Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #23

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I'm by the term 'unidentified' persons of interest. 200 of them do they know if they don't know!! Do they perhaps mean 'unlocated' or something ?

I take it to mean 'yet to be located'. If that is the case, what a huge task...
I'm by the term 'unidentified' persons of interest. 200 of them do they know if they don't know!! Do they perhaps mean 'unlocated' or something ?

I have no idea it sound you say how do they know if they don't know.
Maybe 200 faceless people that are linked in someway to the town or William.
As crabby said cars. Maybe internet links to named poi's .....I dunno
'The unprecedented Where’s William campaign, along with the international public interest in the three-year-old’s disappearance from Kendall in 2014, has led to a record number of calls to Crime Stoppers about the case.'

Tips that are vague and lacking in detail could make it difficult for investigators to track down reported suspicious person/s or vehicles.
The painted model. 125mm is not an easy task, if not daunting for 3 year old hide and seek.

98 mm opening. Random street photo.
maybe a lot of the unidentified pois are simply calls made to crimestoppers where someone has rung in and said they saw a dodgy looking man watching children that day from his purple car etc,
nothing specific they can really chase up but that person still has to be noted on the neverending list?
the children laughing and playing that day would be heard through the stillness of the neighbourhood, seems like a lot of paedos have settled in the area and possibly fgms street, it may have been that worlds colliding moment for just one neighbour, maybe william chose to hide in the very same hiding spot?
I'm by the term 'unidentified' persons of interest. 200 of them do they know if they don't know!! Do they perhaps mean 'unlocated' or something ?

Some unidentified POI would be car drivers captured in the tennis(?) club CCTV that haven't come forward and said 'that's me'. The investigators where making a map of where everyone was within 5km (?) of the house that morning. There may be evidence that X number of people bought a sausage roll, but only X-2 have said 'I was there'. Etc.
Yes, all these people moved from Wellington, to Kendall area in movement.

I am not saying, just a freaky coincidence when he drove past the police searching. That random moment, totally unprepared. Like, crap, throw him in the back,
These are just some random general thoughts regarding POIs in this case.

I'm in England and was staggered to learn that Australia is around 32 times the size of the UK, with a population of approx. 24 million as opposed to the 66 million (or more) that we have here. That is an awful lot of space to choose from and I imagine it would be much easier to disappear and re-invent yourself somewhere else.

We also have CCTV everywhere; in shops, town centres, petrol stations, public buildings etc. and number plate recognition cameras on most roads. This doesn't always prevent crime but it does sometimes act as a deterrent and increases the likely hood of the culprits being caught.
I think this is what perplexes so many Brits about the Madeleine McCann case - we just cannot get our heads around the idea of no CCTV trail.

The mindset of a person where this level of surveillance is not the norm may be very different because primarily they would only need to worry about being seen by other humans. If you blend in you won't attract attention. As previous posters have said, tradesmen are often all but invisible so, as long as their behaviour wasn't odd, they may hardly be noticed at all.

It doesn't surprise me that the POIs are up in the hundreds but somewhere in those numbers lies the key to what became of William.
Yes, all these people moved from Wellington, to Kendall area in movement.

I am not saying, just a freaky coincidence when he drove past the police searching. That random moment, totally unprepared. Like, crap, throw him in the back,

Ha. I thought Makara debunked that one. Gollum maybe but not William.
Makara did a solid debunk.

I think it would have helped the abductor that the message put out to the public was that he'd wandered into the bush. Even if the cops were actually getting the volunteer searchers to look for evidence, it means other people in the area weren't looking closely at any vehicles that might have been out of place in any way. I think that was a error in judgment, though I realise it's easy to say that from my lounge room two years on.

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I'm by the term 'unidentified' persons of interest. 200 of them do they know if they don't know!! Do they perhaps mean 'unlocated' or something ?

I think it relates to the owners of Ford Flacons that was mentioned in social media
Perhaps an access visit was cancelled because of the foster family going away that weekend, and either a department officer dropped the reason when speaking to biological family, or bio family put two and two together and tracked William to this ideal abduction location.

But in that case, where is William? He would have been found by now?

I wonder why the family went to Kendall before the planned schedule?

The FM spoke of "surprise, surprise!" as if driving to Kendall way too early would have been nice and great to everyone. Six (?) months they didn't visit at all despite grandma's mourning time and surgery but when finally they did then they did unannounced and too soon.
William and his sister would have been as "surprised" on the Thursday evening as they would have been on the Friday morning. No reason to go earlier, IMO.
Elderly unhealthy grandma would have been rather unpleasantly surprised when the family (4 persons) arrived one night earlier than planned. (Even the washing machine wasn't operational at this brought forward time.) No reason too to surprise poor grandma, IMO.
What did promt this early arrival??????? What did happen in family's home town before they went on the trip headfirst??????? Did the FPs want to escape a sudden threat?? What reason did the FF have to be as frantic as he was immediately??
That's another justification for the unplanned abduction scenario. If it had been planned and the 'POI's with bad habits' were involved, wouldn't they have made sure they had some sort of alibi? One that wasn't easily checked like.... Being each other's alibi, or getting your family to lie for you, or .... Ok maybe I've disproved my own theory. My mind isn't criminally intuned I think!

