Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 5

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Yes, but they could of parked it near the cemetary or something and gone on foot!

Which would require a lot of planning. In my opinion, if you were planning to abduct William (for whatever reason), I could think of a lot of better ways than using a trail bike. The cemetery is around 400-500 metres from their house. Logistically, I don't find that a reasonable scenario. It would require parking their bikes, which may have been heard or seen going into the bush (trail bikes are very conspicuous and draw attention - they would also most probably need a car with a trailer - I can't see them abducting William and then riding into mainstream public areas with William on a trailbike to make their escape proper), leaving them parked somewhere in the bush, supposedly near the cemetery (risk of them being seen), then going and hiding somewhere, waiting for an opportune time to lure William away (the time walking from the bikes to the residence where William was, then having to wait in the bush - very time consuming and once again, more risk of any evidence i.e. the bikes, being seen). Nothing is impossible, but to me, that scenario is highly improbable.
I agree. I did raise this possibility a while back where a trail bike could have been ridden quietly along one of the tracks near Benaroon Drive. William could have been grabbed and then seated on the bike and the bike then pushed for a certain distance before starting it up again. There was the guy mowing his lawn at the time of William's disappearance and IMO that could have concealed a certain amount of noise. The trail bike could even sound like a lawn mower if it was running slowly. If this was the case though, it would mean that it was a targeted abduction, not simply a random bike ride in the bush and "oh there's a little kid, I'm gonna grab him."

Hi Makara, it appears to be a hill from the bush past grandmas down to the corner. I think it could be easy enough to coast down without noise.
Anything is possible: searchers
Local residents armed with torches spent the night searching for the boy.

"We've searched the drains on the road, but there was nothing there," said one woman who was with a group of friends.

The group then searched a nearby abandoned home after one of them heard noises.

"[A] neighbour used to live in this house but she's now in a nursing home so it's been abandoned for a while," she said.

"You know, anything's possible."

I wonder which house they're talking about?

I have been thinking about the photo's that were published by the media when the Spedding property was being searched.
Particularly the one looking under the house through the door.
It just seems that those images would have been released by the police. imo

The tape was up and wouldn't that mean the media are not allowed beyond that tape?

Although, they do have out of the ordinary cameras/ lens attachments. If the photos were taken by MSM they surely would have been taken from behind police tape. But I would think they would need full permission to print and run the stories they ran on WS.. So in any case, it seems likely that regardless of who the photographer was, media and LE were playing nicely together

Sorry my "multi quote" doesn't seem to be I just cut and pasted the above posts

I do think the police and media are working hand in hand "playing nicely together".....isn't this usually an arranged strategy, designed to bring about a reaction or outcome? To be doing such says much to me.
IMO if we were considering a dirt bike/ bike being used, the abductor would have to be pretty certain that WT wouldn't struggle... I can imagine that being quite tricky to coordinate... a toddler and a bike, never mind if WT became distressed at being wheeled away, drawing unwanted attention.
You never know, all scenarios hold their possibilities. Maybe a dirt bike would work in favour of an abductor, as in going for a ride being an exciting prospect to a three year old boy. It would also give them a cover up story If WT say agreed to hop on the bike, but then started to freak out, someone sees and intervenes, would be abductor is all like 'I was just showing him my bike, so sorry if I've given him a scare'. Kind of takes us back into the theory that either someone was laying in wait, with their dirt bike handy, or it was purely opportunistic.
IMO if we were considering a dirt bike/ bike being used, the abductor would have to be pretty certain that WT wouldn't struggle... I can imagine that being quite tricky to coordinate... a toddler and a bike, never mind if WT became distressed at being wheeled away, drawing unwanted attention.
You never know, all scenarios hold their possibilities. Maybe a dirt bike would work in favour of an abductor, as in going for a ride being an exciting prospect to a three year old boy. It would also give them a cover up story If WT say agreed to hop on the bike, but then started to freak out, someone sees and intervenes, would be abductor is all like 'I was just showing him my bike, so sorry if I've given him a scare'. Kind of takes us back into the theory that either someone was laying in wait, with their dirt bike handy, or it was purely opportunistic.

Great thinking. That's a very reasonable explanation.
IMO if we were considering a dirt bike/ bike being used, the abductor would have to be pretty certain that WT wouldn't struggle... I can imagine that being quite tricky to coordinate... a toddler and a bike, never mind if WT became distressed at being wheeled away, drawing unwanted attention.
You never know, all scenarios hold their possibilities. Maybe a dirt bike would work in favour of an abductor, as in going for a ride being an exciting prospect to a three year old boy. It would also give them a cover up story If WT say agreed to hop on the bike, but then started to freak out, someone sees and intervenes, would be abductor is all like 'I was just showing him my bike, so sorry if I've given him a scare'. Kind of takes us back into the theory that either someone was laying in wait, with their dirt bike handy, or it was purely opportunistic.

