GUILTY Australia - Morgan Huxley, 31, stabbed to death, Neutral Bay, NSW, 8 Sept 2013 #2

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SheepMan;9887398]This article states he was attacked between 2:55 and 3:10am - it must have been so close with JR getting home......they could almost have walked past each other in the doorway!!!!

In fact can anyone remember what time the 000 call was made? I seem to remember it was 3:01am ???[/QUOTE]
I wonder if there is anything in that book the he might have circled or wrote some reference, could he have been trying to act out some character out of this book ( sci fi genre) there could be something else within the book such as a letter,etc, which he is taking in for his defence
I know this even reads crazy to me, only guessing

On my phone, so brief. I askedDH if the Magician might have inspired a murder and he said probably not. It's about 2 childhood friends, one becomes a magician the other a warrior.

Also he wouldn't have known he was going to be arrested while reading it. Why didn't he put it down though?
In re 'geek-world', Ausgirl, could he have used different names , my colleague is always on sites which involve characters, some kind of warfare play... ( I have avoided his long discussions on these games, now when I would actually ( with a heavy heart) like to quiz him on this - he's on holidays
Yup, just as we all have usernames here..

And gamers invent characters to 'live' through in roleplay and adventure games and sometimes they can take those very seriously indeed, and identify with their characters a little bit TOO much.

I know a few whose roleplay/game lives are just as important to them as their real lives.... And it isn't as pathetic as people make out!!!! I live half-and-half, being disabled and kind of peopled-out these days. My online life is rich and rewarding, and full of HUMAN interaction, just as my RL has been. What gets terribly sad is when game (fantasy, character, persona) life is all they have, the end... nothing of their RL selves translates over the net, it's all about living through an avatar - or living (online) AS the avatar. Now add psychotic, with a pinch of stalker, and set that loose in the real world. Scary.

Omg, isn't hearing about other people's roleplay and gaming about as enjoyable as having your head forced into a bucket of molasses? I do try to spare my friends the horror of this. Mostly.. ;)

Anyways, it's the internet, where anyone can be anything, under as many names as they wish... (I found an interesting console game reference, very interesting, not sure I can post it, trying to verify it's the same guy...)
Yup. Living in geek-world as I mostly do, I'm finding his lack of online footprints a bit of a mystery. Either he's a lo-tech geek (board gamer/LARP/books/movies) OR he has a persona out there we don't know about, on some venue I haven't found (yet..). Given that he appears to be an avid gamer, I'm thinking the likes of X-box or WoW. My guess is, this guy lived in his own little world, so perhaps he's got a cyber life that is quite different to RL (where he's the anti-Morgan, so to speak).

With the fact his murder victim is diametrically opposite to DJK in every possible way, I'm thinking Morgan was a target long prior to the murder.

The lie about working for the cooking school could have been to excuse his presence while hanging about in line of sight to Morgan's apartment/the coffee shop. (or the owner is covering his *advertiser censored*... that other guy said he worked there, but DJK could have been lying to HIM as well... I am so curious about this).

Does all of this say "stalker" in MY mind? Hells, yes. Having bumped personas with a few online crazies, I can tell you - gamers can be among the most sociopathic and violent-minded narcissists out there. (but we're not ALL crazy, Mrs. G!!!) - their egos are incredibly fragile.

All of this (plus the fact Morgan liked beautiful women/power cars/was an outdoorsy alpha male with a successful RL who could pick and choose his partners) makes me hesitant to chalk this murder up to 'Morgan's secret gay life'.

I think Morgan was stalked for reasons at this stage known only to DJK. I think he was made too drunk or drugged to move a lot, "helped" to bed and then attacked -- as planned. Possibly, he was offered some pot or some other enticement to allow DJK into his place..

Yes, plenty of time was spent there - but doing what? Making Morgan unfit to fight back, it seems to me...

I do think the satchel was a probably a kill-kit. I don't think DJK was hanging about close to Morgan's house at 1.30 am by accident....

(eta: I adore that pic of Arthur Stace writing 'Eternity'. What a great story that is.. )

Actually yes, if he was online he'd have a completely different name, if someone searched for me under my own name I'd barely exist either. I found him on some forum about nokia phones, but I'm not sure it's even him, it might just be someone else with the same name, and his post was just some question about phones and from 2007.

I would really like to know whether he worked in that coffee shop or not too, it may be the business trying to distance itself from him, or maybe he didn't? Who knows ..

Arthur Stance .. just the best :)
Lots of new details in paper copy of today's daily telegraph. Can anyone copy it? I can't sorry.

Police only recently started looking at kelsall. Asked for CCTV footage 2 weeks ago.

Followed him home at 1.30. Killed him around 3. What happened in the meantime? Was he there the whole time or did he leave and come back?

editing to add:
During the investigation police established that Huxley, a former Hunters Hill High School student, was involved with as many as 14 young women, many of whom were interviewed. Police would not say how Kelsall came to their notice but said the development was fairly recent.

A female resident in the unit complex said police contacted the body corporate about two weeks ago, requesting to view the building's surveillance camera footage.

