Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #33

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Yes Bo that’s possibility No. 903.
I think we’ve even sleuthed a yowie. (Possibility No. 502).

Keep your chin up hon we are all here together.


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I know :*

Following on: What if what posters have been quietly insisting about William’s parents being followed either online or irl are true? What if the person, POI’s or not, who took William, took him with noble intentions? How about we throw that hypothetical ball around for a while (that is, until the next wild goose chase, if this isn’t it). How would something like that go down?
I see No saviour coming to help William. Only evil with a sick need to satisfy their own truly sick disgusting horrid urges
That was was the point I was trying to get across too. I still hold a little glimmer of hope but the perpetrator of this crime in able to commit this would have to be a person with no scruples or empathy

I know Hb :*
I see No saviour coming to help William. Only evil with a sick need to satisfy their own truly sick disgusting horrid urges

Entirely possible but we have no chance of even knowing who that was. It could have been anyone.
I know :*

Following on: What if what posters have been quietly insisting about William’s parents being followed either online or irl are true? What if the person, POI’s or not, who took William, took him with noble intentions? How about we throw that hypothetical ball around for a while (that is, until the next wild goose chase, if this isn’t it). How would something like that go down?

I guess as long it’s within the rules and links on MSM.

I know we haven’t got any cruelty in us, not like that other vile mob.

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@SA Still not discounting BS, seems the most likely at this point. A slam-dunk really. Just want to see what else is out there, being a relative newbie to William’s case and all.
I know :*

Following on: What if what posters have been quietly insisting about William’s parents being followed either online or irl are true? What if the person, POI’s or not, who took William, took him with noble intentions? How about we throw that hypothetical ball around for a while (that is, until the next wild goose chase, if this isn’t it). How would something like that go down?

Tonight’s episode of ACA featured a damaged house - nothing to do with William - inside the house, there was a strange dungeon like room, it made me think, it would be easy to hide a small boy if someone really wanted to, if not on the police radar. Remember the parents that kept their eight year old son locked in an underground shipping container?

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I guess as long it’s within the rules and links on MSM.

I know we haven’t got any cruelty in us, not like that other vile mob.

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Exactly purely hypothetical and without malice.
Tonight’s episode of ACA featured a damaged house - nothing to do with William - inside the house, there was a strange dungeon like room, it made me think, it would be easy to hide a small boy if someone really wanted to, if not on the police radar. Remember the parents that kept their eight year old son locked in an underground shipping container?

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I do. I thought that was William. That is, until I heard his age. So glad the little guy was recovered.
I see No saviour coming to help William. Only evil with a sick need to satisfy their own truly sick disgusting horrid urges

I’ve thought that Spedding is a scapegoat keeping all eyes on him while LE is working on someone undercover (shhhh I didn’t say that).
Like the real perp is breathing easy thinking they’ve got someone or there’s being work done on some, say a needy woman who needs a friend right now.
:thinking: no harm thinking and hoping.

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Entirely possible but we have no chance of even knowing who that was. It could have been anyone.

Yes you are right Bo, could have been anyone . If I were spedding and my name and reputation had been severely compromised through this investigation as an innocent man who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time ....... bloody hell id have every lawyer under the sun helping me .
Well, I have some stuff to do. Nothing important really but necessary all the same. I’ll be interested to read what case veterans come up with when I get back.
Waiting for months for another YouTube special from spedding ?......
I’ve thought that Spedding is a scapegoat keeping all eyes on him while LE is working on someone undercover (shhhh I didn’t say that).
Like the real perp is breathing easy thinking they’ve got someone or there’s being work done on some, say a needy woman who needs a friend right now.
:thinking: no harm thinking and hoping.

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There seems to be a good case for BS, at least being involved in some way circumstantially, I think. Just how I’m not sure. He behaved quite suspiciously in the early days too, holding the 9 News interview with MS (where they said they were both getting close to a breakdown). Methinks they did protest too much and BS was trying to hide something he may have done wrong. There was a lot of pressure brought to bear on him though, from investigators and MSM. Whether he was scapegoated by someone else or not, I’m not sure as I don’t know the potential brief of evidence against him.

Investigators could very well have other people in their sights. But, we wouldn’t know anything about that.

I suppose what I’m asking is the who, how and why questions surrounding a hypothetical hiding of a three year old foster child, using the term ‘someone’ for the perp, such as; ‘How would a child be hidden for nearly four years?’ ‘Who would hide the child?’, and ‘Why is the child being hidden?’, that sort of thing. Without naming names, places, etc or breaking WS’ TOS.
He was found 5 Kilometres away.
Could William have walked the same distance.

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alernatively TGY, would Wiliam have walked that distance?

Why would he ?

as I know 3 year olds, if they feel ou of their depth, they want Mummy, and they make it known .. IMO.

FM was calling for him, let's say it was even in 15 mins of his disappearance... if he wandered into the bush & was on his own, I am pretty sure that if he didn't hear FM, she would've heard him... or searchers would have located him.

