Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #34

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My wish for William’s 7th Birthday is that he is safe and loved. My wish for all those who love him is if this is not possible, then to at least know he’s at peace.

It’s heartbreaking to know as the sun sets tonight on William’s Birthday 4 years after he went missing we can’t be assured of either. But there is some F#%€r out there that knows the truth and could at the very least give his family some peace.

There is an empty space in the hearts of so many who have come to love this little guy tonight.
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How a country town struggles to live with an unsolved crime
The weekend that William Tyrrell went missing, one of the most prestigious music competitions in Australia — the Kendall National Violin Competition — was being held in the town.

As some of Australia's best young violinists performed, helicopters hovered above.

It was a sign of what was to come for the tiny community.

Where was DN ....?
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To those on here that are so focused on BS innocence , would love to hear your reasons why? This is a genuine question as with all the evidence stacked against him .
Yes we make judgements based on what we have known about his character through Sm and msm but where do you base your thoughts on him being innocent ?Is it because he is old and innocent looking ? To me the man has too many dodgy past shenanigans in so many ways , how can anyone defend him ? We know more about his dodgy past than his present position , how can he be defended at this point by sleuthers here that know nothing about his character .He has not one but 2 cases against him for child abuse at some level. He is still AFAIK very much a POI in Williams case. No judgement, just seeking some reasons for his defence
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So it’s going forward then:

‘the existing statement of claim will go to the jury.’

Spedding v Nationwide News Pty Ltd - NSW Caselaw

I had to 'reply' simply because I couldn't bear to 'like' the sentiment!

I also understand my stance may be seen to be unfair to BS, so please allow my explanation -

My response is not about a judgement of BS, as much as I don't see he has done himself any favours in any of this, be him innocent or otherwise.

HOWEVER, to be attempting to Profit from this little boy's misfortune is abhorrent to me, and that's what I feel he is doing.

And if a Judge condones that behaviour, IMO they also have no place in the true Australian community, which stands for far greater values ...
To those on here that are so focused on BS innocence , would love to hear your reasons why? This is a genuine question as with all the evidence stacked against him .
Yes we make judgements based on what we have known about his character through Sm and msm but where do you base your thoughts on him being innocent ?Is it because he is old and innocent looking ? To me the man has too many dodgy past shenanigans in so many ways , how can anyone defend him ? We know more about his dodgy past than his present position , how can he be defended at this point by sleuthers here that know nothing about his character .He has not one but 2 cases against him for child abuse at some level. He is still AFAIK very much a POI in Williams case. No judgement, just seeking some reasons for his defence

Fair question HB .. And IHNFI .. as to his guilt or otherwise. That's why I'm so appreciative of Det Jube & his team :)
However, I will say, as previously, I don't see his behavior 'post Willam' as being conducive to a majority vote in his favour (weird video posts, employing poor Col to be his spokesperson - poor Col, now conspicuous by his silence) and most recently his attempt to profit via these court cases.

This is why I go OMG, does this guy have a soul or a conscious ? He lives in a small community where a Child / family of one of his Clients has gone missing - a most heartbreaking situation - but his response is all about HIM & now his monetary gain ???!
There's no indication in the judgment that Spedding alleges the photographs were altered. According to the article that's the subject of defamatory action, he was asked why he didn't repair the lettering and chose not to answer.

Does anyone know how long the S was missing? Had he been happily driving around in a van which implied that he was a pedophile not long after being connected--innocently, if anyone likes--with William's disappearance; and yet felt defamed when a newspaper broadcast the same implication?

So you can just choose not to a answer ?? Really ?
This is really valuable learning for me, just in case, as in all the TV shows I've watched they've been directed, in no uncertain terms, to 'answer the question' .
This is an absolutely brilliant article. Well worth a re-read. In doing so I found this little tidbit. Possibly the culprit who removed the ‘S’ from the van.

Initially I thought Youngberry was referring to an ex business partner but then put two and two together with the subsequent allegations. Youngberry was at that point telling Journalists to look into the ex-partner.

For some reason I couldn’t copy and paste from the article so I’ve screen shot the part I’m referencing

Cheers Cagney - I wonder though the context of 'ex partner'. To me it doesn't equate to 'business', but perhaps more 'personal' ? Just 'smoke & mirrors' from Youngberry at that stage I would suggest, however many things may still come to the fore ... all of course just my own humble thoughts & opinions
Personally, I think that family are rallying, and have others who think this crime was committed by someone else rallying with them, because they can't rally against the person they think is responsible. That person has been cleared.