"They came and looked at it about a fortnight ago then came back last week," the woman said.
Thought!! OK you know how the police said there was 'evidence sex had occurred' in Morgan's room, well maybe that was semen and they assumed it was Morgan's, then the DNA came back and it turned out to be not a match, and that's why they went from looking to a female to looking for a male?
QUOTE]Followed him home at 1.30. Killed him around 3. What happened in the meantime? Was he there the whole time or did he leave and come back?[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

DK could have been watching/waiting for someone to leave
If someone else had been with Morgan she would have come forward.
This guy lied about working, who did he need to lie to? was he going elsewhere each day whilst "at work"

I bet he is on the net as various ppl, is there possibly a game which comprises of the characters in the book that he was holding?
Maybe not, perhaps this person feels they cannot contribute to the case, have not seen or heard anything, and does not want to get involved,
Thought!! OK you know how the police said there was 'evidence sex had occurred' in Morgan's room, well maybe that was semen and they assumed it was Morgan's, then the DNA came back and it turned out to be not a match, and that's why they went from looking to a female to looking for a male?

That's a pretty awesome thought!

Maybe Morgan was well and truly passed out by the time the 'deposit' was made in the room.. I really don't want to think about that too much IYKWIM. /shudder

Maybe lack of reciprocal response was was what set DJK off.. though I think he took a weapon there, and for a reason...
This guy lied about working, who did he need to lie to? was he going elsewhere each day whilst "at work"

I bet he is on the net as various ppl, is there possibly a game which comprises of the characters in the book that he was holding?

Potentially - many hundreds of them. Here's a bit of info on the 'official' ones among the MUDs (multi-user dungeons, where avatars can interact in-character in a roleplay):

Iron Realms Entertainment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's just the tip of the iceberg, probably. There'll be countless public/private derivative telnets and fan sites with spinoff RP chatrooms, gods know what's out there.

Tracking him via game personas won't be easy..

Looking at age, etc.. I'm thinking he'd likely be a huge Xbox player, Skyrim, etc. This is not my forte of geekness.
Thought!! OK you know how the police said there was 'evidence sex had occurred' in Morgan's room, well maybe that was semen and they assumed it was Morgan's, then the DNA came back and it turned out to be not a match, and that's why they went from looking to a female to looking for a male?

I think there were possibly still erm...lady dna in Morgans bedroom from that morning or afternoon possibly, between the party and the pub. He was very, very popular and there must have been good reason for that, KWIM? :)

It would also explain the semen, or maybe (ewwwww) it was the perp's.

I just really feel Morgan would've beat this guy to a pulp if he'd been conscious. I think he staggered home, passed out drunk, forgot to lock his door...or, invited the guy in for a beer or a bong then passed out.

One thing I'm pretty certain of, Morgan was shoes. Not even the Aussie uniform, a pair of thongs. That's very unusual here, even dumps have a dress code which includes footwear of some sort.

Only drunkeness explains it...he thought he'd quickly nip across for a nightcap and say goodnight to the boys.

I wonder if he bought any takeaway booze? :dunno:

I've been lurking but not posting because you guys have had everything covered. I was thinking someone he didn't know but female. The frenzied stabbing made me think obsessed woman. Surprised it's a male. Such a tragic and pointless end to Morgan's life. I know people keep secret lives but I don't believe Morgan was interested in men. Seems like DJK may have had it all in his head. I'm on the fence about motive. Was it sexual made to look like a robbery? Or robbery made to look sexual? Or something else only DJK understands? This DJK seems like a nutter. I like Ausgirls theory that DJK drugged MH at his flat. Or perhaps Morgan rejected DJKs advances, and he came back to kill him in a fit of rage. I am intrigued by the number of times he was stabbed. It suggests something very emotional or deranged. I hope we will find out why Morgan was unable to defend himself.
At work here, so brief.

I keep coming back to one puzzle - if DJK followed or accompanied MH home at about 01:30, but the noise heard by the upstairs neighbour was around 2:30-2:45 which would also coincide with the given (so far) time of the stabbing, with the 000 call at 03:01... - what was happening between 01:30 or just after when they got to MH's place and presumably MH let DJK in, and the attack?

Were they in fact together? Doing "stuff" or having a drink together (with or without something slipped into MH's drink)?

Also - was MH into games etc? Was he prominent as an online persona apart from Facebook?
Playing x-box? It's a possibility ..

A possibility, for sure, but I suspect not a probability... I'm not sure I can see Morgan, the ladies' man about town, having been a bit cranky in the pub, deciding to play X-Box with a geek he doesn't know at 01:30 in his own flat...

Just doesn't fit the image, to me. But then I could be way off the mark with my image of Morgan.!

But SOMETHING was happening in that hour or so between getting home, and the attack. Assuming that DJK was in the flat with Morgan. Or did he come back later? And HOW did he incapacitate Morgan? That remains very much a significant puzzle for me.
Also - was MH into games etc? Was he prominent as an online persona apart from Facebook?
(eta: oops, I read your question wrong - thought you were aksing about DJK... ) :B

A man who knows him said in an interview that DJK had attended a gaming expo, and I've found several references to him enjoying online/video games.

This is what we were sort of eyeballing earlier - surely he'd have a bigger 'net footprint than we can presently see. It's out there, somewhere, I am sure of it. Just a matter of finding the relevant email addies/usernames..

I don't play x-box. But I know you can play other people and chat on it. I know kids who don't actually have a PC, and use x-box instead for that sort of stuff. Because I know little about those platforms, maybe somebody else can elaborate further.

eta: Morgan's not the type of person I'd expect to spend a lot of time on the net or gaming.. Business, active social life, gf's, BBQ's, sports... Maybe he wound down now and then with a game.. but I can't see him being all "OOH AWESOME LET'S PLAY GTA DUDE" at that hour, after drinks and a day out.

How DJK got into Morgan's place, and what he did there prior to the murder is just burning my brain. Because I just cannot fathom Morgan finding DJK attractive, on any level.
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