Australia- Two sisters in their 20s found dead inside Sydney unit had been there lengthy time, Suspicious deaths, June 2022

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I guess the workers for refugee service.
They might have also helped them to organise legal aid.

Maybe or it could be their family found them and ordered it. Explains why they were scared and huddled.

Seems like they were out and about before that. Something caused them to become afraid. Why would they stop communicating with the refugee service?
Maybe or it could be their family found them and ordered it. Explains why they were scared and huddled.

Seems like they were out and about before that. Something caused them to become afraid. Why would they stop communicating with the refugee service?
What about this mystery man with AVO against him???

My heart breaks for these poor sisters :(
Cannot help but be reminded of these Saudi sisters who were found drowned (suicide) in the Hudson River, New York.
Oddly they were bound together with duct tape, unusual case, imo. fwiw

Jan. 22, 2019,
By Phil Helsel
Two Saudi sisters found dead on the edge of New York's Hudson River in October entered the water bound to each other and killed themselves, the medical examiner’s office said Tuesday''

''Shea said in November that neither sister had lived with their parents since Nov. 30, 2017, when they ran away. In December of that year they were located and placed in a "shelter-type" facility in Virginia, he said at the time. They remained there until Aug. 23 or 24, when they went missing from that facility, and the family told police they had no contact with the women during that time, according to Shea.''
The fear that these women have from their own families and culture is terrifying.
Every waking moment must be panic stricken.

They should have felt free in Australia, just as the other sisters should have felt free in New York. But vigilantism is rife in their culture, seeking to get what their families see as justice/revenge for their perceived loss of honour.

A lot of these women must get found eventually, and pay the price with their lives. It's so sad.

If these safe-houses and shelters aren't safe enough, then they're not really fit for purpose, but what else can be done?

It also reminds me of the case of Elnaz Hajtimiri, an young Iranian lady living in Canada, who was kidnapped from a relative's house and never seen again.

Updated June 17 2022
Forensics last week scoured the unit (pictured) in the wake of the grisly discovery

Forensics last week scoured the unit (pictured) in the wake of the grisly discovery
Despite their traumatic past, locals say the women were cheerful towards neighbours.

''Staff at a nearby service station said the women started visiting in 2020, just before the Covid pandemic, and were regulars until two months ago when they stopped passing by.

They described the pair - one brunette and the other dyed blonde - as 'quiet' but 'very friendly', and said they would only respond to questions.

One female attendant said the sisters would visit the store to pick up drinks during the day, but only appeared to fill up their black BMW coupe with petrol at night.

'One girl would come in to buy iced coffee and sometimes V [energy drink]. ' Sometimes two or three times a day,' one female attendant said.''

'I never served her sister but I would see them walking up the street together. When I found out what happened to them, I was very shocked and confused.''

'She was so friendly. Every time she came in and I talked to her she would smile. She never looked sad.'

The Department of Home Affairs would not confirm if the women were seeking asylum in Australia.

'The department does not comment on individual cases,' a spokesman said.

Daily Mail Australia has also contacted the Consulate General of Saudi Arabia for comment.

In 2019, a Four Corners report found around 80 Saudi Arabian women had tried to seek asylum in Australia in recent years. ''
Who ordered the first welfare check in March?

They didn't pay rent for May so they were dead for about 5 weeks. If there are no visible injuries, could be poison. MOO

My mind is going in the direction of no foul play for a couple of reasons. Seems that at some point after the keying incident of their car they were visited by police for welfare check 1 - both women apparently huddled in the corner of a room with one cowering behind the other (that's from the article linked earlier in this thread where we learn about the first welfare check).

We know they fled Saudi and family as well. IMO, I'm thinking their irrational reaction to/behaviour after that keying incident may have been witnessed and reported by neighbours etc and played some role in that first welfare check happening.

There's also the report of them both being regular customers to the gas staion and coffee shop. Coffee & snacks picked up during quick stop-ins during daylight hours, but gassing up of car only happening after dark. They seemed friendly to staff but would only speak when asked something (no unrequired speaking). They were noted to be shy. Then the visits slowed, then ceased.

These ladies were obviously in great fear of something and I suspect that it was their family given the Saudi background and the reality of honour killings and the supression of any woman with a hint of independant streak in her. These two ladies obviously had that as they did make it out of Saudi seeking a better life and freedom for themslevs from male/familial domination.

There was a case years ago, even on this website I think, where a (foreign) lady in Florida (??) kept a journal as she starved to death. I believe she is now identified but I can't remember her name for the life of me.

