Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #20

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Correcting myself now I've listened to this. It's not a radio interview. It's just a newsreader quoting grandmother. Carry on.

I appreciate you posting the link Richieswan. The MSM link was behind a paywall.
so the grandma goes rogue and talks to the media voicing her suspicions of what she thinks happened, then there is damage control hours later with foster mums plea to not give up on her little boy, we hear from two different sides of williams family, foster and bio, in one day.
so the grandma goes rogue and talks to the media voicing her suspicions of what she thinks happened, then there is damage control hours later with foster mums plea to not give up on her little boy, we hear from two different sides of williams family, foster and bio, in one day.

I guess it could always be another strategy. :dunno:

Who does know who ........ I wonder?
William Tyrrell's parents urge public on Facebook not to give up on missing boy


Detectives from Strike Force Rosann, set-up to investigate William's disappearance, said in a statement they were proceeding with the investigation on the assumption that William was still alive.

"NSW Police maintain the position that until they have conclusive evidence that William Tyrrell is deceased, they will continue to investigate the matter on the basis William could still be alive," the statement read.

"Investigators on Strike Force Rosann, like William's family, have grave concerns for his safety.

"However, we do not have evidence he is deceased so any commentary in this regard is speculation."

I'm sorry but if Strike Force Rosann are assuming that William is still alive, why isn't there more urgency to find him. They've alluded to a pedophile ring being responsible for William's disappearance (ad nauseam) for the last 18 months! Seriously if anyone, be they police, family or the general public assumed that a three year old boy was in the grip of a pedophile ring, you'd think they would move heaven and earth to find him and remove him from that situation ASAP. Investigators have successfully charged and prosecuted many pedophiles in the last 18 months who were living in the general area of where William disappeared. There is no indication that any of them were involved in William's disappearance. And personally I don't believe William was taken by anyone involved in a pedophile ring.

An 'official' Facebook has been set up in the search for William. Donations have been requested, posters have been printed and displayed, huge billboards have been erected in the area from where William disappeared, all to no avail. The catch-cry since William's disappearance has been "Somebody out there knows something." Well they certainly haven't come forward, nor are they about to but I suspect that many people are starting to put the pieces together and have from day one.

And then we have the 'gag orders' for legal reasons on the foster parents and more than likely William's biological family as well. All except for William's grandmother Natalie Collins it seems. Good on you Natalie for coming forward! IMO a lot of people have been deceived in this case and the investigators need to go back to where it all began.
I have wondered if the police have also been able to seek media suppression orders of family members so they can more clearly use their strategies through the media. If the scoop from the Daily Telegraph who has been reporting the police line from the beginning was able to interview NC and publish it then maybe it is police strategy. Although her theory is not published for legal reasons a general sense of what she thinks has happened could be published. If she wasn't there, how could she know what happened? Unless it involves people she knows? The people who were there don't know what happened. I actually feel churned up over this case and agree with Makara's post although I don't feel 100% sure of what's happened. MOO
I have wondered if the police have also been able to seek media suppression orders of family members so they can more clearly use their strategies through the media. If the scoop from the Daily Telegraph who has been reporting the police line from the beginning was able to interview NC and publish it then maybe it is police strategy. Although her theory is not published for legal reasons a general sense of what she thinks has happened could be published. If she wasn't there, how could she know what happened? Unless it involves people she knows? The people who were there don't know what happened. I actually feel churned up over this case and agree with Makara's post although I don't feel 100% sure of what's happened. MOO
My head is just spinning. Sounds to me that she may have an idea of who? Maybe police let her do the article to put pressure on someone? But the other family member of hers thinks a ring has him. This is probably the most confused I've been during this case.

