Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #23

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On August 11 of this year, New Zealand police confirmed they had investigated two sightings of William.

A police spokeswoman said one reported sighting was definitely not of Tyrrell, while the second, which occurred around New Year's Day 2016, could not be disproved.
Police had no other details relating to the sightings, but said all information had been handed over to Australian police.
thanks for the info and links parak and bohemian, really looking forward to hearing what det jubelin has to say!

will not be surprised if this is a beat up and there is no new information to be shared. That has been the problem with this case all along. The secrecy has hindered any help the public may have been able to give
wondering if theres any significence in this statement....
We have deliberately not spoken to the media for 12 months and this conference will be highlighting what has taken place in that time and where we are at with the case.”
wondering if theres any significence in this statement....
We have deliberately not spoken to the media for 12 months and this conference will be highlighting what has taken place in that time and where we are at with the case.”

I don't think that statement is true. MOO

The police may have not directly spoken to the public through the media, but I think the ACA interview with KL and NC was a perfect example of the police harnessing the media for their own strategies in the investigation. I think every time they do talk directly to the public, they get another truck load of things they have to investigate on top of what they already have. Maybe this last 12 months they have had a couple of very good leads. MOO
will not be surprised if this is a beat up and there is no new information to be shared. That has been the problem with this case all along. The secrecy has hindered any help the public may have been able to give

'THE lead detective investigating the disappearance of William Tyrrell, Detective Inspector Gary Jubelin, said a press conference will be held on Monday, September 12.

That date is significant as it marks two years since William went missing from his relatives’ home on the Mid North Coast.'

"There will be a press conference on Monday morning at 8.30am in Sydney which will be a fairly substantial conference,” Det Insp Jubelin said.

“We have deliberately not spoken to the media for 12 months and this conference will be highlighting what has taken place in that time and where we are at with the case."'
Sorry, a little OT from where the thread is drifting right now (I am consistently catching up, lol), but I just wanted to say that the 'Hundreds of POIs' would almost definitely still include some residents from Benaroon Dr and surrounding areas, as well as regular visitors to the street (i.e., postal workers, utility meter readers, possibly council workers, door-to-door sales people e.t.c.).

Those with watertight alibis would have been excluded already, but those without will remain as POIs until they are cleared (or arrested). Some of these POIs would be secondary (wrong place, wrong time, insufficient alibi); whereas some would be primary (people within the area who have no alibi, historical charges and perhaps some circumstantial evidence showing that it's possible they were capable of taking William at the time, or evidence pointing to later involvement). Out of the hundreds of POIs, most of them are likely secondary POIs and investigations would be concentrated on the few primary POIs.

I'd say the POIs we have heard about in the media are the majority of primary POIs, but there's no doubt a couple of leads we haven't heard about (yet). so when we hear about hundreds of POIs, the majority of these would be completely innocent citizens living close by, who just haven't been completely excluded yet.

Frogwell, in regards to what you have said about BS being targeted by the media, it would be truly tragic if he was completely innocent and being targeted in this manner, but if he hasn't been cleared yet, it is either because:
1) His alibi/s haven't checked out and nothing else has indicated he isn't involved, or...
2) He has not been cleared due to police strategies because they want somebody else to believe he is being monitored.
Now, police definitely do use strategies when needed, but (like every Govt. department) they have a budget, so it's extremely unlikely they would use a strategy that could later result in a huge compensation claim for defamation etc. One could argue that maybe BS is cooperating with a strategy, but if that was the case, you'd think he would negotiate a deal on his historic charges. This clearly hasn't happened or there would be a conclusion (guilty plea) to those.

Also IMO, there's no chance that LE have just simply forgotten to clear him publicly yet. If you were innocent and named a POI in the same manner, what lengths would you go to, to clear your name? You certainly wouldn't let LE just forget about you, would you? Regardless, if he is innocent of all accusations, justice will prevail and he will be compensated eventually.

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That was a great post Dark Shadow, your points make a lot of sense to me. I guess my real problem is the status of the term, person of interest. As I have read in other articles, it is really a term that is ambiguous and yet it can be abused and carry as much weight as the word suspect without having to have provided any evidence. I can't stand to see the justice system and civil rights abused with the backing of some media and certain sections of the public, because they really think they have the right person. I can certainly understand that behaviour being a human being myself, but it denies natural justice. If he is found guilty, then would it have really hurt the police to respect his rights for 2-3 years knowing he will be going away for the rest of his life? If he isn't found guilty, the way this has been treated, many will not treat him as an innocent man for the rest of his life. I don't think any amount of compensation could make up for that. Often mistakes aren't made, but they do happen. I thought our rights and laws protected us from the rare mistake. MOO
wondering if theres any significence in this statement....
We have deliberately not spoken to the media for 12 months and this conference will be highlighting what has taken place in that time and where we are at with the case.”

That sentence really jumped out at me. I'm hoping it is strategic and someone's every move is being watched.
Can someone tape it for me and send me the VHS.

