Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #52

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William Tyrrell Podcast Explores Haunting Images Of Spider-Man Suit In Bushland

"If it is a case that you've done this and it was just a spur of the moment reaction ... and for whatever reason, something has gone wrong, whether it was an accident or just a brain snap for a moment," Jubelin told him.

"I don’t see this as, if you're involved in it, going to jail ... I see this as a possibility you get the treatment you need and we put to bed this case for the parents."

"If it is the case that it was an accident hit by the car or whatever I could understand how I would panic. I think anyone would panic.

"What I do know having done homicide for over a quarter of a century is that when people, whether it is an accident, all that, when they get it off their conscience the world is a better place because it’s a horrible thing to hang onto, and I’ve seen it time and time again."
oh yes for sure.. that’s why there are so many hit and runs because people panic in that moment.. so what are you suggesting in your post 1968 that if it were an accident savage would have confessed by now ? Sorry was just tiny bit unsure
I think it is important to remember that these interviews with PS that led to Jubelin being charged were from some time ago and presumably the investigation has moved on from that point.
Jubelin took over this case and obviously it was in disarray at the time but I think we can all agree that BS was the main POI at the time and rightly or wrongly, this information was released to the MSM. Jubelin obviously did follow that up as we saw the walk through video he did with them. He also claims to have tried to stop the search of his property. Interestingly BS was quite pleased that Jubelin was taken off the case and charged so presumably he was not happy with him although it was not Jubelin who initially investigated him but it would appear it was Jubelin who ruled him out as a current POI.
PS has come to the attention of Jubelin in mid 2017 (according to the podcast) due to the AVO/postie incidents, however this was not made public, probably because Jubelin does not believe in discussing POI's with MSM. I am guessing that the investigation of PS occurred because LE have gone back over all the info from the beginning (remembering they were under-resourced as well so this could account for why it took so long) and he has flagged. Again as with BS there were some inconsistencies in his alibi and he has been subjected to further investigation. However, it now appears, he is a former POI as well.
So whilst Jubelin has said there is more to be learnt from PS, it appears the investigation moved on from him. The charges against Jubelin have come up now making this seem like current info. It would be interesting to know if Jubelin moved on from PS and declared him a former POI or if it was others who did that after he was suspended from the case.
It seems to me that, at the time, BS and PS were the logical ones to interview for varying reasons relating to their backgrounds/history and inconsistent alibis. Of course, it does not mean they were the only ones or that the case stopped with them. But investigation of both was warranted if only to rule them out. Interestingly some seem to think that they were just red herrings. They needed to be investigated and LE would not have been doing their jobs if they did not.
Those who did not support Jubelin's theory about PS within the LE make me think that they did not support because they had their own theories. Perhaps they were stuck on BS? So much work had been done previously on him due to his history and his inconsistent alibi.
of course They are happy to have Jubes move on . They were scared of him imo and
I agree, and those who brought the charges against Jubelin certainly didn't do it out of kindness for PS, they just wanted Jubelin gone and screw the consequences. smh

Police who investigated and eventually charged former NSW detective Gary Jubelin have been scolded over their handling of the case after witness statements seemed to "magically appear" during the hearing.

Mr Hudson pointed to the investigators' non-compliance with evidence obligations, the many months the matter had been set down for hearing and the prosecution of Jubelin without first seeking a statement from the man he'd allegedly illegally recorded.
"All those matters cause the court some disquiet," he said.
"How are the police running this investigation?"