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I think that ^^^^ is indeed the point! IMO they are operating this way in their large circle. Every time they have an evil "adventure" they have to lie to their families at least. They are all around experienced in their lying, I think, over tens of years probably.
I wonder why the family went to Kendall before the planned schedule?

The FM spoke of "surprise, surprise!" as if driving to Kendall way too early would have been nice and great to everyone. Six (?) months they didn't visit at all despite grandma's mourning time and surgery but when finally they did then they did unannounced and too soon.
William and his sister would have been as "surprised" on the Thursday evening as they would have been on the Friday morning. No reason to go earlier, IMO.
Elderly unhealthy grandma would have been rather unpleasantly surprised when the family (4 persons) arrived one night earlier than planned. (Even the washing machine wasn't operational at this brought forward time.) No reason too to surprise poor grandma, IMO.
What did promt this early arrival??????? What did happen in family's home town before they went on the trip headfirst??????? Did the FPs want to escape a sudden threat?? What reason did the FF have to be as frantic as he was immediately??

Surely the FM called GM before they left Sydney. If they left after work then they wouldn't have arrived until 9-10pm Thurs: Past GM bed time I'm assuming.
"It has been two years since he was taken from his grandmother’s yard at Kendall on New South Wales’ mid-north coast.

A criminal profiler says they are convinced there was nothing planned about the abduction – it was opportunistic."

I am pleased there is going to be a press conference if anyone has a live link to watch it will be very much appreciated. Let's hope progress has been made.

Oh, already now I have to expect Websleuths isn't working on Monday when the news will come up. Great news on a thread - stuttering program, hot running laptop, shut down due to overheating, me crying :gaah: :tantrum: :please: :tears: Always the same advertising problem, IMO.
I really hope it's not an opportunistic stranger abduction. The stats on that are bad, really bad.

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It was called as window reflection forest. Now its blown up more you can see an outline. Easily dismissed by the photographer with the ultra high resolution image.

It was right in the middle the heat. I doubt it is William myself. But it sure as hell is to scale.

Ha. I thought Makara debunked that one. Gollum maybe but not William.
I wonder why the family went to Kendall before the planned schedule?

The FM spoke of "surprise, surprise!" as if driving to Kendall way too early would have been nice and great to everyone. Six (?) months they didn't visit at all despite grandma's mourning time and surgery but when finally they did then they did unannounced and too soon.
William and his sister would have been as "surprised" on the Thursday evening as they would have been on the Friday morning. No reason to go earlier, IMO.
Elderly unhealthy grandma would have been rather unpleasantly surprised when the family (4 persons) arrived one night earlier than planned. (Even the washing machine wasn't operational at this brought forward time.) No reason too to surprise poor grandma, IMO.
What did promt this early arrival??????? What did happen in family's home town before they went on the trip headfirst??????? Did the FPs want to escape a sudden threat?? What reason did the FF have to be as frantic as he was immediately??

I think the earlier-than-scheduled departure from Sydney is really where the timetable of this event should begin, because if the original plan had been adhered to then WT would not have been in Benaroon Drive that morning. Like JLZ I wondered if someone could have let slip that the family were going to Kendall because it wouldn't be difficult to find the FGM's location from electoral records etc.
Interestingly though, if someone had planned to follow them, they would not have expected them to leave until early on the Friday.

It is always a possibility with fostering that the bio-family are going to act up, especially if there is a chance of them permanently losing contact with their child(ren), so abduction may have looked more likely to the FPs than it usually would in a sudden disappearance.

I think what has really stymied this case is the fact that William and his sister are in the care system and the restrictions that go with it. It would be interesting to know whether adoption proceedings continued with either or both children after he vanished and who now has custody. If this does turn out to involve a bio family member they could very easily be out there with William in plain sight because no-one will make the connection (in a way I hope this is the case because he will be alive and looked after).
I think they were hoping for an extended weekend visit with grandma considering the distance and the time that had past since they had last seen FGM. Grandma was leaving her house. FGP was in the cemetery.

A four day visit before a long drive home. We don't know where FD did the Skype meeting. We dont know a lot of details. We know very little.

I think police would have check all the details about visitations, and potential leaks which is not good when you consider the security risk of a disgruntled father.

I wonder why the family went to Kendall before the planned schedule?
The FM spoke of "surprise, surprise!" as if driving to Kendall way too early would have been nice and great to everyone. Six (?) months they didn't visit at all despite grandma's mourning time and surgery but when finally they did then they did unannounced and too soon.
William and his sister would have been as "surprised" on the Thursday evening as they would have been on the Friday morning. No reason to go earlier, IMO.
Elderly unhealthy grandma would have been rather unpleasantly surprised when the family (4 persons) arrived one night earlier than planned. (Even the washing machine wasn't operational at this brought forward time.) No reason too to surprise poor grandma, IMO.
What did promt this early arrival??????? What did happen in family's home town before they went on the trip headfirst??????? Did the FPs want to escape a sudden threat?? What reason did the FF have to be as frantic as he was immediately??
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