Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #20

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The wealth and status of the foster parents could be a contributing factor (re secrecy) in this case..... Wouldn*t it be great if the biological family could come forward now with information to the media, as the biological grandmother has finally broken her silence. VERY SAD CASE......MY OPINION ONLY !!!
Yes, my hinky feelings about this case have never gone away either. This case is just bizzare and I agree everything is censored, but you know what I typed a few key words into google
and I did this ages ago and I found the home address and phone nbr of the FP's , it just took a minute that's all and we can't see their faces, weird just weird.

Yes, my hinky feelings about this case have never gone away either. This case is just bizzare and I agree everything is censored, but you know what I typed a few key words into google
and I did this ages ago and I found the home address and phone nbr of the FP's , it just took a minute that's all and we can't see their faces, weird just weird.


the privacy surrounding the family we have been told is to protect williams sister, which is understandable, but at the beginning it was easy to find the fdad business profile including his photo and even family video of a conference they all attended which was freely available but since removed, his business profile and photo still come up when you type his name.
Well this just got a whole lot more confusing...didn't think it could get anymore surreal tbh! An eery message on a tree with no word as to who done it, then a named family member coming forward 18 months later followed closely by an appeal from foster mom!

All a little to late. Although of course I feel for Natalie, it is late. I wonder if that is even her name? Or another cover up! SO frustrating.

IMHO NO amount of legal binds would stop me speaking out on day 1. Sorry but there would be no way, unless family members were told it could harm William I will never understand it! I think this family could be in witness protection of some sort, something bad has happened along the way. It is like a revenge kidnapping IMO & that article just made my theories ring that little bit more true. 'Whoever done it, done it well' the grandmother is hinting at this being a cover up in some way and I think she may be spot on!

I'd go as far to say the peado ring has been a total diversion in this case...I don't think he was abducted by a ring. I mean really how many cases turn out to be that here ? I've never came across one yet. I'm not saying it's impossible but I'm more likely to believe, with the secrecy in this case, it was a diversion and the police are working on the real theories!
For me, this brings to mind that journalist on the ABC panel podcast (it's been a long time, I can't remember specifics, but perhaps someone else can) who started to explain that everything being printed and said about the William Tyrrell case in the media was lies and that the public weren't being told the truth, but then the moderator of the discussion cut her off.

I feel like this might just be the beginning of the truth.

Haven't been around a long time but check in occasionally ... good to see things might finally be starting to move in the right direction???

I agree Eloise. Journalists must often come across elements of a story they are not allowed to print for legal reasons but in the case of this particular 'story' the journalist felt strongly enough about the secrecy to speak out about it (Im talking about the Women's Weekly article...I am not sure I remember clearly the ABC podcast). It has always bothered me. With this latest article, I wonder if someone just realised that the suppression orders didn't stretch as far as the bio paternal grandmother? Or perhaps she just snapped and thought enough was enough...remembering that no doubt she has journos constantly pestering her for a comment. I would love to know more about these so-called suppression orders.
Bearbear they want to protect the sister, but it doesn't make sense, because the neighbours and people in
their street and people they are in contact with every single day would know. They had two kids living
with them and now just the sister. People talk , word gets around etc. If they really want to protect the
sister they would have to move away, change names and jobs etc. I dont understand how they are
protecting the sister, because everyone already knows. I have two kids, if we came back from a holiday
and one child was missing the neighbours would notice and other people too. Sorry maybe it's just me
but I don't get it.
Bearbear they want to protect the sister, but it doesn't make sense, because the neighbours and people in
their street and people they are in contact with every single day would know. They had two kids living
with them and now just the sister. People talk , word gets around etc. If they really want to protect the
sister they would have to move away, change names and jobs etc. I dont understand how they are
protecting the sister, because everyone already knows. I have two kids, if we came back from a holiday
and one child was missing the neighbours would notice and other people too. Sorry maybe it's just me
but I don't get it.

