Found Alive Australia - Mark, 51, & Jacoba Tromp, 53, Jenolan Caves, NSW, 30 Aug 2016

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I thought along these lines in the beginning, but now not anymore because, why wouldn't they tell police this?

Maybe they think the other man still has their dad and threatened to kill him if they went to police? Or whatever happened to cause the gunman to threaten them would implicate a family member somehow if it came out? If one family member has something dodgy going on (drugs, gambling debts, etc) they wouldn't want the police/media to know but they do want their dad found. IDK. Seems there is a lot of missing info and this is just a very preliminary theory. I'm sure it will change when more info comes out.
I have also suffered intensely from anxiety for many years and there are certainly aspects of this case that correspond with extreme panic attack behaviour. But the chance of this happening to all five members of a family at pretty much the same time must surely be infinitesimal. Only one other logical train of thought springs to mind: psychoactives. I think the family have somehow been poisoned - and not necessarily intentionally or by an external party. It could have been anything. Maybe it was their lunch? Mushroom tea ... blackberry sandwiches ...Pythonesque salmon mousse? Something either organic or chemical that they encountered, inhaled and/or consumed in the early stages of their journey. Pesticides from their farm, even? But exposure to something with hallucinogenic properties would absolutely explain their completely irrational behavior, both collectively and individually. People having very bad trip can very much act like they're in a movie where nothing makes any sort of believable sense. Just a thought.

P.S. Stupendously long-time lurker here. Thought I'd say hi :) Keep up the good work!

I was thinking the same thing.
This whole case is bizarre, and it seems that all five people involved have acted in bizarre ways. It makes you wonder if something either organic or man made has somehow affected the entire family.
Would it be normal in Australia to release such information? Like in any news report about any other case, would a hospital location be made known?

It really depends. Usually in accidents and that information is released. But in missing people cases I have followed in Australia all information has not been released until an arrest is made and a lot of the information comes out in the court process.

But again this is a different missing persons case. It is unusual. And there are two different state police involved. The New South Wales police found the eldest daughter and contacted the Victorian police. The daughter and mother are currently in New South Wales. The 2 youngest kids have come back home to Victoria and the car and the man who is believed to be the father is in Victoria.

Also media has said they had no history of mental illness and no recent doctors appointments but have said they have had finically trouble. It just a very confusing case.
I've thought along those lines too, and thought that maybe
a) they aren't telling the police because dad is being held hostage and they've been threatened he'd be killed if they told
b) they've seen dad be killed possibly in a horrendous way and they've been threatened the same will happen to them
c) they have told the police but it isn't being made public possibly because of reason a.

All speculation and MOO.

In response to b) the 3 kids had left their parents. And 2 nights ago the car was following another male and his girlfriend playing Pokemon go. A male (who was alone) got out of the car and although the witnesses could not tell from the dark fit the height and some of the description of the father. He was allegedly seen running into a park on foot alone and the police are now in possession of the car. What concerns me is it has been cold the last few days in Victoria.

C) yes I would say the police know more about what has happened over the past days, well I hope so:)
My first thought was poisoning like others have said. If this just happened out of the blue maybe they are using something new and as the effect wore off each person then left the group?
Just wanted to say the family seemed very close. They all worked together. 2 of the children still lived at home. From what I have seen of their social media sites the children all went on holidays together and seem to hang out socially. So I find it strange that they all left each other. What happened! Something is not right! This is beyond bizarre.
In response to b) the 3 kids had left their parents. And 2 nights ago the car was following another male and his girlfriend playing Pokemon go. A male (who was alone) got out of the car and although the witnesses could not tell from the dark fit the height and some of the description of the father. He was allegedly seen running into a park on foot alone and the police are now in possession of the car. What concerns me is it has been cold the last few days in Victoria.

C) yes I would say the police know more about what has happened over the past days, well I hope so:)

If this was the dad and he had a psychotic breakdown, could it be he followed them initially to ask for help, but then the paranoia took over again and he ran off?
In response to b) the 3 kids had left their parents. And 2 nights ago the car was following another male and his girlfriend playing Pokemon go. A male (who was alone) got out of the car and although the witnesses could not tell from the dark fit the height and some of the description of the father. He was allegedly seen running into a park on foot alone and the police are now in possession of the car. What concerns me is it has been cold the last few days in Victoria.

C) yes I would say the police know more about what has happened over the past days, well I hope so:)

I can partially think of some scenarios where a hostage situation would still be possible, but to be honest, my head is spinning from this case. None of this makes sense. There are so many possibilities yet only one truth. I'm still leaning mostly in the direction of a mental breakdown by dad, especially since the police have come straight out and said they think he doesn't want to be found. They have to have some kind of information to base that on.
They seem to have left so hurriedly, if keys in cars and bank cards etc were left behind.
Someone must have forced them to leave.
I think something really traumatic happened on the trip for mother and one daughter to both need hospitalisation, yet the other two seem fine.
Just wanted to say the family seemed very close. They all worked together. 2 of the children still lived at home. From what I have seen of their social media sites the children all went on holidays together and seem to hang out socially. So I find it strange that they all left each other. What happened! Something is not right! This is beyond bizarre.

Even close families can have a volatile dynamic, sometimes more so. It sounds like the brother decided to split from his family before the sisters. But considering they didn't have phones, it would have been hard to find each other once they were separated. The mother and sisters might have separated just through the confusion of it all. I'd imagine if they're a tight family, this whole thing would have been very distressing and out of the ordinary. Easy to see how strange decisions were made under that pressure. But once they were split up, they couldn't really reunite without phones and such.
They seem to have left so hurriedly, if keys in cars and bank cards etc were left behind.
Someone must have forced them to leave.
I think something really traumatic happened on the trip for mother and one daughter to both need hospitalisation, yet the other two seem fine.

Yes they did leave in a hurry. I hope nothing traumatic happened but you could be on the money. I just wish we knew more. The article I posted states

- according to the son days before the parents feared for their safety and became more anxious and paranoid. Why?

Could it be the financial trouble the family was in. Was there threats made? Or could it be a mental health disorder.
If they were frightened for their safety, you'd think he would call his brother who is a cop.
Maybe they released the name of the hospital where Jacoba was found in the hopes that Mark may try to get there to see his wife, or 'save' her from whatever it is they are fleeing from.
Surely they would not have named the hospital if there was any real threat in their lives.

This is just the strangest case!
Sergeant Mark Knight said the matter was “the most bizarre case in 30 years”. When police went to the family’s house in Silvan, Victoria, on Tuesday it was strewn with paperwork and personal effects.

“This is a really unusual case,” he said. “We know the family was obviously traumatised by something. We didn’t know what it was.”

The papers and items being strewn makes me think:
1. They either came home to find their house ransacked and panicked and left shortly after that
2. Or someone was there searching for something after they left, meaning perhaps they got word of danger and left just before the person(s) arrived
3. Or someone searched the house for something in their presence and forced the family to leave when they didn't find what they wanted

Why would the family trash their own house before leaving on a family vacation?
From the above article...

[FONT=&quot]“It looks bad because some papers are scattered over the kitchen bench and the floor but most of the piles are systematically stacked. Kind of like they are looking for something.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“We do not know what that something is because obviously Mark is missing and his wife is very frail.[/FONT]

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