Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #60

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In regards to what was said about the birth parents seeing bruises on wt I have raised 3 very boisterous boys who have accidents ect but never had a black eye the fact that he had a black eye 22 days before he went missing after climbing in his foster mum I wonder what he hit his face on to cause a black eye? The picture is after it had already began to heal so must have been quite a bad bruise

Yeah it is weird, as I've said before I work with children and seeing forehead bruises from head bumps and bruising on the apples of the cheeks isn't that uncommon (I've seen them happen from simple slip and trip falls, accidents with jumping off equipment, things like that) but a black eye like that I've never seen. Not saying it's inevitably nefarious! It's just unusual.
That's exactly how I’m feeling. I feel like I was misled. I trusted the abduction story for years, assuming police had properly cleared the family. GJ appears to have been too close to this family. And people weirdly seem to fanboy over him. There is supposed to be a separation between detectives and the family, that’s why we have Family Liasion Officers as a go-between. This family cried and wept and made statements all very upset when GJ was taken off the case. You’d think they’d want some fresh eyes .. but look what those fresh eyes nay be seeing now. Their reaction seems suspicious in hindsight.

But what are they seeing now? Unless this investigation is fruitful, it's back to square one, the abduction story still holds, other POI need to be investigated.

Fresh eyes on cold cases is always a good idea, I agree with you, but I'm not a parent with a missing child, I don't know what I'd say or do in those circumstances, but others seem so convinced they'd know exactly how they'd act in the same situation. Not about a child missing for minutes, I've experienced that, but missing for months and then, years.
I've been listening to GJ'S book on Audible for the last couple of weeks, it's a difficult listen. I really liked him previously but I didn't realise he was such a narcissist...

Oh, he has an ego alright. It comes across strongly in his 'I Catch Killers' podcasts. Even that title speaks volumes.

In some ways, he's like an actor who starts to believe his own publicity, and the result of that is never good.
But when the Daily Telegraph reported in September that NSW Police had zeroed in on a new person of interest, the foster family issued an angry statement.

"Imagine waking up to an unsubstantiated article published by a large media outlet claiming a 'senior officer' within NSW Police shared that they have a NEW person of interest, while inferring that this case is on the brink of being solved," the couple said on the "Where's William" website.

"Once again we are forced to watch others objectify William for personal gain. Fake news causes more heartache for William's loved ones."

William Tyrrell's foster parents say they have 'nothing to hide' - NZ Herald

Now this is a very odd reaction for grieving parents whose child has been missing for 7 years. A senior officer within NSW Police is hardly an unsubstantiated report. I can understand them being upset that the article was published without the police notifying them first, but this is extreme.

If FC's car/houses etc were bugged....they must have sound nerves/discipline to never have discussed what happened! .... if they did do something? I'm so torn on this case!!!!! Don't want to judge! Even GJ said don't judge based on media! But he has judged them! (But I guess he has personally dealt with them for 7 years, so is allowed!). But even him speaking up in the media, is adding fuel to it all! What is going on???

BBM I've often wondered why she didn't give herself more time before calling 000? [/QUOTE]
i guess if someone is clever enough to carry out a crime like this and coldly deny it theyre clever enough to know never talk where there may be a bug?
maybe there was limited time and panic in case ff came back and found out, he may never have known?
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I’ve just checked in Caroline overingtons booking missing- it says FM saw AMS and asked for help looking for William first, then went on to driving FGM car to bater creek road , trying to see how this all fits together
sorry to contradict CO but initially FFC set out from the Benaroon dr house by herself down to Batar Creek rd. where she looked in reeds down near the bus stop and heard the strange bird cry and then went out onto BC road and drove up to the riding school and then returned. FFC only went to AMS after the MFC had returned and he began looking. After talking with AMS, she volunteered to help look. They walked down Benaroon st together and split up at Ellendale. AMS went down to Batar Cr. rd thinking the bus stop might be attractive to little kids cause it has paintings on it. They then met up again with FFC saying she'll have to phone the police and went back up to the house. My info comes from the inquest from AMS.
Is there a possibility that WT hurt himself being as restless as he was and bored? I saw colouring pencils on the verandah. Did he pick up something and was running around with it in his hand and tripped or fell? Did he have scissors in reach?
Four people (FFC, MFC, FGM, LT) all having knowledge of what happened and lying for 7 years seems unlikely imo. Sounds like LT at no stage saw her brother get hurt. I wonder if she has said that her mother dissapeared for 30 minutes with her grandma's car. Parents sleeping in different rooms sounds like adults fighting not kids to me. Quite easy to put kids to sleep then carry them to a different room
Is there a possibility that WT hurt himself being as restless as he was and bored? I saw colouring pencils on the verandah. Did he pick up something and was running around with it in his hand and tripped or fell? Did he have scissors in reach?

I've been pondering whether William got into his Grandmother's medication. Could be why the FD had to pick up a prescription...
Hands up anyone who believes WT was abducted? Or have we become so cynical we have to now not believe anything in cases like this? When you see cases like DM or CS, it makes you wonder what goes through the minds of those people who carry out these crimes against children or anyone for that matter. On second thoughts I dont think I want to know what goes on in their heads or if they blame bad potty training from their childhood as an excuse for their actions.
Now this is a very odd reaction for grieving parents whose child has been missing for 7 years. A senior officer within NSW Police is hardly an unsubstantiated report. I can understand them being upset that the article was published without the police notifying them first, but this is extreme.

