
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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panthera said:
That would help! I'm thinking that the perp could've gotten one good blow to her left side, knocked her down, perhaps falling on her right side at an angle (like not completely on her side so the back of her head would also be exposed) or she moved as he continued to swing at her. So much rage and overkill here it is just :furious:

Yes, she had a lot of injury to her left side and what you describe is probably what happened. Then the full overkill was done when she was face down. Do you realize how much force would have to happen to cause the size of her fractures? Unfreakingimaginable.
Hi Close! - just getting here - of course I have to work the day there's news!!

I agree with you on the hooded sweatshirt - I don't know anyone either.

After reading everything here I'm thinking the same thing - murder occured around midnite. :( She must have been screaming. Cassidy obviously heard her. :( Too bad someone in the neighborhood didn't although I remember the houses in that neighborhood were spaced.

So what does this do to the timeline? He left at 7pm or before maybe, got to the hotel & checked in and went back? I think that's doable, don't you?
concernedperson said:
Do you realize how much force would have to happen to cause the size of her fractures? Unfreakingimaginable.

This is heartbreaking! :(
close_enough said:
yeah....a cut...

odd...A CUT
....maybe some glass from the lamp??...if she were trying to get a lamp from him??

Maybe the wedding picture?
happy2bn10ec said:
I am just wondering if JY and his family have read this yet? Wonder if it might make a few family members rethink their support of him. I don't see how they could believe a stranger could have done this. Too much rage and overkill.

I REALLY wish I hadn't read the autopsy report now.

i would imagine someone in the Young family has read this hit her 21 times & that's not including other abrasions, lacerations one to her right wrist, the one to her upper left arm....someone over at ctv said this gives a whole new meaning to the words "beaten to death", & i agree....
I agree with WW on the nails. I can only go by my own personal experience that led me to the conclusion in the first place that she was strangled first after learning there were bruises on her neck at the funeral. It isn't so easy to strangle a formidable opponent. My guess is a tiffany lamp because it would've been within reach for her as a weapon of defense from the original attack, then of course became the murder weapon. A tiffany style lamp has both components, glass and cast iron.

I have a man figured for this one not just because of the injuries showing substantial force but also because of the attempted strangulation. If I remember correctly from the LP case the mitochondrial dna on the hair isn't specific to one exact person so I don't know if they could prove it was Jason's rather than Cassidy's?
jilly said:
Hi Close! - just getting here - of course I have to work the day there's news!!

I agree with you on the hooded sweatshirt - I don't know anyone either.

After reading everything here I'm thinking the same thing - murder occured around midnite. :( She must have been screaming. Cassidy obviously heard her. :( Too bad someone in the neighborhood didn't although I remember the houses in that neighborhood were spaced.

So what does this do to the timeline? He left at 7pm or before maybe, got to the hotel & checked in and went back? I think that's doable, don't you?

hey jilly!...wondered where you were...can ya believe it???...i was hem hawing around, reading over at ctv...(nothing was really 'going on' here) then BAM, out of the blue the name "From Raleigh" posted the WRAL link about the autopsy....i swiftly copied it & 'ran' back here.....

gosh, the timeline :waitasec:
....i just don't know....we get a lot of info, then we're still left w/so many questions....we NEED to know what time he left for his 'meeting'....we need to know what Michelle's girlfriend said Michelle was wearing that night...we need to know if there really was an 11 pm phone call...(i tend to think there was)......i just don't know...still absorbing all this autopsy stuff here....interesting, but so sad:(
close_enough said:
yeah....a cut...

odd...A CUT
....maybe some glass from the lamp??...if she were trying to get a lamp from him??

Maybe the wedding picture?
jilly said:
Hi Close! - just getting here - of course I have to work the day there's news!!

I agree with you on the hooded sweatshirt - I don't know anyone either.

After reading everything here I'm thinking the same thing - murder occured around midnite. :( She must have been screaming. Cassidy obviously heard her. :( Too bad someone in the neighborhood didn't although I remember the houses in that neighborhood were spaced.

