Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #50

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I guess I'm super dumb because I don't understand what the spiderman suit thing was supposed to achieve? wouldn't reporting it to police be what most people would do if they came across that in the bush in the area? I don't get it and would love enlightenment.

An interesting strategy for sure Eloise...

I guess if I was one responsible for the disappearance of a little boy in a Spider-Man Suit & then, as I amble along on my favourite bush walk, I’m suddenly confronted by a Spider-Man Suit - it’d Spook the *advertiser censored* out of me!!

The dilemma then may be:
Do I get rid of it
Do I report it

.....body language & re / actions captured by surveillance devices.
......if reported, another opportunity for Police to engage

.... if not reported, another opportunity for Police to engage !!

To me, being alone inside your own home, where one who may feel comfortable enough BECAUSE they are alone and inside their private dwelling, to 'talk' to the people inside their head at any given moment.. and having that recorded and then published for the world to see, judge, and provide commentary on.. I find that despicable and sad. And there doesn't seem to be any reason for why that type of warrant would even have been approved, nor any reason to suspect he had involvement in this crime any more than anyone else in the area. All I know is I'm sure as heck glad I didn't live on that street in late 2014!

I would really like to know what grounds they had to get the warrants to plant the bugs and surveillance on him. An AVO from the local postie just doesn't cut it as enough for suspicion he was involved in William to me...
I would really like to know what grounds they had to get the warrants to plant the bugs and surveillance on him. An AVO from the local postie just doesn't cut it as enough for suspicion he was involved in William to me...
Yes MOP Agree… I was always led to believe that surveillance warrants were very difficult to obtain....

I have a friend who works in surveillance (Police) who plants the bugs etc … but he is very tight lipped about it....

But I think they break in to your home to plant them as well …. as in, not placed while police are in the house talking to you etc.... Someone else may know more about this subject.....???
I guess I'm super dumb because I don't understand what the spiderman suit thing was supposed to achieve? wouldn't reporting it to police be what most people would do if they came across that in the bush in the area? I don't get it and would love enlightenment.

An interesting strategy for sure Eloise...

I guess if I was one responsible for the disappearance of a little boy in a Spider-Man Suit & then, as I amble along on my favourite bush walk, I’m suddenly confronted by a Spider-Man Suit - it’d Spook the *advertiser censored* out of me!!

The dilemma then may be:
Do I get rid of it
Do I report it

.....body language & re / actions captured by surveillance devices.
......if reported, another opportunity for Police to engage

.... if not reported, another opportunity for Police to engage !!

Well I guess we now know the relevance of the 'loud radio playing' in PS's house? (Or not?) Hadn't they been asking neighbours if they'd heard a loud radio in PS's house on the morning W disappeared, ie when AMS went to his door? LE knew PS was playing it loudly during their surveillance of him some 3 years later in 2017.. so what would be the relevance of asking if the same occurred when W disappeared? Did they think he had it loud in 2017 because W was still alive in the house making noise after 3 years? Did they think PS was making phonecalls to others to discuss taking W? I wonder what the thinking was, surrounding that?

Detective Sergeant Laura Beacroft, who was part of the investigation into William's disappearance, said further inquiries took place into Mr Savage after he became a person of interest in March 2017.

This included "numerous strategies devised to evoke some sort of reaction" from Mr Savage.

Tracking and listening devices, cameras and surveillance operatives using hand-held devices were used.

"One of the issues was Mr Savage had a habit of listening to his radio very loudly" while static also was a problem in making audio recordings, she said.

No Cookies | The Cairns Post
Everything eventually comes out in the wash eh D

Did they really leave it until 2017 to start asking people about the ‘loud music’.

I guess to work out if:

he was thinking he may be bugged / knew he was bugged / so doing his best to drown out audible quality
he was just going deaf
I wonder if he reported finding the Spiderman suit at the same time as he handed in one of the cameras.
"Here's your Spiderman suit, and here's your camera."
He definitely knew there was at least one camera out there in the bush.