It sure is, and it raised a big flag with me. That's when I went back and watched the foster parents' joint police interview video again. I came away even more uncomfortable about them. In fact I said aloud: "Time for the polygraph!"
I've been pondering whether William got into his Grandmother's medication. Could be why the FD had to pick up a prescription...

I'd be fairly sure that the detectives would have looked into the reason he went to fill that prescription when ascertaining his movements on that morning. I expect they would have asked the pharmacist for the details of the prescription as evidence of the transaction.
I'd be fairly sure that the detectives would have looked into the reason he went to fill that prescription when ascertaining his movements on that morning. I expect they would have asked the pharmacist for the details of the prescription as evidence of the transaction.

If they didn't check the FGM car out in the beginning, maybe they didnt check the Pharmacy? Just speculation on my part
Hands up anyone who believes WT was abducted? Or have we become so cynical we have to now not believe anything in cases like this? When you see cases like DM or CS, it makes you wonder what goes through the minds of those people who carry out these crimes against children or anyone for that matter. On second thoughts I dont think I want to know what goes on in their heads or if they blame bad potty training from their childhood as an excuse for their actions.

I don't know, I feel like he might not have been. I feel sometimes - and always have - like some of the FFCs staged-sounding responses and overly detailed stories could be simply over-compensating for guilt over him going missing on her watch. I feel like enough time passed between when he was definitely last seen and when the real search began that he might genuinely have gotten lost and his body simply be missing somewhere they never thought he'd be able to go. Bodies do sometimes go missed by search parties, sometimes search parties that travel quite close by, and it's not until years down the track that land gets cleared, or some intrepid hikers cut a new path or something, that the body is found.

Years and years of apparently 'expert' police work, an inquiry, and still no firm, clear, obvious abduction suspect? Like I just can't fathom that, not after 7 years. If all this investigating (which should have been done FIRST thing) of the fosters rules them out then no I don't inevitably go back to assuming it's abduction. Abduction of random children by strangers is extremely rare. For this stranger to have abducted him *so well* that there's no body, no trace, from the middle of nowhere (relatively speaking)... just seems too weird. Pedophiles and those who create CSAM usually do so with children who are known to them, or willingly shared/given to them.

of course my theory that his body might just have been missed by a search party could also work for being abducted, not by a criminal mastermind who has brilliantly hidden the body without a trace, but by someone who just got lucky he hasn't been found yet.

Stranger things have happened though (and I feel like you can almost say that about any theory going at this point)
sorry to contradict CO but initially FFC set out from the Benaroon dr house by herself down to Batar Creek rd. where she looked in reeds down near the bus stop and heard the strange bird cry and then went out onto BC road and drove up to the riding school and then returned. FFC only went to AMS after the MFC had returned and he began looking. After talking with AMS, she volunteered to help look. They walked down Benaroon st together and split up at Ellendale. AMS went down to Batar Cr. rd thinking the bus stop might be attractive to little kids cause it has paintings on it. They then met up again with FFC saying she'll have to phone the police and went back up to the house. My info comes from the inquest from AMS.
So the drive occurred before anyone was enlisted to help????
That is the segment I saw. I wish took more notice of it now. in breach of some section and something to do with police tactical within the case.
Breach of confidentiality, LE methodology, sect 76 police regulations...but having said that only pertains to serving members, but there's also a legal ethic to be taken with them and not breached even after employment...doesn't mean he will be charged, but currently being investigated
And yet abduction never made any sense. Out in the bush on that quiet street that was not a thoroughfare. Someone just happened to be sitting right there as William comes around the corner, and they somehow entice him down from up near the house into their car (even though he's not a wanderer) or grab him (and no one hears him scream) while his sister is present and FGM is on the deck? Seems exceedingly unlikely.
The exact same was said about CS's abduction. No one would go to a an isolated spot with children at 6.30 at night. The majority of the public did not believe anyone could enter a tent with parents asleep inside and sneak out a child.
The parents were abused, threatened and villified by the public for their interviews and how they responded, how they drove around looking for their child and didn't wait at the tent, why they even went camping with kids in the first place, the way she was dressed, her parenting style, one parent being a step parent so........
It sure is, and it raised a big flag with me. That's when I went back and watched the foster parents' joint police interview video again. I came away even more uncomfortable about them. In fact I said aloud: "Time for the polygraph!"

So much of what was said can be true, like "I walked two, three metres" - she could have walked to where he had fallen. Much of the shock and disbelief about this "event" happening could be real shock, albeit with some crucial details missing. Hence why it could be easy to say - a lot is not lies.
I'd be fairly sure that the detectives would have looked into the reason he went to fill that prescription when ascertaining his movements on that morning. I expect they would have asked the pharmacist for the details of the prescription as evidence of the transaction.

I wouldn't be too sure now given all the things they seemingly have not investigated with regards to FP..
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