awaiting sentencing phase

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Two immediate observations from the Netwerk24 report.

1. OP calls an unnamed model for 4 minutes immediately prior to calling Reeva to tell her about his *****ty meeting. Tells us something more about where his priorities lie (or don't)

2. I'm wondering if they are confusing the property deal (his new home) with the financial meeting (where he gets bad news) or should we be thinking they're about one and the same thing?
BBM - jj, might the informal lounge area be the TV room?

I've no idea .. that's kinda why I was interested to see the whole floorplan upstairs .. it would be bad enough if that collage was in a room at the other side of the house (and Reeva stumbled upon it) but if that lounge area was the TV room, surely OP wouldn't have been so insensitive as to have had that collage there, for Reeva to walk past on the way to/from his bedroom? No, I don't think that bit could be the TV room.
Good point.

I've been pondering @Judgejudi's question to us about which friends, if any, might speak favorably of OP at sentencing.

I've only been able to come up with one possibility and that's Alex.

And Masipa.
Thanks IB, but I think that is only part of the upstairs? .. there are only two bedrooms shown and I'm pretty sure there must be more than that (plus the TV room mentioned, where the collage of photos of OP and Jenna was apparently photographed by police).

I have a feeling there might be four bedrooms. I will see what else I can dredge up.
Two immediate observations from the Netwerk24 report.

1. OP calls an unnamed model for 4 minutes immediately prior to calling Reeva to tell her about his *****ty meeting. Tells us something more about where his priorities lie (or don't)

2. I'm wondering if they are confusing the property deal (his new home) with the financial meeting (where he gets bad news) or should we be thinking they're about one and the same thing?

BBM - I feel strongly that the "unnamed model" is Erin Joy Stear of Cape Town who sources on both sides said were having an affair in January 2013. Per sources one of the times the two got together was late January. Let's remember that OP took a roadtrip with his buddies to Cape Town and stayed a couple of nights... this was right before Darren's engagement party from which Reeva told OP "you've picked on me incessantly since you got back from CT."

Also, in an email to OP while he was on said trip, Reeva said she wanted OP and her to take a trip together. His, what I call a non-answer, was simply: "*advertiser censored*"

Re: #2 above - I found that confusing, too... I had thought that Ryan was the financial advisor OP met with on Feb. 13th. I guess I'll have to relook at OP's testimony.
Hilton Botha had 24 years’ experience in investigating murders. It was interesting to read on p30 that Botha had been told that OP had given Reeva mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. That’s the first time I’ve heard that. Botha was told by a witness that Reeva “was still breathing, making a gurgling sound”. There was no mention of trophies being strewn around.

“Botha noticed that his hands and chest had been washed clean. Despite attempts by a low-ranking constable to intervene, Van Rensburg had allowed Oscar to rid his body of crucial evidence”.
I still can’t get over that. I'd been expecting to see photos of his torso covered in blood. It is crucial evidence and it’s unforgiveable that Van Rensburg allowed this to happen.

Gina commented that Reeva had told her, “Oh my God, he’s so intense, but he’s amazing”. She said, “If I don’t write back to his message within five minutes, then he’s like, “Where are you?”
This is exactly the sort of behaviour Sam Taylor’s mother wrote about in her book. Sam even sent him photos of herself in a dressing gown to show OP that she was at home.

“On one occasion in December 2012, the couple had a blow-up on the phone while Oscar was in Doha that led to Reeva breaking off the relationship with Oscar – although they later reconciled.
Reeva traditionally spent Christmas with her parents but this Christmas told them she was spending it with OP. That never happened, no doubt because of the argument. Big argument.

Reeva and I attended a comedy evening that had been hosted by Tropika. They had an argument and Oscar had screamed at her over the phone. I could hear her talking and when she came out of her room, she was crying. I asked her what had happened. She replied that she had never been spoken to in such a disgusting manner in all her life. She also stated that she refused to be with someone who could talk to her like that. I think that was the fight that started because she sent him a photo that he said she had also sent to somebody else. When she joked about it, he went mad”.
How did he know this? Had he been checking her phone? Another big argument.

"Oscar tried to call her many times that night. He even tried to call me. He did this often. Whenever they fought and she did not want to speak to him, he would call me. She asked me not to answer his calls. That night, she sent Oscar a very sincere email in which she told him it was too much for her and the way in which he spoke to her had really upset her and she would not stand for it. She told him he was an amazing person and that she wanted him to be happy but that she needed a few months to just be by herself because as much as she liked him, it was not healthy to continue like that. He replied by saying that he would wait for her and that he was really sorry”.

