Australia Australia - William Tyrrell Disappeared While Playing in Yard - Kendall (NSW) #78

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DNA Solves
Regarding this THEORY about the cars and the phone call by GO at 09:10

If the white station wagon (seen by FM) was RP’s car, and possibly driven by FA to Benaroon Drive that morning …. (Especially after dropping RP at Port Mac Hospital for dialysis that Friday morning at 09:00am … seeing that car at approx 09:30am would fit the timeline …. (Would possibly also account for FF version of not seeing the car when he left??? )
Not sure how the white station wagon fits at 07:30am … unless it was there early, left, and returned again later … ????

With the above ASSUMPTION that FA was using RP’s white station wagon that morning, GO made the call on his mobile (could have been from any location and possibly pre arranged ?? ) to possibly distract the adults away from the children ….???

Who was driving the “teal car “ …. ???? How could FA get 2 cars to that location that morning???

We know a “teal car” was seen out driving on the 12th by the point to point image shown at the inquest, in Dr Sleuths post ….

Mr Craddock showed him an annexure which was a point to point camera photo @ Kew @ 14:07 on 12/9/2014. He was asked if that car was green / blue & DP responded yes.
Post in thread 'Australia - William Tyrrell Disappeared While Playing in Yard - Kendall (NSW) #78'
Australia - Australia - William Tyrrell Disappeared While Playing in Yard - Kendall (NSW) #78

DP sates he was at home “getting a bus ready” that day …. (But does he have an alibI for that ??? ) And yet Craddock implied one of his cars was captured on the camera…

DP also alleges that FA had access to the cars and the keys… but also alleges that RP picked FA up on the 11th about lunchtime …. and FA returned sometime on the 13th …. (Allegedly the same time period when FA‘s mobile didn’t move location ..)

I think it’s possible that FA may have used RP’s white station wagon (as a theory …. ) in an alleged abduction … But I can’t work out how to tie the
Teal Car into the theory???

Suggestions welcome !!

Depending what age one considers a child victim to be. Helen Harrison was 17, technically still a minor. Just not a little kid. Pretty sure most people think FA was responsible for her death, and he brags how he evaded a murder conviction twice.

If FA is responsible for William's disappearance, I wonder if William would have been returned/dumped (alive) somewhere, if there wasn't a massive search happening all around Kendall for days and days. A massive search that very quickly went into effect, within about an hour of William's disappearance.

Yes I must admit I wasn’t thinking of HH as being a child …. Although as you have correctly pointed out, technically she was …
I also have to admit that I am also suspicious of FA being involved in that other murder at Johns River…. (Also adult female)

Yes it is possible that a full Police search, being started so early after William went missing, may have hindered him being returned, if that was the original plan of an alleged abductor / paedofile ….

Even Rowley arrived much earlier on scene (than it would have taken from the Police Station) as he was already in the local area …

Regarding this THEORY about the cars and the phone call by GO at 09:10

If the white station wagon (seen by FM) was RP’s car, and possibly driven by FA to Benaroon Drive that morning …. (Especially after dropping RP at Port Mac Hospital for dialysis that Friday morning at 09:00am … seeing that car at approx 09:30am would fit the timeline …. (Would possibly also account for FF version of not seeing the car when he left??? )
Not sure how the white station wagon fits at 07:30am … unless it was there early, left, and returned again later … ????

With the above ASSUMPTION that FA was using RP’s white station wagon that morning, GO made the call on his mobile (could have been from any location and possibly pre arranged ?? ) to possibly distract the adults away from the children ….???

Who was driving the “teal car “ …. ???? How could FA get 2 cars to that location that morning???

We know a “teal car” was seen out driving on the 12th by the point to point image shown at the inquest, in Dr Sleuths post ….

Post in thread 'Australia - William Tyrrell Disappeared While Playing in Yard - Kendall (NSW) #78'
Australia - Australia - William Tyrrell Disappeared While Playing in Yard - Kendall (NSW) #78

DP sates he was at home “getting a bus ready” that day …. (But does he have an alibI for that ??? ) And yet Craddock implied one of his cars was captured on the camera…

DP also alleges that FA had access to the cars and the keys… but also alleges that RP picked FA up on the 11th about lunchtime …. and FA returned sometime on the 13th …. (Allegedly the same time period when FA‘s mobile didn’t move location ..)

