Australia - Warriena Wright, 26, dies in balcony fall, Surfers Paradise, Aug 2014 #3

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Love this bit, gee Tostee it's not hard to figure out why moSt of your so called friends either can't or don't want to be in touch with you anymore
In the message, Tostee said he had "lost contact with almost everyone" while he had been behind bars.
Totally agree. I've thought about how awful it would be to have my life made public knowledge when I'm not in my finest form, and sometimes even think that would be worse than death itself. But my parents have seen me at my worst and still think the best of me. I can't imagine that in a state of terror, afraid for my life, that I'd be more worried about what my parents (or their friends) think of me than escaping or saving my life.

Completely agree Brightbird - that might be something you consider the next morning after some thought but not in terror. I believe Rrie was in fear of her life...not anyone finding out about late night shenanigans which numerous people participate in every day without being murdered...
I said this earlier, but maybe she took embarrassing photos of him while she had him tied up and he was deleting them

I'm actually wondering whether she did have him tied up at all.. when she's mad because he won't untie her, she calls him 'sexist'.. which led me think it was all a bit one sided there.

I also wonder whether - along with possible embarrassing pics (he was sending her pictures, after that so total control freak actions if he was controlling what was on her phone as well as taking it) -- taking the phone and messing with its content was part of the over all fantasy of having control over a girl. I mean, that's her lifeline... as it is for most young women.

It's also a way for her to call police, as she said she would do... and no way was he letting her do that, not with his upcoming court cases....
I am keeping in mind that there maybe more of the conversation between GT and his father to come.
GT said
I think she might have jumped.
I didn't push her.
I didn't force her over the balcony.
I didn't throw her.
But he did not once say - she tried to climb over the balcony and fell.

So horrific for those poor witnesses, but at least they can confirm Warreina didn't jump.

I know we might not have seen an entire transcript as yet but this is bang on. He never once said she tried to climb over. I didn't push her is the most interesting in my opinion...and he didn't force her. So he might have carried her out which is why she screamed (history of doing this to another girl in his own words on the BB forum) and put her over the balcony edge but did not expect her to fall? Or maybe he did push her and that is why she was screaming no, no, no. I really find it hard to believe in all rationality that she would be screaming no, no, no, let me go home as she climbed over the balcony. Once again this is only my opinion...
Tostee's absolute refusal to co-operate or talk with police, his acceptance to sit in solitary confinement, his willingness to take multiple beatings, yet his desire to proclaim his innocence via social media and website forums. . . murder, manslaughter, rape, drugging??? nobody really knows yet.. however, HE IS DEFINATELY GUILTY OF SOMETHING THAT WILL COME WITH A LENGTHY PRISON SENTENCE AND HE KNOWS IT.

All he is doing is sticking to his original story and praying no more incriminating evidence comes to light.
I hate victim blaming so, so, so much. It makes my blood boil - try being a victim before making such ignorant, judgemental comments. The self righteousness really gets to me and those who are so judgemental are usually so far from the path of perfection it astounds me that they lack such self awareness and open their mouths as readily as they do. Self delusion comes to mind...

****Ah I don't know what happened when I posted, but I clicked on Isisrising's post where victim blaming was mentioned and this is the comment that posted****I have removed the comment this has been accidentally linked to.
I said this earlier, but maybe she took embarrassing photos of him while she had him tied up and he was deleting them

I think he wanted to remove her tinder account to remove their hookup conversation, and any photos of them together on the balcony he had sent her. On the BB forum where the girl 'stole' his wallet, he didn't want to go to police in case she accused him of rape. (Don't know if we can quote or only paraphrase that forum). He has serious memory problems with that vodka. Had even mentioned marking the bottle to slow himself down ... to no avail.

Last thing that I remember was that I tried holding her down and she ran out on to my balcony. I hope I just imagined it.”
I said this earlier, but maybe she took embarrassing photos of him while she had him tied up and he was deleting them

GT's a pretty vain guy, he probably wanted to erase bad pics of himself. :p

I'm actually wondering whether she did have him tied up at all.. when she's mad because he won't untie her, she calls him 'sexist'.. which led me think it was all a bit one sided there.

I also wonder whether - along with possible embarrassing pics (he was sending her pictures, after that so total control freak actions if he was controlling what was on her phone as well as taking it) -- taking the phone and messing with its content was part of the over all fantasy of having control over a girl. I mean, that's her lifeline... as it is for most young women.

It's also a way for her to call police, as she said she would do... and no way was he letting her do that, not with his upcoming court cases....

I agree, control over Warriena and he was definitely not going to let her call the police.

Question about the tying up, I wonder if there were any ligature marks on Warriena's wrists, ankles? If there were impressions/bruises on her throat if he did try to strangle her. Could these still be evident after such a massive fall?