Detective Sergeant Laura Beacroft, of the Sex Crimes Unit, told the court that the strike force “started looking” at Mr Savage as a possible “person of interest” in March 2017.
She said covert cameras were “installed in the bushland, surrounding (Mr Savage’s) property, and within the residence, on this person’s property.”
She said Mr Savage had found one of the cameras in the bush, and returned it to police.

NoCookies | The Australian
Gary Jubelin trial: Spider-Man costume a test in William Tyrrell hunt
FEBRUARY 4, 2020

omg! So he fully knew he was under surveillance (IMO)
if the spiderman suit william was wearing had a white spider on the back, i dont think that detail was released to the public, so are police implying ps was aware of this when he thought he saw the white item in the bush? thats a bit alarming if true!
Person of interest in William Tyrrell case had AVO for stalking postie, court hears

William Tyrrell person of interest Paul Savage breached stalking AVO, Sydney court hears
By Jamie McKinnell
Posted 19 minutes ago

Downing Centre Local Court was played a recorded police interview between the two in August 2017, in which then-detective Jubelin grilled him about his AVO matter.

Mr Savage's AVO was taken out by a woman from a post office on the Mid-North Coast, who claimed he followed her on her mail route in September 2012.

Mr Jubelin put it to Mr Savage that, on a separate occasion, he grabbed the woman's hand and told her: "I want to spend more time with you, we don't get enough time together."

"Throw that in the bin because that's a pack of rubbish," Mr Savage replied.

"My position is, so we're clear, I believe you're lying in regards to your version of events," Mr Jubelin said.

"If you want me to admit to that, then I'd be lying to you and I'm not going to lie to that for your ego, (or) anybody else's ego," he replied.

WoW- how ‘cool’ is PS under pressure !

I don’t trust him for 1 minute, but I struggle with the idea of him taking a child - unless perhaps he was under threat from someone to help with something !
if the spiderman suit william was wearing had a white spider on the back, i dont think that detail was released to the public, so are police implying ps was aware of this when he thought he saw the white item in the bush? thats a bit alarming if true!

It definitely hasn't been publicised …. maybe some of the information "held back" by Police??

But if you had a careful eye you could see it clearly in the Sunday Night Interview with Bio Mother - from 2018... Posted back a couple of pages ago by Deug…..Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #50

Also was visible in one photo released by the coroner … Kids on the Verandah ,,,, but that was only released after last tranche …. New photos of William Tyrrell released five years after disappearance
maybe it was local knowledge about the white on the suit just not info released by police or msm or unless ps carefully studied the photos released or actually lied about not seeing william that day, for whatever reason?
I had seen the name mentioned somewhere about owning a local shop but for some reason thought there was no connection but will def look right into that one.. cheers.. as for owning the block of land close to Qbbott well that makes sense and for me ties in the 3 main people who seem to have the darkest secrets

Christ74, somebody has probably already said but in case they haven't...the block of land FA's caravan was parked on belonged to Geoff Owen.
Generally a postie will position the vehicle so that they do not have to get out unless there is a larger article to be dropped off or a signature needed.

Looking at the gutter in front of the letter box there is rubber/tyre marks where the vehicle runs up on the wrong side of the road and the postie puts it in from the driver's side window.
Usually the postie will drive along on the wrong side of the roadway.

If there was no other drops at the end of Beneroon, then he/she would have reversed back into No. 48 and continued back down.

If William had run out from behind these trees as the postie reversed, with the gutter bump, he/she might not have felt a baby like William imo.

Christ74, somebody has probably already said but in case they haven't...the block of land FA's caravan was parked on belonged to Geoff Owen.
Thanks Blues
Yes I believe that info came out at the inquest last year when another local Palmer I think his name was, was asked by Craddock if he knew GO.. Another shady local it seems and if he knew that Owen drove a white sedan (reason behind that question raises my curiosity)
Generally a postie will position the vehicle so that they do not have to get out unless there is a larger article to be dropped off or a signature needed.

