Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #52

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I’ve just listened to the latest podcast. IMO Jubelin was so close, so close.i hadn’t known PS had suffered an abusive childhood. The thing with childhood abuse, is shame. Deep rooted shame. For those who cannot heal from their abuse, facing blame and shame is such a trigger that a wall hits and to avoid it lies and more lies anything to block that shame and that trigger. I can see why jubes had concerns for PS well-being. If ps is the perp I can’t see him ever admitting this. He will not put himself in the same box as the perp of his trauma.
the mentioning in the pod cast about the “white spider on the top” is key I can’t see past this. If that was said it’s clear ps saw William the morning of the abduction, no doubt. My heart breaks for William his family and all who loved him.
it may be a big generalization to say all abused people feel shame, a lot dont, they feel sad and like somethings missing, lots of mixed feelings but not necessarily deep shame, a lot of people who have been abused as children grow up with great empathy for others pain
Do we know for sure if HS left at precisely 10.37 for bingo, or was that PS’s word. It seems so late to me.
I could see a case for making PS a poi if it was found she had left maybe 30 mins earlier.
I cant see him doing anything nefarious or sneaky even, while she was still at home.
I think we also have to wait and see from the previous inquest if the timeline of when the last photos of WT are correct or not from forensic examination of them per BD's lawyer? Police couldn't explain why it was altered with a 2 hour difference. Hopefully that will be dealt with at the next phase of the inquest to clarify for the coroner? As the coroner did feel it needed and was important to know that discrepency.
yes thats very true, if that timelines out then william may have been missing earlier, so all the other timelines dont really matter, and also doesnt matter what ps was doing for 2 hours or what time hs went to bingo etc

Ok, this makes it sound as if the postie had already been and gone by 8.50am, which would make her between 1hr10min - 1hr40mins earlier than usual?

PS' morning walk, even if he started at the later time of 6.30am, took 2hrs20mins (not 2hrs). However, if he started out at the earlier time of 6am and took the 2hrs he stated, he would have been back at 8am.

Apparently, on this particular day, by coincidence, both the postie and PS deviated from their usual routine.

(I can't help thinking that if the postie had wanted to avoid PS, she should have delivered mail at that earlier hour and there would have been no problem, as he would have still been on his morning walk).
Perhaps she was trying different times to avoid him and he was also changing his routine for that reason? It wouldn't take him long to realise she was delivering while he was on his walk.
The postie's delivery time on 12 Sep 2014: earlier than normal, and before PS returned home from his morning walk.

Lia Harris: "The post woman delivered the mail around ten or ten-thirty each morning, which is the time that William disappeared on September 12, 2014. And the court heard: on that particular morning she had delivered the mail earlier than she normally did. And when she did that [PS] was on his bushwalk, so he wouldn't necessarily have been aware that she had already delivered the mail that morning."
- transcribed by me from "Was it an accident?" Where's William Tyrrell? podcast, 21 Feb 2020 (I listen to Apple podcasts but can't work out what the link would be, so here's the acast page instead)

PS's morning walk time:
From the inquest hearing at Taree, 20 Aug 2019, with thanks to UndiscoveredTruth for posting the tweets on WebSleuths:

@LiaJHarris: [PS] told the court he set off for his morning walk almost every morning, sometime between 6am and 6.30am. (thread 43, post 1738)

@LiaJHarris: The court heard his daily walk took about two hours. (thread 43, post 1738)

@LiaJHarris: The court heard [PS] told police he got back from his morning walk about 8.50am on the day William went missing. (thread 43, post 1739)
Was the female postie who delivered the mail on 12 September 2014 the same person as the female postie PS harassed?
I just made the assumption they were friends. Could also be they were in a community group together and as FGM was to be moving it was a handover of community jobs. It was just a guess.
I had a thought that postie might have had a part-time business as a massage therapist and this was why she was 'due' to visit FGM and also how she became acquainted with PS. And that he mistook/became deluded on the basis of her professional friendly patter, supplemented by the physicality.
it may be a big generalization to say all abused people feel shame, a lot dont, they feel sad and like somethings missing, lots of mixed feelings but not necessarily deep shame, a lot of people who have been abused as children grow up with great empathy for others pain
Absolutely,you’re right, I should have said some people not generalised as all. I agree that majority to all of victims of abuse have empathy. So complex. I think for some, possibly those without the means to cope, when feeling blamed there’s a link to shame.
Have not heard a peep about TJ for a while.....

I wonder where he fits into everything to date...

Anthony Jones has an extensive criminal history, including convictions for assaulting children and women, escaping from police custody, theft and drug possession.