One of the more significant rows was on 27 January, the day of Darren Fresco’s engagement party. Another big argument.

"YOU magazine also published details about arguments that occurred while the couple was on holiday in the Cape, while the Sunday Times reported on how the duo argued in public on their way to the parking lot, after the Virgin Active Sport Industry Awards at Emperors Palace on 7 February. Gina said, “I cannot remember the exact details of the fight but she told me that Oscar just wanted her to be attached to his side the whole time and if she was not, he freaked out. This occurred that evening when they were leaving and she walked around one side of the table and he walked the other way around. He was then annoyed because she was not next to him. When she walked ahead of him, he became angry and told her people would say they were fighting. He had a fight with her and dropped her off at home. He then called her and this was the reason why they were arguing over the phone. She then said to me once again, “Gi, I cannot do this”.
Another big argument one week before she died.

Masipa said relationships are highly dynamic and thus could not prove the state of the couple's happiness. Maybe this will assist her.

Just couple of weeks before Pistorius killed her...Reeva sent him this message which says it all:

January 27, 2013 After an engagement party (verbatim):

RS to OP: I’m not 100% sure why I’m sitting down to type you a message first but perhaps it says a lot about what’s going on here. Today was one of my best friend’s engagements and I wanted to stay longer I was enjoying myself but it’s over now. You have picked on me incessantly since you got back from CT and I understand that you are sick but it’s nasty. Yesterday wasn’t nice for either of us but we managed to pull through and communicate well enough to show our care for each other isgreater than the drama that attacked us. I was not flirting with anyone today. I feel sick that you suggested that and that you made a scene at the table and made us leave early. I’m terribly disappointed in how the day ended and how you left me. We are living in a double standard relationship where you can be mad about how I deal with stuff when you are very quick to act cold and offish when you’re unhappy. Every 5 seconds I hear how you dated another chick. You really have dated a lot of people yet you get upset if I mention ONE funny story with a long term boyfriend. I do everything to make you happy and to not say anything to rock the boat with u. You do everything to throw tantrums in front of people. I have been upset by you for 2 days now. I’m so upset I left Darren’s party earl. SO upset. I can’t get that day back. I’m scared of you sometimes and how u snap at me and of how you will react to me. You make me happy 90% of the time and I think we are amazing together but I am not some other ***** you may know trying to kill your vibe. I am the girl who let go with u even when I was scared out of my mind to. I’m the girl who fell in love with u and wanted to tell u this weekend. But I’m also the girl that gets sidestepped when you are in a **** mood. When I feel you think u have me so why try anymore. I get snapped at and told my accents and voices are annoying. I touch your neck to show u I care and you tell me to stop. Stop chewing gum. Do this don’t do that. You don’t want to hear stuff cut me off. Your endorsements your reputation your impression of someone innocent blown out of proportion and ****ed up a special day for me. I’m sorry if you truly felt I was hitting on my friend Sams husband and I’m sorry that u think that little of me. From the outside I think it looks like we are a struggle and maybe that’s what we are. I just want to love and be loved. Be happy and make someone SO happy. Maybe we can’t do that for each other. Cos right now I know u aren’t happy and I am certainly very unhappy and sad.
I seriously cannot understand what anybody sees in this Pistorius creature. He is an utter ****.
Thank you AW. It's a good reminder as to what was going on in this relationship. smh

It's upsetting reading over one of Reeva's last emails, it's almost like she's come back from the grave, pointing the finger right at OP, 'you killed me'!!
I sound a bit melodramatic, but gee, this guy just makes me ill. He doesn't know what he wants, and when he has something so good he destroys it, if he didn't have the money and fame I think he'd be scraping the barrel to get dates. jmo
I have a feeling there might be four bedrooms. I will see what else I can dredge up.

Thanks IB .. I'm just interested to see whether that collage would've been something that Reeva would've been likely to have seen, depending on whereabouts in the house it was.
BBM - I feel strongly that the "unnamed model" is Erin Joy Stear of Cape Town who sources on both sides said were having an affair in January 2013. Per sources one of the times the two got together was late January. Let's remember that OP took a roadtrip with his buddies to Cape Town and stayed a couple of nights... this was right before Darren's engagement party from which Reeva told OP "you've picked on me incessantly since you got back from CT."

Also, in an email to OP while he was on said trip, Reeva said she wanted OP and her to take a trip together. His, what I call a non-answer, was simply: "*advertiser censored*"

Re: #2 above - I found that confusing, too... I had thought that Ryan was the financial advisor OP met with on Feb. 13th. I guess I'll have to relook at OP's testimony.

