GUILTY Australia - Morgan Huxley, 31, stabbed to death, Neutral Bay, NSW, 8 Sept 2013 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Do you see a camera there enzeder? Would they protect used (and free-to-them) clothing with CCTV? Or do you think that a camera may be back there due to parked cars, etc? I'm not seeing a camera in that view.
Do you see a camera there enzeder? Would they protect used (and free-to-them) clothing with CCTV? Or do you think that a camera may be back there due to parked cars, etc? I'm not seeing a camera in that view.

That particular Google street view image date is November 2009 SouthAussie so what's showing is maybe different now?.
South Aussie and Enzeder thanks for the warm welcome!

I don't know if there is a CCTV or not at the back but there is a or into the shop from the back lane which is unlocked during business hours so it likely there might be, perhaps also to catch people dumping their junk there? I also think vinnies may have moved into the shop next door within the last 12 months.

As for being captured or not at the Clark rd shops, I guess I was trying to say that DJK had no reason to be around there unless he was up to no good, I.e dumping something in Anderson park/harbor or washing off. It is definitely the closest waterway to MH's flat and DJK's home. But if he was up to nothing then he would have absolutely no need to be in that area
Hi I'm new here but have been lurking. I too am a local living somewhat between MH and DJK. A couple of thoughts in my head:
- vinnies has a back entrance off Grosvenor Lane which is where their clothing bins etc are. Perhaps DJK was not captured on the CCTV outside vinnies on military road but rather Grosvenor Lane.
- apart from the 24 hour cafe maisys there is nothing further down that end of military rd (or Grosvenor lane) open at that time of night so what business did DJK have after he finished work? There was no need for him to cross military road or indeed head east after his shift finished.
- spruson street is best accessed down Watson or laycock streets, yeo, premier, Montpelier and straight onto spruson. There would be no need for DJK to go anywhere near Clark road or Anderson park on his way home.

As to my theory... I don't think DJK and Mh had any arrangement to meet and I think that DJK was either stalking MH and somehow wormed his way into the flat or watched MH enter and perhaps leave the door unlocked or something.


Welcome Almar!!!

Great to have another local on board!!!:seeya:
Hi All
I have also been following with great interest.
Yes almar the no forced entry has been one bit of info that has not varied.
I too have been wondering about how DJK was able to enter the unit.
Maybe wormed his way as you suggested or was able to threatened. Probably watch too many movies butmaybe while MH was unlocking the door.
Sorry I do not know how to attached articles but google sexual arousal in male rape victims, I found it interesting.
Hi I'm new here but have been lurking. I too am a local living somewhat between MH and DJK. A couple of thoughts in my head:
- vinnies has a back entrance off Grosvenor Lane which is where their clothing bins etc are. Perhaps DJK was not captured on the CCTV outside vinnies on military road but rather Grosvenor Lane.
- apart from the 24 hour cafe maisys there is nothing further down that end of military rd (or Grosvenor lane) open at that time of night so what business did DJK have after he finished work? There was no need for him to cross military road or indeed head east after his shift finished.
- spruson street is best accessed down Watson or laycock streets, yeo, premier, Montpelier and straight onto spruson. There would be no need for DJK to go anywhere near Clark road or Anderson park on his way home.

As to my theory... I don't think DJK and Mh had any arrangement to meet and I think that DJK was either stalking MH and somehow wormed his way into the flat or watched MH enter and perhaps leave the door unlocked or something.

Might be an idea to suggest to Crimestoppers (they're open to anything) that they check that particular Vinnies for donated knives... I'd do it, but I'm not local.
Hi All
I have also been following with great interest.
Yes almar the no forced entry has been one bit of info that has not varied.
I too have been wondering about how DJK was able to enter the unit.
Maybe wormed his way as you suggested or was able to threatened. Probably watch too many movies butmaybe while MH was unlocking the door.
Sorry I do not know how to attached articles but google sexual arousal in male rape victims, I found it interesting.


Welcome Sosocurious!!

Your google topic is very interesting - we haven't really gone down that track yet, have we? Am going to look up what you've suggested.
Hi All
I have also been following with great interest.
Yes almar the no forced entry has been one bit of info that has not varied.
I too have been wondering about how DJK was able to enter the unit.
Maybe wormed his way as you suggested or was able to threatened. Probably watch too many movies butmaybe while MH was unlocking the door.
Sorry I do not know how to attached articles but google sexual arousal in male rape victims, I found it interesting.

Thanks sosocurious, that was an interesting read. Have never really thought about the body being aroused even though the sex may be non-consensual. I guess autopsy results will indicate what kind of sexual activity occurred that night, which may more clearly show if it was likely to be consensual or not.

To me, it seems that DJK was invited into Morgan's bedroom - and the attack and theft were unforeseen by Morgan. However, if tox results find any evidence of date-rape drugs, that would change the scenario radically. Otherwise, I just cannot imagine Morgan not fighting back with vigour, even with a threatening knife in play.

