Australia - Shey Webber, 35, found badly injured in her Warranwood home

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Right, no mention of the courier guy actually seeing Shey. Just the bloody clothing and blood on the tiles and signs of a disturbance. One interview or article I heard or read said Shey was semi-conscious when found others say unconscious?

Yes, I read those too ... and then this detective said she was 'barely conscious'.
So, on the Wednesday morning, the delivery driver noticed that the delivery card he left on the Monday wasn't touched, and as he bent down to pick it up he noticed bloody clothing items and 'signs of a disturbance' in the hallway - which led him to calling the police. The detective didn't say that the delivery driver actually saw Shey in the hallway.

She was barely conscious and facedown when they found her, didn't say where that was, and unable to get to her phone. There are significant injuries to other parts of Shey's body too. What the heck has someone done to her?! :(

Also, information received leads police to believe that Shey 'wasn't backward in coming forward in inviting people to her home' which they find very concerning with regard to the dating site.


That's correct SouthAussie - I just listened to the press conference video again.....

We know the courier driver went there on the Monday morning to deliver the same package and couldn't raise a response in the house. He's pretty adamant to us that he did not see what he eventually saw on Wednesday which hopefully narrows down our field of time. He left a card at the front door - when he returned on Wednesday the card was still in the same position and that's when he's noticed the signs of disturbance inside the house.

Video - Police Press Conference
Yes, I read those too ... and then this detective said she was 'barely conscious'.

Severe head injuries usually cause some kind of brain damage and/or memory loss :( I hope that Shey can recover and remember who did this!!

It's so awful not being safe in your own home. My thoughts are with her family and Shey to pull through this awful ordeal.

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"She's got significant injuries to her head and other parts of her body which I'm not going to go into."


^ Sexual attack?

I wonder if it was unusual for Shey to stay at home on a Saturday night? It's still very weird to me that nobody saw her past Sat. arvo --- no sign of disturbance/blood on Monday but she's not answering her phone even to her best mate, and on Wednesday there's blood in the hall (as seen by the courier).

Still a horrible but recurring thought that the attacker was in the house all that time.. and then tried to beat her to death before he left.
Family of Warranwood nurse Shey Webber calls for help to pay mortgage as she recovers from attack

November 19, 2013

"Ms Webber's sister Tamika told the Leader her future was "touch-and-go" because of the extent of her injuries.

"She's still in quite a critical condition where her future is unknown," Tamika Webber said."

Read more:
Shey had lived in her house for about 4 years, and had never had anyone else living there with her. I can't see any sales history for the house, so perhaps she bought it as a new-build. It is on a very private street (thanks for your Google link on Pg 1 enzeder - which I have 'borrowed' and added here), with only one house between her and the main road (Wonga Rd) leading to her very short street.

Empty green space across the road from her house, with the back fences of other houses beyond that.

It seems that the perp could have entered and left the area fairly easily without being seen by anyone.

ETA: That is another coincidental thing with Kylie Blackwood ... both live(d) on short no-through roads - very little traffic on their streets.

My thoughts, too, regarding similar type streets Shey and Kylie lived on...

Makes me so sad....prayers of healing to Shey. Praying the person who did this to her is caught.
So, on the Wednesday morning, the delivery driver noticed that the delivery card he left on the Monday wasn't touched, and as he bent down to pick it up he noticed bloody clothing items and 'signs of a disturbance' in the hallway - which led him to calling the police. The detective didn't say that the delivery driver actually saw Shey in the hallway.

She was barely conscious and facedown when they found her, didn't say where that was, and unable to get to her phone. There are significant injuries to other parts of Shey's body too. What the heck has someone done to her?! :(

Also, information received leads police to believe that Shey 'wasn't backward in coming forward in inviting people to her home' which they find very concerning with regard to the dating site.

I am trying to figure out how "bending down to pick up the delivery card" would give the courier visible access to the bloody clothing items and signs of a disturbance in the hall? The door would,need to be opened... But that would seem to be the FIRST sign of something amiss..

Was there a window to the side of the door in which bending down would give hime visible access?.... Yet... Seems he would be able to look in that window standing up, as well...

and ... Maybe I missed it...,but there didn't seem to be windows surrounding the front door,of Shey's place...

all just JMO....