What's a 'VHS' richie? :confused:

Seriously, I can ask my SIL to record it as an audiovisual file, and then upload it to WS, youtube or vimeo. Would that be of any use?
(I love that Gandhi quote, Bohemian.)
What's a 'VHS' richie? :confused:

Seriously, I can ask my SIL to record it as an audiovisual file, and then upload it to WS, youtube or vimeo. Would that be of any use?

Record it in case please. If a station puts it up on their web site, I can add it to my YT collection (I'm a bit behind on the latest vids).
No Froggy, I don't think that was the case. I'm just working on times that have already been mentioned in MSM.

  • Children riding their bikes on the driveway at about 9:00am.
  • Two cars seen in Benaroon Drive at about 9:30am.
  • Car driving up Benaroon Drive and doing at U-turn about about 9:30am.
  • Photo taken of William between 9:30am - 10:30am. (Exact time has never been given).
  • William's father leaves for Lakewood shortly after 9:30am.
  • Judy Wilson leaves her home at 9:30am.
It's just my opinion that William's mother was confused about the time she last saw William and it was not as late as 10:25am as has been reported.

William’s dad, a consultant, has to deliver a Skype presentation, so at 9.15am he drives to nearby Lakewood to get a reliable signal.

.... at 9.45am his mum takes a photo of him, grinning into the camera, while his sister sits on the floor, drawing pictures to put on Opa’s grave.

Nanna makes a cup of tea, and between 10am and 10.25am the two women sit outside as *William and his sister play chase in the *garden...

.... And then his mum notices there’s been no growling, no giggling, for five minutes or so.....

William’s father comes home and sees the panic on her face. He starts running, up and down the street.

Soon they are knocking on neighbours’ doors, wild-eyed and desperate. The neighbours join the search and call others to help.

At 10.56am, utterly distraught, William’s mother calls 000 and reports him missing, telling the operator they’ve been searching for 15 or 20 minutes

She can’t understand how a child can simply vanish. There is no way in the world, she thinks, that he would have gone into the bush. Even at this early stage she worries that someone may have taken him. But here? In Kendall? It is such a small community that everyone knows each other.

At 11.06am the first police car arrives; word has spread throughout the township’s 800 or so residents that a little boy is lost and dozens of locals are out looking. A command post is *established outside the house on Benaroon Drive.

At 11.12am the Dog Unit is dispatched

The SES is informed at 11.44am.

At 12.52pm a police helicopter takes to the sky.

By mid-*afternoon hundreds of people are searching for a boy who has seemingly vanished into the bush

At 2.35pm detectives are dispatched from Port Macquarie and begin taking statements. One of them speaks to a colleague, Detective Senior Constable Vanessa Partridge, back at Port Macquarie late that afternoon; they are worried something more sinister may have taken place.

Partridge arrives very early the next day
.... .... Arriving at the house on Benaroon Drive, *Partridge is thinking, “Something just doesn’t feel right about this whole thing.” ....

(I was able to see the news article without the paywall coming up, but the article is also reproduced at the news page listed below)
So using the timeline in the above article and another article which states both children were left unsupervised for 5 minutes, WT wasn't seen again from around 10.25 and his absence was noticed 5- to say 7 minutes later. His absence was noticed by his silence and the FM went to find him. There has never been any reference, in other articles, that his sister noticed she couldn't find him and went and informed her Mum or that the FGM noticed until she was told he was missing by her daughter. If the profiler is correct, this is so high risk, as I do get the impression in this scenario that the perp was metres away, enough to be able to hear their conversation and anticipate that they might stay inside for a couple of minutes. MOO
.... Also IMO, there's no chance that LE have just simply forgotten to clear him publicly yet. If you were innocent and named a POI in the same manner, what lengths would you go to, to clear your name? You certainly wouldn't let LE just forget about you, would you? Regardless, if he is innocent of all accusations, justice will prevail and he will be compensated eventually.

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To me, a POI is simply a 'person of interest', a person who may have something to shed light on a case, and is not a 'suspect'. There are many POIs, and I don't believe that many of them can be 'cleared' until such time as this case is 'solved' and details are known. Up until then, unless each POI has an ironclad alibi, how could any of them really have been 'cleared'? And as such, I'm not certain how police were able to so quickly clear WT's entire family/extended family, since LE simply doesn't yet know to this day what happened to poor little WT. LE has forensically examined at least 3 of BS's vehicles, his home, his property, his septic tank, his place of business, items removed from his place of business, and surely if they had found evidence of WT having been physically present at any of those places, BS would have been charged by now. But yet he hasn't been. Unfortunately BS (and all of the rest, named and unnamed) will be POIs until we know what really did happen. I am assuming that is why LE doesn't freely name all of the POIs in any given case. moo.
This case, and the WT threads are overwhelmingly huge for reading, I'm sure we can all agree on that. I am confused about a couple of points that I hadn't heard about in the beginning.. I understand that it was an entire year later when it apparently came out (from LE) that FM saw these 2 cars parked with their windows open.. but I'm confused about where this other stuff came from, and when?:
i)the white vehicle speeding through the neighbourhood/street?
ii)the car making a u-turn on the street while the kids were riding bikes in the driveway? (and for that matter, the mention of riding bikes in the driveway itself?)
This case, and the WT threads are overwhelmingly huge for reading, I'm sure we can all agree on that. I am confused about a couple of points that I hadn't heard about in the beginning.. I understand that it was an entire year later when it apparently came out (from LE) that FM saw these 2 cars parked with their windows open.. but I'm confused about where this other stuff came from, and when?:
i)the white vehicle speeding through the neighbourhood/street?
ii)the car making a u-turn on the street while the kids were riding bikes in the driveway? (and for that matter, the mention of riding bikes in the driveway itself?)