Morgan was served alcohol at the Oaks Hotel, so while he had a long day I don't think he could have been paraletically drunk and incapable. Particularly if he was making phone calls looking for company that night - he must have felt his performance was up to it IMO.
And the drunker men get, the more capable they THINK they are... :whistle:

I think Morgan would've been well and truly toasted by 1.30. And they'd have served him (in bare feet even!) because he's a regular and probably some of the bar staff are mates. We probably won't hear about exactly how drunk he might have been though, as people could lose their jobs over that.. But after an engagement party for his good friend (he was to be the best man..) that went from afternoon to after midnight, plus a few beers at the Oaks.. I lean towards Morgan being somewhat beyond tipsy, myself.

eta: which might have been -why- all the girls were busy that night... heh

Welcome to the new people! Please don't be offended if your posts get edited - WS has some pretty strict rules, as it's a victim friendly site, and some posts break those terms and have to be edited (I am expert in this matter, poor Marly must be at her wits end with me some days.. :propeller: )

I just notice a lot of newbies saying 'wtf edited', so thought I'd explain. :)
Just a thought. I wonder if Morgan & his flatmate were in a habit of leaving their front door unlocked for when either returned home. If Morgan had a rough idea of when his flatmate would be home that night could he have left it unlocked for her??

I was saying this in an earlier thread.. And it's something I do all the time for my housemate - I don't often lock the doors if we're all home, and I leave it unlocked if the housemate's out so he doesn't have to dig for his keys. I'd lock it if I went to bed, but not if I was up and around. I don't think Morgan was the kind of guy to worry about home invasions, so it's very possible he didn't lock the door.

Maybe something I ought to re-think, after these past few murders...

Anyway, it could have been as simple as DJK saying 'hey I go this way home, I'll walk with you' or something.. and then he tries the door later and it's open..

Personally, I think it was Morgan getting an offer to kick on a bit, seeing as he'd struck out with the girls that night.. He clearly was in a drinking mood, so it could have been 'wanna have some beers 'round home' and DJK didn't leave when he was expected to... Or slipped Morgan something from a pill bottle, which DJK very well may have had access to, and followed him upstairs in the hope of talking Morgan into sex.

I think Morgan did -something- to set DJK off, and the most likely thing I can think of is rejecting his advances, after all that effort put in to stalking...

PS: almar, good thinking about the back of Vinnie's, etc.
Good thinking Ausgirl! DJK may have had access to psychiatric meds. Besides the usual culprits of Benzodiazepines, antipsychotic medications will knock you out at the right dose. Probably not what happened, but I haven't moved off the fence yet so I'm open to it.
''We were made fully aware at the time that Jack suffered from Asperger's,'' Mr Deverall said. ''But we found that, as he had no customer interaction, just after-hours cleaning, that it didn't make any difference.''

On the night in question, the kitchen hand allegedly worked at the Military Road cooking school, cleaning up after a private function on Saturday night, finishing at about 1am.

Read more:

So he only came in after hours.. and was working part time as a contractor.
Respectfully snipped by me.

A person with Asperger's (now classified as high functioning Austism) will not apply for a job and put on their resume that they suffer from Asperger's. Suffering means more like a medical condition which includes physical pain as in cancer. I haven't heard a child with blindness as suffering. It is called adjusting and not suffering. I don't believe he thought he was suffering. His parents may have thought he 'suffered' but it is not cancer or other medical conditions in which there is physical pain. I wonder if he was diagnosed as suffering to get the government assisted job aid for those with a mental illness. The employer is subsided to employ those with a disability on a limited contract with the government. Autistic people find it hard to be employed as they are so fact checkers and detailed that they are more likely to dob in slackers without the social skills to know the ramifications of dobbing in popular or connected employees. Moo

The suffering my be poetic license from the journalist. No person with the a non physical pain disability suffers only in so much as they are bullied. Regularly in school. To say that Morgan said something as a bully would wash over him. He has heard it before.


I do get your point. However, in my limited experience in psychology (masters degree as yet unfinished) it is very common to say someone "suffers" a mental illness. I've seen it used in professional reports. It may be a hangover from the more medical approach to mental illness and I would expect it is on it's way out as the recovery movement grows. But yeah, I've seen it written that someone suffers depression, anxiety, schizophrenia etc. To be fair, psychic pain can be as debilitating as physical pain. To describe if/how DJK suffered his Aspergers is another question, so I wouldn't read to much into it. Maybe Isisrising will chime in with her opinion.
I do get your point. However, in my limited experience in psychology (masters degree as yet unfinished) it is very common to say someone "suffers" a mental illness. I've seen it used in professional reports. It may be a hangover from the more medical approach to mental illness and I would expect it is on it's way out as the recovery movement grows. But yeah, I've seen it written that someone suffers depression, anxiety, schizophrenia etc. To be fair, psychic pain can be as debilitating as physical pain. To describe if/how DJK suffered his Aspergers is another question, so I wouldn't read to much into it. Maybe Isisrising will chime in with her opinion.

Only that I completely agree with you, Brightbird. Everything you said sums it all up. I too wouldn't read too much into the use of that language :twocents:
Now that we are not all on information overload with regard to Morgan’s murder, I found it interesting to read this article …. it is not a new article, but is a more recent one and looks as though it may have been revised and written more succinctly.

“….. flatmate Jean Redmond heard a noise in a bedroom. Police said she was home at the time and found Huxley wearing only a T-shirt and suffering from more than a dozen stab and slash wounds to his neck and left side.”

“More than a dozen Military Road business owners said detectives showed them a picture of a man in the weeks leading up to Kelsall's arrest. Police believe the pair did not know each other. But they certainly would recognise one another and possibly chatted at the many Neutral Bay shops at which they both ate.”

Still thinking of you, Morgan - and waiting for the day when justice is delivered and we know what happened to you.
I don't know how "scientific" this study is...

but it does give us "points to ponder"...


Which professions have the most psychopaths?

And which have the fewest?

Click link below for chart of professions which attract the greatest amount... and the least amount... of psychopaths...

Note where the profession of "Chef" falls on this chart....

My question... Does real Estate Agent fall under the category of "Salesperson?...

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