
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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panthera said:
You're right and that's why I was interested in this neighbor boy who was described as 'strange' at the beginning of the case. It does look a lot like drugs are involved.

Well someone made a good point about the injuries not being so consistent if this was the case. The focus of this murder was the head. The injuries might be more scattered. Also, there's the initial attempt at strangulation. Would a druggie do that? I can't see it.

I can't stop thinking about Amanda Lamb's earlier report in that LE was fingerprinting the entrance and removed part of the inside wall. Still....LE said it was not random. So I'm all :confused:
raisincharlie said:
The limitation of the wounds to her head and face convince me even further that JY is the murdering you know what...JMO:behindbar

I didn't follow the Dyleski case much RC - but if I remember, he attacked just about every part of Pamela's body didn't he? Was he on drugs?
jilly said:
I didn't follow the Dyleski case much RC - but if I remember, he attacked just about every part of Pamela's body didn't he? Was he on drugs?
It was mainly focused on bludgeoning her head, but she fought back which caused more injuries in other areas of her body. He also made a carving into her back, and multiple bludgeoning weapons (crown molding, planter pot, rock) were used. Yes, he more than likely was on drugs when he committed the murder.
jilly said:
Well someone made a good point about the injuries not being so consistent if this was the case. The focus of this murder was the head. The injuries might be more scattered. Also, there's the initial attempt at strangulation. Would a druggie do that? I can't see it.

I can't stop thinking about Amanda Lamb's earlier report in that LE was fingerprinting the entrance and removed part of the inside wall. Still....LE said it was not random. So I'm all :confused:

hey, go to ctv, page 11 of the thread "autopsy report release"....look for a post by RPD, down near the botom of the page.....interesting, IMO....
jilly said:
Well someone made a good point about the injuries not being so consistent if this was the case. The focus of this murder was the head. The injuries might be more scattered. Also, there's the initial attempt at strangulation. Would a druggie do that? I can't see it.

I can't stop thinking about Amanda Lamb's earlier report in that LE was fingerprinting the entrance and removed part of the inside wall. Still....LE said it was not random. So I'm all :confused:
I'm thinking of the murder of the college professor's wife that occured after Michelle's ~ it was on the news a little, and I think it's in PA. Anyway from what I remember she was bludgeoned also and the husband was arrested. There was no sign of forced entry in the murder Dyleski committed since either her door was unlocked or she'd answered it and let him in~ however that was also shortly after 10:12am. So yes, it's hard to say in Michelle's case, but Jason's behavior makes him appear guilty.
jilly said:
You know....before Scott Dyleski, I wouldn't have any problem thinking it was JY. That kid really threw a wrench into my thought process even though everything including statistics points to JY.

i understand what you're talking about....
jilly said:
I didn't follow the Dyleski case much RC - but if I remember, he attacked just about every part of Pamela's body didn't he? Was he on drugs?
Yes, there were very few areas of Pamela's body that were not affected in some way. He used everything he could get his bloody little hands on and either went outside to get a rock or brought one with him. As far as the drugs - this was never brought up in testimony by either side although he and his friends were known to use absinthe but nothing else other than mj was mentioned. No meth or any of the heavy drugs. He had some interesting artwork showing various bloody bodies etc., he also read up on serial killers and the evening after the murder he discussed with his friends that the most painful way for a person to die was to bludgeon them to death and chanted the Lizzie Borden ryhme. Sick little...

This kid was just evil IMO, as Pamela was taking her last breaths he cut a four inch wound in her stomach and then carved a symbol in her back.
close_enough said:
hey, go to ctv, page 11 of the thread "autopsy report release"....look for a post by RPD, down near the botom of the page.....interesting, IMO....
Instead of the dramatics perhaps he should re-read the AR which clearly states on page 2 that the teeth were found near the victims head. If, according to that theory, the teeth were knocked out while she was on the bed, how did they get onto the floor, near her head?
raisincharlie said:
Instead of the dramatics perhaps he should re-read the AR which clearly states on page 2 that the teeth were found near the victims head. If, according to that theory, the teeth were knocked out while she was on the bed, how did they get onto the floor, near her head?

yes, but the post where he's 'saying' that LE now wants to talk to him....would the ME give info of people wanting to view those photos????

eta...actually the post is about midway down page 11....sorry
close_enough said:
yes, but the post where he's 'saying' that LE now wants to talk to him....would the ME give info of people wanting to view those photos????
Yes the ME would report to LE anyone who came to look at those photos. No wonder LE wants to talk to him, they want to know why the heck. That ought to answer alot of questions for several - LE is still actively investigating this case. Maybe he'll lawyer up...:rolleyes:
raisincharlie said:
Yes the ME would report to LE anyone who came to look at those photos. No wonder LE wants to talk to him, they want to know why the heck. That ought to answer alot of questions for several - LE is still actively investigating this case. Maybe he'll lawyer up...:rolleyes:

LOL @"Maybe he'll lawyer up...
raisincharlie said:
Yes the ME would report to LE anyone who came to look at those photos. No wonder LE wants to talk to him, they want to know why the heck. That ought to answer alot of questions for several - LE is still actively investigating this case. Maybe he'll lawyer up...:rolleyes:
Very interesting to say the least. I think you are right on that they are actively investigating the case but give me your gut feeling about showing up at his house. Could be that they are ruling out any other possible perps or possible that they don't have squat on Jy. Got to be getting close to having forensic evidence back by now if not already. Would we know if the forensics were back, public info?
pack_fan said:
Very interesting to say the least. I think you are right on that they are actively investigating the case but give me your gut feeling about showing up at his house. Could be that they are ruling out any other possible perps or possible that they don't have squat on Jy. Got to be getting close to having forensic evidence back by now if not already. Would we know if the forensics were back, public info?

In cases of homicide, I would think this is SOP (it is here in Missouri even if one goes to the courthouse just to get a copy of an AR - photos are never given out) as the person going in had to establish a time and appointment. His id should have been checked, if not LE or in academia or a family member - it should be automatic that the ME would notify LE during an ongoing investigation.

Forensic evidence - there was an article in which Sheriff Harrison was quoted as saying there was a two month backlog at the SBI lab. Scandi and Sami figured based on the date of the article, the first full week in February should be the 2 month period. I doubt we will be given an idea what those results are and they would not be public record as they would be direct evidence as well as medical information relating to DNA.

My gut feeling, LE is focused on JY and suspect that forensics will hold answers. From the autopsy, Michelle apparently scratched herself - there is a good possibilty she scratched the perp as well due to the close proximity. There is a reason LE hauled JY in for full body photos and measurements. Since JY lawyered up immediately LE may have some times for which they simply cannot say with any certainty where JY was or if he was alone.

My true gut feeling is the DA wants certain answers before an arrest is made and I have a feeling the DA also wants a strong winnable death penalty case. JMO
raisincharlie said:
Yes the ME would report to LE anyone who came to look at those photos. No wonder LE wants to talk to him, they want to know why the heck. That ought to answer alot of questions for several - LE is still actively investigating this case. Maybe he'll lawyer up...:rolleyes:

roflmao!!! LOL RC!!! Haha! That was good!
jilly said:
Afternoon CP :)

I've just read RPD's notes. It is absolutely "chilling". I'm gonna be thinking about this for awhile. :(
I agree - why didn't he just shoot her.

I don't know what to make of this now. Whereas before I was almost certain JY killed her, now I have no idea. This is a real 'hate' crime.imo
Jilly- what makes you wonder if jy did it now? I have hoped all along he didnt, then decided he did-- the ar doesnt change my mind- why does it make you question your thoughts?
close_enough said:
hey, go to ctv, page 11 of the thread "autopsy report release"....look for a post by RPD, down near the botom of the page.....interesting, IMO....

I know! :eek: I'd be freaking out too!
jilly said:
You know....before Scott Dyleski, I wouldn't have any problem thinking it was JY. That kid really threw a wrench into my thought process even though everything including statistics points to JY.
I am so with you on that one jilly--- that case teally made me sit back and think-:doh:
close_enough said:
hey, go to ctv, page 11 of the thread "autopsy report release"....look for a post by RPD, down near the botom of the page.....interesting, IMO....
so fill me in rc-- cause this is the only place i look- you guys all know what is going on at the other places--- what struck your mind on the page you are referencing?
j2mirish said:
I am so with you on that one jilly--- that case teally made me sit back and think-:doh:

I'll answer your last question on this post J2. This is why I'm wondering right now - MYs wounds were deep and gaping. It was a very viscious attack. With the Vitale case, I was one of those thinking it was Dan - just programmed here, I guess. I was shocked to find out it was Dyleski. That case now gives me pause for consideration.

I was well on my way to thinking it was JY - still do in a sense but I would not be surprised at this point to learn it was someone else.

Since Close is not here I'll answer the question you have for her. RPD a poster at CTV, went to the ME's office to look at the autopsy photos. Today, I guess, LE paid a visit to his home and according to RPD, it "freaked" his wife. I guess the MEs office would report anyone.

ETA Thank you RC and Panthera for answering my questions re Dyleski.
I wanted to give Dominique a heartfelt welcome to our forum. I've read so many interesting posts you've written Dominique and I know we will all enjoy sleuthing the case with you till Michelle and her babes have justice!

Hi j2mirish, I haven't read it yet, but from the talk here looks like LE wants to talk to him because he went in to reveiw the photos. He's probably the only one who has, and he did learn quite a bit from whomever he talked to at the ME's office. With the right scripting it could end up as a skit on SNL. lol

Can you imagine the ME calling LE about someone coming to look at the photos! They would have to realize he is a student of criminology. :confused:
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