Or perhaps he knew the bike rider.
Dirt Bikes are extremely noisy and the neighbourhood is essentially quite - Even if someone used the track the sound of a dirt bike would have been heard from the properties on the road where the cemetery is located. I would assume the police would have asked all neighbours and neighbouring streets (backing onto the bush) if they heard anything....

I live in a setting somewhat similar to the environment from which William was can definitely hear dirt bikes... We have some turds that come once or twice a year riding in the block next to use (The block is 40 acres)...I can hear them riding around the whole property as the sound echoes - they are chasing and scaring the kangaroos grrrr.
I'm thinking kidseat on back of bike with rain one would have noticed ((just guessing on my part))

and there are serious touring bike people who have those wagons behind their bikes as well for long trips....
Originally Posted by sosocurious View Post

I have been thinking about the photo's that were published by the media when the Spedding property was being searched.
Particularly the one looking under the house through the door.
It just seems that those images would have been released by the police. imo

The tape was up and wouldn't that mean the media are not allowed beyond that tape?
Although, they do have out of the ordinary cameras/ lens attachments. If the photos were taken by MSM they surely would have been taken from behind police tape. But I would think they would need full permission to print and run the stories they ran on WS.. So in any case, it seems likely that regardless of who the photographer was, media and LE were playing nicely together

Sorry my "multi quote" doesn't seem to be I just cut and pasted the above posts

I do think the police and media are working hand in hand "playing nicely together".....isn't this usually an arranged strategy, designed to bring about a reaction or outcome? To be doing such says much to me.

....'Superintendent Paul Fehon, the officer in charge of the investigation, told Inquirer this week that there could be “very, very serious complications for them down the track if nothing eventuates”.

But questions will also be asked of the police if nothing eventuates with Spedding. They too have skin in this game.' ....

I did find the wording a bit odd at the end of this article. It's a bit primary school, like 'they started it' .
But anyway, definitely some LE and media cooperation. And now all of a sudden quiet on the WS front.
If there was conclusive evidence of innocence I would think MSM would be all over that, getting 'exclusives' with WS on the upheaval of his home and business
If there was conclusive evidence of innocence I would think MSM would be all over that, getting 'exclusives' with WS on the upheaval of his home and business

RSBM: I agree. When Spedding’s lawyer publicly states that Spedding has been cleared of any suspicion in relation to William’s disappearance, MSM will jump all over it and we will be told. Until then, he is evidently still viewed as a POI. The police didn’t go in there with no probable cause for a search warrant. And they definitely wanted to put the wind up someone(s) and try to get this case blown wide open imo.
This comment from Supt Fehon early in the investigation.

There is little if any, through traffic, making the probability of a random, opportunistic attack "next to nil".

I notice that his specific wording does not preclude an opportunistic abduction by someone in the immediate vicinity. Just (almost) excludes it being a random event. Which could tie in with the multiple searches of nearby residences, the early inclusion of the Sex Crimes squad, and the quick securing of CCTV in the local area.

I wanna know who a sex offender 'on the street' could be, and I wanna National Sex Offender registry. :tantrum:

We have a right to know if these creepy creeps are our neighbours. Our rights should supercede their rights. We have done nothing wrong.
^ I agree. The law protects them but not the children. How messed up is that?
And yes, the longer it takes to hear back about the forensics, the more worrying it gets. We know they gave 2 out of 3 cars back very quickly. I guess they have a lot of other stuff to go through too. The septic, the stuff taken from under the house.
I wonder if they found anything on the computer? I wonder how long this all takes. After the Laurieton raid they said it would be tested urgently (I think they were referring to the computers.)
WS niece told the Daily Telegraph I would just like him to know he has our full support.
We feel he is innocent in this situation.
I really believe that no one in my family has any involvement in this.

Innocent of what?
He hasn't been charged with anything.

When they do a search do they have to say we suspect you of ........?

I believe no one in my family has any involvement in this.
That statement does kind of make you :thinking:
WS niece told the Daily Telegraph I would just like him to know he has our full support.
We feel he is innocent in this situation.
I really believe that no one in my family has any involvement in this.

Innocent of what?
He hasn't been charged with anything.

When they do a search do they have to say we suspect you of ........?

I believe no one in my family has any involvement in this.
That statement does kind of make you :thinking:


No they don't. They would say something along the lines of "We have a warrant to search your property in relation to our investigation into the disappearance of William Tyrell." They may not have even mentioned William's name but in view of the fact that WS had been questioned twice, I think they would have. They would've shown WS the search warrant and there's not much he could have done to prevent them searching his properties. If the police rocked up without a warrant, WS could have refused them access to his property. He's well within his rights to do that but the police would then be asking what does he have to hide. They would then have had to apply for a search warrant, which takes time. Time enough for any evidence to be removed from the property. You could say the police were armed (with the search warrant) when they attended WS's property. :wink:
Not really up to speed with this one, and sorry to be a bit slow here, but can someone please tell me how long after William's father left to run some errands did the children start playing chase.
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