I think it’s possible that FA may have used RP’s white station wagon (as a theory …. ) in an alleged abduction … But I can’t work out how to tie the
Teal Car into the theory???

Suggestions welcome !!


I hadn't really thought about both vehicles being on the street that day.
In my mind, I had thought that one vehicle was on the street, and the same or other vehicle was used to transport William far away.

But maybe two (or one) vehicles were out trolling for petty theft opportunities. The house next door would have been perfect for petty theft with the residents of that house being away, and being in a quiet area with the houses set back from the street.

Perhaps that is how it always was for FA when he was stealing (and he may not have been the only one involved, who knows) ... look around for a vacant house, not too close to home. With all the retirees in the area, it might not have been uncommon for someone to be away on holiday or RVing around the place.

The other thing I don't think we know is how long FA might have had William (if he took William). Three hours? A day? A week? A month? ...... I haven't seen - or maybe I don't remember - any indication of exactly when RP supposedly picked them up from the shed.

any indication of exactly when RP supposedly picked them up from the shed.
IIRC from the inquest, from the evidence Kirsten Okpegbue (Nurse),it was allegedly on 12th that RP said he picked up FA and the boy from the shed behind the school ..

Just thinking about how many questions were asked about a boat & fishing, so many witnesses were asked these questions.

Was there also something in this same evidence by nurse KO about RP indicating that something was thrown or pushed overboard???

Just wondering if that could be a reason for Craddock asking about a boat or fishing locations???

I wonder what became of Ray's car after he died? NYF 956.

The police must be certain that it was DP's Camry was caught on the point to point camera as they would have the numberplate ( unless the plates had been used on a different car? ) , but he says he never left home that day & that FA left with RP @ around 12pm on the 11/12 ( Thursday - FA denies this see exchange below ) , coming back sometime on the 13th .

FA's x exam of DP

DP : Thursday 11/9/12 you were working on the buses, RP picked you up at 12pm

FA : " That again not correct Mr Parish, police have evidence"

Coroner : I've read all the information Mr Abbott.

I really don't envy the cops trying to sort all this info with people trying to constantly throw each other under the bus IMO.
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A recent document says in the two days after William vanished, Porter's car was recorded passing the Kew southbound camera on the morning of September 13, 2014, and the north- and south-bound cameras at Port Macquarie, the next day.

Significantly, investigators have also obtained evidence placing Porter at Port Macquarie Hospital the day William was last seen in the foster nanna's yard.

IIRC from the inquest, from the evidence Kirsten Okpegbue (Nurse),it was allegedly on 12th that RP said he picked up FA and the boy from the shed behind the school ..

Was there also something in this same evidence by nurse KO about RP indicating that something was thrown or pushed overboard???

Just wondering if that could be a reason for Craddock asking about a boat or fishing locations???


I don't think she said what day & I don't have written down when.

KO was also asked

Craddock : " Did he say something about a boat ?"

KO : Yes, they did alot of fishing ( FA & RP )

Craddock : Check one detail with you. Nurse G says that he mentioned something about going on a boat & using a hand signal - indicating something dropped of a boat?"

KO : No

That was the end of her evidence & there was no x exam ( well nothing I have noted )
I wonder what became of Ray's car after he died? NYF 956.
I have been wondering the same question….. I thought it may have been scrapped ????

Craddock : Another sentence from statement, " I know that at some stage light green / cream colour ford station wagon"

TP : I don't know what happened to it.
It seems like TP didn’t know what happened to the car either … and he was EPOA…. Which is a little odd….

The police must be certain that it was DP's Mazda was caught on the point to point camera
Doc are you sure it was a teal “Mazda“ on the point to point.??

And not a teal “Camry” ????

Sorry to ask, and certainly no offence is meant, but I just want to clarify that info is correct ….. as we had never heard of DP having a teal Mazda … (only a teal Camry)

Unless it is actual proof the number plates were being switched, as suspected ???
I don't think she said what day & I don't have written down when.

I've been reading quite a bit of the nurse's testimony/statements (in MSM) and I haven't noticed where she said exactly when it was that RP picked FA and the child up.