My mind is thinking that these two young ladies may have suffered same fate in that they became so paranoid of family having found them, or being close to finding them, that they shut-in and eventually stopped leaving their apartment ... even to get life sustaining food. That's just IMO, but that's what is niggling at my mind.
So, the sisters came to Australia in 2017.
Did they ever work?

I guess the apartament rent in Sydney is quite expensive.
They might have had savings brought with them from their native country.

Did they socialize, or live like hermits this whole time?
But then, one of the sisters seemed to have a boyfriend(?) - a man with AVO.

Living in constant apprehension might certainly lead to paranoia :(
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There's also the report of them both being regular customers to the gas staion and coffee shop. Coffee & snacks picked up during quick stop-ins during daylight hours, but gassing up of car only happening after dark. They seemed friendly to staff but would only speak when asked something (no unrequired speaking). They were noted to be shy. Then the visits slowed, then ceased.
It's a gas station store. I don't know how much you can read into not being chatty. At one point they were visiting multiple times a day to buy snacks, so they were comfortable.

Is this in walking distance? Again, I don't know how much we should read into 'only gassing up at night'. Lots of people don't drive during the day in big cities because of traffic and many other reasons.

Something happened early this year leading up to the welfare check in March and triggered these events. Suicide is possible, but I don't think they starved. MOO
It's a gas station store. I don't know how much you can read into not being chatty. At one point they were visiting multiple times a day to buy snacks, so they were comfortable.

Is this in walking distance? Again, I don't know how much we should read into 'only gassing up at night'. Lots of people don't drive during the day in big cities because of traffic and many other reasons.

Something happened early this year leading up to the welfare check in March and triggered these events. Suicide is possible, but I don't think they starved. MOO
I'm just reading the info from this news article and the context I took from it and, as stated, all IMO. I also noted that the photo of the gas bar in question from the article shows it as having the Wild Bean Cafe as part of it and not just a simple gas station with a snack shelf and a drink fridge so suspect this is where the snacks may have been purchased.

Perhaps they didn't want to be seen out and about by anyone who may be looking for them thus the quick trips into the store for snacks/drinks. Gassing up under the cover of darkness perhaps because gassing up requires someone to be outside and stationary for a prolonged period of time(thus visible for recognition) and susceptable to possible 'grabbing' by someone you suspect is after you.

EXCLUSIVE: Sisters found dead in Sydney unit fled Saudi as teenagers

I am wary of any suicide pact as their previously observed behaviour of 'protecting one another' (huddled in the corner one behind the other during LE welfare check) would lead me to believe their remains would have also been found together but they were found in seperate rooms.

Anyway, this all just IMO.
Just some background info (I am about 20 minutes drive from the building location)

The BP gas station is very close to the building block

Canterbury Road is a busy main road, lots of traffic day and night. I would imagine rent would be relatively affordable for a first floor apartment in that building, by Sydney standard.

IMO Driving a BMW seemed rather unusual for people who couldn't afford a "nicer" apartment.. But I suppose everyone has their own priorities.
Honor killings are usually staged to look like suicide or an accident. Will be interesting to find out what the autopsies reveal about cause of death. Another possibility, they got Covid-19 and died from that. If it was an honor killing, then it becomes much more complicated as the killer would have probably flown into and out of the country.
And I am really intrigued, how this man with AVO against him, fits into this situation?

Maybe a sister eloped with him to Australia?

Maybe he organised the escape and then blacmailed them?

Because, how can 2 teens organise such an escape from their country?

If authorities cannot contact the family, it means they had fake documents.

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It's a gas station store. At one point they were visiting multiple times a day to buy snacks, so they were comfortable.

Yes, that's the part that struck me as odd. Why would you visit the same petrol station store several times a day?! I know it mentioned for iced coffees, but still....several times a day?!?

It sounds a bit excessive.

I'm sure there were other small supermarkets or mini-marts locally, even within walking distance, where they could buy food.

I hope they were just living on what they could buy at the petrol station shop? That would've mainly been junk and 'to-go' snack food.

If they visited several times a day sometimes, this indicates to me they didn't have jobs, or any hobbies, or much to keep themselves busy or occupied.

It sounds very isolating.

Because, how can 2 teens organise such an escape from their country?

If authorities cannot contact the family, it means they had fake documents.


Saudi female citizens were only allowed to leave Saudi and have foreign travel without a male guardian approval as of August 2019.

So they must have left Saudi after this date.

Because being caught trying to leave Saudi with fake documents would have meant prison, or corporal punishment, or both.

And the shame of being caught would have meant even more strife with their family, possibly death.



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