Australia - Tiahleigh Palmer, 12, slain, Pimpama River, Qld, 30 Oct 2015 #1 *Arrests*

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Yes.....and was she subdued with said pills that RT used to OD? As a truck driver maybe he had access to an array of stimulants.
What do we know about Rick Thorburn?
-He was born in New Zealand---lived in North Palmerston?
-Came to Australia in 1981
-Was a long-haul truckie
-got a back injury, quit driving a big truck
-likes "income streams"
-came up with idea of daycare, fostering, taking in young international students for homestays using his 'friendly' dogs and horses as lures, and selling junky Yank food from a van
-allegedly a child rapist
-allegedly a murderer
-avoids taking responsibility for his actions
-did he google 'taking the fifth' in the days after Tiah's diappearance? We know some murderers like to double-check on their Miranda rights, and old Rick is such a wannabe American...
What else do we know?

is the alpha male
wife and two sons
horses and dogs
son likes dancing
Shall we start the stopwatch?

Did you start that stop watch ?

I'm certainly not telling anyone here how or what to post so please don't think that. I would just like to say that I think we all need to be VERY careful what is said, especially regarding the possible charges from April. I'm sure none of us want to see him get off due to activity and discussion on social media.

Edited to add that it is also very clear that someone from that family are reading here
Trooper started that & by the way that bloody alpaca look-a-like got me rolling on the ground.
Hilarious you lot!

Now back to Tiahleigh's justice.....where's that noose?

wheres that Alpaca pic - I missed it darn it...
I agree, MildBill. I'm in disbelief about that situation. I posted a link earlier about how RT has always been a POI.

The media seems to have gone quiet on that. If they were allowed to keep bringing it up they'd be all over it. On ACA tonight they said they couldn't play all of Cyndi's press conference because she went off about something that can't be discussed publicly.

Trooper - you said something earlier about a diary. On the footage of the excavation it was said that amongst the things they found were a piece of burnt carpet, and a burnt diary. I couldn't believe it. There was another burnt item - can't remember what it was right now.
Has the MSM made any connection re the two cases? If the answer is no, presumably they're not in the dark but rather playing it safe?
I agree, MildBill. I'm in disbelief about that situation. I posted a link earlier about how RT has always been a POI.

The media seems to have gone quiet on that. If they were allowed to keep bringing it up they'd be all over it. On ACA tonight they said they couldn't play all of Cyndi's press conference because she went off about something that can't be discussed publicly.

Trooper - you said something earlier about a diary. On the footage of the excavation it was said that amongst the things they found were a piece of burnt carpet, and a burnt diary. I couldn't believe it. There was another burnt item - can't remember what it was right now.

I only suspect a diary may be in her backpack....12 yr old girls being secretive and lay a lot of weight on the sanctity of their diary....... of course I hope her backpack is found with a diary in it, telling everything those swine did to her.
:wave: Totally agree, non of this is acceptable. I feel for Tiahs' bio family....I know that her mum was in bad circumstances in the early days, but by all reports had been getting her act together in hopes to get Tia think she was entrusted into the care of someone who was supposed to be giving her a safe, stable environment to live and thrive in, and keeping her safer than the situation she had been in....and those people murder her! Its beyond fathoming and there really does need to be some serious questions asked and lessons learned. Though that sadly does not help poor Tiah now, but perhaps it will save another from a similar fate.

With regards to the foster brothers, Thornburn junior/s, I would not at all be surprised if he has grown being subjected to abuse also....

This was my immediate thoughts too. .. 18 years old when it happened and why was it that in HIS mind 'rape ' was apparently a 'normal' occurance if someone Upsets or Angers you. This boy / adult comes across as 'angry' in photos, I can't help but wonder what he has endured and witnessed over the years.

The above comments are in no way excusing or condoning the atrocities against Tia. At 18 he was an adult & is expected to know right from wrong, no matter the circumstances. As an adult he should have been able to make decisions to protect not only himself but others, and to seek appropriate help & support (tough gig in certain family circumstances, but hey, that's what sorts the men from the rock spiders)

There is so much here that is just all wrong, unacceptable and way beyond my comprehension - not to mention how this little girl was ever placed with 'these people', never mind the fact that she was left there with them.

