GUILTY Austria - Woman Held Captive, Had 7 Children by Father

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Josef Fritzl's family thanks public for support

The family of Josef Fritzl has addressed the public for the first time to express gratitude for the support they have received - and to wish for a "normal life" in the future.

The family, including Fritzl's wife Rosemarie, 68, prepared the poster together and illustrated with colourful drawings of rainbows, hearts, smiling faces and traces of their hands, as part of their collective therapy at a local psychiatric clinic. The notes were displayed in a window at the main square of their home town Amstetten.

In a text written within an open pair of hands, Elisabeth wrote: "I wish for: the recovery of my daughter Kerstin, the love of my children, the protection of my family, for people with a big heart and compassion."

Story here:'s-family-thanks-public-for-support.html

She's moving onward and upward. what a woman! :clap::clap::clap:
Awww...Elisabeth's message brought tears to my eyes. She is looking to the future.
On a down note, the hospital is besieged with paparazzi and a British newspaper has offered over $1m for the first photograph of the family. this means they are not allowed to take walks in the parkland around the hospital as part of their recovery and therapy. :furious::furious::furious:

the hospital has had to hire a security firm for protection of the family. :furious::furious::furious:

they have once again been imprisoned. :furious::furious::furious:
Awww...Elisabeth's message brought tears to my eyes. She is looking to the future.

Oh yes she is. she will not let that monster take any more of her life from her! :clap::clap::clap:
That is awful, Floh. I think being outside would be great for them.

The papperazzi need to back off.
Oh yes she is. she will not let that monster take any more of her life from her! :clap::clap::clap:

Kudos to her! Many would be too bitter to move past what they have been through.
On a down note, the hospital is besieged with papperazi and a British newspaper has offered over $1m for the first photograph of the family. this means they are not allowed to take walks in the parkland around the hospital as part of their recovery and therapy. :furious::furious::furious:

the hospital has had to hire a security firm for protection of the family. :furious::furious::furious:

they have once again been imprisoned. :furious::furious::furious:

I find it more than sad that they are stuck in that clinic like that. To go from complete isolation to being bombarded on all sides by press and paparazzi would be overwhelming, especially, I think, for the children. We're all curious about the family, but why can't they just be left alone to heal?
I find it more than sad that they are stuck in that clinic like that. To go from complete isolation to being bombarded on all sides by press and paparazzi would be overwhelming, especially, I think, for the children. We're all curious about the family, but why can't they just be left alone to heal?

Unfortunately, probably because of people like me who check for stories about them every day. :(

i want them to have a wonderful life, but is my interest prurient
and macabre? :(
Unfortunately, probably because of people like me who check for stories about them every day. :(

i want them to have a wonderful life, but is my interest prurient
and macabre? :(

Oh, absolutely. I want to know all the details, which is morbid and prying. But I don't think I'd go so far as to camp out by the clinic to catch a glimpse or a photo of the family as they enjoyed some well-deserved sunshine. My understanding was that the family is not even allowed outdoors because of this.
I thought this image was helpful (from here)... it shows how he dug out away from the house... so horrible. So horribly horrible that I have no words.

Oh, absolutely. I want to know all the details, which is morbid and prying. But I don't think I'd go so far as to camp out by the clinic to catch a glimpse or a photo of the family as they enjoyed some well-deserved sunshine. My understanding was that the family is not even allowed outdoors because of this.

Over $1m is a lot of money.

not, they can't go outside due to the paps. :(
I thought this image was helpful (from here)... it shows how he dug out away from the house... so horrible. So horribly horrible that I have no words.


They didn't stand a chance of escaping. :(

thank you for posting the diagram.
Oh my! The above diagram puts things in perspective doesn't it? :confused:
Where did Elisabeth and her children get the strength to endure being holed up by that %$#@@@ monster?
Oh my! The above diagram puts things in perspective doesn't it? :confused:
Where did Elisabeth and her children get the strength to endure being holed up by that %$#@@@ monster?

