Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #34

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Almost four years later, police - led by Strike Force Rosann – were continuing to comb bushland near the property, two weeks after investigators launched a fresh search for evidence for the boy who seemingly disappeared without a trace.

“While we are obviously thinking of William and his loved ones every day, today is particularly tough as we know it’s another milestone without answers,” Detective Chief Inspector Gary Jubelin said on Tuesday.

“As such, our focus remains on providing his family with answers, and our investigation, along with the search of bushland at Kendall, is continuing today.
“I want to thank the community for their ongoing support, particularly the local community, who have been very understanding and accommodating during the forensic search.”...........
William's foster parents and biological parents have all been ruled out as suspects in the disappearance.

Search for William Tyrrell continues on his 7th birthday
Happy Birthday William. You are always present in my thoughts, but today especially so. I hope this is the last birthday your families have to endure, without knowing what happened to you, and having you returned. You will forever remain in my heart. You have touched the lives of many Australians, and others across the whole world. Wherever you are William I hope you are at peace xx

To his family, I wish you the strength to keep fighting for William, and for you to see justice served to the perpetrator of this horrific crime. I'm sure William knows how loved he is, and how lucky he was to have people who love him so much.

To Gary Jubelin and the whole team searching for William- thank you. Go get the son of a b@$*#h of took him , and take them down. I know your efforts will pay off . I'm sure the evil that did this is sweating- I would be. We know you likely have this pinned down- and are just dotting your i's and crossing your t's. Like the predator stalking his prey and waiting until just the right moment to strike. We will remain patient while you do so. We want the result to stick, and justice to be served with no question as to who did it. Thank you .

To the worthless piece of S*@t that took you. I hope you feel as scared as poor William did. I hope you feel the pain of his families, and all that care for William magnified a thousand times over. Judgement day is coming. You cannot hide forever.

To those protecting this person, or people- how can you live with yourself? I hope Karma and the long arm of the law deal with you too. Time is ticking. If you have any shred of decency, the time is now. Come forward. Give his family peace.

Bring him home !!!

J xx

Wonderful sentiments, J. I totally agree x
So FaCS didn't remove them til the search? So with whatever they were investigating, they left them for approxiamately a month..... and removed them at the time of the police search and then in April, BS was arrested for the historical charges and effectively hasn't seen them since then... wish we had news on the historical outcomes. The later timing of the removal when the searches were being carried out just ties in further with my previous post that much was being intimated visually and in print in regards to WT's disappearance before the historical charges were layed or reported on.

When was BS charged for the historical charges?
22 April 2015, I think.
There was much being intimated in print.
I could never understand why Col was so eager to speak to the press.

For mine, it was his mates comments that raised my hinky, more than the missing letters on the work van did.
I remember thinking .. No, what is coming.

April 18, 2015
Youngberry says. “I mean everyone is comin’ out and tellin’ him he’s basically murdered a kid. I mean, *advertiser censored*, not only kidnapped him but …”..............

But Youngberry says there is another reason why police may be unfairly hounding his friend — he says that a former partner of Spedding’s has made vexatious complaints against him for years. “You should look into that,” Youngberry says.

Despite everything Spedding has endured he seems to be coping, somehow. “He has an excellent attitude on life,” Youngberry says. “The only time I seen him real upset was when they nabbed him and took him and Margaret in for an interview. He was devastated, wondering why. Why him? Just outta the blue.”

How could toddler William Tyrrell simply vanish into thin air?
He said among those many lines of inquiry were early allegations of an active paedophile ring operating out of the mid north coast.
(Still up to date)
“Until this matter is solved we will keep all lines of inquiry open. We need conclusive evidence before I can say one thing or another. That line of inquiry was a legitimate line of inquiry that we’ve explored and that didn’t provide any information that led to the charging of any person or the recovery of William.
‘Focus on answers’: William’s birthday message
‘Focus on answers’: William’s birthday message

“As such, our focus remains on providing his family with answers, and our investigation, along with the search of bushland at Kendall, is continuing today.

Volunteers from Camden Haven, Wauchope, Port Macquarie Hastings, Forster Pacific Palms, Taree, Wingham and other areas on the Mid North Coast have been acknowledged for their assistance in the forensic search at Benaroon Drive, Kendall.

I wonder, if those volunteers are secretly under observation by the many professionals like Riot Squad etc. (and press photographers!) during search. After all, a special group of citizens could be among the volunteers and at least one of them might have certain knowledge of the crime.
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‘Focus on answers’: William’s birthday message

“As such, our focus remains on providing his family with answers, and our investigation, along with the search of bushland at Kendall, is continuing today.

Volunteers from Camden Haven, Wauchope, Port Macquarie Hastings, Forster Pacific Palms, Taree, Wingham and other areas on the Mid North Coast have been acknowledged for their assistance in the forensic search at Benaroon Drive, Kendall.

I wonder, if those volunteers are under observation by the many professionals (and press photographers!) during search. After all, a special group of citizens could be among them and at least one of them might have certain knowledge of the crime.
I am sure that they would be. Maybe they are the people with chain saws to get in under fallen timber and stuff like that.
Why would anyone feel it newsworthy that BS's work van was on the street at some point in the days following WT's disappearance, along with police vehicles?

BS has openly shared that he did eventually return to FG's home at some point *after* the 'event' to fix that broken washing machine, so what about him going to repair the washer AFTERwards, like he said he did, seems like it is news?

Newsworthy, because - I think - not only washing machine repairs men return to their client but also offenders return to the scene of the crime some time.
Happy Birthday William. You are always present in my thoughts, but today especially so. I hope this is the last birthday your families have to endure, without knowing what happened to you, and having you returned. You will forever remain in my heart. You have touched the lives of many Australians, and others across the whole world. Wherever you are William I hope you are at peace.

To Gary Jubelin and the whole team searching for William- thank you. Go get the son of a b@$*#h of took him , and take them down. I know your efforts will pay off . I'm sure the evil that did this is sweating- I would be. We know you likely have this pinned down- and are just dotting your i's and crossing your t's. Like the predator stalking his prey and waiting until just the right moment to strike. We will remain patient while you do so. We want the result to stick, and justice to be served with no question as to who did it. Thank you .

To the worthless piece of S*@t that took you. I hope you feel as scared as poor William did. I hope you feel the pain of his families, and all that care for William magnified a thousand times over. Judgement day is coming. You cannot hide forever.

To those protecting this person, or people- how can you live with yourself? I hope Karma and the long arm of the law deal with you too. Time is ticking. If you have any shred of decency, the time is now. Come forward. Give his family peace.

Bring him home !!!

J xx

Thanks J.
Just wonderful.
Time, and karma will prove all.
In any case, why are sleuthers making this about what BS did or didn't fix, as opposed to what MSM published? As the legal paperwork seems to indicate, publishing that photograph of the missing lettering did nothing in regard to the news information being reported on. It seems like its only purpose was to parade BS to the world as being a pedo and therefore, all the more reason for him to have had something to do with WT's case. My opinion only, which opinion may have been shared by BS, his legal team and possibly others as well.
(snipped & BBM)

Because, he's claiming that what was published damaged his reputation, yet arguably he's contributed to the defamation himself by not replacing the S. If he's been driving around in a van that advertises him as a 'peddo' (ha, funny that, you all think I'm a child rapist and you can't prove it--so up yours) then the amount of damages payable should be reduced. However, maybe he wasn't driving around in the van, maybe the vandalism had only just happened, maybe he was hanging on to evidence so as to lay a complaint, or, if it was the kids, he intended for them to fix it themselves.
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