IMO, we are being manipulated by the perpetrators, to believe that this little boy just happily & voluntarily left the safety of his loved ones to venture far afield .... I'm not the only parent here I'm sure who will vouch for limited bravado in our 3 year olds when it cones to 'separation' .... Someone Did, Someone Knows, Someone Will Come To Justice, as will ALL who have aided & abetted...
Yes you are right Bo, could have been anyone . If I were spedding and my name and reputation had been severely compromised through this investigation as an innocent man who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time ....... bloody hell id have every lawyer under the sun helping me .

I’m not discounting local involvement altogether and I’m not sure if a Port Macquarie local(s) was/were involved, including BS. He could, indeed, be innocent or, on the other hand, have had some involvement/knowledge of William’s disappearance. I guess we won’t find that out until he’s either charged, or formally cleared, by investigators.
Hiya Hbayne. I have made numerous reports to crime stoppers about someone i suspect could be involved. I'm so unsure, but it's a possibility given the time frame & location. Initially i gave my name only (not his, so it was not even anonymous) due to fear - & thinking when/if they approach me - then I will know & can then protect myself from him. Got no phone call - nothing. Then my psychologist reports him about a month later (with his name) & still nothing. All of this reporting was to crime stoppers (which i have read since have about a 2% success rate!) I don't know what to do really. I only suspect. But that's exactly what they asked for - if you suspect someone - then come forward. I have heard nothing from his camp (i would hear from his camp i think). This was many months ago. It makes me think they have their minds made up - or that info is not being properly related? No idea!
Is there no response to this? I've been here from the start but don't really post as see no reason to. So am wondering why this post has been ignored <modsnip> Yes, I admit I probably have missed something/a lot, please don't get upset with me if I have
Much love & blessings everyone
I don’t think it’s impossible either, Eloise, just that the probability when you take into account an idea of likelihood ratios that the scenarios would be close to zero.

Police are people just like we are. Some are skilled investigators; some not as skilled, some feel their jobs are vocations; to others their job is just that, a job. I do trust them generally, as much as I trust nurses, doctors and teachers, etc; despite being let down by some and growing up in the same general area as Roger Rogerson. Basically, my recent experience of police officers is that if I don’t come to their notice for breaking the law, they don’t purposely go out of their way to insert themselves into my life, other than to give me a friendly smile and a ‘Hello.’ in response to mine. Their jobs are difficult enough without going to look for members of the general public to arrest (but I’m sure, just like us, they have their good and bad days). Sure they sometimes make unwise, even fatal, decisions but I think they are the exception rather than the rule.

I don’t idolise DCI Jubelin either, despite my jokes about him. I am well aware of at least one of his failings irt the Gordon Wood case. I actually heard the physicist(?) Dr Philip(?) Cross speak about the evidence he provided in the case and why it was correct. I was convinced until I read about the quashing of Mr Wood’s conviction and after reading the record of interview I think DCI Jubelin was too. I’d like to think he is a little more circumspect and skilled as a lead investigator in William’s case. Just as I’d hope none of us are the people we were 20 years ago, I’d hope we have all become wiser with age. Although maybe I’m simply naive.

Undoubtedly, there are aspects of William’s case we don’t know but I have always read or listened very carefully to official statements/pressers; especially those made by DCI Jubelin. In fact, out of the multitude of MSM articles/TV programs, those are the only words I take at anywhere near face value and I’m well aware words can be twisted. I really can’t see that there is any conspiracy connected with William’s disappearance from what I’ve heard so far and I trust that he has William’s and his families’ best interests at heart and there are excellent reasons for ‘holding back’ information from the public that could harm a successful prosecution of an offender.

I don’t think William’s families were responsible for his disappearance either. Hopefully, one day we will learn what happened to him that fateful day.

So well said Boho, thank you.

For me, its about William, for answers to his disappearance & for answers that may provide some semblance of peace for the multitudes who are investisted in his wellbeing.
Is there no response to this? I've been here from the start but don't really post as see no reason to. So am wondering why this post has been ignored <modsnip> Yes, I admit I probably have missed something/a lot, please don't get upset with me if I have
Much love & blessings everyone

Because it is a matter for Crimestoppers and/or Strike Force Rosann investigators, not WS under their TOS. I suggest you contact the Admins or the Owner via email at:

if you&#8217;d like to know more.
alernatively TGY, would Wiliam have walked that distance?

Why would he ?

as I know 3 year olds, if they feel ou of their depth, they want Mummy, and they make it known .. IMO.

FM was calling for him, let's say it was even in 15 mins of his disappearance... if he wandered into the bush & was on his own, I am pretty sure that if he didn't hear FM, she would've heard him... or searchers would have located him.

IMO, we are being manipulated by the perpetrators, to believe that this little boy just happily & voluntarily left the safety of his loved ones to venture far afield .... I'm not the only parent here I'm sure who will vouch for limited bravado in our 3 year olds when it cones to 'separation' .... Someone Did, Someone Knows, Someone Will Come To Justice, as will ALL who have aided & abetted...

BBM. The only change I would make to this post is by adding the words &#8216;allowing ourselves&#8217; in the bolded sentence, ie; &#8216;We are allowing ourselves [to] be[ing] manipulated&#8217;. By who, I&#8217;m not sure, but as Jubes said they are &#8216;peripheral distractions&#8217; and, if so, are best reported/ignored if they break WS&#8217; TOS.
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