me.
But I'd do it again in a heartbeat, because I made a promise to myself years and years ago that I would never turn a blind eye to suspected abuse,
because I know first hand how damaging it is.
Wow. You guys have been busy. Love the piccies!

Please ignore if this has been done already. I'd like to brainstorm a list of how Kiesha died, feel free to add to the list.
To start;
Accidental overmedication.
Accidental exposure to illicit drugs.
Violent death.
Accidental drowning in bathtub.
Other accident.

Also, huge welcome to the newcomers!
I can kinda understand how people would not want to get involved in these cases. But they can still report anonomously- though those tips aren't taken as seriously or dealt with as quickly, unfortunately.

Years ago I called DoCS (with my personal details) about suspected SA to a young family member of mine. It destroyed the relationship with that part of the family for many years, and it shattered me.
But I'd do it again in a heartbeat, because I made a promise to myself years and years ago that I would never turn a blind eye to suspected abuse,
because I know first hand how damaging it is.

The reason I am focusing on Kristi and Robert's neighbors and suspecting they know something is because Psychics Jacqui Lees and Karamia Folaumoeloa told grandmother Liz Weippeart they believe more is known in the community about her disappearance but people have not come forward. I suspect Kristi's neighbors know more and it appears the neighbor Kristi visited with her son is one of those people who doesn't ask questions because she doesn't want to intrude or feels it is none of her business.

The psychics told Liz the family nickname for Kiesha was Ki-Ki, she accurately described her manner and said she had focused on a favourite pink blanket that belonged to the child. Both women say they have ''seen'' and had ''contact'' with Kiesha and I take that to mean Kiesha is deceased. I believe these psychics are the real deal. They also said they believe Kiesha Abrahams's sister could hold the secret to the circumstances that unfolded immediately before the six-year-old disappeared which is very possible, but the million dollar question is how do you find out what she knows? She said she had seen three-year-old Bxxx - who has a different father to Kiesha - in a vision and that her dark eyes looked frightened, indicating that she may have witnessed some kind of struggle. She said: ''I was seeing this little girl and she was scared, she was really scared. I think Kiesha was quite a cheeky little girl, I think she used to answer back and I don't think that was liked.''

If Kiesha was abducted silently during the night, Bxxx wouldn't be really scared and frightened so I think she witnessed a struggle and Kristi and Robert freaked out and panicked when they realized Kiesha was dead. Hopefully these psychics will do a second reading to find out more.

Kristi and Robert have left the neighborhood so let's hope the people who were held themselves back from talking will find the courage to come forward.
^ I'll be the dissenting voice here and respectfully disagree when it comes to psychics.
No offence meant if anyone believes in them, but thinking logicallly, you don't need a psychic's input to know that neighbours probably heard or saw things. Most neighbours who live in such close quarters would. Many people who live in an environment that's surrounded by noise, drunkeness, drugs or violence, they do tend to keep their heads down and mind their own business because that's the norm.
The police have hinted that the young sister may know more, and it's no stretch to think that's probably the case.
A former work friend had a daughter called Keisha (spelt differently) and her nickname was Kiki. For a long time I actually thought that was her name.
Personally, I don't want these alleged psychics to find out more, I want the police to.
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