Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #20

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It's a shame you couldn't hear it purpleandgreen. The transcription obviously doesn't convey the emotion in Caroline Overington's voice when she was talking. She sounded angry, upset and totally pissed off.

I think Caroline Overington is a very passionate woman. She was once accused of punching a politician in the head at a polling booth. lol
However, she is obviously a professional woman with a very impressive job history and two awards for investigative journalism.
I don't really think his family is involved. I'm just going to put my theory out there and hope I'm wrong. I think William was taken by someone already being investigated. I think police and Williams family have found some kind of evidence that confirms this to them but proving it is William involved might be difficult. I think the evidence could possibly be a picture or video or possibly cctv footage. I also feel Williams entire family and possibly the media know but due to the circumstances they can't speak up for fear of jeopardising any future charges.
I could be way off but I have felt something happened around the time BS property was searched and have always had a bad gut feeling about that particular raid on his business and unit above. I hope I'm wrong, I truly do.

I haven't moved much past this point either. I wonder what was discovered during those searches, how it links in with the round-up of pedos that followed, how police knew to search certain areas of forest. I have also wondered if they have found DNA that is tainted but carries many of the traits of William's DNA.
IMO there could be a lot of circumstantial evidence and testimony in their kitty, but not enough to prosecute.
I think Caroline Overington is a very passionate woman. She was once accused of punching a politician in the head at a polling booth. lol
However, she is obviously a professional woman with a very impressive job history and two awards for investigative journalism.

She's a smart little cookie. I've just read her most recent book Last Woman Hanged. It tells the true story of Louisa Collins, the first and last woman hanged at Sydney's Darlinghurst gaol. The book, based on a five-year search of the historical archive, claims that Collins's trial was mismanaged, and that an innocent woman may have been executed. It is very well researched and written.

And go Caroline for punching a polie in the face! LOL. I feel like doing that sometimes.
Thanks so much for transcribing Makara :)

So many questions...What is the media lying to us about and why? Why would investigators allow it? Are they trying to set a trap? I just don't get it. Using the word scandalous when describing William's case frightening IMO. I really hope that there would be a good reason for all of this although right now I don't see what that could possibly be....

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Could it be some overt operation similar to trapping the low life scum pedophile trash which murdered Daniel Morcombe.
If that's the case....I have patience.
Good move not to sm, it does my head in most of the time! LOL. Yes it has crossed my mind that revenge may have been the motivation for William's disappearance. That along with hundreds of other scenario's. One thing that does keep playing over in my mind is the MSM report that the grandmother's neighbour Mrs. Wilson heard William and his sister playing in the yard on the morning he disappeared. Did other neighbours/visitors nearby also hear the children laughing and playing? Did one of them go closer to investigate who these children were, never having heard them before. Could this neighbour/visitor be a very sick individual who decided to grab William or his sister and take off in a hurry? If something like this did happen, I'm thinking that this person would've been on their own at the time. How would they explain their quick exit to anyone else in the house where they were living?

mrs wilson went out just before or around 10.30 that morning and didnt see anything suspicious, not sure if her husband was still home though, think i read mr wilson said their house was searched numerous times, they are just through the bushes where william was playing and im hoping everyone in this close proximity has been thoroughly checked.
I wondered that too TGY, but then asked myself if that would that be scandalous and thought not. And surely she would not want to damage such a covert operation. Somehow, and it's just my opinion, I think it's more grass roots sort of stuff, like his relationships, his disappearance, and still this whole 'complicated history'! Surely that has to be at the core of it somehow!

Maybe the paedophile angle, the revenge, the complicated history, the bio family history all became intertwined. And at the centre & falling victim, a dear, innocent little boy.

Could it be some overt operation similar to trapping the low life scum pedophile trash which murdered Daniel Morcombe.
If that's the case....I have patience.
Thanks Frogwell. I missed that bit about the foster grandmother's house. Thanks also for reminding me that the journalist is Caroline Overington.

