Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 9

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"It saddens me that you would be involved in this" (or words to that effect) doesn't tell me she knew anything. I don't doubt that the police would be checking into her history etc.

I'm wondering if woman are generally involved in pedo rings? Seems to me that the wives and partners of these creeps would have to have some idea of what's going on and I think the txt sent by MS shows she at least knew of the allegations from 27 years ago.
Mr Spedding’s cousin, who went to the white goods *repairman’s home minutes after he learnt of the arrest, said he supported the tradesman and said his wife was distraught. “She’s devastated, she’s very worried,” he said.

“She’s wondering why they’ve arrested him.”

Asked if Margaret still had faith in her husband, he said: “Without a doubt, she’ll fight it all the way … we’re with him all the way.”

She is wondering why they have arrested him? hmm

Maybe wondering for which crime.
Just my opinion.
someone recently posted on here wondering where paedophiles meet up locally with others and share children and form rings, which got me wondering also, do the groups start in families with the parent or step parent molesting their own children and their friends, sharing their images online etc, then the abused children become adults and some of them choose to continue the cycle sharing their own children, so its all in a family circle which is shared with others locally and worldwide, forming the ring?
hoping police have checked all bs phones and cameras, there would be photos.
i hope little william wasnt shared
"It saddens me that you would be involved in this" (or words to that effect) doesn't tell me she knew anything. I don't doubt that the police would be checking into her history etc.

I wonder if we are actually reading this quote by MS the wrong way.

Perhaps she is expressing sadness that this horrific act was committed on this person, not that she is saddened ( read disappointed ) that this person was responsible for dobbing in BS.
"It saddens me that you would be involved in this" (or words to that effect) doesn't tell me she knew anything. I don't doubt that the police would be checking into her history etc.

Karo I see your point.
It seems to me however, if she knew who the person that she was saddened by for being involved, she would also have known what it was about.
someone recently posted on here wondering where paedophiles meet up locally with others and share children and form rings, which got me wondering also, do the groups start in families with the parent or step parent molesting their own children and their friends, sharing their images online etc, then the abused children become adults and some of them choose to continue the cycle sharing their own children, so its all in a family circle which is shared with others locally and worldwide, forming the ring?
hoping police have checked all bs phones and cameras, there would be photos.
i hope little william wasnt shared

I also have many questions about these peadophile rings :gaah: however I am very reluctant to go online to sleuth (about how the rings operate) as I would be horrified to be tagged by police as someone searching!!!
God, he's almost talking to him. Is the route in to town described at the beginning of that article the same route you'd take from Bonny Hills or Laurieton?
We also don't know how she knew this person was involved, it is possible that person contacted her or passed the message on, it is highly unlikely the police informed her. We just don't know and I guess we could make up our own scenario but it has 99/100 chances of being an error.
Karo I see your point.
It seems to me however, if she knew who the person that she was saddened by for being involved, she would also have known what it was about.
I'm wondering if he's describing the exact route IN to town that BS would have made that morning .. if he is that must have sent shivers :)
I'm wondering if he's describing the exact route IN to town that BS would have made that morning .. if he is that must have sent shivers :)

Yes Mrs G Norris - I am guessing they may have been coming from Port given that is were Roseann is setup.
We know BS has jobs in Port because I recall that is were he was headed the day the he drove past the search not far from his home.
Wonder what time he headed off to work that morning and what and where was his first job?
Surely he did not just do the one at Dunbogan about 2pm, given he did not want to work at the weekend.
We also don't know how she knew this person was involved, it is possible that person contacted her or passed the message on, it is highly unlikely the police informed her. We just don't know and I guess we could make up our own scenario but it has 99/100 chances of being an error.

I think there is a very good chance she knew who the girls were. She would have known who they were when this was first bought up in 1987. BS would have been made aware who it was as well and no doubt told her.
I think there is a very good chance she knew who the girls were. She would have known who they were when this was first bought up in 1987. BS would have been made aware who it was as well and no doubt told her.

plus if it was a small community surely there would be local gossip etc
I think there is a very good chance she knew who the girls were. She would have known who they were when this was first bought up in 1987. BS would have been made aware who it was as well and no doubt told her.

I reckon BS would have told her, and probably said that the victims were troublemakers or liars who were out to get him.

Weird that BS and MS would have the mobile number of at least one of the victims, though. Maybe they obtained it from someone, or the poor victim/s had to stay civil with them/maintain some sort of contact for family reasons.

When MS said, "I'm saddened you would be involved in this". I reckon she meant "saddened" that the person was involved with getting him put into jail. Again, BS had probably convinced her that the victim was a troublemaker and this is all a plot against him.

I'm pretty sure the police are going to get him good, especially with more charges to come. MS will have to face reality.

P.S. I agree with the poster who said a while back that these girls are champions for William. They are prepared to face something awful from their past and all the psychological trauma that comes with it, to help police get William.
I'm sorry if someone has posted this already. I wonder if they are connected? Considering that police are investigating a pedophile ring in relation to william ...

Goodness me has that been 10 years already?!?! I remember there was lots of suspicion around the parents with that one early on, and the article lists many of their bizarre behaviours.

The article also clarifies though that they have no conclusive evidence of their involvement. A bit odd though...
why does every article from have to be subscriber only? arghhhh
I think there is a very good chance she knew who the girls were. She would have known who they were when this was first bought up in 1987. BS would have been made aware who it was as well and no doubt told her.

I think that she more than knows who they are, I think that it was because of her that he had association with those brave young girls, shame on the justice system for not standing to defend those girls, and letting a monster run free.

The first known instance from 1987, he was staying on a friends property in a caravan (camper), it only stands to reason that the girls were also staying on the property, so they are also either the children of the property owner, or yet another friend staying on the properties children. She married him the year that this instance took place how could she not have heard about it, this story wouldn't have died down quickly

Somewhere in this mix is MS, she could even be a relative of the girls, she wouldn't be the first nut job to keep a child abuser after it has come to light what happened. The having the contact information really makes me feel that there is a family relationship of some kind, I can't see a friend continuing a relationship with a person that has assaulted their children.
Goodness me has that been 10 years already?!?! I remember there was lots of suspicion around the parents with that one early on, and the article lists many of their bizarre behaviours.

The article also clarifies though that they have no conclusive evidence of their involvement. A bit odd though...

Pretty sure not involved with William

IMO drug activity involved
why does every article from have to be subscriber only? arghhhh

They aren't all subscriber only, GGE. The Australian has premium content and regular content. The premium content tends to be subscriber only, but it frequently changes to the regular content category after a while and is viewable. The Australian also only allows 5 articles per week for free viewing of some of its articles. This can be an issue for people who do not clear their cookies regularly.

I wonder if perhaps for overseas readers it all tends to be subscriber only?
Just as a point of interest - looks like BS's facebook has been deactivated.
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