Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 9

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Creepy that he was driving around a van with "Peddo's" written on it :facepalm:


  • 113215-32a27cf0-c143-11e4-83e4-6c2c60814a51.jpg
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OMG I couldn't believe what I was reading earlier. Of course the police are not all above suspicion. But these are just a few. Generally police are committed to doing their jobs well and discovering the truth. It's simply not true to say they want a conviction and not the truth. It's a bit rich for lawyers to be saying never trust police. The only people I know who are wary of the police are criminals who probably have good reason to dislike the police. And who, with a clear conscious would not cooperate with the police??? Gawd, I hope this person is never a victim and in need of police assistance.
Slightly off topic but still blew me away.... MS is FB friends with someone I went to primary school with.... And I don't live in NSW either. Small world or what :s
Was that a photoshop or did somebody actually peel it off?

We've sleuthed that before, we zoomed in and could see the glue of where the S was. I'm hoping it wasn't one of the children in their care trying to get a message out.
I'm not sure I'd class ListenupOasis as a troll, but someone with a serious prejudice against the police force, in particular detectives. I'd also say that the poster's lawyer relatives and friends, especially defence counsel, have a particular point of view regarding the police, but it's not one that I share as a member of the public.
If my child went missing I'd surely want someone like Jubelin and his task force on the case. I know there are rotten cops, but his record is clean and he is a very dedicated and passionate member of the force. To put him in the same boat as bent cops taking bribes is unfair and unwarranted.
As for lawyers, well there are a few of them I'd say were in the same class as the cops ListenupOasis seems to want to put down. But that doesn't make all lawyers bad, or encourage us to not trust any of them.

I never said anything about anyone taking bribes<modsnip>

All I said was that I wouldn't trust police and that I was disappointed to see photographers at the scene which suggests that they were tipped off about a pending arrest. This action can contaminate a potential jury pool. Just look at this thread for evidence of that. Another high profile case here in Australia has been that involving Gable Tostee and an alleged murder when a girl fell off his balcony. A number of leaks have occured in that case and the question remains, who is responsible for those leaks that sway public opinion and make it very hard for an accused to get a fair trial.

I have no doubt that the detectives are hard-working and dedicated to their job. But you are shooting yourself if, as a member of the public, you freely cooperate with the police (the state) in what is an adversarial court system here in Australia.
Look, hopefully she's seeing a social worker or counsellor because she will need it either way. I'm hoping this statement thinks she is starting to see things as they are, along with her visit to the clairvoyant .. it'll be a process that I hope she does see through, denial can be difficult to overcome.

Hopefully she isn't brainwashed into blaming everyone except the pedophile.
OMG I couldn't believe what I was reading earlier. Of course the police are not all above suspicion. But these are just a few. Generally police are committed to doing their jobs well and discovering the truth. It's simply not true to say they want a conviction and not the truth. It's a bit rich for lawyers to be saying never trust police. The only people I know who are wary of the police are criminals who probably have good reason to dislike the police. And who, with a clear conscious would not cooperate with the police??? Gawd, I hope this person is never a victim and in need of police assistance.

Speak to any criminal lawyer and ask them whether you should ever freely agree to be interviewed by police or answer any questions. Take it from me, any lawyer worth their salt will advice you against it. What do you think the reason for that is?

Even if you are innocent, there is nothing to be gained by speaking to police. All you can do is inadvertently implicate yourself in a crime you may not have committed. Many people are very nervous when speaking to police. Under that duress, it is very easy to make honest mistakes that can then be used to argue that you are lying to police.
Speculate! I have read posts where people say he is guilty, he did it, etc. Sorry, but I don't think I would call that speculation.
Did you alert on any of those posts so the mods could handle the problem?
Hi all, long time reader, first time poster :wave:

I stumbled across Websleuths a few weeks ago whilst seeking updates on William. I've been hooked ever since, reading day and night. Much much love to little William and his family. I still have hope that the little man is ok. Please please let it be so. Let's hope things move along quickly now!
Hi all, long time reader, first time poster :wave:

I stumbled across Websleuths a few weeks ago whilst seeking updates on William. I've been hooked ever since, reading day and night. Much much love to little William and his family. I still have hope that the little man is ok. Please please let it be so. Let's hope things move along quickly now!

:welcome5: hot fuzz! Thanks for joining us :)
Hello My Websleuths Australian Friends,

Please remember if you read a snarky post and then reply to the snark with a snark, you are going to be snarkouttaluck and at the very least get your post removed, at the very worst, a time out.

Remember alert, and scroll. It's easy. Doing this burns off calories I swear.

Thank you,

Hi all, long time reader, first time poster :wave:

I stumbled across Websleuths a few weeks ago whilst seeking updates on William. I've been hooked ever since, reading day and night. Much much love to little William and his family. I still have hope that the little man is ok. Please please let it be so. Let's hope things move along quickly now!

Welcome Hot Fuzz. :welcome:
Speak to any criminal lawyer and ask them whether you should ever freely agree to be interviewed by police or answer any questions. Take it from me, any lawyer worth their salt will advice you against it. What do you think the reason for that is?

Even if you are innocent, there is nothing to be gained by speaking to police. All you can do is inadvertently implicate yourself in a crime you may not have committed. Many people are very nervous when speaking to police. Under that duress, it is very easy to make honest mistakes that can then be used to argue that you are lying to police.

Hey I hear ya .. I used to date a criminal defence attorney and he'd say exactly the same thing, and as you'd know there is a lot of humanitarianism on that side of the law and an awful lot of bad acts by police and prosecution lawyers too, there are no saints and many sinners in the adversarial system that is for sure.
Apparently Bill Spedding has five children. Has it ever been mentioned if those are from the same woman or different partners?
Just that if they are full siblings, then something has obviously fractured the family pretty badly.

Only two of them have Bill on their "friend list". Another one did a few years ago, but has removed him at some point.
One of the siblings seems to be friends with four of the others. One of the siblings only has one other on their list. And another of them only has one as well.

You would think that even if you aren't overly close, you would still all have each other on your list (even if you don't chat often) .... but to have them all having very separate relationships with each other, makes me wonder what drove them apart? (of course I have my suspicions of what it might have been)

(Hope this isn't stepping over the line. I haven't named any of them, and certainly not accusing them of anything)
Speak to any criminal lawyer and ask them whether you should ever freely agree to be interviewed by police or answer any questions. Take it from me, any lawyer worth their salt will advice you against it. What do you think the reason for that is?

Even if you are innocent, there is nothing to be gained by speaking to police. All you can do is inadvertently implicate yourself in a crime you may not have committed. Many people are very nervous when speaking to police. Under that duress, it is very easy to make honest mistakes that can then be used to argue that you are lying to police.

I expect we can all agree on that. Let's leave it so.

On another note, I'm so pathetic I dug out the Underbelly series 5 and binge watched the whole thing. I'm amazed, even allowing for dramatic licence, at the dogged determination of Jubelin despite all the setbacks he had to endure - budgetary, his own superiors, the Feds trampling all over his key witness, his personal sacrifices, - this is one rather terrific cop, and a good man. He won't let go.
One thing that struck me in particular was that they got Perish on a minor drug offence from many years ago, just to get him inside and hold him so they could try and get something from him. "Shake the tree" I think they said. That phrase struck a memory chord - it was either Jubelin saying that or one of the Baden-Clay detectives, can't remember which.
The parallels with the Spedding arrest are interesting.
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