If they could rally against the cleared person, instead of rallying for Spedding, I think they would. imo

I think they'd use their energy elsewhere. And that is just my take on what I have observed.

There are very divided opinions out there. Because this crime is taking so long to solve. I think it would be easier for the Spedding family if it was solved sooner rather than later.
Can someone please tell me who is the cleared person.
Happy Birthday William. You are always present in my thoughts, but today especially so. I hope this is the last birthday your families have to endure, without knowing what happened to you, and having you returned. You will forever remain in my heart. You have touched the lives of many Australians, and others across the whole world. Wherever you are William I hope you are at peace xx

To his family, I wish you the strength to keep fighting for William, and for you to see justice served to the perpetrator of this horrific crime. I'm sure William knows how loved he is, and how lucky he was to have people who love him so much.

To Gary Jubelin and the whole team searching for William- thank you. Go get the son of a b@$*#h of took him , and take them down. I know your efforts will pay off . I'm sure the evil that did this is sweating- I would be. We know you likely have this pinned down- and are just dotting your i's and crossing your t's. Like the predator stalking his prey and waiting until just the right moment to strike. We will remain patient while you do so. We want the result to stick, and justice to be served with no question as to who did it. Thank you .

To the worthless piece of S*@t that took you. I hope you feel as scared as poor William did. I hope you feel the pain of his families, and all that care for William magnified a thousand times over. Judgement day is coming. You cannot hide forever.

To those protecting this person, or people- how can you live with yourself? I hope Karma and the long arm of the law deal with you too. Time is ticking. If you have any shred of decency, the time is now. Come forward. Give his family peace.

Bring him home !!!

J xx

Applauding your sentiments :)
So you can just choose not to a answer ?? Really ?
This is really valuable learning for me, just in case, as in all the TV shows I've watched they've been directed, in no uncertain terms, to 'answer the question' .
Sorry if I was misleading. At the time the newspaper article was prepared, the journalist asked BS why he hadn't repaired the lettering, and he just told them to buzz off or something. I don't mean he refused to answer questions in court.
Thanks for posting that, deugirtni. I'd forgotten a lot of what the FM said in the interview.

She's right - it doesn't make for cars to park on the street, in between 2 houses. I think we speculated at the time that the cars might have been looking at a house for sale (I can't remember if there was a house for sale or not.) Even if that's what they were doing, it's weird that there were 2 cars - and no one was visible in the cars. It seemed like they were parked there for quite a while too. If you were checking out a house for sale, you'd drive by slowly and maybe park near the house for a little while. FM makes it sound like they were there for quite a while.

My first post be kind :) I’m in a Facebook group with a girl who lives very close by. She mentioned in the group in passing last week that she could see the searches going on. She said phone reception on the grandmothers street is the best in town and it’s very common to find people parked there to make phone calls as it’s the best place in town. She also said she thought it was weird that the foster dad had gone into town that day to make calls as their street was the best place to do it. I’m sure he just had other things to do in the town.

Not to say that someone making a call didn’t seize the opportunity to take William when they saw him. I’m sure the police would of worked this out quite quickly though?

Anyway, my two cents :)
My first post be kind :) I’m in a Facebook group with a girl who lives very close by. She mentioned in the group in passing last week that she could see the searches going on. She said phone reception on the grandmothers street is the best in town and it’s very common to find people parked there to make phone calls as it’s the best place in town. She also said she thought it was weird that the foster dad had gone into town that day to make calls as their street was the best place to do it. I’m sure he just had other things to do in the town.

Not to say that someone making a call didn’t seize the opportunity to take William when they saw him. I’m sure the police would of worked this out quite quickly though?

Anyway, my two cents :)

Welcome Kel. Don’t worry, we don’t bite (well, most of us, anyway). Thanks for the local information— it’s much appreciated.

It was reported that William’s FF had to give a Skype presentation. I think he would’ve needed faster internet speeds to stream video than when making a mobile phone call, so I guess he went into town to use a wireless internet connection.

It’s interesting to note that Benaroon Drive has the best mobile phone reception in Kendall so people routinely park there to make calls. I think the police would have been able to trace those calls early on, especially if they requested a data dump of the closest tower(s).
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