Australia Australia - Marion Barter, 51, missing after trip to UK, June 1997 #9

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Also, the images of Ilona from her file don't match the image of DdH in court. DdH has a much larger nose and smaller forehead. I checked just because I too was curious to see if they were the same person ;)
I may be completely wrong... I feel that we already knew that IK had two kids in Hungary with MJR as we'd seen the NAA papers and done research.

But, Casselden revealing WW had a a baby with IK in Aus, was gobsmacking new information! :eek: I flew out of my chair and was hyperventilating.

I believe we have no evidence that the 1971 Hungary baby was actually the 1970 Aus baby.

In fact, the inquest never mentioned MJR, so there was no 'correction'. They don't mention him at all because they believe he has nothing to do with the story. IMO

Occams razor and all... the most likely explanation is that IK realised by then that WW was trouble and would never be a good father or husband, so she returned home to Hungary (not even Belgium), gave up the baby for adoption, married a new man, had two babies with him, and got on with her life.

3 kids! ? Omg was not expecting that.

I wasn't meaning MJR being mentioned at inquest. I was meaning that Casselden corrected the date of birth from 1971 to 1970. That was how I took it listening to the inquest.

I came late to this party so haven't been privy to all the docos over the time. I only have what documents I have found and timelines of other peoples to go by. I have never seen reference to a 3rd child.

So if EWR is born in Sydney in 1970
then there is another daughter born in 1971 Hungary after the marriage to MJR?

Man this just does my head in! Sometimes I feel like we are reviewing a show from the twilight zone! He is one VERY busy man! !
Catching up after shut out last night .

Some great timelines piecing certain things together and i am seeing some sense to some speculation based on timelines .

I noted this photo posted by someone this morning and thought there was a resemblance to RB
but dismissed it because of age difference initially , but i found it really curious that there was no detail re birth , when and where .

So is it possible this was his father ? Why is this man claiming a pension as a serving Australian with a name "Belgium " included . ? The paper work suggested he only served part time but they have zero details on

Wilfred Davis ....Willy DAVID ? View digital copy

Maybe he did father a child there ? with a local women who gave up the baby to an orphanage or a relative of hers raised him , either way RB was attached to Australia in his head

Just throwing it out there as i have been curious why the report about him in 2010(sorry i cannot recall the women's name at present )
why it states Australian born ...? I initially put that down to him BS ing her about where he came from .

Yes, it is unusual that the man is named Wilfred Belgium Davis. But I guess it's no different that people calling their child Sydney, Adelaide, Brooklyn, America and Italo. No birth date or place of birth given, but he must've been an Aus citizen to serve in the military. NAA have files from federal government, not just immigration, and this file doesn't seem to be travel related. We have no idea if this man is a natural Aus citizen, ever travelled overseas, or ever been to Belgium.

I also note that the photo is incredibly poor quality and grainy. I suspect it's one of those photos that if you place the real person next to it, even they wouldn't look like the image, lol.

I love a good theory as much as anyone but given that logic... we can pretty much pick any NAA file at random and say, "that might be WW's real name / father / mother / child / relative!"

I will never forget Ronan Farrow, after being asked if he was Frank Sinatra's son, replied, "Anyone could be Frank Sinatra's son!" Hahaha. That's how I feel about WW.
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3 kids! ? Omg was not expecting that.

I wasn't meaning MJR being mentioned at inquest. I was meaning that Casselden corrected the date of birth from 1971 to 1970. That was how I took it listening to the inquest.

I came late to this party so haven't been privy to all the docos over the time. I only have what documents I have found and timelines of other peoples to go by. I have never seen reference to a 3rd child.

So if EWR is born in Sydney in 1970
then there is another daughter born in 1971 Hungary after the marriage to MJR?

Man this just does my head in! Sometimes I feel like we are reviewing a show from the twilight zone! He is one VERY busy man! !

Casselden never revealed the Australian baby's name. It's more likely EWR was the baby in Hungary. Like Estelle said, she mixed up details and we all ran with it ;) Happens to all of us. This case is confusing. So I hope I don't sound like a pain, I am just trying to fact check and make sure we are working with correct info.
Phew, took me awhile to catch up with this thread! So interesting to read all your theories. This case is so baffling.

I do need to correct myself on an earlier statement. Based on NAA records and ship timetables, I understood the SS Chusan had sailed from the US (not the UK) in 1971. This is not correct. It appears the ship did sail from the UK, via the US, in late January 1971 (arriving mid March 1971 in Sydney). Whether or not DdH/RB were on it is, of course, another story.

(Attached newspaper announcement from the Sydney Morning Herald in 1971)


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Yes, it is unusual that the man is named Wilfred Belgium Davis. But I guess it's no different that people calling their child Brooklyn, America and Italo. No birth date or place of birth given, but he must've been an Aus citizen to serve in the military. NAA have files from federal government, not just immigration, and this file doesn't seem to be travel related. We have no idea if this man is a natural Aus citizen, ever travelled overseas, or ever been to Belgium.

I also note that the photo is incredibly poor quality and grainy. I suspect it's one of those photos that if you place the real person next to it, even they wouldn't look like the image, lol.

I love a good theory as much as anyone but given that logic... we can pretty much pick any NAA file at random and say, "that might be WW's real name / father / mother / child / relative!"

I will never forget Ronan Farrow, after being asked if he was Frank Sinatra's son, replied, "Anyone could be Frank Sinatra's son!" Hahaha. That's how I feel about WW.

Yes well i guess it may very well be another laughable suggestion as many over time re speculation ..haha

I was more inclined to comment more so on the name Wilfred Davies and the likeness as I am sure the original poster did so for that reason , not so much the Belgium bit ....

Anyway i guess it may all be a bit of a waste to be speculating on him as everyone seems to agree he is not a believable character I am not sure it helps find MB although the gathering of info we never had before been privy to before the inquest is interesting and we all seem to agree it has been established what his MO looks like now .
I might step back for awhile to wait for some more relevant connections to MB as for me it is taken me away from my real life LOL .
Here is a child passenger with his family. Michael John Reid 6yo
Passenger ship UK to Melbourne
Father worked in U.N. office

Yes I’ve found that too and have tried to look at all the records closely. There is a family tree on Ancestry for the mother and father Hugh Ronald Reid and Joyce Lenore Weightman. Father a UN official, family travelled extensively for around ten years, mostly between Australia, England and Canada. Interestingly her family lived in Port Reeves house In Tonbrige.

The Port Reeve's House

Their son MJR was born in 1944.
For those new here, this is Occam's Razor, explained clearly and simply in the first minute and a half.

We typically start with a theory, then over time, new information arises, so we twist and contort everything we already thought we knew or were attached to, to fit the new information. This is when things get more complex than is probably needed. Occam's Razor is a way to peel everything back and get you to consider the most obvious and straight forward option.
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For those new here, this is Occam's Razor, explained clearly and simply in the first minute and a half.

We typically start with a theory, then over time, new information arises, so we twist and contort everything we already thought we knew or were attached to, to fit the new information. This is when things get more complex that is probably needed. Occam's Razor is a way to peel everything back and get you to consider the most obvious and straight forward option.
Good reminder @Peralta! I am always reminded that con artists are guided by the same principles/ strategies and techniques. as Illusionists/magicians/mentalists (and psychics!)…including understanding human behaviour (on a street level not necessarily as a profession) plus the art of deception and slight of hand. Rather like the magician’s trick of “find the lady” the con distracts us to look elsewhere. I am always quite interested in what the con is diverting our attention from and why!
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