Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 5

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Originally Posted by pudnegg
Do you think it's possible they requested google imaging?

What do you mean by this?

I had a little look before. Google doesn't make passes over properties/land/areas as often as we think. They would have to be awfully lucky to have Google doing a pass between 10am & 11am on the 12th September. Plus, their level of detail is not so acute that it can see people generally - though it may see cars, but again not in great detail - due to the angle of the earth, angle of the sun, and other variables.

"This is one reason why you usually do not find any imagery younger than about 6 months in Google Earth and Maps. And why updates usually only happen about once every 30 days."
A few things stand out to me

  • They highlight the "front" of the house more than the driveway.... the "front" is the part going down the hill.... I wonder if they are highlighting this a little more because they are leaning towards this being the most likely abduction point?

  • "they departed in almost total silence because no one in the street heard a thing"... well, it's slightly down hill, so no need to start an engine? Just roll.

  • "if they don't come forward that would cause me concern" ... I hope he is trying to flush someone out... rather than casting a wide net

I'm pretty sure the content of this report was being carefully conducted by the detectives, so it's interesting to see.
Thought the front downhill side of the house had already been suggested due to the way he had headed

Thought the front downhill side of the house had already been suggested due to the way he had headed


in this image it shows william would be hidden by trees between grandmas and the neighbours, could someone have hidden there watching him play?
how would they track every human movement and know if people were in the area or not unless they has access to satellite footage ?

That area includes parts of Kendall, approach roads into the town and a wild expanse of state forest. Every human movement within it will be tracked on computer.

Despite having worked on murder investigations for more than 20 years, Inspector Jubelin said he had never seen an opera*tion on such a scale
What is known about the occupants of the house (that overlooks WT's grandmother's house) who were allegedly away at the time that William disappeared?
Thought the front downhill side of the house had already been suggested due to the way he had headed

You're right!

My brain seems to of totally blocked out this information. The front of the house never felt like the front to me, since it didn't have the driveway and it wasn't really "facing" out onto anything other than scrub and a hill down to the road past the bend.

bearbear said:
in this image it shows william would be hidden by trees between grandmas and the neighbours, could someone have hidden there watching him play?

Or someone could even have driven passed on the road at the bottom of the hill and seen him. Somehow called him down or maybe walked up to him. It's not so far up to the house, and hidden due to the trees, as you suggest. The abductor might of had more than 5 minutes, as his family may of taken much more time before they thought to look out beyond those trees.
Good thing it was found to be a duplicate because I found it quite disconcerting when they mentioned they would be looking at the whereabouts of any sexual offenders in the area.. I was thinking.. WHAT??? They haven't done that yet??

I knew it was the same story ACA had aired before on the 24th September 2014.

All they've done is snipped out the original officer and put in Jubelin's take.

They at least could of done a whole new fresh video
Both the husband and wife were quoted in the news. (I believe their names are Judy Wilson and Richard Wilson?) I don't recall it ever said that Richard was away at the time, only that Judy had left at 9am, so not sure about whether they were both out or not??

What is known about the occupants of the house (that overlooks WT's grandmother's house) who were allegedly away at the time that William disappeared?
I was thinking, from that, that they would gather statements from every person in that area at that time and make a big map, showing who was where, when.. and then.. match it up with every CCTV they have in their possession.. and if there remain some people or vehicles seen on CCTV which have not come forward, they will delve into those in a big way. Since nobody really knows which locations may have had CCTV showing things, everybody should come forward, else run the risk of having been caught on video and then being examined and suspicion cast upon them.

how would they track every human movement and know if people were in the area or not unless they has access to satellite footage ?

That area includes parts of Kendall, approach roads into the town and a wild expanse of state forest. Every human movement within it will be tracked on computer.

Despite having worked on murder investigations for more than 20 years, Inspector Jubelin said he had never seen an opera*tion on such a scale
I must say that I feel SO impressed with the new Detective in charge. I love his confidence.
What is known about the occupants of the house (that overlooks WT's grandmother's house) who were allegedly away at the time that William disappeared?

And if they were away, did they have someone house-sitting for them, or dropping by to water the plants and pick up the mail? We have wondered that several times.