Sighted vehicles

An artist's impression of two cars seen in near Tyrrell home on the morning Tyrrell disappeared. Photo: 60 Minutes

The police later began investigations into finding the drivers of two cars that were seen parked on the dead end road on the morning Tyrrell disappeared. The cars, described as a white station wagon and an older-style grey sedan, were parked between two driveways of the acre lot of land. They were seen with their driver's side windows down and were unknown in the neighborhood where locals are friends.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][11][/SUP]These cars were noticed by Tyrrell's mother and they have not been seen again since the time he disappeared. The police regard these particular vehicles with suspicion, as there seemed to be no logical reason why they would be parked on the street before William's disappearance.[SUP][12][/SUP] Reportedly, at 9 am, a green or grey sedan car drove past the Tyrrell home while William and his sister were riding bikes in the driveway. The car drove into the no through road, did a U turn in the neighbour's driveway and drove out of the street. Secondly, another 4WD was sighted driving out of Benaroon Drive at about 10:30 am, about the time he disappeared. The same vehicle was later seen speeding down another Kendall street. The police said that they have known about these cars since the investigation started. However, as part of investigative strategy, the information about these vehicles was not released to the public until 12 months after Tyrrell disappeared.[SUP][9]

If there are any reporters reading here that may be going to the press conference, there is such a simple question I'd like asked.
Was Bill Spedding able to produce a single person who saw him at the school assembly that day.
I'm sure the answer is no, but I'd love to see Jubelins response to the question.
A simple yes or no would tell us so much.

This seems like a simple question/answer, however imo it is an unfair one, since a negative 'answer' does not prove that BS was NOT in attendance. If I'm not mistaken, I believe the whole 'BS' thing came about in January, which was some 4 months after the fact.

How many people can think back to know which other parents they noticed exactly at a school event 4 months in the past? Unless someone perhaps spoke specifically to him, or specifically recalls having seen him, BS is SOL, but it doesn't prove he was lying about having attended. Conversely, if someone DOES recall seeing him there, how can they even be sure that it was at *that* particular school event, as opposed to perhaps a different one on a different date? Teachers and school officials would have seen many many parents,and students at that function; other parents would be focused on their own prodigies, and perhaps friends of their own kids, and perhaps parents of friends of their own kids, etc. Unless BS made some kind of spectacle of himself at the school that day, I can't see how it could be relied upon if he didn't happen to be remembered by anyone. moo.
Sighted vehicles

An artist's impression of two cars seen in near Tyrrell home on the morning Tyrrell disappeared. Photo: 60 Minutes

The police later began investigations into finding the drivers of two cars that were seen parked on the dead end road on the morning Tyrrell disappeared. The cars, described as a white station wagon and an older-style grey sedan, were parked between two driveways of the acre lot of land. They were seen with their driver's side windows down and were unknown in the neighborhood where locals are friends.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][11][/SUP]These cars were noticed by Tyrrell's mother and they have not been seen again since the time he disappeared. The police regard these particular vehicles with suspicion, as there seemed to be no logical reason why they would be parked on the street before William's disappearance.[SUP][12][/SUP] Reportedly, at 9 am, a green or grey sedan car drove past the Tyrrell home while William and his sister were riding bikes in the driveway. The car drove into the no through road, did a U turn in the neighbour's driveway and drove out of the street. Secondly, another 4WD was sighted driving out of Benaroon Drive at about 10:30 am, about the time he disappeared. The same vehicle was later seen speeding down another Kendall street. The police said that they have known about these cars since the investigation started. However, as part of investigative strategy, the information about these vehicles was not released to the public until 12 months after Tyrrell disappeared.[SUP][9][/SUP]

Thank you Makara; so basically alllllll of these suspect vehicles were made no mention of until one year after the fact? And then they all were disclosed in one news article/police press conference? But aside from the two that FM says she saw, even though at the time of her 000 call, she said she *didn't* see any vehicles, where did the info come from from those other vehicles? It's a secret? If police knew about all of these potentially suspect vehicles at the time, then wouldn't it have made so much sense for them to have reported these vehicles so that the public could jog their memories closer to the time when they could have actually seen them? Totally doesn't make sense, imho.
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