So what does this do to the timeline? He left at 7pm or before maybe, got to the hotel & checked in and went back? I think that's doable, don't you?
I know ~ what timing for you! The clothing doesn't sound at all to me like something she would've worn to sleep in bed ~ especially black pants. The timeline would depend on what time he actually left the house and where this hotel is he checked into. But it's looking to me to be closer to midnight with the clothing and partially digested food.
You really can't scream when you're being strangled and then she grabs something hits attacker in the head or face which provides only very temporary relief till they instantly grab said object (natural reaction) and start whacking you in the head and face. That of course would be when her arms and hands were used to protect herself for however many blows she could withstand before losing consciousness. All of which can happen so fast it's over before you know it.
jilly said:
Maybe the wedding picture?

could be jilly.....from reading the autopsy, it SEEMS like whatever weapon was used, is what was used to hit her hand though...."blunt force injury to the extremities has resulted in laceration of the left thumb" goes on to say this injury bruised the fingers on the left hand, on up to a small part of the forearm too.....i just don't know...
panthera said:
I know ~ what timing for you! The clothing doesn't sound at all to me like something she would've worn to sleep in bed ~ especially black pants. The timeline would depend on what time he actually left the house and where this hotel is he checked into. But it's looking to me to be closer to midnight with the clothing and partially digested food.

you know you're right panthera....the report doesn't state she had sweat pants states the hooded sweatshirt, but regarding the pants, it only states "black pants".....& then of course she had a t-shirt on .... just doesn't sound like something she was wearing while sleeping, imo....
concernedperson said:
Yes, she had a lot of injury to her left side and what you describe is probably what happened. Then the full overkill was done when she was face down. Do you realize how much force would have to happen to cause the size of her fractures? Unfreakingimaginable.

i know, CP...a LOT of force....he beat the livin daylights out of her head :mad:
strach304 said:
My guess is a tiffany lamp because it would've been within reach for her as a weapon of defense from the original attack, then of course became the murder weapon. A tiffany style lamp has both components, glass and cast iron.
Wouldn't the glass part of it break, and if so I wonder if there was any glass found at the scene?

NG is talking about Michael Devlin tonight.
close_enough said:
you know you're right panthera....the report doesn't state she had sweat pants states the hooded sweatshirt, but regarding the pants, it only states "black pants".....& then of course she had a t-shirt on .... just doesn't sound like something she was wearing while sleeping, imo....
yes, close enough, I can't imagine wearing black pants around blankets and bedding! :)
strach304 said:
You really can't scream when you're being strangled and then she grabs something hits attacker in the head or face which provides only very temporary relief till they instantly grab said object (natural reaction) and start whacking you in the head and face. That of course would be when her arms and hands were used to protect herself for however many blows she could withstand before losing consciousness. All of which can happen so fast it's over before you know it.

i don't know could be right, cause i sure can't imagine it happening, but i tend to think jilly is right...i think this struggle caused a lot of noise...i think Michelle would have been yelling "stop" or something at some point.....i think there was enough noise made that it woke Cassidy up....
concernedperson said:
Yes, she had a lot of injury to her left side and what you describe is probably what happened. Then the full overkill was done when she was face down. Do you realize how much force would have to happen to cause the size of her fractures? Unfreakingimaginable.

It is unbearable to read that report and see what sort of force would have caused damage such as that. So much rage you have to wonder how it was hidden so well.
panthera said:
Wouldn't the glass part of it break, and if so I wonder if there was any glass found at the scene?

NG is talking about Michael Devlin tonight.

hmmm, if someone with some strength picked up one of my tiffany lamps & hit me in the head, it would definately put me on the floor...i would think, anyway.....mine aren't REAL big, but they're sturdy for sure...the glass is thick too, along with the cast iron .....we know that LE took a lamp as had blood on it right?? wasn't mentioned that the lamp was broken though, did it???....or would they necessarily HAVE to put that much info in the warrant....if she was beaten with a standard size nightstand lamp, i would think the lamp would be awfully beat up too....
I agree with all who said she wasn't dressed for bed. Most pregnant people are warm natured and a hooded sweatshirt would be a lot around your upper body.

I think she had a bite to eat with her friend watching Grey's Anatomy and this food wasn't fully digested. If the show came on around 10 eastern then at midnight it would be thickened but not digested. I know about vomit (daughter had cancer and chemo for years) and the different stages of digestion.

Also, if and I say IF he called at 11 pm then she would more than likely be upset or pondering the conversation. Not ready to go to sleep as I am sure it was an upsetting phone call. Given the financial aspects and if she knew, his dalliances.
close_enough said:
hmmm, if someone with some strength picked up one of my tiffany lamps & hit me in the head, it would definately put me on the floor...i would think, anyway.....mine aren't REAL big, but they're sturdy for sure...the glass is thick too, along with the cast iron .....we know that LE took a lamp as had blood on it right?? wasn't mentioned that the lamp was broken though, did it???....or would they necessarily HAVE to put that much info in the warrant....if she was beaten with a standard size nightstand lamp, i would think the lamp would be awfully beat up too....
That's what I'm wondering since I'd think some part of the shade part of the lamp would be broken, including the light bulb. :waitasec:
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