Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #58

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Five metres of bush and one person of interest in William Tyrrell search

Acting on the new and very specific information that led to the latest search, police are investigating whether William fell from the five-metre balcony at his foster grandmother’s house to his death.

On Wednesday night, investigators were set to run lights over the chemical which will illuminate if blood has been there.

The information that sparked the latest search for William also has investigators focused on a five-metre square patch of bushland that Rural Fire Service volunteers on Tuesday were clearing of trees ahead of an excavation planned for later this week.

5 metres square? That is just over a 2m x 2m patch of dirt if this isn't an error? Unless the police have a full confession and a marker of where something is buried it seems incredibly tiny.

I was just listening to a Youtube video of the interview with the foster parents 2 years after his disappearance. At point 5:12 in the video, after speaking about William in the present tense, the FM says "..whilst he was...he had..." she then stalls and changes to present tense"...he's got a really good sense of adventure..."
In hindsight it is telling. It actually sounds to me like she is reliving what happened in many ways, which could still ring true if he had fallen off the balcony, but other details might have been added to change what then transpired. MOO
This is a few screenshots from the video with the FF talking to the police. He motions to the back patio where the FM said they were. I’m pretty sure the Balcony that they are looking into in the one with the open gate that I’ve highlighted. Doesn’t seem much of a stretch that instead of going around the house on the grass, WT might have gone onto the balcony, esp if left unsupervised IMO

William Tyrrell’s foster father's reaction after discovering the three-year-old had vanished | Daily Mail Online
Having WT tested for behaviour issues is something I read today. The other issue was discussed in the very earl days of WT disappearance.

Yes the testing for behavioural issues is far from wanting to abandon him IMO, in fact I would say it could be the opposite, getting him tested to see if there was any additional support he may have needed… I have seen links for that, but never about her wanting to return him & I’ve been here from the beginning
Hi, I've just jumped on to this thread for the first time so I hope my etiquette is sound.

This photo, cover the left side of WTs little face, see the anguish?
He does not look like a happy or well looked after child.

Very sad.

EDIT: the photo didn't attach to my reply, it's just upthread though.
I don't see any anguish at all. Looks well looked after too IMO
5 metres square? That is just over a 2m x 2m patch of dirt if this isn't an error? Unless the police have a full confession and a marker of where something is buried it seems incredibly tiny.
I just read a vey interesting news report on the tech they were using to locate any relevant or suspected sites so it is very possible a spot has been detected from the air search or the tool that they are putting into the ground that is testing the soil
Forensic expert reveals grim detail in William Tyrrell search
Having WT tested for behaviour issues is something I read today. The other issue was discussed in the very earl days of WT disappearance.
Yes I read it today too ....

William's foster mother said in her statement that William was being assessed by a female community service worker "currently … to see if there are any behavioural issues".

The community service worker, who accompanied two Salvation Army supervisors on the last visit, "is trying to figure out if the kids need any help", the birth mother stated.

William Tyrrell's birth family says they felt under suspicion for years - NZ Herald
sorry can you guys explain how this is suddenly a conspiracy? at tax payers expense?
task forces that have so many cases and limited funds and staff ?
a gary jublin spite hunt??


or is it ...whats been presented to the media today...maybe.

occam razor usually prevails.

hey there K-Mac. Not sure if you were responding to my post or not. Probably not as I haven’t inferred conspiracy/tax payers expense/limited funds etc however I did take note of the very clear backhand in the media release to GJ. Warranted or not I just found it uncalled for. (Hence the reason I thought it MAY be political IMOO). Like many of you I’m trying to get my head around the past 48 hours and have just been bind sighted. I just can’t see a motive or enough opportunity for FF if this was an accident. Surely having DOCS check you out for possible negligence would be better than a jail sentence for the entire pack of lies you were about to fabricate. ( I wish WS Had a NFI shrug or face palm emoji button as I think we all had need of it lately)
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If FM is now the main suspect IMO this could mean that the recently deceased FGM may have collaborated with FM and given a false statement. Did FGM keep this secret and take it to the grave with her to protect her own daughter? If this was the case how long has FF known what happened? So many questions that I don't think can ever be answered.
I will have to go back and find a link, however I think FGM had some type of dementia IMO, which would make secret-holding rather more difficult IMO
Did I hear that the inquest is starting again early next year somewhere yesterday???

No she didn't.

yes Doc, Xanthe Malett mentioned it in her comments on this latest development, and I also think it was mentioned in the announcement of this new search & how the Coroner is being kept ‘in the know’.

I’m tying to recall what time MFC left the house that morning to go for his business call. Do you remember what was said at Inquest please ?
I can't stop thinking about the current owners of the house. What if they've worked in the garden bed??? They must be horrified and probably thought the house and garden had been thoroughly searched and that the FF were cleared.
From reading this SMH article, my guess is that they are testing the theory that William fell to his death from the balcony, was buried at Cobb & Co Road area, and remnants may have washed into a nearby waterway during the floods.

The information that sparked the latest search for William also has investigators focused on a five-metre square patch of bushland that Rural Fire Service volunteers on Tuesday were clearing of trees ahead of an excavation planned for later this week.

If William’s body had been in that area, hydrologist Professor Jon Olley has concluded that his remains — either bones or a scrap of clothing — could only be in a nearby tributary on private land.

Five metres of bush and one person of interest in William Tyrrell search
IMO they are purposely making this search have a very large media coverage. It has also been stated in a few MSM articles that they have been zeroing in on this suspect for about 18mths.

This seems to be one big "look at us, we are onto you" media deluge. The close ups of the search, its not sneaky media shots from behind bushes. Its up close, photographers has been invited along, told what to shoot. The access is very telling.

They could have conducted this search in private with out the media finding out for at least a day, they also could have stopped media entering the cul de sac to take photos so my thoughts are they wanted the pictures plastered on every news channel as they are trying to squeeze out a confession from the person they are pretty sure they know who did it.

The falling from the balcony theory, may not be what they believe happened but a way into a confession. A lot of time detectives start off with "it was an accident, you can tell us what happened" then go from their once they have a confession or half confession they can usually get to the truth or at least a body.

On the other hand, multiple MSM have said the balcony garden search is to determine if that did or did not happen. So alot of the time to remove reasonable doubt from a potential jury when there is no body they have to pre-empt theories the defense might try and fall on. So the balcony search may be them just eliminating that possibility so it cannot be used to plant seeds of reasonable doubt or used as a manslaughter defense,

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I can't stop thinking about the current owners of the house. What if they've worked in the garden bed??? They must be horrified and probably thought the house and garden had been thoroughly searched and that the FF were cleared.

I was just thinking how inaccurate their luminol tests will be if blood and bone (fertiliser) was ever dug through that soil.

(Well, accurate for blood, inaccurate for William.)
From SMH just now (BBM):

Five metres of bush and one person of interest in William Tyrrell search

“There is certainly one person in particular that we are looking closely at,” [Police Commissioner Mick Fuller] told Sydney radio station 2GB.

Police have been zeroing in on that particular person for the past 18 months.



"Investigators on Tuesday returned to the home in the town of Kendall from where he vanished, bringing a cadaver dog to the property for the first time."

Surely this is a typo. A cadaver dog has been there before, right?

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