I posted a pic of the door further up thread IHAVENOCLUE. Here's the post with the photo. Glass panel on side of door.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Aus-Vic -Shey Webber,35,brutally beaten Nov 6th,2013, in a coma fighting for her life[/ame]
^ Sexual attack?

I wonder if it was unusual for Shey to stay at home on a Saturday night? It's still very weird to me that nobody saw her past Sat. arvo --- no sign of disturbance/blood on Monday but she's not answering her phone even to her best mate, and on Wednesday there's blood in the hall (as seen by the courier).

Still a horrible but recurring thought that the attacker was in the house all that time.. and then tried to beat her to death before he left.

I'm starting to be a bit concerned about this too Ausgirl. Seems the police are still trying to pin down Shey's movements over the weekend. The bloody clothing and other concerning signs weren't in the hallway until at least after the courier had been there during the daytime on the Monday.

When her best friend tried to contact Shey on the Monday, I wonder if she was calling for the gossip ... to see how Shey's weekend/Saturday night/Sunday went with some specific guy she had mentioned .... and maybe Shey didn't have the real name of the guy.

"There's a lot of people who have contacted us and said they have met her or dated her or seen her at various times," Sen-Sgt Guy said.

"If anyone had contact with her over the Melbourne Cup weekend, call Crime Stoppers."
I am trying to figure out how "bending down to pick up the delivery card" would give the courier visible access to the bloody clothing items and signs of a disturbance in the hall? The door would,need to be opened... But that would seem to be the FIRST sign of something amiss..

Was there a window to the side of the door in which bending down would give hime visible access?.... Yet... Seems he would be able to look in that window standing up, as well...

and ... Maybe I missed it...,but there didn't seem to be windows surrounding the front door,of Shey's place...

all just JMO....

Excellent questions.
Borrowing enzeder's photo .... oops, a bit big ... sorry!


The window by the door seems to be made of dark glass. The kind you can't easily see in unless you put your face right up to the glass.

Makes me think that perhaps the courier bent down to pick up the delivery card, then noticed something like cast off blood/bloody footprint(s) on the ground near his card, put his face up to the glass to look inside, then saw what he saw and called police.

In my experience, couriers rush up to a house, ring the bell/knock on the door, wait a little impatiently, then rush back to the van to write a card, go back and leave the card, and rush off to their next delivery. (I think they are paid by the amount of deliveries they do, or something like that - keeps them incentivised to work harder).

Something must have caught his attention on the ground, when he picked up his previous card IMO. Something that made him look in.
Excellent questions.

I was a courier and that's exactly what I'd do. You knock or ring, wait, look through the front door panel then leave a card. Many new homes are designed with a glass panel and it's totally understandable what he did.

Also, my sister in law is like Shey, a career focused girl who is gets lonely, owns her own beautiful home and is very aware of loosing what she owns. She was telling me she asked an acquaintance to dinner at her home and he wanted to stay the night with her & she had a hard time getting him out of her house. He was very impressed with her home and assets and obviously wanted a share of her hard earned spoils. His attitude changed nasty towards her when he couldn't stay the night. He was in his late 40's & lived with his parents. There are men & women who are desperate gold diggers out there who want an easy ride in life.
Oh Jeez... thanks Enzeder...

I thought the door was slightly open...,didn't realize that was a glass panel...:doh:

Must need to get my eyes checked... Soon! :eye: :eye:

Haha ... your post makes me feel a little better, too, about posting a whopping huge version of enzeder's door photo!

(Note to self: post huge photos so Clue can see them :floorlaugh:)
Oh Jeez... thanks Enzeder...

I thought the door was slightly open...,didn't realize that was a glass panel...:doh:

Must need to get my eyes checked... Soon! :eye: :eye:

Don't feel bad, I thought it was open too. Hmmm... maybe I DO need my glasses when I'm on the computer, not just while driving like I thought...

Haha ... your post makes me feel a little better, too, about posting a whopping huge version of enzeder's door photo!

(Note to self: post huge photos so Clue can see them :floorlaugh:)


I appreciate your visual aides!

Don't feel bad, I thought it was open too. Hmmm... maybe I DO need my glasses when I'm on the computer, not just while driving like I thought...


Thanks for making me feel better, PublicHysteria! :hug:

Just seen this on accurrant affair tonight, I hope they find the person/s responsible. Praying she recovers well and can help with hunting them down.

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