Police scolded over docs in Jubelin case
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I think it is important to remember that these interviews with PS that led to Jubelin being charged were from some time ago and presumably the investigation has moved on from that point.
Jubelin took over this case and obviously it was in disarray at the time but I think we can all agree that BS was the main POI at the time and rightly or wrongly, this information was released to the MSM. Jubelin obviously did follow that up as we saw the walk through video he did with them. He also claims to have tried to stop the search of his property. Interestingly BS was quite pleased that Jubelin was taken off the case and charged so presumably he was not happy with him although it was not Jubelin who initially investigated him but it would appear it was Jubelin who ruled him out as a current POI.
PS has come to the attention of Jubelin in mid 2017 (according to the podcast) due to the AVO/postie incidents, however this was not made public, probably because Jubelin does not believe in discussing POI's with MSM. I am guessing that the investigation of PS occurred because LE have gone back over all the info from the beginning (remembering they were under-resourced as well so this could account for why it took so long) and he has flagged. Again as with BS there were some inconsistencies in his alibi and he has been subjected to further investigation. However, it now appears, he is a former POI as well.
So whilst Jubelin has said there is more to be learnt from PS, it appears the investigation moved on from him. The charges against Jubelin have come up now making this seem like current info. It would be interesting to know if Jubelin moved on from PS and declared him a former POI or if it was others who did that after he was suspended from the case.
It seems to me that, at the time, BS and PS were the logical ones to interview for varying reasons relating to their backgrounds/history and inconsistent alibis. Of course, it does not mean they were the only ones or that the case stopped with them. But investigation of both was warranted if only to rule them out. Interestingly some seem to think that they were just red herrings. They needed to be investigated and LE would not have been doing their jobs if they did not.
Those who did not support Jubelin's theory about PS within the LE make me think that they did not support because they had their own theories. Perhaps they were stuck on BS? So much work had been done previously on him due to his history and his inconsistent alibi.

I too wonder if Jubelin considers PS still a POI. He said he didn't have the evidence to charge him so a lingering suspicion remains, imo. Maybe, that's just the cop in him. ;)

I think Jubelin made a good case for taping PS, if only he was given disciplinary action and remained on the case. PS claimed the postie rang to tell him she loved him, he claimed Jubelin told him to plead guilty, I don't believe either of those claims. Jubelin could've stopped the tape and said it, but why would he? He's patient and was trying to build a rapport, he gave PS a couple of scenarios about an accident and coverup and PS believes that's asking him to plead guilty, imo.

Lots about BS didn't make sense either, solid alibis are hard to come by, unfortunate, for him.

FA, GO, AJ have form, will remain at the top of the list, imo. A poster mentioned RD, not familiar with that one.

Will the day come when WT's remains are discovered (if we believe he's deceased) and that first 'interview' held in the files with the perpetrator will be gleaned over by investigators, searching for the tell tale signs they missed. *sigh*
I too wonder if Jubelin considers PS still a POI. He said he didn't have the evidence to charge him so a lingering suspicion remains, imo. Maybe, that's just the cop in him. ;)

I think Jubelin made a good case for taping PS, if only he was given disciplinary action and remained on the case. PS claimed the postie rang to tell him she loved him, he claimed Jubelin told him to plead guilty, I don't believe either of those claims. Jubelin could've stopped the tape and said it, but why would he? He's patient and was trying to build a rapport, he gave PS a couple of scenarios about an accident and coverup and PS believes that's asking him to plead guilty, imo.

Lots about BS didn't make sense either, solid alibis are hard to come by, unfortunate, for him.

FA, GO, AJ have form, will remain at the top of the list, imo. A poster mentioned RD, not familiar with that one.

Will the day come when WT's remains are discovered (if we believe he's deceased) and that first 'interview' held in the files with the perpetrator will be gleaned over by investigators, searching for the tell tale signs they missed. *sigh*


I'm not aware of GO having form. Are you able to elaborate?

Link below re RD

'Creepy' SES volunteer tight-lipped during William Tyrrell investigation, inquest hears
Does anyone know if KL and NC are still friends or on talking terms? I remember reading somewhere that the 2 had a falling out prior to wt disappearance for a while but eventually made up and not only became friends again but also applied for a 3 bed house to move in together..
I still in my mind haven’t completely ruled out KT I’m not sure why but something niggles at me there for some reason.. she may not have been aware of the decision to go to Kendall a day earlier but she was aware that the family would be there on the Friday..
What does everyone think of PS reactions to Jubelins questioning in the podcast EP?