You are spot on. It's BS IMO, the public have been spoon fed information in this case and it has done zero to help William tbh. It is so frustrating. I followed this case closely in the beginning but not being told the most minor details became far too upsetting to follow as closely. So sad.
I've often wondered if the suppression orders were in place to protect William and his family from the public finding out why he was in foster care in the first place. The bio grandmother also mentioned in her interview that William has already had a hard enough life or something along those lines.
yes, the sister already has all the people in her family, friend circle knowing about william and she will always have that cloud of sympathy hanging over her, how sad, the family would need to move away to really protect her if thats the main reason for the identity suppression?
i think for both children to be removed from their bio parents it has to be very serious and usually only after some sort of actual abuse has happened and been reported?
If LE monitor this site (and I am sure they do) I wonder if they are realising that their strategy in this case is starting to alienate the public. The secrecy in this case is ridiculous. Sorry, but the "protecting the sister" bit doesnt gel for me. For goodness sake, William is MISSING. Any information could help. William and his sister are foster children. There is no shame in that. The public want to know why the secrecy.
I have no doubt It would have to be very serious for them to be taken and put in care but the possibilities of why are endless.
I don't understand the suppression order and can only hope it's for a really good reason. I can't help but feel it's just been pointless and has created a huge interest point for the public when in fact the interest should be on finding William. It makes me sad for him that more people that know and love him haven't been able to speak up.
I agree Eloise. Journalists must often come across elements of a story they are not allowed to print for legal reasons but in the case of this particular 'story' the journalist felt strongly enough about the secrecy to speak out about it (Im talking about the Women's Weekly article...I am not sure I remember clearly the ABC podcast). It has always bothered me. With this latest article, I wonder if someone just realised that the suppression orders didn't stretch as far as the bio paternal grandmother? Or perhaps she just snapped and thought enough was enough...remembering that no doubt she has journos constantly pestering her for a comment. I would love to know more about these so-called suppression orders.
Here is the Woman's Weekly article:


ETA: You beat me to it Wexford :)

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For me, this brings to mind that journalist on the ABC panel podcast (it's been a long time, I can't remember specifics, but perhaps someone else can) who started to explain that everything being printed and said about the William Tyrrell case in the media was lies and that the public weren't being told the truth, but then the moderator of the discussion cut her off.

I feel like this might just be the beginning of the truth.

Haven't been around a long time but check in occasionally ... good to see things might finally be starting to move in the right direction???
Here is the link to the ABC podcast:

From Perkerkel's post #368 thread #17

i just heard some interesting comments made by a journalist regarding this case and information being withheld and LIES told by the media. Very emotive! Towards the end of This mornings ABC Life Matters radio interview titled 'Woman who kill'<br /><br />
Start listening at about 49'50&quot;

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I really don't think DI Jubelin or anyone from Strike Force Rosann would jeopardise William's safety. I have the suspicion that this case is complicated; a real spider's web.

I believe their, and William's FP's, statements that 'someone knows something' and I suspect investigators know who that person is. Not only is that person obstructing justice but they are an accessory to whatever harm has befallen William.

No reason is valid enough to keep a crime against a child a secret; no matter what your relationship is with the perpetrator. I agree with William's FM - how can you sleep at night and go through your days as if nothing has happened to William - whether he is still with us or not? Step up and tell what you know - it's the only decent thing to do.
Has anyone here actually seen the CCTV footage of William and family taken at MacDonalds on the way up to Kendall the day before he went missing???......This has been mentioned in the media from time to time throughout this case???
I really don't think DI Jubelin or anyone from Strike Force Rosann would jeopardise William's safety.

This is blunt, but I don't think they have any reason to care about his safety at this point. I think saying they think he might still be alive is just strategy - a common strategy. It lets whoever is responsible know that they haven't given up on the case.
I doubt anyone involved actually believes he is still alive.
Even the FPs were told to not keep a room for him anymore.
Has anyone here actually seen the CCTV footage of William and family taken at MacDonalds on the way up to Kendall the day before he went missing???......This has been mentioned in the media from time to time throughout this case???

I'm not saying there is footage to be viewed but if the FP's shared their views with police that they immediately thought he had been abducted then while a bush search commenced, surely the parents would have to recount their last 24 hours with WT and any vision that could have been collected of him in that time frame, from daycare cameras, buildings, service stations and McDonalds. The problem for many in the public is that the last people to see WT are the only ones who saw him in Kendall. Apparently a neighbour heard children laughing but unfortunately for me, I find it difficult to accept as someone outside of the family witnessing him there. I know this offends many people but every tactic has been used to stop the public looking and talking about the very people who would normally be scrutinised and then most likely we would move on as more details emerged. MOO
I have never suspected the FP; only felt deep, deep sympathy for them. But of course that it only my opinion; nothing more, nothing less.

Yes, my hinky feelings about this case have never gone away either. This case is just bizzare and I agree everything is censored, but you know what I typed a few key words into google
and I did this ages ago and I found the home address and phone nbr of the FP's , it just took a minute that's all and we can't see their faces, weird just weird.

Even if it existed, I'm sure it wouldn't have been made public due to the suppression orders. We know William was there with his FP and sister. Why would his FP lie about that? What could be of interest is other people who may have been following and therefore there at the same time.

Has anyone here actually seen the CCTV footage of William and family taken at MacDonalds on the way up to Kendall the day before he went missing???......This has been mentioned in the media from time to time throughout this case???
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