I personally don't think it has anything to do with witness protection but anything is possible I suppose. The names of William's bio and foster family are well known throughout social media. If any of the bio family were under witness protection, I don't think they would be permitted to have social media accounts in their own name and to talk freely about William as they do.
Witness protection makes sense to me for part of the complicated family history.

It may be for a different generation of the family not those you can see on SM.
Addressing media in Queensland, she said restrictions on carers and parents when a foster child went missing were actually making them targets for predators.
“They can target these particular kids because they are far more vulnerable than any other and response to their disappearance is less than adequate,” she said.
“If someone stole your child you’d be all over the place in 30 seconds and you’d be allowed to by law — but these parents, these families and these foster carers can’t and these offenders know that. Make no mistake.
“We’ve got to change it.”

The same restrictions drew criticism in the case of missing NSW boy William Tyrrell, whose parents had been unable to speak publicly about their son’s disappearance for seven months, and who still cannot be identified while the search for the boy in the Spiderman suit continues.
The father of murdered Queensland teenager Daniel Morcombe was one of many who publicly criticised the gag, which may have denied William the best chance of being found.
Could it be some overt operation similar to trapping the low life scum pedophile trash which murdered Daniel Morcombe.
If that's the case....I have patience.

It sounds to me like Caroline Overington knows full well what the lies are she referred to, she just can't report on them. If it was some type of covert operation similar to that with Brett Cowan, I think Caroline would be more than happy to keep quiet about it. In Cowan's case, not even the Morcombe's knew about the sting until after Cowan was arrested.
mrs wilson went out just before or around 10.30 that morning and didnt see anything suspicious, not sure if her husband was still home though, think i read mr wilson said their house was searched numerous times, they are just through the bushes where william was playing and im hoping everyone in this close proximity has been thoroughly checked.

Bearbear, from memory Mrs. Wilson left her place about about 9:00am or 9:30am that morning. Apparently there was another neighbour who arrived home at about 10:30am and was unpacking groceries from her car when the alarm was raised that William was missing. I'll see if I can find the links to all of that again.
Witness protection makes sense to me for part of the complicated family history.

It may be for a different generation of the family not those you can see on SM.

Thanks PaintExpress. I'm interested in your thoughts on the witness protection theory. It's something I've pushed to the back burner due to things I've learned about witness protection from private sources.
It sounds to me like Caroline Overington knows full well what the lies are she referred to, she just can't report on them. If it was some type of covert operation similar to that with Brett Cowan, I think Caroline would be more than happy to keep quiet about it. In Cowan's case, not even the Morcombe's new about the sting until after Cowan was arrested.

I agree Makara.......

If it was some kind of covert operation, like Cowan, would any of the journo have any info on it?? I'd guess not.

I imagine it would be very frustrating to be a journo sometimes :gaah:
Judy Wilson, whose fence sits just 10m from where William was taken, heard him and his sister playing earlier that morning before she headed into town to run some errands

I've always found this article informative. A few things that jump out at me are

“My daughter lives around the corner and she comes around here and we sit on this veranda having a cup of coffee nearly every morning in the sunshine … that morning she phoned me and said she’d decided to go to my son’s place,

She said she was unloading groceries from her car when William was snatched sometime after 10.30am, just metres away from her home where her youngest child was inside.
She said at 11.30am there was a knock on the door and it was Anne-Maree from up the road and William’s mother.

Questions relating to any cars in the area dominated the conversations, as did questions around anyone seen *visiting the street in the months before the *abduction, including electricians, couriers and garbage collectors.

In another article, Judy Wilson left at 9 am, don't know if her husband left with her or separately.
Another neighbour has also reported that his wife left Benaroon drive at 10.28 am and she didn't see anything unusual.
And then there is the neighbor who was mowing his lawn and when he heard that a child was missing, grabbed his dog and went for a walk.
yes, the sister already has all the people in her family, friend circle knowing about william and she will always have that cloud of sympathy hanging over her, how sad, the family would need to move away to really protect her if thats the main reason for the identity suppression?
i think for both children to be removed from their bio parents it has to be very serious and usually only after some sort of actual abuse has happened and been reported?
I dont know how the system works but surely if the reason was so bad they would have taken the other two children away too.