In the case of Gittany, somehow he was able to subdue Lisa before he threw her off the balcony. I'm just wondering if after a fall from such a height it somehow obliterates evidence of a blow/punch to the head because iirc rightly, it was unknown how Gittany did it?
I really must stress that I don't agree with violence...I want to delete this post in some ways. I am just sick of feeling vulnerable and sick of seeing horrible people getting away with murder, etc. So much horror in the world sometimes. I really think it is time for a break from the forums here...reading too much horror isn't healthy...
On the BB forum where the girl 'stole' his wallet, he didn't want to go to police in case she accused him of rape.

With clear evidence before our eyes that Tostee liked to manipulate the content of these 'dates' to make himself look good and the girl look "bad" in whatever way..

... I am looking at that quoted sentence in a whole new light now...

Was this another girl who threatened to go to police? Did he threaten her back, as well... so that she didn't?

Was the 'wallet' video (which simply shows a girl taking something off a table) an act of CYA for a guy who was worried about what that girl would say? It would NOT surprise me.

I mean, think about it. He is asking people to believe that he *happens* to have surveillance devices set up, facing a table that his wallet *happens* to be sitting on, and this girl *just happens* to steal his wallet while it's recording.... :waitasec:
I hate victim blaming so, so, so much. It makes my blood boil - try being a victim before making such ignorant, judgemental comments. The self righteousness really gets to me and those who are so judgemental are usually so far from the path of perfection it astounds me that they lack such self awareness and open their mouths as readily as they do. Self delusion comes to mind...

Hi Tarjessi :seeya:

Just trying to understand this as I evidently read the original post in another is picking up the Persephone connection victim blaming?
Love this bit, gee Tostee it's not hard to figure out why moSt of your so called friends either can't or don't want to be in touch with you anymore
In the message, Tostee said he had "lost contact with almost everyone" while he had been behind bars.
I don't think they are real friends, I think they are self interested users. I think he was doing some dirty work for them and now expects some allegiance, and as has been pointed out, they had better indulge him a little or he may open his mouth and blab. I don't know who he would blab to - his dad is the only one he seems to be talking to.
Hi Tarjessi :seeya:

Just trying to understand this as I evidently read the original post in another is picking up the Persephone connection victim blaming?

I was agreeing with your post where you mentioned victim blaming and just making a general comment Isisrising, not directed at you or anyone in the forum in particular. Just a comment on behaviour I see in society a lot at the moment - or maybe I am noticing it more lately?
GT's a pretty vain guy, he probably wanted to erase bad pics of himself. :p

I agree, control over Warriena and he was definitely not going to let her call the police.

Question about the tying up, I wonder if there were any ligature marks on Warriena's wrists, ankles? If there were impressions/bruises on her throat if he did try to strangle her. Could these still be evident after such a massive fall?

In the case of Gittany, somehow he was able to subdue Lisa before he threw her off the balcony. I'm just wondering if after a fall from such a height it somehow obliterates evidence of a blow/punch to the head because iirc rightly, it was unknown how Gittany did it?

It said in one of the articles that due to the extent of the injuries sustained in her fall it was difficult to determine what injuries were inflicted prior.......shall look for the quote.
Do we know if LE have her phone?

I'm wondering if they can retrieve whatever was on it that he was so concerned about.......

Possibly deleted all texts & Tinda references that she ever met with him.

For Warriena to meet with GT thinking he was that young, fresh man depicted in the Tinda pic and then to see he was overweight & debauched. It's called 'drawing the short straw'.
:floorlaugh: I wondered why the Persephone thing peed you off so much!!! :floorlaugh:
While I actually do think that going to a stranger's apartment for sex and getting drunk there isn't a *smart* thing to do, it's something young men and women have been doing for-literally-ever. Youth comes with hard-wired thrill seeking behaviours, as well as an ingrained belief that one is somehow invulnerable to damage, which only happens to OTHER people, ha. Until, you know, it doesn't..

Us party girls know what I'm sayin ;) You just believe in the power of fun at that age. Horror is for movies and the news.

No-one deserves to be killed for being young and having fun. No-one is ASKING to be killed by doing so. The end.
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While I actually do think that going to a stranger's apartment for sex and getting drunk there isn't a *smart* thing to do, it's something young men and women have been doing for-literally-ever. Youth comes with hard-wired thrill seeking behaviours, as well as an ingrained belief that one is somehow invulnerable to damage, which only happens to OTHER people, ha. Until, you know, it doesn't..

Us party girls know what I'm sayin ;) You just believe in the power of fun at that age. Horror is for movies and the news.

No-one deserves to be killed for being young and having fun. No-one is ASKING to be killed by doing so. The end.

I totally agree with you Ausgirl. Of course it is not that smart, but lot's of people participate in all sorts of activities, especially when young and you do not deserve to be murdered for that.
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