Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sep 2014 - #69

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Not at all. She never investigated it beyond a cursory look; part way through she decided it was irrelevant and turned around. So she either didn't bother to investigate a child screaming with any sort of thoroughness while we are led to believe she was desperate to find William or she just created a memory of the whole thing that didn't exist.
Yes agree with you, and further, why didn’t she then call 000 and beg them to hurry up, tell the operator frantically she thinks she heard him scream.
I wonder what rights if at all that foster parents may have (after so many years caring for that child) after their foster child is removed to see them at limited and supervised visits? Perhaps the stalking charges relate to a pushing of those restrictions by the FFC/MFC and have been harmful to the new foster family or carers that are looking after the child. In regards to any potential for these rights, perhaps what may be considered is the child wants to see her parents and they would be heartbroken without that child. There may be avenues for visitation, and this may well be where the problems are currently coming from?
There’s an AVO against the former foster carers, there’s no avenue for visitation nor should there be.
I wonder what rights if at all that foster parents may have (after so many years caring for that child) after their foster child is removed to see them at limited and supervised visits? Perhaps the stalking charges relate to a pushing of those restrictions by the FFC/MFC and have been harmful to the new foster family or carers that are looking after the child. In regards to any potential for these rights, perhaps what may be considered is the child wants to see her parents and they would be heartbroken without that child. There may be avenues for visitation, and this may well be where the problems are currently coming from?

They don’t have any rights, they were caring for the child on behalf of the government. Although they may have felt like and lived as a family , they were corporate parents, it was a job. There is protection order in place, so any contact will have been prohibited.
From my medical perspective, when I have zoomed in on the photo of William in the "roar" photo, he does look unusually thin for a 3yo. In addition, he has quite prominent dark circles under his eyes. It made me wonder about his state of health at the time the photo was taken.
Yes and I’ve always thought he does look like he perhaps had a rough sleep the night before or still waking up from melatonin IMO, im not a medical expert
You would hope by this point all of those files have been reviewed

Yes, but who knows? As we have seen in famous cold cases around the world, fresh sets of eyes can sometimes uncover seemingly insignificant things that when followed up, even years later, lead to a major breakthrough.

Maybe it's something like that which put the inquest on hold and triggered The Big Dig. Senior police said at the time that:

“The team are looking for evidence within the search area which supports a line of inquiry not previously explored by … investigators,” [Det. Darren Bennett] said.

I'm not sure how confident they are feeling today, though, after trawling through the objects they dug up.
I wonder what rights if at all that foster parents may have (after so many years caring for that child) after their foster child is removed to see them at limited and supervised visits? Perhaps the stalking charges relate to a pushing of those restrictions by the FFC/MFC and have been harmful to the new foster family or carers that are looking after the child. In regards to any potential for these rights, perhaps what may be considered is the child wants to see her parents and they would be heartbroken without that child. There may be avenues for visitation, and this may well be where the problems are currently coming from?

I think if there is any contact allowed it will be after the charges are heard, if the AVO is removed, and it would have to be initiated by the minor child and not vice versa.

She has spent at least 85% of her life with them. She must be going through quite a transition in all aspects of her life.

My friend's foster child is allowed to contact his previous foster carer occassionally. They talk on the phone. He spent a good chunk of years with her, and they still have interest in each others lives.

I have also read of people visiting their former foster carers once they become adults.
Surely they wouldn’t have formed any type of love or bond for a child they nurtured and cared for 10 years.
Just a job and just carers.

Imo, I don’t think so.

Can't speak for for WT's sister, but Jubelin and others have written that there was a strong bond between William and the FF, almost from the outset.

I gather that William didn't form such a strong bond with the FM.
From my medical perspective, when I have zoomed in on the photo of William in the "roar" photo, he does look unusually thin for a 3yo. In addition, he has quite prominent dark circles under his eyes. It made me wonder about his state of health at the time the photo was taken.

I visited a 3 yr old today and noticed apparent weight loss, looked pale and was irritable.
Mum told me the doc said the toddler was having a growth spurt which made sense.
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My girlfriend who raised her grandchildren due to their parents being drug effected put many demands on if, how, when and where those children saw their irresponsible parents. When the parents were obviously high she would not allow the visitation.

BECAUSE SHE CARES and is crazy protective over those children, now after 17 years their mother has semi-cleaned up her act and she still oversees the visits.

BECAUSE SHE CARES for the welfare of those children.
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Can't speak for for WT's sister, but Jubelin and others have written that there was a strong bond between William and the FF, almost from the outset.

I gather that William didn't form such a strong bond with the FM.

Yes I read that as well but mothers are nurturers and
boys have a far different relationship with their fathers.

Fathers and sons pee outdoors together.
  • Boys rely on their fathers for guidance, and a model for how to behave in the world and in relationships.
  • Research suggests that positive time spent with their fathers can reduce the likelihood of boys becoming anxious, depressed, or aggressive.
  • Boys also crave warmth, affection, and tenderness from their fathers.

  • What a Son Needs From His Dad
Yes and I’ve always thought he does look like he perhaps had a rough sleep the night before or still waking up from melatonin IMO, im not a medical expert

Melatonin? I must have missed a chapter somewhere.

I think if there is any contact allowed it will be after the charges are heard, if the AVO is removed, and it would have to be initiated by the minor child and not vice versa.

She has spent at least 85% of her life with them. She must be going through quite a transition in all aspects of her life.

My friend's foster child is allowed to contact his previous foster carer occassionally. They talk on the phone. He spent a good chunk of years with her, and they still have interest in each others lives.

I have also read of people visiting their former foster carers once they become adults.

I really can’t see any adult involved in the child’s care allowing them contact with the FC’s in future, even if they are found not guilty and the AVO withdrawn.

I worked in group homes for years and still keep in touch with several young people I helped care for. Even though it was a job, I still brought my whole self to the role and really came to care about the children. Relationships are at the core of practice and looked after children should be able to maintain close connections and relationships like their non looked after peers.

Even in the context of abuse allegations, I imagine it was emotional and distressing for the child to be removed from the pretty much the only consistent, stable caregivers she had known. The cynic in me wondered whether LE had ‘trumped up’ charges to increase pressure on FC’s and destabilise them whilst the search for William was underway. I’ve also wondered whether pressure from LE could have contributed to a stressed, high pressure environment that may have increased the likelihood for abuse to occur. It’s well documented that the risk of child abuse increases after traumatic experiences or during stressful life events. It’s all such a mess, whichever way we look at it.
Yes and I’ve always thought he does look like he perhaps had a rough sleep the night before or still waking up from melatonin IMO, im not a medical expert

Melatonin? I must have missed a chapter somewhere.

I don’t think William had Michael Jackson’s condition.

Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland in the brain.

The secretion of the hormone occurs in response to the light and dark cycles. Normally, its production is reduced by being in bright light. On the other hand, being in darkness stimulates melatonin release. This is why it is often called ‘the hormone of darkness’.

What is Melatonin?


I don’t think William had Michael Jackson’s condition.

Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland in the brain.

The secretion of the hormone occurs in response to the light and dark cycles. Normally, its production is reduced by being in bright light. On the other hand, being in darkness stimulates melatonin release. This is why it is often called ‘the hormone of darkness’.

What is Melatonin?


Michael Jackson had vitiligo? I’m baffled lol.

I know what melatonin is, I was confused with it being mentioned in relation to William as I’ve never heard that before.
Melatonin is a prescription drug here, often for children with neurological or socio-emotional issues.
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