Australia Australia - Marion Barter, 51, missing after trip to UK, June 1997 #9

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None of you will possibly agree with me but my gut feeling is that RB has never been a very sexy guy. I think he's been a money-motivated guy or gold digger. IMO if he thinks he can't use a woman for some extra benefit, he wouldn't be interested.

Possibly IK was the one working at DW parents cafe, not both of them.
How do you think he earned money when he first came to Australia on a holiday visa? Surely you don't believe he would have been a press photographer? He would only be interested in earning cash. He supposedly had his Belgian invalid pension but was it enough to live on here? Then he also had to pay for his flight back to Belgium nine months later. Did he commit fraud here to get money?

Did IK's parents actually come to Australia. I read that someone said they had read they had made an application. So if they were here in Australia, why would IK have gone back to Belgium then? Maybe her parents came when she later returned and when she died, they looked after her two children in Melbourne.

Not sure about her parents, but I remember seeing in the NAA file that IK had ticked NO to having any relatives / family already in Aus.

IK also ticked she could only speak French & Hungarian (no English) and it's noted on her file she has no knowledge of English at all and may have to seek domestic duties as employment despite working as a hairdresser because of the lack of English.

I can only imagine how daunting it would of been at that time for a young solo female with no knowledge of English moving to the other side of the world (and possibly pregnant) and perhaps this is what WW prayed on?
I like this theory.
But I dont agree with RB being MJR o_O - I cant give evidence of this belief I have except I am sticking with IK being a decent person in this like Marion and his other victims.
He wanted IK for one reason and he got it.
Happy to be proven wrong down the track though!

Also in IK Application in the NAA file, she ticks the box as single. If I am reading it correctly, the application was made in 11/1968. So can only assume that sometime between November 1968 and her departure to Aus in May 1969 (about 6 months), she got married or she became pregnant?
I'm not in yall's league, but I did search for M J Reid, trying to prove he was not RB. I found a couple of Michael James Reid's in Queensland and Gold Coast who are right age (maybe same place. forgive my geography ignorance) -- even one on and one with a brother in prison who was involved with a property finagle. I also found a M J Reid heavy into the horses in Victoria in the 1970s.
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On the notes in IK's application, it said she was unemployed at that time, profession was hairdresser, she was offered leads to 2 jobs, but she declined those opportunities.

There is another note to show her original date of travel was due to be in April 69, but she then delayed it a month (was this to get married to RB?). She also did not speak English at that point.
maybe because she was pregnant.....
I’m still wondering if the Wilfred Davis i found, years before our first ‘Willy Wouters’-entering AUS, is him, as i really think he looks like him.

Reposting this info because now people are searching for earlier entrances into AUS…

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Anything is possible with him!
I was just thinking about this. Why did AC ask Sally in the first or second day of the Inquest if her mother had an interest in Korean food, restaurants or Korean culture? Her response was No to all. Have I missed something?
It was an odd question but on the 3rd day of RB on stand he mentioned they met at station snd had dinner and I think I recall Asian restaurant? So I think at some stage his web of bs to police he has mentioned Korean food.. why? Because he has been following this case long before they knocked on his door.. he knew her card had Korea on it IMO
Are we basing the prison dates & times on court documents with actual release dates of with the sentence (prisontime)?

In Belgium a lot of people get out early (after 2/3 of their time).
No. The only release date I can see in the NAA file is 21 May 1974. Then there are the dates of a few dozen offences in 1976 and 1977, and dates on which sentence was passed. One of these sentence dates, June 1976, doesn't seem to make sense, because the crime spree detailed began--as far as I can see--after that, in September 1976, and also because FdH departed Australia in July 1976. The sentence was a fine and imprisonment for one year. The other sentencing was in March 1978, and this was a small fine, three years' imprisonment, and five years' deprivation of rights. But he "returned to Australia 14 Aug 1978."
Is it possible that IK was pregnant (not to WW, but another unkown man) and WW "steps up" and says something along the lines of, don't worry Ill look after you and your child, Ill come with you to Australia blah blah blah as a way of 'conning' her into a marriage to get Aus residency? Just a thought.

That is possible.
I’m still wondering if the Wilfred Davis i found, years before our first ‘Willy Wouters’-entering AUS, is him, as i really think he looks like him.
Reposting this info because now people are searching for earlier entrances into AUS…
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I don't think it's RB. In this file, Wilfred is claiming benefits as he participated in the Aus military during WW2 1939-45. They declined him because his service was only part time. The picture is of Wilfred in uniform. If it was RB, he would have to be 20 years older than he claims his is now (born in 1939). To be frank, I personally think RB appears about 6 to 10 years younger than he claims.
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The Belgian law is a bit weard. You can have an effective jailtime (you DO go to jail) and a sentence (only with short sentenses) you don’t go to jail, but you get a list of things you’re not supposed to do, and if you, within that time, do something that you’re not supposed to do (listed while sentensed) you do have to go to jail. It’s like a warning. I don’t know if that’s also the case in other countries…

I don’t know the history of Belgian law (time period of WW) but it won’t be much different i think.

Hope that helps with your time line…
No. The only release date I can see in the NAA file is 21 May 1974. Then there are the dates of a few dozen offences in 1976 and 1977, and dates on which sentence was passed. One of these sentence dates, June 1976, doesn't seem to make sense, because the crime spree detailed began--as far as I can see--after that, in September 1976, and also because FdH departed Australia in July 1976. The sentence was a fine and imprisonment for one year. The other sentencing was in March 1978, and this was a small fine, three years' imprisonment, and five years' deprivation of rights. But he "returned to Australia 14 Aug 1978."
Did WS go down last night??

Yes Tricia has been asking for donations for the server recently so perhaps it wasn't paid on time.

I had been trying to get on here for three hours before I went to bed.
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