That house is the one on the upper side to William’s grandma’s house, right before the forest trail. On the carport side of grandma’s house.

It is the house adjacent on the other side of William’s grandma’s house where the neighbour heard the children running around in the morning, I believe. Adjacent to the rear of grandma’s property. Where the lady of the house then left to do whatever it is she did.
I had understood that other house to be vacant, and for some reason, had thought it was for sale. Is that incorrect? Were the people just away for awhile?

And if they were away, did they have someone house-sitting for them, or dropping by to water the plants and pick up the mail? We have wondered that several times.

That house is the one on the upper side to William’s grandma’s house, right before the forest trail. On the carport side of grandma’s house.

It is the house adjacent on the other side of William’s grandma’s house where the neighbour heard the children running around in the morning, I believe. Adjacent to the rear of grandma’s property. Where the lady of the house then left to do whatever it is she did.
I had understood that other house to be vacant, and for some reason, had thought it was for sale. Is that incorrect? Were the people just away for awhile?

Yes, the people (next door, up the hill, before the forest trail) were just away, I believe. I don't think their house was for sale at the time.
The plot of vacant uncleared land across the road and down a little ways was for sale. We used to speculate that the mystery man asking for directions in town may have been going to look at the land that was for sale.

I think it goes like this.

how would they track every human movement and know if people were in the area or not unless they has access to satellite footage ?

That area includes parts of Kendall, approach roads into the town and a wild expanse of state forest. Every human movement within it will be tracked on computer.

Despite having worked on murder investigations for more than 20 years, Inspector Jubelin said he had never seen an opera*tion on such a scale

Mobile phone pings, nearly everyone has a mobile phone, they 'ping' every 20 seconds or so to the nearest tower looking for the strongest signal, apart from that they'll be looking at credit card, efpos, and ATM transactions and CCTV. Then they'll be matching all those identifiers to individuals who have already come forward to say they were in Kendall at the time of William's disappearance, then focus the investigation on the people identified who did not come forward.
The Daily Mail is a large, commonly bought paper in the UK. Just about everyone buys it over there. I would have thought they're reporting would be much of a muchness of all the major rags, here or there, as far as quality reporting goes.

Not quite true lol! Circulation 1.7m, population 60m.

I think the website is used more these days, as - despite its blatantly biased unreliable unconfirmed tabloidy sloppy reporting - it does have great photos and is often the first/bravest to publish stories.
It is hard to believe 5 months have passed!! I look at my own children, and boy do they grow and change in 5 months - especially when they are still toddlers. Poor William, I hope and hope that he is safe, and with people who know and love him.

So.. they are now focusing on a 1km radius - But I note, that the centre of town is 1.5km. What is making them zone in on the 1km..

Anyone savvy enough to do a search on the 1km radius and let us know what is around? Shops, houses, parks, recreational centres etc... Once we have that info, it will probably shed a little bit of light, on just how much CCTV is around.

I have google earth, im just not sure how to mark out a radius with it ...

Not quite true lol! Circulation 1.7m, population 60m.

I think the website is used more these days, as - despite its blatantly biased unreliable unconfirmed tabloidy sloppy reporting - it does have great photos and is often the first/bravest to publish stories.

The Daily Mail (or Daily Fail) as lots of us Brits call it, is laughed about for rather sexist celebrity stories, it's rather ultra conservative views on immigration, unemployment and welfare recipients and scaremongering health stories. HOWEVER when it comes to factual news stories the Mail is usually quite good. If you want crime reporting it often has a lot of detail and will usually have the best array of photographs. You just need to edit out the middle-class Tory politics of the reporting.
Anyone savvy enough to do a search on the 1km radius and let us know what is around? Shops, houses, parks, recreational centres etc... Once we have that info, it will probably shed a little bit of light, on just how much CCTV is around.

Not especially detailed map. They've wisely excluded the heart of Kendall, while keeping an interest on people on the south-west side who might be able to access Benaroo Dr easily.

Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 12.03.06 pm.png

The southwest side is lightly populated. Wouldn't be hard to door knock those people? I'd wouldn't be surprised if they'd partially done so.

Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 12.07.06 pm.png
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