Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #60

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My theories...

1. Abduction, they know who did it and are going through the very public motions of clearing the FF, (because it wasn't done adequately in the first place) so as to eliminate reasonable doubt from a future court case. Problem with this is the assault of FD comes to light and doesn't fit with the above narrative...

2. FF did it. Announced new suspects in September 2021 after re-examination of some evidence as directed by the Coroner,
eg.. photo.

Bugged house, phone's and car to get reaction, may have overheard something pertaining to crime and also the assault of FD, who could of have been triggered by the CS case in WA or just from angry conversation FP'S are having around at new announcement. Confrontation ensues...

Gets warrant for FGM'S car, finds dna evidence, obtains new technology for phone tracking (WA case), locates places of interest, begin search.

That's what I think for now...
Stanger things things have happened as they say. LE wont look stupid to me i think they r being public about the case as to show the efforts they r willing to go to. I am really liking the transparency we have had so far, while keeping the integrity of the case in the for front of their minds. LE have way more information then they let known to the public. Leaving us all watching and guessing what's the next move?, did someone say something after all this time ? 100million dollars and still nothing Im guessing its either was a pure accident with no foul play ( he wondered off into the bush ) and searches missed him or the possible person involved has done this before and has no need to tell anyone. I cant convince myself its the ff but am really trying to remain openminded ,because at this point to me it looks like all scenarios are on the table and that's a good thing. IMO
With the FGM recently out of hospital for a knee operation, was her medication left out for a child to take? Was that what was thrown into bush, a discarded prescription?

The FGM and the FP have both pointed the finger of suspicion at their neighbours. It would not surprise me if there is some finger pointing back in their direction
I have heard it said by LE ( not this time but on other cases i have followed )that the most simple explanation is usually what happened but I cant wrap my head around what the simple explanation is in this one.
No. No it doesn’t. Some little kids get up super early every day. Every day. They are ready to go at say 6am. Some even before that.
My kids got up early everyday. And so do my grandkids. But at 6 or 6:30, they get up and have some fruit and watch morning cartoons. Then they get dressed and come down for breakfast. After breakfast and brushing teeth, THEN they will go outside and play or red or do some colouring or chalk on the driveway. But they wouldn't be doing that by 7:30. It's still a bit chilly so early....More like 9 or so.
Thankyou, i forgot about this. I'll tell hubby he needs to count that in!
Also they did a pull up nappy knowing he would be asleep once at Kendall so they pulled over to a servo down the road not sure if it was open or closed got WT out of the car did a pull up nappy I always thought that was odd why not do it at mcdonalds, then FF slept with WT, FM slept with daughter i thought that was odd too, you would think the married couple sleep together and brother and sister sleep together, I don't understand why they didn't stay at home everyone sleep in there own beds then FF hav phone conference from home at 9 or 10am then all head down to Kendall and get there at a decent time during the day before the Friday arvo traffic, why bolt down in the arvo/night when they could of goen Friday during the day
Expert throws doubt on foster mum theory

"Dr Xanthe Mallett says she has never been suspicious of William Tyrrell’s foster mum on The Project
A criminologist who has closely followed the William Tyrrell case said she has never viewed the little boy’s foster mother as “suspicious”."

The link discusses another expert who found FFC to be credible. We must not get swept away in a frenzy of blame too soon, (Although I secretly am.)

We don't know why the police have allowed this to be so public but perhaps it is to reign in anyone who may have had contact with FFC to come forward with anything suspicious they have seen.