She must be a natural born survivor! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

the only way is up, bless her! :)
I ditto that! She's safe now and hopefully healing.
the question is... would everyone here, who is upset about them going from one prison to another,, take a pledge, and SWEAR to never, ever, spend a penny, or look at a website paid by advertising (and aren't they all, mostly?) that had photos of them in it?
would you back up your words,,, really......?

let me start by saying,, i'll be the first. so, no..... I pledge to NEVER spend a dime on any publication (not that i buy that stuff anyway).. or click on any website, that is connected with paying the paparazzi to invade this family's privacy. my natural human curiosity is not strong enough to make me a hypocrite. i would rather never see them... if it meant they could be able to take a walk in public and enjoy their new-found freedom without harassment. my main interest is to know that they are recovering, and that is so encouraging to hear & makes me very happy for them. but what would cause them more harm than good,, is to put money in the hands of the evil vultures who prey on people in their situation. thank god the police are prosecuting them!! - which is exactly what they deserve. if paying the fines or posting bail becomes more expensive than the $1 mil they might get for a photo.. then their efforts would no longer be worth it.

too bad most of humanity can't say the same.... or there would BE no paparazzi.

so guys.... whaddaya think... ??
Does it get hot there during the summer? Did they have air conditioning? Was there heat in the winter? Did they cook, or were all their meals previously prepared?

What did she do about diapers when her babies were tiny? If she used disposables, there would be added garbage; if she used cloth, there would have to be a way to wash them.

If there was no refrigeration, how did the children get their milk? Powdered? Canned?

When the kids saw television shows, did they ask why their own lives weren't like what they saw on TV?

I just cannot comprehend how they lived so long in that dungeon!
At this point it might be in their best interest to sell the right to photograph them privately for $x before they get photographed publicly. They'll gain from the money, and it will probably buy them a little privacy for a while. That or they can secretly transfer them to another facility via laundry truck. (if they haven't already)

They will never have a private life. Ever. They will always be known, even ten, twenty years down the line.
At this point it might be in their best interest to sell the right to photograph them privately for $x before they get photographed publicly. They'll gain from the money, and it will probably buy them a little privacy for a while. That or they can secretly transfer them to another facility via laundry truck. (if they haven't already)

They will never have a private life. Ever. They will always be known, even ten, twenty years down the line.

This what i have thought, Oblio.
Well I don't know... I am sure almost every news source, legitimate and shady, would pay a pretty penny for a picture right now. I can't commit to never visiting CNN again... :) And CNN already posted the picture of Elisabeth covered in a coat, so I am sure they would love a *good* picture.

In addition, I also think that reading the news about these stories does help in some ways. For example, I already posted that if I had gone into the courtyard of my old apartment building and heard the faint sounds of a baby crying or maybe smelled some Chef Boyardi on a hot plate wafting through the air, it would never, ever, EVER have occurred to me that people might have been imprisoned underground. Even if the sound or smell seemed out of place - like it was winter and no one was outside and no windows were opened... never would I have thought of it. Now, after this, it WOULD occur to me, and I would probably spend some time checking it out... following the scent or the sound just a bit to see if I could figure out where it came from. And LE are taking note as well, I am sure. The next time a shadowy figure has a daughter turn up missing and has spent a lot of time in the cellar, someone may think to pull out bookcases and look in all the little cubbies, just to see. There are no doubt some wives who read this story and probably did some investigations of their own. It is mind-boggling but good to be reminded of the fact that people are not always who they seem, and sometimes your spider sense is correct.

I do not wish that they should be hounded by the press. IMO, it would be far better at this point for them to sell their story... or at least part of it. I hope they do. Meanwhile, as explanations and snippets of truth are revealed, I am sure there are people who read it out of "morbid" curiosity. For my part, I believe that I am getting an education out of the whole thing. The monstrosity of this "human", the strength of this victim, the depths of denial and willingness to ignore something right under your nose. These all help me understand situations on other threads here on Websleuths, the psychology and the logistics education I get from every case helps me to riddle out the truth on the next one. Will I ever "solve" an unsolved case? Probably not. But will I do what I can to help my fellow volunteer investigators try to find answers? YES! And I know it is useful... I know LE and attorneys read this board and use the huge amount of free investigation help and ideas to help put more criminals away. And so I read, and learn, and try to help.

Now, I have a question - I have seen a few comments here that perhaps the apartment building might be bulldozed... I thought there were like 20 apartments in this building? Surely no one is thinking of displacing these families? I would hate to think they would lose their homes because of this creep. I'm all for getting rid of the dungeon and losing the tourists, but people who lived in this building might not all be able to afford to move out, right?

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