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I've always found this article informative. A few things that jump out at me are

“My daughter lives around the corner and she comes around here and we sit on this veranda having a cup of coffee nearly every morning in the sunshine … that morning she phoned me and said she’d decided to go to my son’s place,

She said she was unloading groceries from her car when William was snatched sometime after 10.30am, just metres away from her home where her youngest child was inside.
She said at 11.30am there was a knock on the door and it was Anne-Maree from up the road and William’s mother.

Questions relating to any cars in the area dominated the conversations, as did questions around anyone seen *visiting the street in the months before the *abduction, including electricians, couriers and garbage collectors.

In another article, Judy Wilson left at 9 am, don't know if her husband left with her or separately.
Another neighbour has also reported that his wife left Benaroon drive at 10.28 am and she didn't see anything unusual.
And then there is the neighbor who was mowing his lawn and when he heard that a child was missing, grabbed his dog and went for a walk.

Thanks. I don't think I have read some of this.

GAHH! So confusing. It sounds like the neighbours were quite observant. They recounted the morning in minute detail. Did they see the cars that William's mother saw? You'd think in a quiet cul-de-sac 2 strange cars would stick out like sore thumbs.

I still can't get my head around why the sedans? If Spedding was the one who had a reason to be there, then why were 2 sedans seen and not his work van? Don't tradies normally take their work vehicle for tax purposes and to promote themselves with their name on the vehicle?
Thanks. I don't think I have read some of this.

GAHH! So confusing. It sounds like the neighbours were quite observant. They recounted the morning in minute detail. Did they see the cars that William's mother saw? You'd think in a quiet cul-de-sac 2 strange cars would stick out like sore thumbs.
I still can't get my head around why the sedans? If Spedding was the one who had a reason to be there, then why were 2 sedans seen and not his work van? Don't tradies normally take their work vehicle for tax purposes and to promote themselves with their name on the vehicle?
I really dont think the cars were there at all. For some reason LE wanted FM to say she saw these particular cars. When she was asked if she had seen any suspicious cars she originally said no. Then the story changed. I can imagine a defence lawyer would have a field day with that.
I've googled the reasons for suppression orders in NSW and here is what I came up with.

Section 7 enables the court to make a suppression or non-publication order on one or more of the grounds set out in s 8 that would prohibit or restrict the publication or other disclosure of:
(i) information that would identify or is otherwise concerned or associated with a party to or witness in proceedings before the court, or (ii) information that comprises evidence, or information about evidence, given in proceedings before the court.

Section 8(2) requires the court to specify the ground/s on which an order is made, which are set out in s 8(1) as follows:
(i) the order is necessary to prevent prejudice to the proper administration of justice,(ii) the order is necessary to prevent prejudice to the interests of the Commonwealth or a State or Territory in relation to national or international security, (iii) the order is necessary to protect the safety of any person,(iv) the order is necessary to avoid causing undue distress or embarrassment to a party to or witness in criminal proceedings involving an offence of a sexual nature (including an act of indecency), (v) it is otherwise necessary in the public interest for the order to be made and the public interest significantly outweighs the public interest in open justice.

Based on the fact that the suppression order was in place almost immediately, which reason/s do you believe could be those applicable to this case?
I've googled the reasons for suppression orders in NSW and here is what I came up with.

Based on the fact that the suppression order was in place almost immediately, which reason/s do you believe could be those applicable to this case?

I think it was done to protect the safety of a person. I think it was there right from the start as it is implicit to all children in state care. How was NC able to be publicly identified and yet the other people who were with her were not? Has there been any indication on social media that the bio family have really wanted to communicate with MSM?
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