My thoughts

As far as I can tell the covert operation was a fail. The operatives were not in agreeance on too many points. I don't believe PS knew anything about the spider on the back of the spider man suit William was wearing.

Re the AVO I don't believe he is lying about it, I think 'in his mind' he didn't do anything serious enough to warrant an AVO. If it's not an example of him lying then it's not relevant. I would hope GJ followed up and checked to see if the postie did ring PS after the AVO was issued.

Re creeping FGM out, I think he's an active retired man at a loose end who wants to be useful. His neighbour was recently widowed and was preparing to move, he was looking for ways to assist her.

I found his reaction to the Section 61 a bit bewildering, but then there are times during interviews where he does come across as though he's just having a chat with GJ, taking on board everything being said and trying to be helpful.

Better opinions could be drawn if we heard whole recordings and had a visual.
I think it is important to remember that these interviews with PS that led to Jubelin being charged were from some time ago and presumably the investigation has moved on from that point.
Jubelin took over this case and obviously it was in disarray at the time but I think we can all agree that BS was the main POI at the time and rightly or wrongly, this information was released to the MSM. Jubelin obviously did follow that up as we saw the walk through video he did with them. He also claims to have tried to stop the search of his property. Interestingly BS was quite pleased that Jubelin was taken off the case and charged so presumably he was not happy with him although it was not Jubelin who initially investigated him but it would appear it was Jubelin who ruled him out as a current POI.
PS has come to the attention of Jubelin in mid 2017 (according to the podcast) due to the AVO/postie incidents, however this was not made public, probably because Jubelin does not believe in discussing POI's with MSM. I am guessing that the investigation of PS occurred because LE have gone back over all the info from the beginning (remembering they were under-resourced as well so this could account for why it took so long) and he has flagged. Again as with BS there were some inconsistencies in his alibi and he has been subjected to further investigation. However, it now appears, he is a former POI as well.
So whilst Jubelin has said there is more to be learnt from PS, it appears the investigation moved on from him. The charges against Jubelin have come up now making this seem like current info. It would be interesting to know if Jubelin moved on from PS and declared him a former POI or if it was others who did that after he was suspended from the case.
It seems to me that, at the time, BS and PS were the logical ones to interview for varying reasons relating to their backgrounds/history and inconsistent alibis. Of course, it does not mean they were the only ones or that the case stopped with them. But investigation of both was warranted if only to rule them out. Interestingly some seem to think that they were just red herrings. They needed to be investigated and LE would not have been doing their jobs if they did not.
Those who did not support Jubelin's theory about PS within the LE make me think that they did not support because they had their own theories. Perhaps they were stuck on BS? So much work had been done previously on him due to his history and his inconsistent alibi.

I understand what you're saying Wex and agree that LE were obliged to investigate both PS and BS to rule them in or out as you say.

But I believe that Jubelin is still focused on PS... I remember Dr Sleuth saying that Jubes was very interested in PS' answers at the inquest and I can't help thinking that he used his Court case to put more pressure on PS in the lead up to when it resumes.

I'm not taking much stock of the 'former POI' terminology that's being bandied about. I think that it's just their way of protecting themselves against further legal problems.
My thoughts

As far as I can tell the covert operation was a fail. The operatives were not in agreeance on too many points. I don't believe PS knew anything about the spider on the back of the spider man suit William was wearing.

Re the AVO I don't believe he is lying about it, I think 'in his mind' he didn't do anything serious enough to warrant an AVO. If it's not an example of him lying then it's not relevant. I would hope GJ followed up and checked to see if the postie did ring PS after the AVO was issued.

Re creeping FGM out, I think he's an active retired man at a loose end who wants to be useful. His neighbour was recently widowed and was preparing to move, he was looking for ways to assist her.

I found his reaction to the Section 61 a bit bewildering, but then there are times during interviews where he does come across as though he's just having a chat with GJ, taking on board everything being said and trying to be helpful.

Better opinions could be drawn if we heard whole recordings and had a visual.
But we could say the same for someone who hurts a child, in their mind they haven't done anything wrong, it was an accident, they were only trying to help.