And I don't remember ever knowing before, because I often used to think it might have been the following day (13th).

I don't think she said what day & I don't have written down when.

KO was also asked

Craddock : " Did he say something about a boat ?"

KO : Yes, they did alot of fishing ( FA & RP )

Craddock : Check one detail with you. Nurse G says that he mentioned something about going on a boat & using a hand signal - indicating something dropped of a boat?"

KO : No

That was the end of her evidence & there was no x exam ( well nothing I have noted )
Thanks so much for that !!!! maybe it was Nurse G that implied something was dropped overboard ????

Craddock seems to think that by his questioning …. IMO
I have been wondering the same question….. I thought it may have been scrapped ????

It seems like TP didn’t know what happened to the car either … and he was EPOA…. Which is a little odd….

Doc are you sure it was a teal “Mazda“ on the point to point.??

And not a teal “Camry” ????

Sorry to ask, and certainly no offence is meant, but I just want to clarify that info is correct ….. as we had never heard of DP having a teal Mazda … (only a teal Camry)

Unless it is actual proof the number plates were being switched, as suspected ???
Sorry , yes Camry, will fix! I was thinking maybe the plates were switched with GO's mazda , which for some reason I "think" was blue- but don't know why I think that!
Sorry , yes Camry, will fix! I was thinking maybe the plates were switched with GO's mazda , which for some reason I "think" was blue- but don't know why I think that!
Thanks Doc ….

GO had a Mazda 626 …. Which was white …. IIRC ???

Thanks Doc ….

GO had a Mazda 626 …. Which was white …. IIRC ???

White doesn't ring any bells to me. I could well be wrong thou. Soooo much to remember. And I don't know why blue is stuck in my head either

Why do you think white?
White doesn't ring any bells to me. I could well be wrong thou. Soooo much to remember. And I don't know why blue is stuck in my head either

Why do you think white?
Yes agree about so much to remember!!!!

I have been searching back through old posts and found this …. perhaps that is why I think it was white ????

Post in thread 'Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #47'
Australia - Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #47

Interestingly, the Mazda 626 also came in a station wagon ….


Edit to add

That 626 model also looks remarkably like the image of the car released by Police ….

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I wonder what became of Ray's car after he died? NYF 956.
(snipped) I suggest that DP would have been technically capable of destroying the identity of a car, stripping it down to the trailer-like base under the body and building it up into something of different appearance using parts from other cars.
Yes agree about so much to remember!!!!

I have been searching back through old posts and found this …. perhaps that is why I think it was white ????

Post in thread 'Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #47'
Australia - Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #47

Interestingly, the Mazda 626 also came in a station wagon ….

View attachment 468538
Thanks ....of to look @ McInally's notes ...........


Bingo, yep Mazda 626 White.

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(snipped) I suggest that DP would have been technically capable of destroying the identity of a car, stripping it down to the trailer-like base under the body and building it up into something of different appearance using parts from other cars.

Take your pick JLZ, they were all scrappers - FA, DP, TJ---I don't think RP was
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Were the fosters ever asked if they owned a boat?

It doesn't sound as if they were looking for anyone who had a boat. It sounds as if they had a specific reason(s) for inquiring about FA's boat.

Most likely from what they heard from someone (Nurse G?) about RP making a hand motion to indicate dropping something off the side of a boat. And maybe by the letter FA wrote that RP needed to take the boat to a lady place.

We also don't know everything RP told the police when they questioned him in the nursing home.

It sounds as if RP was asked (in the nursing home) about two boys who came upon them while perhaps launching the boat or doing something with the boat. And the boys were told it was too dangerous, to go back across the street. Maybe the boys also witnessed something?

I wonder if they were the two boys who were told by FA that he put William in a suitcase. But they were too scared to tell anyone in case FA snapped their mother's neck (as stated by one of the boys). They were shown the suitcase.

ETA: It may be that these are the two boys for which FA is now serving 16 years in prison, and that is how he threatened them to not say anything about the sexual abuse. (A young girl was also a victim in this conviction.)

Two young boys have claimed missing toddler William Tyrrell was killed and stuffed in a suitcase by a local paedophile who lived near the home of his foster nana

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