Looking at the gutter in front of the letter box there is rubber/tyre marks where the vehicle runs up on the wrong side of the road and the postie puts it in from the driver's side window.
Usually the postie will drive along on the wrong side of the roadway.

If there was no other drops at the end of Beneroon, then he/she would have reversed back into No. 48 and continued back down.

If William had run out from behind these trees as the postie reversed, with the gutter bump, he/she might not have felt a baby like William imo.

Good point.. there’s def a lot more speculation around William being accidentally run over.. it’s possible and plausible
To me, being alone inside your own home, where one who may feel comfortable enough BECAUSE they are alone and inside their private dwelling, to 'talk' to the people inside their head at any given moment.. and having that recorded and then published for the world to see, judge, and provide commentary on.. I find that despicable and sad. And there doesn't seem to be any reason for why that type of warrant would even have been approved, nor any reason to suspect he had involvement in this crime any more than anyone else in the area. All I know is I'm sure as heck glad I didn't live on that street in late 2014!
It’s a tricky one.. such an invasion of privacy on one hand but on the other hand GJ with all his past experience and expertise surely believed in what he was doing was for the right reasons.. at times when I see pics of Savage I feel terribly sorry for him.. he looks rather sad and lonely.. then you read things he’s said and done which simply don’t add up.. if it’s all a bit much for us to get our heads around you can only imagine what those investigating this case must be going through.. I stick by my gut instincts, they never let me down n my gut keeps telling me savage is involved somehow ?????
Christ74, somebody has probably already said but in case they haven't...the block of land FA's caravan was parked on belonged to Geoff Owen.
Thanks Blues
Yes I believe that info came out at the inquest last year when Owen was asked if he knew FA.. Owen
If police have a warrant to use a surveillance camera in a tree near the house of a POI, is there anything stopping them from aiming it to show the street and neighbouring properties in the background?
no idea..
If police have a warrant to use a surveillance camera in a tree near the house of a POI, is there anything stopping them from aiming it to show the street and neighbouring properties in the background?
If police have a warrant to use a surveillance camera in a tree near the house of a POI, is there anything stopping them from aiming it to show the street and neighbouring properties in the background?
If police have a warrant to use a surveillance camera in a tree near the house of a POI, is there anything stopping them from aiming it to show the street and neighbouring properties in the background?
No idea to be honest.. I’m guessing all warrants come with guidelines what those guidelines are I wouldn’t have a clue..
I would really like to know what grounds they had to get the warrants to plant the bugs and surveillance on him. An AVO from the local postie just doesn't cut it as enough for suspicion he was involved in William to me...
I had always been under the impression that it was fairly easy enough for police to get their warrants from a judge. They would have said stuff like, he has an AVO against him, he was missing for 2 hours while people were searching, lives right across the street and we suspect this was not a planned abduction but an opportunistic one, he admits being on his deck in the morning while the children were playing in the yard and he heard them, we believe he was waiting for the postie to deliver mail to the street because she was the AVO initiator, etc.

I do understand how it might be enough to want to check him out (but not years later!!!!!); I don't see how that is reason enough to bug inside an old widower's house to listen to him snoring at night and/or whatever.
Everything eventually comes out in the wash eh D

Did they really leave it until 2017 to start asking people about the ‘loud music’.

I guess to work out if:

he was thinking he may be bugged / knew he was bugged / so doing his best to drown out audible quality
he was just going deaf
VERY good point. Man, if I was him and weird stuff was happening (like finding spiderman costumes along the usual path of my morning walk, and finding cameras up in the trees!!!! and perhaps if he may have had conversations with Jubelin at times where he wondered if Jubelin had been reading his mind, etc??), then I'd sure as heck be turning on the volume of everything in the house (and putting on headphones so I didn't have to listen to it, ha).

I do however, believe that he's just an old man who likely prefers to ensure he can hear the stuff on the radio.
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