His mindset is wrong, he doesn't respect boundaries, he can't take no for an answer. FGM was recently widowed, him turning up at her back door step staring at her isn't helping, it's intrusive behaviour. Why did she have to ask his wife for him to stop? PS turned up at the post office crying and shaking asking to see her.
Are you saying he's a spurned lover and she called to say she loved him? He didn't follow her to Herron's Creek, she lied? She's the one who was rejected?

Imo, Jubelin would have checked it all out that's why he knew he was dealing with a troubled man. Why would PS tell him about his disturbing childhood, for sympathy, but why does he need sympathy when a 3 yr old child is missing?

I can't believe the victim of harassment and stalking needs to be defended and he's looked as an innocent bystander. No wonder DV is rife in this country!
My thoughts

As far as I can tell the covert operation was a fail. The operatives were not in agreeance on too many points. I don't believe PS knew anything about the spider on the back of the spider man suit William was wearing.

Re the AVO I don't believe he is lying about it, I think 'in his mind' he didn't do anything serious enough to warrant an AVO. If it's not an example of him lying then it's not relevant. I would hope GJ followed up and checked to see if the postie did ring PS after the AVO was issued.

Re creeping FGM out, I think he's an active retired man at a loose end who wants to be useful. His neighbour was recently widowed and was preparing to move, he was looking for ways to assist her.

I found his reaction to the Section 61 a bit bewildering, but then there are times during interviews where he does come across as though he's just having a chat with GJ, taking on board everything being said and trying to be helpful.

Better opinions could be drawn if we heard whole recordings and had a visual.


I thought in the Lia's podcast there was mention that the listening devices in PS' house picked up a conversation he had with his daughter where he said that he'd seen the white of the spider on the planted suit?
My thoughts change with regard to PS frequently. At the moment my thoughts are:
  • Things that bother me or what I'm wondering about:
  1. His unknown whereabouts for 2 hours on the morning WT disappeared (where could he have been?)
  2. The filling of his pool ( exactly when did this occur and was this looked into after the filling?)
  3. His unknown whereabouts for 2 hours after finding the suit along his walking track (wasn't he under surveillance at this point? Or were they only watching the area where the suit was placed?)
  4. That he simply did not collect his brother on that day from hospital. Unless he did call and I have just missed that info.
  5. His prior AVO
  6. That FGM asked his wife to talk to him to stop bothering her (I find this disturbing that his actions could bother someone so much his wife had to be approached)
  • Point 6 above makes me think that it is possible he was lurking around FGM's house on the morning WT went missing , especially if he heard she had visitors. It could have made him curious to go over and see who was there
  • It could also be that he witnessed something that morning (while snooping or lurking) and all this questioning of him could be a way to get this info out of him
  • Could he know FA, GO? As mentioned up thread maybe he knew GO as a result of some tradie work. Maybe he saw something and the perps saw him, but because they knew him, perhaps he was threatened.
  • He could also just be a completely innocent man in relation to WT...
  • I just feel that as seen in the inquest last year, GJ is still very interested im PS, and given GJ's experience, I would say there has to be a very valid reason there. GJ might just be looking for that missing link in PS's stories.
  • The supposed sighting of the blonde lady driving away with a boy in a Spiderman suit with the car following her... makes my PS theories really confusing. It only fits in with the 'that he saw something' or being innocent theory.
Apologies for the rambling, I know most of the above has been mentioned many times, I am just trying to wrap my head around PS. This is all MOO.

But we could say the same for someone who hurts a child, in their mind they haven't done anything wrong, it was an accident, they were only trying to help.

His mindset is wrong, he doesn't respect boundaries, he can't take no for an answer. FGM was recently widowed, him turning up at her back door step staring at her isn't helping, it's intrusive behaviour. Why did she have to ask his wife for him to stop? PS turned up at the post office crying and shaking asking to see her.
Are you saying he's a spurned lover and she called to say she loved him? He didn't follow her to Herron's Creek, she lied? She's the one who was rejected?