If she didn't previously 'run away', and has now started to 'run away', why wasn't that properly investigated? As a child with a troubled and disrupted background, now moved from here to there, then to here & then there, did she have Counsellor assigned and did she have regular sessions with them so she knew she had a 'safety net' if things weren't good ?

granny said she had a 'crush' but that doesn't line up with the fact she told her friend ' when FP are out, he has sex with me' .... 'He tried to touch me' ... I do wonder the sequence of those occurrences and maybe the friend confused who was doing what & when. As adults we can't Ci pretend, can you imagine an 11/ 12 year old thing to process, keep track, and wrangle with what to do for her friend.
Was that the same place where she wanted to stay I wonder - maybe that was their solution, but couldn't bring themselves to tell the Mum so she pushed back?

I also wonder about Granny - what side is she?
I agree, MildBill. I'm in disbelief about that situation. I posted a link earlier about how RT has always been a POI.

The media seems to have gone quiet on that. If they were allowed to keep bringing it up they'd be all over it. On ACA tonight they said they couldn't play all of Cyndi's press conference because she went off about something that can't be discussed publicly.

Watch this space, I wish. All they have to do now is delay and draw out all 4 cases and CP will never be able to tell the real truth of what went down.

I cant stress this enough. Read between the lines here. Just like everything about this family is text book, this is text book.
Makes me wonder how many good souled interstate and international LE eyebrows are stuck to the ceiling.

Was there even an anon tip off "cough"
So many questions...continued...
How long have they lived in Queensland?
Where have they lived before.
Is The Hills a school with a good reputation---who goes there and how expensive is it?
Why do they have horses?
Who are the Thorburn's friends?
Where is their extended family?
Who are they, really?
Foster mum would have provided some sort of credible face to the fostering family front. And the daycare. Thus making it so difficult for everyone to see past the facade.
you know - there are so many factors here, the grandma who has a story that doesn't add up, the family that is just damn scary and no gov't dept found flag worthy despite priors, the fact that TP was listed with a fam with two boys and no female siblings, and I make no apologies for my hypothesizing here, a foster mother who probs always wanted a daughter, a son who was never enough for his macho dad and needed to prove his worth, a wife who turned a blind eye to abuse because she had a roof over her head and food on the table and the semblance of a happy family doing right in the community, a man who thought he was above the law and could manipulate and abuse his role as a caretaker.- oh my gosh the list goes on!
My immediate thoughts were that perhaps one of them was the anonymous phone call. Probably not, they'd want the reward if they were going down anyway I suppose. Just thinking out loud.

Josh, the cousin, or one of their girlfriends most likely IMO.
Watch this space, I wish. All they have to do now is delay and draw out all 4 cases and CP will never be able to tell the real truth of what went down.

I cant stress this enough. Read between the lines here. Just like everything about this family is text book, this is text book.
Makes me wonder how many good souled interstate and international LE eyebrows are stuck to the ceiling.

Was there even an anon tip off "cough"

bolded by me....'
indeedy..... was there ever....... a very moot point, and one that leaves no room or foundation to speculate on.. I'm inclined to think it has been floated as a tactic to get the Thorburns in a tizz between themselves.... ...
No crocs, but no doubt some bull sharks.

just reading over some old stories in light of the arrests...

Tiahleigh's "Facebook account had reportedly been deactivated on the day of her last confirmed sighting" I'm assuming this was on the Friday, after she had been killed. ... wonder which of the cretins deactivated her facebook - and why?

Read more:

Trent, hoping to hide communication? He'd have likely been able to go in and delete any messages between them or about him too by then.
Thorburn had to give up the thrilling trade of truck driver, due to a crippling back injury that made that job impossible for him.. .. perhaps he needed help to get Tia's body in the car, and help to get it out at the river..... maybe Julene can shed some light on that...

Given his dishonest, manipulative nature I have thought it convienient for him - more dollars in the bank on disability or workers compensation. No discredit to those on payments who need it but everything about Rick is questionable, particularly if money is involved.

That doesn't dismiss the likelihood of Rick having help. Interested in what he eventually has to say for himself. He can throw fake sentiments around but a coward once the heat is on him. We all know, Rick, just admit it. Disgusting.
Why would they try to burn carpet? The mind there other things they are suspected of doing?
Maternal grandmother, Sue PALMER, as Cindy was a single mum.

Thank you Matey. I posed the same question but as usual I am waaaay behind! I think I'll just read through and be patient - knowing the answer will come up.

thank you to everyone in that respect, your opinions and input truely appreciated.
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