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I have wondered if the police have also been able to seek media suppression orders of family members so they can more clearly use their strategies through the media. If the scoop from the Daily Telegraph who has been reporting the police line from the beginning was able to interview NC and publish it then maybe it is police strategy. Although her theory is not published for legal reasons a general sense of what she thinks has happened could be published. If she wasn't there, how could she know what happened? Unless it involves people she knows? The people who were there don't know what happened. I actually feel churned up over this case and agree with Makara's post although I don't feel 100% sure of what's happened. MOO

BBM: Good thinking Frogwell, but what would that strategy be? I know that the police do use MSM from time to time in their investigations but Natalie Collins has spoken out 18 months after William's disappearance. Why now? What would the police strategy be after all this time? If I was in Natalie's shoes, I wouldn't have been waiting 18 months before I voiced my thoughts and opinions about my missing grandson in MSM. I would have been searching for William from day one. Nothing and no one would have shut me up. I really feel sorry for Natalie Collins.

I don't know about you but I'm getting very fed up with the continual pleas of "if you know something, please call Crimestoppers etc...." If there is anyone out there who does in fact know something, what is it going to take to get them to come forward. The only thing that I can think of is $$$$, yet the police have not offered a reward for information to date. I think that would be far more powerful than strategically using MSM.
My head us just spinning. Sounds to me that she may have an idea of who? Maybe police let her do the article to put pressure on someone? But the other family member of hers thinks a ring has him. This is probably the most confused I've been during this case.

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Hugs Krig. I think we're all sailing in that some boat called Confusion.
After this interview with William's bio grandmother (his bio father's mother) I think there are a few people starting to wonder if there is a pedo connection at all.
5 hours ago William's parents come forward again and urge not to give up hope.

William Tyrrell's parents urge public on Facebook not to give up on missing boy

The Facebook post followed the publication by News Corp of an interview with one of William's grandmothers in which she said she doubted he was alive.

The parents of William Tyrrell have pleaded for people not to give up the search for their son, who went missing from a home on the New South Wales mid-north coast in 2014.

William's mother, who cannot be named for legal reasons, issued a statement on Facebook urging people not to stop looking for the boy, who would now be four.

"Please don't stop looking for our beautiful little boy," she said in the post on the page, Where's William Tyrrell?.

Have the parents shown any sympathy or been in contact with Natalie at all I wonder? Natalie feels sure that William is deceased yet William's mother (I'm assuming foster mother here) is urging people not to give up hope that William is alive. That is something we all want to hear and I hope William's parents have also spoken privately to Natalie and conveyed these thoughts to her.
Well maybe police just lifted the suppression order off her and let her speak to observe how other parties reacted. She may have wanted to talk and maybe MSM just wouldn't smash through any suppression orders with her. I don't FB so I don't know how much the bio family has wanted to talk over the last 18 months. Yes I'm tired of the pleas. I'm tired of being told to maintain hope and keep looking based on an assumption and no evidence. I heartily support an ongoing investigation into what has happened to WT. I've had a strong feeling from the beginning of this case and no matter what has happened in the last 18 months, nothing has been able to really shake that feeling no matter what the police say to the contrary. I'm just waiting.MOO
I agree 100% Makara. Why has a reward not been offered??? That has been one of my biggest questions from the start.
Perhaps the person(s) that the police think have information will be charged with covering up for the perp therefore a reward would not work in this case? Other then that, I just do not understand.

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I don't know about you but I'm getting very fed up with the continual pleas of "if you know something, please call Crimestoppers etc...." If there is anyone out there who does in fact know something, what is it going to take to get them to come forward. The only thing that I can think of is $$$$, yet the police have not offered a reward for information to date. I think that would be far more powerful than strategically using MSM.

BBM. So am I. There's something unfair about it. I can't quite put my finger on it. It's like emotional abuse to the public. There are people out there who don't know William who think about him every day. There are people who worry about him as though he's their own, and they feel helpless being told that someone knows something. They also feel hurt that their hearts are bleeding for a family that they can't know anything about??
Just want to say 'Hi' after a long absence. I've been keeping up with William's case but I just haven't felt that I had anything to contribute before now.

Car Parts: Could the search for those have been to test AJ's alibi that he was 'out bush collecting scrap metal' on the day William went missing? This may have been the reason for the Ghost Road search.

FGM: I think it's possible FGM may have unwittingly talked to someone in her social circle or church community ('a wolf in sheep's clothing', if you like) about her grandchildren, including the fact that they were coming to visit, without realising it put the children at risk.