Maybe this is just the final unfollowed theory that hasn't been thoroughly covered. Perhaps they are absolutely at a dead-end and this is all they have left. The findings of the 18 month Coronial Inquest are supposed to be handed down next year. Maybe this search just has to be done to make sure all possibilities have been meticulously explored.
Also they did a pull up nappy knowing he would be asleep once at Kendall so they pulled over to a servo down the road not sure if it was open or closed got WT out of the car did a pull up nappy I always thought that was odd why not do it at mcdonalds, then FF slept with WT, FM slept with daughter i thought that was odd too, you would think the married couple sleep together and brother and sister sleep together, I don't understand why they didn't stay at home everyone sleep in there own beds then FF hav phone conference from home at 9 or 10am then all head down to Kendall and get there at a decent time during the day before the Friday arvo traffic, why bolt down in the arvo/night when they could of goen Friday during the day

We run an Airbnb and notice that parents do this all the time, I think it's because kids in strange surroundings don't sleep properly otherwise.
This is so baffling. I can't understand the police making public announcement. Why didn't they just do all their sifting and searching before publically announcing only 1 poi? Then surprise us with an arrest! Wonder what LE angle is! Are they going to look dumb again if nothing comes to light! Are they putting pressure on FF to divide and concur? Or is this a ploy to have someone else relax and slip up? Why? Why? Why? Where is Sweet William?

IMO, the theory that makes the most sense here is that police has been suspecting foster family for months but have been missing solid evidence. Best option there for them was to hide those supicions, and watch them closely until they incriminated themselves in a conversation. What I think has happened is that surveillance has picked up an assault on the foster child. My guess is that police would have preferred to not intervene because they didn't have the info they still need for the WT case, but ethically they had to protect the foster child and remove them, which blew their surveillance operation.

Look at the wording in the article below.
New South Wales police said information had been received about the suspected assault of a child during ongoing investigations under Strike Force Rosann, set up to investigate the disappearance of William in 2014.
(William Tyrrell: police strike force investigating disappearance charge man and woman with assault of a child)

That's totally in line with the assault being recorded or witnessed by surveillance.

IMO what's caused the recent flurry of activity is the fallout of the surveillance operation being blown. Removing the child from the family means revealing to the foster family their suspicions and the fact they've been watched, something the police had gone to great pains to hide until this point. So now police have had no choice but to move very quickly and prematurely even though they don't have enough information yet on where WT's body is or what happened. That theory would also make sense with the amount of drama around the digging etc... If you have been forced to reveal your suspicions before you were ready, you would want to make it look like you have enough incriminating evidence already to force the suspect to panic and make a mistake. Let's hope it works and find what's happened to WT, but I don't think things right now are unfolding the way police would ideally have wanted them to unfold.
I think this is a ploy to have someone slip up and say something, and if it doesn't work they definitely look bad IMO. Also the police minister and everyone sounded so confident the other day, I can't wrap my head around it, unless of course police had to sound confident to get the funding required for this search .. I just don't know.
The police are going to look really bad if this doesn’t work out for them. I really hope they have all the options considered.
Also they did a pull up nappy knowing he would be asleep once at Kendall so they pulled over to a servo down the road not sure if it was open or closed got WT out of the car did a pull up nappy I always thought that was odd why not do it at mcdonalds, then FF slept with WT, FM slept with daughter i thought that was odd too, you would think the married couple sleep together and brother and sister sleep together, I don't understand why they didn't stay at home everyone sleep in there own beds then FF hav phone conference from home at 9 or 10am then all head down to Kendall and get there at a decent time during the day before the Friday arvo traffic, why bolt down in the arvo/night when they could of goen Friday during the day

That doesn't ring major alarm bells for me as I've always found it easier to travel with small children at night, and if one child is a poor sleeper- there's not many options other than divide and conquer.
Maybe it's the thought of doing it in a dirty, (even if it looks clean), smelly, public toilet.
I can always smell that public toilet smell even when the cleaners have just finished.

Also they did a pull up nappy knowing he would be asleep once at Kendall so they pulled over to a servo down the road not sure if it was open or closed got WT out of the car did a pull up nappy I always thought that was odd why not do it at mcdonalds, then FF slept with WT, FM slept with daughter i thought that was odd too, you would think the married couple sleep together and brother and sister sleep together, I don't understand why they didn't stay at home everyone sleep in there own beds then FF hav phone conference from home at 9 or 10am then all head down to Kendall and get there at a decent time during the day before the Friday arvo traffic, why bolt down in the arvo/night when they could of goen Friday during the day
IMO, the theory that makes the most sense here is that police has been suspecting foster family for months but have been missing solid evidence. Best option there for them was to hide those supicions, and watch them closely until they incriminated themselves in a conversation. What I think has happened is that surveillance has picked up an assault on the foster child. My guess is that police would have preferred to not intervene because they didn't have the info they still need for the WT case, but ethically they had to protect the foster child and remove them, which blew their surveillance operation.