Bones, speargun found in Tyrrell search

he is going to testify in this tranche? It will be an interesting day!
Do we know for sure if HS left at precisely 10.37 for bingo, or was that PS’s word. It seems so late to me.
I could see a case for making PS a poi if it was found she had left maybe 30 mins earlier.
I cant see him doing anything nefarious or sneaky even, while she was still at home.

Even though I don't think he did it - if he did, he might have time to incapacitate & store... sorry how awful that sounds :( but I think that could be true?
Ms Kite
There is a transcript of a conversation between GJ and PS on Nov 3rd 2017 about a white top/white t-shirt and the Spider man suit which adds more detail to what's in the podcast. It's in this link but I believe it's subscriber only sorry.

We’re for Sydney | Daily Telegraph

I haven't been able to work out yet if his mutterings & perhaps a talk with his daughter - about the spider white top - was before he knew about it from jube's (the planting of fake evidence) or not? Was it after, or before jube's told him?
Slightly off topic …. but a good reminder to:
Never Give Up Hope …. and Never Close a Case.....

And sometimes it takes a long time to add up all of the little pieces of information that are revealed over time......

And finding some "evidence" can take time, but is so vital...

This case is 25years old - I do hope and pray that Williams case is solved way before that length of time.......

This is one amazing case that they seem so close to breaking...... and definitely worth a read....( if your not familiar with it....)

Cold case of teen’s murder may be about to be solved
I think it is important to remember that these interviews with PS that led to Jubelin being charged were from some time ago and presumably the investigation has moved on from that point.
Jubelin took over this case and obviously it was in disarray at the time but I think we can all agree that BS was the main POI at the time and rightly or wrongly, this information was released to the MSM. Jubelin obviously did follow that up as we saw the walk through video he did with them. He also claims to have tried to stop the search of his property. Interestingly BS was quite pleased that Jubelin was taken off the case and charged so presumably he was not happy with him although it was not Jubelin who initially investigated him but it would appear it was Jubelin who ruled him out as a current POI.
PS has come to the attention of Jubelin in mid 2017 (according to the podcast) due to the AVO/postie incidents, however this was not made public, probably because Jubelin does not believe in discussing POI's with MSM. I am guessing that the investigation of PS occurred because LE have gone back over all the info from the beginning (remembering they were under-resourced as well so this could account for why it took so long) and he has flagged. Again as with BS there were some inconsistencies in his alibi and he has been subjected to further investigation. However, it now appears, he is a former POI as well.
So whilst Jubelin has said there is more to be learnt from PS, it appears the investigation moved on from him. The charges against Jubelin have come up now making this seem like current info. It would be interesting to know if Jubelin moved on from PS and declared him a former POI or if it was others who did that after he was suspended from the case.
It seems to me that, at the time, BS and PS were the logical ones to interview for varying reasons relating to their backgrounds/history and inconsistent alibis. Of course, it does not mean they were the only ones or that the case stopped with them. But investigation of both was warranted if only to rule them out. Interestingly some seem to think that they were just red herrings. They needed to be investigated and LE would not have been doing their jobs if they did not.
Those who did not support Jubelin's theory about PS within the LE make me think that they did not support because they had their own theories. Perhaps they were stuck on BS? So much work had been done previously on him due to his history and his inconsistent alibi.

Agree with you Wex, said the same previously. We have no idea what they have been doing & whether Jube's had given up on PS by the end of his employment or not? Someone mentioned that Jube's was very interested in PS's testimony at the inquest... but I would imagine that's fairly normal, especially if he was unable to completely ruled him in/ out. Jube's tried with Ps, and so he should - yet in the end there doesn't appear to be anything but circumstantial evidence related to PS... Perhaps there's something more concrete since with other POIs... ?
I'm assuming this article isn't subscriber only as I was able to open it just now. I don't recall ever reading in media that FGM and the postie were friends.

Two days before William disappeared, the court heard, the “post lady” was due to visit William’s foster nana on Benaroon Drive where William was staying when he went missing.

NoCookies | The Australian
So did she visit 2 days before?
And also why is that relevant if she was due to visit 2 days b4 William dissappeared?
So did she visit 2 days before?
And also why is that relevant if she was due to visit 2 days b4 William dissappeared?

It might be relevant because PS might have seen his beloved visit FGM.. And decided to hang around FGMs yard in the days after just in hope... in case she comes back, or in case he could overhear conversations about her visit &/or about himself? Not that I think he did, but this could be the relevancy?? It's an out there idea I know, but he was obviously smitten... not too ridiculous an idea if totally besotted though?
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