Imo, Jubelin would have checked it all out that's why he knew he was dealing with a troubled man. Why would PS tell him about his disturbing childhood, for sympathy, but why does he need sympathy when a 3 yr old child is missing?

I can't believe the victim of harassment and stalking needs to be defended and he's looked as an innocent bystander. No wonder DV is rife in this country!

Are you saying he's a spurned lover and she called to say she loved him? He didn't follow her to Herron's Creek, she lied? She's the one who was rejected?

No!! I'm not saying anything of the sort.

I'm answering the post on what I think of his answers to GJ's questions, giving what I think are his thoughts. No where did I justify inappropriate actions.
It has stalker personality written all over it... unpredictable, unstable, random are all words that come to mind
ok heres my theory imoo..PS is out waiting for posty or going over to fg for some reason,i think..he was around by the deck,maybe listening ..william has seen him and roared,clump and run so he dosnt get caught .. random..unstable and unpredictable
Lying seems to come almost as a reflex if any finger is pointed at him....yet when Jubelin was asking him about his forays onto FGM property, at first he denies and says that’s a lie then when a Jubelin says “Heather had to ask you to stop it’s in her statement. Are you saying Heather is a liar “ he backs right off and starts admitting it - yes I was there I was only trying to see if she needed help.

More like - a woman living alone and seems creepily like he was considering her fair game for his unwanted advances.

Wondering if at this time Heather was already diagnosed as terminal illness/perhaps in remission?

Perhaps he couldn’t bear the thought of losing her and being alone and was seeking a replacement?

But the viagra? That gives a sexual element to his efforts. It wasn’t companionship he was seeking IMO.

Was he having urges - perhaps long suppressed as Jubelin alluded to? Had Heather kept him on the straight and narrow “a good woman” - and now this element of desperation creeps in.
The shaking and the crying - what’s that about. In public. It’s like he can’t control himself.

Yes I think it’s not a stretch thinking there is something wrong with him IMO.

Listening to that podcast I agree at times Jubelin seemed within a hairs breadth of getting him to confess - before where there had been protestations and denials - there were murmurs of almost agreement as he was talking to him.
yip,and shes a special women..yip again to special to put up with his
My thoughts change with regard to PS frequently. At the moment my thoughts are:
  • Things that bother me or what I'm wondering about:
  1. His unknown whereabouts for 2 hours on the morning WT disappeared (where could he have been?)
  2. The filling of his pool ( exactly when did this occur and was this looked into after the filling?)
  3. His unknown whereabouts for 2 hours after finding the suit along his walking track (wasn't he under surveillance at this point? Or were they only watching the area where the suit was placed?)
  4. That he simply did not collect his brother on that day from hospital. Unless he did call and I have just missed that info.
  5. His prior AVO
  6. That FGM asked his wife to talk to him to stop bothering her (I find this disturbing that his actions could bother someone so much his wife had to be approached)
  • Point 6 above makes me think that it is possible he was lurking around FGM's house on the morning WT went missing , especially if he heard she had visitors. It could have made him curious to go over and see who was there
  • It could also be that he witnessed something that morning (while snooping or lurking) and all this questioning of him could be a way to get this info out of him
  • Could he know FA, GO? As mentioned up thread maybe he knew GO as a result of some tradie work. Maybe he saw something and the perps saw him, but because they knew him, perhaps he was threatened.
  • He could also just be a completely innocent man in relation to WT...
  • I just feel that as seen in the inquest last year, GJ is still very interested im PS, and given GJ's experience, I would say there has to be a very valid reason there. GJ might just be looking for that missing link in PS's stories.
  • The supposed sighting of the blonde lady driving away with a boy in a Spiderman suit with the car following her... makes my PS theories really confusing. It only fits in with the 'that he saw something' or being innocent theory.
Apologies for the rambling, I know most of the above has been mentioned many times, I am just trying to wrap my head around PS. This is all MOO.

To me its the white bit the spider...i have follwed for quite sometime and i had no idea there was a white spider on the back of the suit !!!!!!
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