Ryan is definitely the estate agent.
Bless you Wm for your quick response... I really appreciate your efforts. Unfortunately, my dial-up ISP is too slow to stream vids. And, yes, I'm that one person it seems who's still w/dial-up... Grrrh...

Foxbluff, I can post a series of pics from the vids WM posted, this one is leaving OP's bedroom, as the camera person is walking towards the stairs.


Edit: checking the floor plan it's the informal lounge.
Thank you AW. It's a good reminder as to what was going on in this relationship. smh

It's upsetting reading over one of Reeva's last emails, it's almost like she's come back from the grave, pointing the finger right at OP, 'you killed me'!!
I sound a bit melodramatic, but gee, this guy just makes me ill. He doesn't know what he wants, and when he has something so good he destroys it, if he didn't have the money and fame I think he'd be scraping the barrel to get dates. jmo


Sadly..Masipa ignored her..she treated Pistorius as if he was the victim!! She was sooooooo worried that she would be punishing him twice if she would admit him as an inpatient for Psych. evaluation..
Just couple of weeks before Pistorius killed her...Reeva sent him this message which says it all:

January 27, 2013 After an engagement party (verbatim):

RS to OP: I’m not 100% sure why I’m sitting down to type you a message first but perhaps it says a lot about what’s going on here. Today was one of my best friend’s engagements and I wanted to stay longer I was enjoying myself but it’s over now. You have picked on me incessantly since you got back from CT and I understand that you are sick but it’s nasty. Yesterday wasn’t nice for either of us but we managed to pull through and communicate well enough to show our care for each other isgreater than the drama that attacked us. I was not flirting with anyone today. I feel sick that you suggested that and that you made a scene at the table and made us leave early. I’m terribly disappointed in how the day ended and how you left me. We are living in a double standard relationship where you can be mad about how I deal with stuff when you are very quick to act cold and offish when you’re unhappy. Every 5 seconds I hear how you dated another chick. You really have dated a lot of people yet you get upset if I mention ONE funny story with a long term boyfriend. I do everything to make you happy and to not say anything to rock the boat with u. You do everything to throw tantrums in front of people. I have been upset by you for 2 days now. I’m so upset I left Darren’s party earl. SO upset. I can’t get that day back. I’m scared of you sometimes and how u snap at me and of how you will react to me. You make me happy 90% of the time and I think we are amazing together but I am not some other ***** you may know trying to kill your vibe. I am the girl who let go with u even when I was scared out of my mind to. I’m the girl who fell in love with u and wanted to tell u this weekend. But I’m also the girl that gets sidestepped when you are in a **** mood. When I feel you think u have me so why try anymore. I get snapped at and told my accents and voices are annoying. I touch your neck to show u I care and you tell me to stop. Stop chewing gum. Do this don’t do that. You don’t want to hear stuff cut me off. Your endorsements your reputation your impression of someone innocent blown out of proportion and ****ed up a special day for me. I’m sorry if you truly felt I was hitting on my friend Sams husband and I’m sorry that u think that little of me. From the outside I think it looks like we are a struggle and maybe that’s what we are. I just want to love and be loved. Be happy and make someone SO happy. Maybe we can’t do that for each other. Cos right now I know u aren’t happy and I am certainly very unhappy and sad.

That she contacted him first, spoke volumes to me.

She spelled out in black and white exactly how the relationship was... hitting the nail on the head at every point. If only she could have realized the meaning of what she was describing... a perfect picture, imho, of a man who neither cared about nor respected her.

I've thought about this many times, and my gut feeling is that if she hadn't contacted him first, she may very well have simply never heard from him again.

We're in the informal lounge, looking towards the stairwell, and bedroom 2 entrance to the left.


Walking into entrance towards the stairs.
Re. that psych. evaluation .. what kind of evaluation was that, fgs, that they would invite Jenna Edkins to talk to them about his personality? I've never heard such nonsense in my life .. these types of evaluations should be with the patient only, and should consist of various types of tests. I simply cannot believe they interviewed people he knew .. there is NO WAY that would happen in the UK, that is not how a mental disorder (even GAD) is diagnosed.



Coming along the passageway towards stairs, then the top of stairs. I think there are plenty of pics of the stairs down to ground floor available.
Thanks IB .. I'm just interested to see whether that collage would've been something that Reeva would've been likely to have seen, depending on whereabouts in the house it was.

Just to answer your question jay-jay, the informal lounge is straight off the bedroom, if OP had that collage hanging, Reeva would have to walk past it to get to the bedroom. It was very visible.
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