Abduction: William's abduction is almost like a 'hit'. No clues and no evidence (that we know of). Or else the perpetrator was very 'lucky'.

I think the likelihood of it being an opportunistic crime is low unless it was someone who was in the neighbourhood and that Police have overlooked who heard/saw the children playing and decided to act impulsively. If they did this alone, William may never be found. The only outcome his family and Police can hope for is that the perpetrator tells someone what they've done; much like in Daniel Morcombe's case.

Otherwise, someone knew William and his sister would be at FGM's on the Friday and went there for the express purpose of abducting one (or both) of the children. That may make the lack of clues more likely as there would at least have been some planning. Also more chance of an accessory giving up vital information.

Paedophile Ring: While there seems to be an abundance of RSO's in the area, I think the investigation concerning them is likely to be running parallel to that of William's disappearance. PB knows AJ, AJ knows BS and presumably there is a connection with DN, either through one of them or the fact he resided at Kendall, was religious and therefore may have known William's FGM.

Maybe Strike Force Rosann investigators thought a thorough shakedown of local RSO's may yield some helpful information. I think they would have at least figured AJ and BS may have had some local knowledge given PB and AJ's association and the latter's extensive criminal history together with BS' profession of pawnbroker (also, I don't think DI Jubelin would have been adverse to renewing his relationship with BS after all those years). I think someone may already be squealing to save their own skin, even in the case of an unrelated matter.

Misadventure. Then, of course, it may be that William simply wandered off into the bush and any trace of him was missed by searchers. It's possible but not probable.

Cars/Location. The green-gray car and the white 4WD still bother me immensely, as does the fact that it seems there are many shortcuts around the area. How does an abductor manage to leave the area with William, presumably in a vehicle, without being seen or heard on Benaroon Drive? Someone who knows the area and/or has planned their getaway.

Sorry for the long post. It's just what I've been mulling over during the past couple of months. The sooner a coroner's inquiry/inquest occurs the better IMO.
I am not sure that William’s parents believe that William is alive. Just remembering previous comments from when they packed up his room.
I think the official FB page probably is primarily there to keep up the focus, while keeping within the police/official position, as the FP always have done.
If police officially say that William is presumed deceased, that would spur an inquest, wouldn’t it? For some reason, they are not ready for that yet.
my hinky feelings about this case have never gone away, even while bs and the other three poi were named and mention of a ring, theres still this niggling doubt, really hoping we get the inquest soon.
the whole case seems so surreal, the public and victims being "managed"even the posts on the many find william fb pages are heavily censored
I don't have Social media either, bearbear, so am at a disadvantage, but remember back at the start LE spoke about William's 'complicated' family history. Perhaps that is more relevant than we thought. Or perhaps that's what we did think then veered away from it (and could be veering back).

oh, ok thats good, i dont have fb so probably missed it in all my searches trying to connect people, i couldnt find another person with the T surname, i thought little william was the only one!
my hinky feelings about this case have never gone away, even while bs and the other three poi were named and mention of a ring, theres still this niggling doubt, really hoping we get the inquest soon.
the whole case seems so surreal, the public and victims being "managed"even the posts on the many find william fb pages are heavily censored

I've had the same experience of this case. I do wonder if my attitude would be different if people's identities were not suppressed from the beginning. Would that have taken my uneasy feeling away? I would like to have some information confirmed to be able to let that feeling go. Was CCTV footage captured of WT at MacDonald's on the trip up to Kendall? Besides a time stamp on the last photos of WT, is it possible to detect if those photos are photos of photos. Was any scent of WT detected at Kendall? If all this could be answered definitively, it would definitely ease my mind. MOO
For me, this brings to mind that journalist on the ABC panel podcast (it's been a long time, I can't remember specifics, but perhaps someone else can) who started to explain that everything being printed and said about the William Tyrrell case in the media was lies and that the public weren't being told the truth, but then the moderator of the discussion cut her off.

I feel like this might just be the beginning of the truth.

Haven't been around a long time but check in occasionally ... good to see things might finally be starting to move in the right direction???
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