Look at the wording in the article below.
(William Tyrrell: police strike force investigating disappearance charge man and woman with assault of a child)

That's totally in line with the assault being recorded or witnessed by surveillance.

IMO what's caused the recent flurry of activity is the fallout of the surveillance operation being blown. Removing the child from the family means revealing to the foster family their suspicions and the fact they've been watched, something the police had gone to great pains to hide until this point. So now police have had no choice but to move very quickly and prematurely even though they don't have enough information yet on where WT's body is or what happened. That theory would also make sense with the amount of drama around the digging etc... If you have been forced to reveal your suspicions before you were ready, you would want to make it look like you have enough incriminating evidence already to force the suspect to panic and make a mistake. Let's hope it works and find what's happened to WT, but I don't think things right now are unfolding the way police would ideally have wanted them to unfold.

Completely plausible!
IMO, the theory that makes the most sense here is that police has been suspecting foster family for months but have been missing solid evidence. Best option there for them was to hide those supicions, and watch them closely until they incriminated themselves in a conversation. What I think has happened is that surveillance has picked up an assault on the foster child. My guess is that police would have preferred to not intervene because they didn't have the info they still need for the WT case, but ethically they had to protect the foster child and remove them, which blew their surveillance operation.

Look at the wording in the article below.
(William Tyrrell: police strike force investigating disappearance charge man and woman with assault of a child)

That's totally in line with the assault being recorded or witnessed by surveillance.

IMO what's caused the recent flurry of activity is the fallout of the surveillance operation being blown. Removing the child from the family means revealing to the foster family their suspicions and the fact they've been watched, something the police had gone to great pains to hide until this point. So now police have had no choice but to move very quickly and prematurely even though they don't have enough information yet on where WT's body is or what happened. That theory would also make sense with the amount of drama around the digging etc... If you have been forced to reveal your suspicions before you were ready, you would want to make it look like you have enough incriminating evidence already to force the suspect to panic and make a mistake. Let's hope it works and find what's happened to WT, but I don't think things right now are unfolding the way police would ideally have wanted them to unfold.

Awesome first post, I think that makes a lot of sense!

At around 2.28 FM says a few times that the visit to FGM was a surprise trip. That it was a surprise for the kids but it was also a surprise for FGM.

IMO this makes an abduction even more unlikely as FGM wouldn't have been telling neighbours her grandkids were coming as she didn't know.

But.. Another poster up thread posted this MSM link with some of FGMs comments.

These comments "They decided to come up to Kendall so that [they] could find me a solicitor, finalise the contract and look at new places" make it seem more like it was planned then a spontaneous surprise trip?

This comment "were concerned that I was going to do the wrong thing", makes me wonder if FGM had already been diagnosed with a dementia type illness or was showing signs of it, which lead to concerns for the FPs.

Perhaps there was already a diagnosis, and the sale of the home was not just because of the passing of FGM's husband but because FGM was ailing and FPs were arranging for FGM to move in with them or go into a care home?

"William's foster parents, who cannot be identified, decided to take him and his sister to Kendall in September 2014 because his grandmother wanted to sell her house after her husband had died.

The little boy's foster parents, who both have a "long history of experience in real estate", were concerned "that I was going to do the wrong thing", the statement said.

They decided to come up to Kendall so that [they] could find me a solicitor, finalise the contract and look at new places," the statement reads.

William's foster grandmother, now 85, will not testify at the upcoming weeks of the coronial inquest.

'Keeps odd hours and lives alone': William Tyrrell's foster grandmother reveals her suspicions
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